tisdag 29 april 2014

En modig ung palestinsk kvinna

En ung kristen palestinsk kvinna, Christy Anastas, berättar om sitt liv i Betlehem och vad som händer om man vågar stå för sin egen åsikt i det palestinska samhället. Christy har tvingats fly till Storbritannien.
Om det finns fler ungdomar som Christy finns det hopp för de palestinska araberna!

Video: Palestinian Christian Reveals the Reality Over the Propaganda  (Honest Reporting)

"...Now, despite having experienced death threats both in Bethlehem and in the UK, Christy has very bravely put her story on YouTube in the form of a lecture given to a Swedish university and a personal appeal to Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat to hold to a promise given to her that a Palestinian state would respect fundamental human rights and democracy.
Christy gives us a view of life under the Palestinian Authority not often told, particularly from the media that all too often downplays or completely ignores the lack of freedom and internal violence within Palestinian society..."

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