söndag 3 augusti 2014

Mediarapportering från Gaza

Helsingin Sanomats reporter i Gaza, Aishi Zidan, råkade i ett reportage nämna att det sköts raketer mot Israel från Shifa Hospital sjukhusområdet.
Det här väckte en del uppmärksamhet eftersom journalister i Gaza tydligen inte kan rapportera sådant som Hamas inte vill att skall rapporteras.
Aishi Zidan kan inte ta tillbaka sitt uttalande eftersom det finns dokumenterat men hon är arg över att det används av pro-israelisk media som ett bevis för att Hamas verkligen använder t.ex. sjukhus som skydd för raketbeskjutningen mot Israel.
För  journalisten Aishi Zidan är detta motbjudande propaganda som hon tar avstånd från.
För en västerländsk journalist borde det vara motbjudande att en terroristorganisation söker skydd bakom civila men tydligen är det mera motbjudande för  Aishi Zidan att detta faktum blir känt för allmänheten. Eller så är hon helt enkelt rädd för sin egen säkerhet efter att oönskade uppgifter slunkit med i hennes rapportering.
Inte undra på att medias vinkling i Finland av konflikten blir så förvriden.
WATCH: Finnish reporter admits Gaza rockets launched from hospital

Några andra exempel:

Why are the only stories out of Gaza the ones Hamas wants the world to see? (Elder of Ziyon)

Here is a story you will never see from any Gaza reporter, or even from an international reporter in Israel, of testimony from an IDF soldier:

At first, when we crossed the fence and went into Gazan territory, it looked like another training exercise. We felt they would be no match for us, that we were a lot stronger. But the next day, Friday morning, I realized what the difference was between Hamas and us. We saw an elderly man lying wounded on the ground with a bullet in his leg. I approached him to help him up. I stretched out my hand and touched him, and it was then I realized that there were grenades around and underneath him. We moved back, and then he came to throw the grenade at us. One of the soldiers reacted quickly and shot him. Then we learned that he had been 76 years old, and that he had already been in prison in Israel. The level of cynicism they can reach is just beyond belief.
Perhaps reporters have reason to be skeptical of such a claim. That is not a reason not to cover it. They are reporting on Gaza civilian casualties without any skepticism as to whether they are really civilian.

Spanish Journalist on Why Hamas Never Photographed in Action: ‘If Ever We Dared Point Our Camera on Them They Would Simply Shoot at Us and Kill Us’ (The Algemeiner)

“I met today with a Spanish journalist who just came back from Gaza. We talked about the situation there. He was very friendly. I asked him how come we never see on television channels reporting from Gaza any Hamas people, no gunmen, no rocket launcher, no policemen. We only see civilians on these reports, mostly women and children.”
“He answered me frankly: ‘It’s very simple, we did see Hamas people there launching rockets, they were close to our hotel, but if ever we dared pointing our camera on them they would simply shoot at us and kill us.’”

Media Watchdog Asks Why WSJ Reporters Deleted Twitter Photos Implicating Hamas in War Crimes

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