Efter lite påtryckningar från arabländerna ser FN:s råd för mänskliga rättigheter ut att välja en gammal välkänd Israelhatare till specialrapportör från de ockuperade områdena. Något annat skulle ha varit förvånande när det gäller UNHRC men det visar ännu en gång att organisationen är i de muslimska ländernas händer och inget har att bidra med när det gäller mänskliga rättigheter.
UNHRC nominates pro-Palestinian Canadian legal expert as special investigator on Israel
French role in selecting anti-Israel activist for UN post undermines credibility on peace move
UN Watch Hiller Neuer:
"We're under attack. UN Watch is being slandered as a "political and biased source" in official letters to the UN orchestrated by the Palestinians, Arab League, and Islamic bloc. They've now mobilized the African group, the Asian group and the 120-strong Non-Aligned Movement to send letters putting massive pressure on UNHRC President Choi to appoint one of the two biased nominees—Penelope Green or Michael Lynk—to be the UN's next "Special Rapporteur on Palestine." They're attacking UN Watch, blasting our report which exposed the candidates' absurdly biased and clearly disqualifying prior statements against Israelis. The president's choice will be announced soon — and to tell you like it is, the odds are completely against us. But at at time when anti-Western and anti-Israeli apologists for terrorism are elevated as supposed human rights experts, we refuse to be silent. Given what is happening in Europe and worldwide, we cannot be silent."
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