Israels FN-ambassadör Danny Danon har protesterat till FN:s generalsekreterare efter att en FN-rapport på internationella kvinnodagen anklagade Israel för de palestinska kvinnornas dåliga situation.
I samma rapport beskrevs också terrorattacken mot Har Nof synagogan i Jerusalem (november 2014) som en "incident" där fem israeler och två palestinier dödades.
Ambassadör Danon protesterar mot att man jämställer de israeliska offren som dog med böneböcker i händerna med de palestinska terroristerna som slog ihjäl dem med yxor.
Israel slams UN report blaming it for domestic abuse of Palestinian women (Jerusalem Post)
"In addition, section 10 of the report described the November 2014 terror attack in Jerusalem’s Har Nof synagogue as an “incident” in which five Israelis and two Palestinians were killed.
“This horrific episode was not an ‘incident.’ It was a carefully planned terror attack on a synagogue during morning prayers,” Ambassador Danon wrote in a letter to Ban Ki-moon.
“By equating the ‘two Palestinian men’ who carried out the massacre and the ‘five Israeli men’ whom they slaughtered, those with axes in their hands are treated in the same way as those holding prayer books.
“This report is a distortion of the truth and it should be amended immediately,” Danon stated."
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