fredag 15 april 2011

Reaktioner på Goldstones "ursäkt"

Efter att Richard Goldstone i en kolumn i The Washington Post beklagat att Goldstonerapporten som han var ordförande för kom med missvisande uppgifter om Israel angående operation Cast Lead kräver nu bl.a. USA:s senat att FN återtar hela rapporten.

US Senate to UN: Rescind Goldstone Report

"The US Senate unanimously approved a resolution on Thursday which called on the United Nations to rescind the Goldstone Commission's report on Operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip in December 2008 and January 2009, AFP reported.The resolution called on the UN Human Rights Council "to reflect the author's repudiation of the Goldstone report's central findings, rescind the report and reconsider further Council actions with respect to the report's findings."

Israels dåvarande premiärministe Ehud Olmert har i en kolumn i Jerusalem Post kommenterat Goldstones avståndstagande från sin egen rapport.

Olmert: There can be no forgiveness for Goldstone

"The judge cannot be released from his personal responsibility for a totally wrong and vicious description of what really happened in Gaza. His vague statement is a poor attempt to cleanse his conscience. "

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