söndag 15 april 2018

Israel förstörde attacktunnel från Gaza

IDF uppger att man under veckoslutet förstört en attacktunnel som Hamas höll på att bygga från Gaza till Israel. Armén har följt med tunnelbygget under en tid och beslöt att förstöra den när den kom in på israeliskt territorium.
Tunneln var kopplad till ett nätverk av tunnlar i Gaza och den uppges ha varit en av de längsta och djupaste tunnlarna som Hamas byggt.

IDF destroys ‘longest and deepest’ Hamas cross-border attack tunnel (TOI)
The tunnel reached “tens of meters” into Israeli territory in the area of the northern Gaza Strip, close to the Israeli community of Nahal Oz, the army said. It was constructed after the 50-day 2014 conflict between Israel and Hamas, according to the IDF.

It was detected using new technologies and methods that the IDF has deployed against the terror tunnel threat and was disarmed over the weekend, Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus said.

“This was clearly a terror tunnel that connected to other tunnels in the Gaza Strip,” he said. “It extended into Israel and violated Israeli sovereignty.”

Security forces had been monitoring this tunnel network, which had been under construction for years, the spokesman said. The decision was taken to destroy the tunnel once it crossed into Israeli territory, he added.

Palestinian tunnel diggers were working their way up to the surface to construct an exit within Israeli territory when the army decided to act.

The IDF Thwarts a Hamas Terror Tunnel

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