tisdag 8 mars 2011

De Palestinska myndigheterna går i gamla spår- uppdaterad

Al-Amari ungdomscenter som enligt sina egna uppgifter är kopplad till FN genom flyktingorganisationen UNRWA planerar en fotbollsturnering för ungdomar, så långt är allt bra. Men turneringen skall uppkallas efter den första kvinnliga självmordbombaren, Wafa Idris, och det är naturligtvis inte bra och ännu sämre att UNRWA är inblandad i saken.
Wafa Idris arbetade frivilligt för palestinska Röda halvmånen och kunde därför i en ambulans ta sig till Jerusalem där hon 27 januari 2002 sprängde upp sig själv, dödade en och skadade över 150 personer.
De palestinska myndigheterna har vid upprepade tillfällen framställt Wafa Idris som en rollmodell för ungdomen och bland annat uppkallat sommarläger efter henne.

UNRWA youth center names football tournament after first Palestinian female suicide bomber Wafa Idris
Headline: "Al-Amari plans to launch the 'Shahida (Martyr) of Honor, Wafa Idris' youth tournament."
"The administration of the Al-Amari youth center has announced its plans to launch a youth tournament (for 19-year-olds) to be named 'Shahida (Martyr) of Honor, Wafa Idris [tournament].' The Al-Am'ari administration is maintaining contacts with the Palestinian Football Association for permission. [The tournament] will commence on March 10. Twelve teams will be participating."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 6, 2011

Summer camp funded by UNICEF named after Wafa Idris:
"Yesterday, activities ended in the camp named after the Shahida [Martyr for Allah] Wafa Idris, for girls in the city of Kalkiliya. The camp was founded by the Scout general administration in the Ministry of Youth and Sports. The camp was under the supervision of the Scouts in the Kalkiliya Administration and about 100 girls from the organizing committee of the city's Scouts participated... [At the closing ceremonies thanks were given including] to UNICEF for its support of the camps."
[Al-Ayyam, July 18, 2003

From the internet about the UNRWA youth center:
"Al-Amari youth center was established in 1953. Since its creation the center has been a subsidiary to the UNRWA youth club centers system. The center is located at Al-Amari refugee camp within Ramallah & Al-Bireh Municipality area."

Uppgifterna kommer från Palestinian Media Watch

UNRWA förnekar att de på något sätt är inblandade i Al-Amaris verksamhet
UNRWA responds to PMW report on sporting eventnamed after suicide bomber Idris
PMW cited the website which writes:
"Al-Amari youth center was established in 1953. Since its creation the center has been a subsidiary to the UNRWA youth club centers system. The center is located at Al-Amari refugee camp within Ramallah & Al-Bireh Municipality area."

PMW showed the website logo:The Al-Amari youth center's logo includes the word "UNRWA" near the top and center on the same page and just above the announcement where the Wafa Idris tournament is announced.

UNRWA statement about this use of UNRWA's name by the youth center:
Statement by UNRWA Spokesman, Chris GunnessThe United Nations Relief and Works Agency, UNRWA firmly rejects allegations made by Palestinian Media Watch that an "UNRWA youth center" named an event after a suicide bomber. The false accusation comes in an article posted by Palestinian Media Watch director, Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik.The allegation that an UNRWA youth center had named an event after a suicide bomber is patently false as UNRWA has not run youth centers in the West Bank for over ten years. By phone UNRWA spokesman told PMW that the use of the name "UNRWA" by the Al-Amari youth center in its logo was not authorized by UNRWA.

PMW response to UNRWA:

...PMW is very disappointed that UNRWA is condemning the messenger PMW and not condemning the Al-Amari Youth Center. UNRWA should be condemning the youth center, first and foremost, for sponsoring a football tournament named after a suicide terrorist. This was not mentioned in UNRWA's announcement at all.

Second, UNRWA should condemn the youth center for unauthorized use of the name UNRWA in their logo.

Third, UNRWA should condemn the youth center for publicizing on the internet a connection to UNRWA that no longer exists.

Läs hela texten från PMW här.

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