måndag 20 april 2015

Europeisk bojkott

Israeliska politiker har reagerat skarpt på de Europeiska utrikesministrarnas brev där det krävs märkning av israeliska produkter producerade utanför vapenstilleståndslinjen från 1949.
Jerusalem Post  är också mycket kritisk. Tidningen skriver bland annat såhär: När EU:s utrikesministrar publicerar uttalanden som grundar sig på trångsynthet och förvrängningar föder de en antisemitism som är förklädd till kritik av Israel. De hjälper till att sprida lögner.

European boycott  (Jerusalem Post)

"...Boycotts of Israel tend to be inherently bigoted. Singling out a country for unique condemnation on the basis of a fault that is widespread is nothing less than bigotry. Adopting a measure that seeks to boycott Jewish businesses located in Judea, Samaria and parts of Jerusalem that came under Israeli control during the Six Day War while intentionally ignoring far more oppressive occupations (such as those instituted by China, Russia and Turkey) is unfair.

That European countries’ foreign ministers chose to do this at a time when European Jews are regularly intimidated – and on occasion massacred – on the streets of major European cities for the purported “crimes” perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people is downright reprehensible.

What could have been going through the minds of the foreign ministers of countries such as France and Belgium, two of the signatories of the letter? Both are countries that were recently the scenes of murderously anti-Semitic terrorist attacks. Both are grappling with large Muslim populations that include many who deny the very existence of the State of Israel.

Further compounding the impact of the letter’s nastiness is the fact that it was publicized as Israel was commemorating Holocaust Remembrance Day..."

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