söndag 9 november 2014

Debatt om kvinnans rätt att köra bil

I ett TV-program i Saudiarabien diskuterar man om kvinnan kan klara av att köra bil.
Kvinnan har menstruation, hon kan vara gravid och kvinnan har inre psykologiska faktorer som gör att hon inte klarar pressen i trafiken, säger islamforskaren Hussein Al-Nu'ami.
Dessutom är våldtäkt, otukt och skilsmässa högre i samhällen där kvinnan kör bil.
Så kan man tydligen också resonera!

In a TV debate, Islamic researcher Hussein Al-Nu'ami said that women should not be allowed to drive because they are "subject to menstruation and pregnancy" and "internal psychological factors", which "prevent women from coping with pressure." Al-Nu'ami claimed that the rates of rape, fornication, and divorce were higher in societies in which women drove. His argument was countered by Saudi journalist Daham Al-'Anzi, who asked him: "If a woman commits an act of depravity, what's that got to do with driving?" The debate was broadcast on the Saudi Selah TV channel and posted on the Internet on September 26, 2014.

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