Alan Baker har skrivit en kommentar om hur lag och rätt tillämpas på västbanken och varför.Det kan vara värt att få lite baskunskap!
Den lag som tillämpas på araberna/palestinierna i Judéen och Samarien baserar sig på reglerna i Genevekonventionen om hur lokalbefolkningen i ett ockuperat område skall behandlas i väntan på ett fredsavtal.
Israeliska medborgare som bor i området lyder under israelisk lag. Detta är inte uttryck för dubbelstandard utan förfarandet är i enlighet med både internationell och israelisk lag.
Båda folkgrupperna står under lagen och brott bestraffas trots att man lyder under olika system.
Are There Double Standards in Israel’s Application of the Rule of Law in the Territories?
"Indeed, there exist two legal frameworks.
The one applied by Israel’s Civil Administration vis-à-vis the Palestinian residents of Judea and Samaria is based on the international norms regarding the administration of territory occupied or administered following armed conflict and pending a peace agreement. These norms, set out in the 1907 Hague Rules and 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, enable an administering power, in administering a hostile local population, to impose various limitations on the basic freedoms that exist in any ordinary civil legal system. All this pending a permanent peace arrangement regarding the fate of the territory.
The second legal framework covers the Israeli residents of towns, villages and other forms of settlement within the territory, who, not being part of the local Palestinian population, are subject on an ad-personam basis to Israeli law. As such, they are not covered by those limitations that apply solely vis-à-vis the local population of the territory.
Unlike the insinuations in Ambassador Shapiro’s statement, this dual set of legal frameworks is not based on any double standards, but on a clear division of legal authorities dictated by both international humanitarian law and Israeli law.
Both these legal systems, whether that administered by the Civil Administration or that governing Israeli residents in the area, require strict adherence to the rule of law and the concomitant rules of natural justice. Any and every crime has to be investigated and the perpetrator brought to trial in the appropriate court of law."
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