Itamar Marcus från Palestinian Media Watch har besökt Norge.
Se en nyhetsrapport om vad som visas i palestinsk TV.
PMW director Itamar Marcus's recent trip to Norway has sparked a debate at the highest political levels about whether Norway should continue funding the Palestinian Authority, which uses its budget to glorify terror and terrorists, and to promote hatred and violence.
En nyhetsrapport som visar hur barnen på Hamas sommarläger får lära sig hata och strida kan ses här: Hamas summer camp teaches Gaza kids to hate, kill
Här kan man se hur de som var barn för några år sedan använder det de lärt sig: Sotaharjoittelua kovilla
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
- Här finns Israelnyheter på Facebook
onsdag 30 juli 2008
måndag 28 juli 2008
Oroligt på de palestinska områdena
En explosion under veckoslutet som dödade 5 medlemmar av Hamas och en sjuårig flicka i Gaza har på nytt försämrat förhållandet mellan Fatah och Hamas.
Hamas har gripit ca 160 Fatahmedlemmar i Gaza eftersom Fatah misstänks stå bakom bombdådet.
Hamas rounds up Fatah men in Gaza after blast kills 6
Som svar på Hamas arresteringar har Fatah i sin tur arresterat Hamasanhängare på västbanken.
PA weighs declaring Gaza 'rebel region'
Två mänskorättsgrupper rapporter att både Hamas och Fatah torterar sina fångar. Man uppger att 20-30% av de arresterade torteras.
'Torture widespread in PA, Hamas'
Mahmoud Abbas sade idag i Egypten att han önskade att arabländerna skulle sända trupper till Gaza för att skapa lag och ordning.
Abbas wants Arab monitors in Gaza
Hamas har gripit ca 160 Fatahmedlemmar i Gaza eftersom Fatah misstänks stå bakom bombdådet.
Hamas rounds up Fatah men in Gaza after blast kills 6
Som svar på Hamas arresteringar har Fatah i sin tur arresterat Hamasanhängare på västbanken.
PA weighs declaring Gaza 'rebel region'
Två mänskorättsgrupper rapporter att både Hamas och Fatah torterar sina fångar. Man uppger att 20-30% av de arresterade torteras.
'Torture widespread in PA, Hamas'
Mahmoud Abbas sade idag i Egypten att han önskade att arabländerna skulle sända trupper till Gaza för att skapa lag och ordning.
Abbas wants Arab monitors in Gaza
Hamas Fatah
torsdag 17 juli 2008
Sorg i Israel - jubel i Libanon
De två israeliska soldaterna Ehud Goldwasser och Eldad Regev som tillfångatogs av Hizzbollah i en attack för två år sedan återlämnades igår. Båda var döda och de dog antagligen redan vid attacken. De anhöriga har emellertid inte fått några uppgifter om soldaterna under hela denna tid och det var först när kistorna överlämnades vid den libanesiska gränsen som hoppet om att de skulle återvända i liv grusades.
Samtidigt frigavs bl.a. Samir Kuntar från israeliskt fängelse.En barnmördare som hedrades som hjälte i Libanon. Samir lovade folkmassorna i Beirut att han kommer att återvända till Palestina med sina kamrater i den tappra islamska motståndsrörelsen.
VIDEO: Israel posts clip on YouTube describing Kuntar's 1979 attack
VIDEO: Samir Kuntar: I'm yearning more than ever to confront Israel
Han mottogs på flygfältet i Beirut av landets hösta ledning, och Hizzbollahs ledare Nasrallah betraktade fångutväxlingen som en stor seger.
Flera tidningar var emellertid kritiska till segerjublet och ansåg det skamligt att representanter för regeringen fanns på flygfältet tillsammans med Hizzbollah.
Arab media mocks Hizbullah 'victory'
En opinionsundersökning i sex arabländer visar att Nasrallah nu är den mest beundrade ledaren i arabvärlden.
Nasrallah 'most admired' Arab leader
Samtidigt har Nasrallahs grymhet, när han vägrat ge ut uppgifter om de tillfångatagna soldaterna gett upphov till vrede bland en del israeler.
'Nasrallah will not die a natural death'
Begravning av soldaterna har hållis idag. Eldad Regevs bror Ofer började sitt minnestal på följande sätt:
" a quote from a song by Israeli rock idol Shalom Hanoch: "A strange man, your enemy, exactly like you / You know he does not want to die, exactly like you."
"We lived in a world where we believed our enemy was exactly like us," Ofer continued. "We thought we could speak to people who also wanted to raise a child, grow a flower, love a girl, exactly like us. But the enemy proved it is not like us. And still, we will not stop trying."
"I stand here today sad, crying, but proud; proud of my country that fought with me to bring you back, proud of every citizen who thought of you, Eldad, as his brother. I'm proud to belong to those who love and not to those who hate. And to the entire nation who paid a high price with clenched teeth, they know that camaraderie has no price."
Paraphrasing a famous saying by former prime minister David Ben Gurion, often inscribed on the gates of military bases, Ofer said "Every Hebrew mother should know that the fate of her sons, even if they are taken hostage, lies in the hands of commanders who will not rest and never give up until they return."
"I am proud of you my little brother, a man of many talents, a lover of literature and soccer. A true patriot both on the front lines and in everyday life, during reserve duty or in the volunteer work you carried out," continued Ofer.
'I'm proud I belong to those who love, not those who hate'
Palestinian Media Watch har plockar några exempel på reaktioner i den palestinska pressen:
"(Official Fatah spokesman Ahmad Abdul Rahman) said that the Fatah movement sends warm blessings to Hizbullah, to all the resistance [terror forces - Ed.], and to the Lebanese nation, and the Palestinians for their historic victory over the Israeli arrogance in their victorious July War, [2006 Lebanese War]. "And on the return of the heroes of freedom, the heroes and the Martyrs, headed by the great Samir Kuntar and the Martyr fighter Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most glorified Sacrifice action in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli struggle. [Editors' note: Her bus hijacking was the worst terror attack in Israel's history. Thirty seven Israeli vacationers, including 12 children, were murdered.] "He emphasized that the Fatah party... vows to the Palestinian people that Fatah will continue to struggle in the way of the pure Martyrs, until the state is liberated and the Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as the capital. The Fatah movement turns on this day, that abounds with sincere blessings to Hizbullah ... "The battle against the theft of Palestine is the battle of all the fighters and all the Arab nations. Blessings to the free heroes and their head, the heroic fighter Samir Kuntar, and blessings to the spirit of the heroic Dalal Mughrabi and to the friends of the heroes." "President Mahmud Abbas congratulated yesterday's exchange of prisoners and bodies of Martyrs. The president sent blessings to Samir Kuntar's family."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 17, 2008]
PA TV host addressing brother of Kuntar: "First of all a thousand blessings, on the release of the heroic leader Samir Kuntar."
[PATV, July 7, 2008]
Hani Al-Masri, writer and political commentator:"This deal includes heroes, like Samir Kuntar, who committed heroic acts, in which Jews and soldiers were killed."
[PATV, July 5, 2008]
Samtidigt frigavs bl.a. Samir Kuntar från israeliskt fängelse.En barnmördare som hedrades som hjälte i Libanon. Samir lovade folkmassorna i Beirut att han kommer att återvända till Palestina med sina kamrater i den tappra islamska motståndsrörelsen.
VIDEO: Israel posts clip on YouTube describing Kuntar's 1979 attack
VIDEO: Samir Kuntar: I'm yearning more than ever to confront Israel
Han mottogs på flygfältet i Beirut av landets hösta ledning, och Hizzbollahs ledare Nasrallah betraktade fångutväxlingen som en stor seger.
Flera tidningar var emellertid kritiska till segerjublet och ansåg det skamligt att representanter för regeringen fanns på flygfältet tillsammans med Hizzbollah.
Arab media mocks Hizbullah 'victory'
En opinionsundersökning i sex arabländer visar att Nasrallah nu är den mest beundrade ledaren i arabvärlden.
Nasrallah 'most admired' Arab leader
Samtidigt har Nasrallahs grymhet, när han vägrat ge ut uppgifter om de tillfångatagna soldaterna gett upphov till vrede bland en del israeler.
'Nasrallah will not die a natural death'
Begravning av soldaterna har hållis idag. Eldad Regevs bror Ofer började sitt minnestal på följande sätt:
" a quote from a song by Israeli rock idol Shalom Hanoch: "A strange man, your enemy, exactly like you / You know he does not want to die, exactly like you."
"We lived in a world where we believed our enemy was exactly like us," Ofer continued. "We thought we could speak to people who also wanted to raise a child, grow a flower, love a girl, exactly like us. But the enemy proved it is not like us. And still, we will not stop trying."
"I stand here today sad, crying, but proud; proud of my country that fought with me to bring you back, proud of every citizen who thought of you, Eldad, as his brother. I'm proud to belong to those who love and not to those who hate. And to the entire nation who paid a high price with clenched teeth, they know that camaraderie has no price."
Paraphrasing a famous saying by former prime minister David Ben Gurion, often inscribed on the gates of military bases, Ofer said "Every Hebrew mother should know that the fate of her sons, even if they are taken hostage, lies in the hands of commanders who will not rest and never give up until they return."
"I am proud of you my little brother, a man of many talents, a lover of literature and soccer. A true patriot both on the front lines and in everyday life, during reserve duty or in the volunteer work you carried out," continued Ofer.
'I'm proud I belong to those who love, not those who hate'
Palestinian Media Watch har plockar några exempel på reaktioner i den palestinska pressen:
"(Official Fatah spokesman Ahmad Abdul Rahman) said that the Fatah movement sends warm blessings to Hizbullah, to all the resistance [terror forces - Ed.], and to the Lebanese nation, and the Palestinians for their historic victory over the Israeli arrogance in their victorious July War, [2006 Lebanese War]. "And on the return of the heroes of freedom, the heroes and the Martyrs, headed by the great Samir Kuntar and the Martyr fighter Dalal Mughrabi, who led the most glorified Sacrifice action in the history of the Palestinian-Israeli struggle. [Editors' note: Her bus hijacking was the worst terror attack in Israel's history. Thirty seven Israeli vacationers, including 12 children, were murdered.] "He emphasized that the Fatah party... vows to the Palestinian people that Fatah will continue to struggle in the way of the pure Martyrs, until the state is liberated and the Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as the capital. The Fatah movement turns on this day, that abounds with sincere blessings to Hizbullah ... "The battle against the theft of Palestine is the battle of all the fighters and all the Arab nations. Blessings to the free heroes and their head, the heroic fighter Samir Kuntar, and blessings to the spirit of the heroic Dalal Mughrabi and to the friends of the heroes." "President Mahmud Abbas congratulated yesterday's exchange of prisoners and bodies of Martyrs. The president sent blessings to Samir Kuntar's family."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 17, 2008]
PA TV host addressing brother of Kuntar: "First of all a thousand blessings, on the release of the heroic leader Samir Kuntar."
[PATV, July 7, 2008]
Hani Al-Masri, writer and political commentator:"This deal includes heroes, like Samir Kuntar, who committed heroic acts, in which Jews and soldiers were killed."
[PATV, July 5, 2008]
Israel Hizzbollah Libanon
fredag 11 juli 2008
Terrorist - förebild för palestinska ungdomar
Dalal Mughrabi, en palestinsk flicka på 19 år, ledde 1978 en terrorattack mot Israel. En buss med israeliska familjer på utflykt kapades. I attacken dödades 36 personer och 71 skadades. De flesta civila och flera barn.
De Palestinska Myndigheterna vill nu att hennes kropp återlämnas och man vill göra hennes begravning till en bröllopsdag för hela nationen.
Video:'The princess of female martyrs'
Dalal Mughrabi tillhörde Fatah och en palestinsk talesman säger att: "Operationen hon utförde var ett hjältedåd och exemplarisk. Hon kommer alltid att bli ihågkommen som en symbol för den palestinska kvinnans kamp."
I tordagens nummer av de palestinska myndigheternas tidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadedda hedras Mughrabi med följande ord: "en levande legend och ett underbart exempel för alla kvinnor".
De Palestinska Myndigheterna har bl.a. uppkallat skolor och sommarläger för barn efter Dalal Mughrabi.
Man måste medge att de palestinska myndigheterna lyckats väl i att göra Mughrabi till en rollmodell, många palestinska barn och ungdomar har följt henne i spåren.
Jerusalem Post
De Palestinska Myndigheterna vill nu att hennes kropp återlämnas och man vill göra hennes begravning till en bröllopsdag för hela nationen.
Video:'The princess of female martyrs'
Dalal Mughrabi tillhörde Fatah och en palestinsk talesman säger att: "Operationen hon utförde var ett hjältedåd och exemplarisk. Hon kommer alltid att bli ihågkommen som en symbol för den palestinska kvinnans kamp."
I tordagens nummer av de palestinska myndigheternas tidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadedda hedras Mughrabi med följande ord: "en levande legend och ett underbart exempel för alla kvinnor".
De Palestinska Myndigheterna har bl.a. uppkallat skolor och sommarläger för barn efter Dalal Mughrabi.
Man måste medge att de palestinska myndigheterna lyckats väl i att göra Mughrabi till en rollmodell, många palestinska barn och ungdomar har följt henne i spåren.
Jerusalem Post
torsdag 10 juli 2008
Hotet från Hizzbollah ( Iran)
FN:s säkerhetsråds resolution 1701 fick ett slut på kriget mellan Israel och Hizzbollah för två år sedan. Enligt resolutionen skulle Hizzbollah avväpnas. Detta har inte skett, utan Hizzbollah har nu i två års tid byggt upp sin militära styrka genom att smuggla in vapen från Syrien.
Det finns nu 2.500 ouniformerade Hizzbollahkrigare i södra Libanon och 40.000 kort och medeldistansmissiler i Libanon. De flesta missilerna finns norr om Litanifloden men kan ändå nå Israel.
Ett nytt krig i norra Israel är alltså mer eller mindre oundvikligt.
'Hizbullah rearming at dizzying pace'
Video: 'Hizbullah has massively rearmed'
Officials: 1701 on verge of collapse
Det finns nu 2.500 ouniformerade Hizzbollahkrigare i södra Libanon och 40.000 kort och medeldistansmissiler i Libanon. De flesta missilerna finns norr om Litanifloden men kan ändå nå Israel.
Ett nytt krig i norra Israel är alltså mer eller mindre oundvikligt.
'Hizbullah rearming at dizzying pace'
Video: 'Hizbullah has massively rearmed'
Officials: 1701 on verge of collapse
Israel Hizzbollah Libanon
Lögner som ökar hatet
Palestinierna förhandlar om fred med Israel men trots detta fortsätter de palestinska myndigheterna att i sprida lögner om Israel för den egna befolkningen och ökar därmed hatet mot Israel.
De palestinska ledarna förbereder inte folket för fred utan drar mattan undan ett framtida fredsavtal genom detta förfarande.
Palestinian Media Watch skriver att de palestinska myndigheterna intensifierat sin hatkampanj mot Israel, man framför falska anklagelser att Israel genomför hemska nazi-lika medicinska experiment på palestinska fångar. Dessa påhittade historier, där man sätter falska citat i munnen på israeliska tjänstemän och citerar människor som inte finns, har upprepade gånger publicerats i de Palestinska Myndigheternas officiella tidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadida som Mahmoud Abbas har full kontroll över.
Den senaste veckan fanns tre sådana historier i tidningen.
"The method employed by the Israeli Occupation in which they [are] instigating slow death ... doctors in Israeli prison clinics use the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical drug testing under the pretense of 'treatment.'" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2008]
"Many of the male and female inmates received injections from needles they had not seen before, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently ... others lost their sanity, or their mental condition is constantly deteriorating... and some are suffering from infertility." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]
"The doctors in these prison clinics are using the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical testing of drugs and treatment-methods." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 3, 2008]
Palestinian Media Watch special report July 9,2008
Palestinian Authority Libel: Prisoners are used for Nazi-like medical experimentsBy Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Introduction: The Palestinian Authority is intensifying its longstanding blood libel campaign against Israel, falsely accusing Israel of conducting horrific Nazi-like medical experiments on Palestinian prisoners. These fabrications have been featured repeatedly in the Palestinian Authority's official newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, which is under the direct authority of Mahmoud Abbas. In the past week alone there were three new examples of this libel:
"The method employed by the Israeli Occupation in which they [are] instigating slow death ... doctors in Israeli prison clinics use the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical drug testing under the pretense of 'treatment.'" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2008]
"Many of the male and female inmates received injections from needles they had not seen before, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently ... others lost their sanity, or their mental condition is constantly deteriorating... and some are suffering from infertility." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]
"The doctors in these prison clinics are using the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical testing of drugs and treatment-methods." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 3, 2008]
Giving voice to blood libels and slandering Israel are essential tools used by the Palestinian Authority to demonize Israel and to inflame hatred against Israel, especially on the highly sensitive subject of Palestinian prisoners. It is therefore not surprising that the Palestinian public places the release of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons as a national cause, and justifies all means -- including the abduction of Israeli soldiers - to free the prisoners from their supposed mistreatment. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida has attested that reports about such "experiments" performed on Palestinian prisoners serve to "mobilize each and every human-being as such... to actively participate in activities aimed at their release and their return to freedom, properly meant as a return to life... all of us! all of us! all of us! - to confront the enemy in the war it wages." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 3, 2007] These new accusations build on earlier libels that Israel conducts the same kind of experiments on Palestinian prisoners as the Nazis did in the concentration camps:
"We have many examples of experiments conducted by the Nazis, but we shall bring one example that exhibits a great similarity [to the Israeli experiments]: They would insert poisons into the prisoners' food in order to study the effect of the poisons on people, with the purpose of performing autopsies on the bodies of those who died from the poison. He mentioned multiple cases of the mass poisoning of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in several Israeli prisons and detention centers. He did not rule out the possibility that the mass poisonings were done deliberately." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 1, 2007]. Furthermore, the libel adds that Israel is deliberately laboring "to increase the suffering of the prisoners and to murder them slowly, or to render them hollow, fragile and sickly bodies that will be a burden to their families and their nation after their release..." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept.1, 2007]. According to the libel, because Israel views the prisoners as guinea pigs, "the terrible crime, unimaginably horrific, that was committed by the executioner jailers of the occupation forces... demonstrated that the prisoner is treated like a lab -mouse." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 3, 2007]. In an attempt to increase the credibility of the libel about the treatment of prisoners, the Palestinian Authority daily last week repeated a media invention from a previous article. It said that Dalia Itzik, Speaker of the Knesset, said in 1997 that Israel conducts "thousands of medical clinical trials," and that "experiments with dangerous drugs are performed each year on Palestinian prisoners." The story also rehashed the fabrication that an Israeli named Amy Laftat, who was presented as Head of the Pharmaceutical Division in the Ministry of Health, reported that "there is a 15% annual increase in the number of permits granted by her office for conducting research on dangerous medications on Palestinians" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]. Palestinian Media Watch checked with Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik and the Ministry of Health, and confirmed that these statements were never made, and in fact that there is no one named Amy Laftat working for the Pharmaceutical Division. (The Israeli responses are below). Following are more complete texts of the Prisoners Libel, as promoted by the Palestinian Authority's official Daily, al-Hayat al-Jadida:
1: "Prisoners lost their eyesight and the functionality of their nervous system"
"The Occupation forces continue to conduct medical experiments on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in their prisons, in defiance of every international treaty and code of ethics. This is not limited to their policy of medical neglect, but rather the violations even extend to exploitive use of the prisoners as testing subjects for pharmaceutical drugs. Dalia Itzik, then a member of the Israeli Knesset and head of the Science Committee in the Israeli parliament, revealed in July 1997 that thousands of medical clinical trials, experiments with dangerous drugs are performed each year on Palestinian prisoners. At that time, she added that her office held thousands of permits issued by the Israeli Health Ministry for large Israeli pharmaceutical companies permitting the performance of thousands of clinical trials on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli prisons.
Additionally, 'Amy Laftat,' Head of the Pharmaceutical Division in the Israeli Health Ministry, revealed before the Knesset in that same meeting that there is a 15% annual increase in the number of permits granted by her office for conducting research with dangerous drugs on Palestinians and Arabs in the Israeli prisons.
It should be mentioned that many of the male and female prisoners were given shots from needles they had not seen beforehand, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently, and there were other prisoners who lost their eyesight and the functionality of their nervous system, and others who lost their sanity, or whose mental condition is constantly deteriorating, and still others who suffer from infertility and are unable to bear children, etc. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]
2. "Doctors in Israel use the prisoners as guinea pigs under the pretense of "treatment"
"Abu Al-Hajj [Director of the Abu-Jihad Center for Prisoner Affairs in Al-Quds University] referred back to the period of the British Mandate and its usual method of execution - using the hanging noose that is on display in the museum ... Fahd Abu Al-Hajj went on to mention the subsequent method employed by the Israeli Occupation, in which they finish off by instigating slow death, which the prisoners suffer at the hands of the prison authorities. He added that as a result of this method, 226 prisoners have died as shahids (martyrs) in the prisons... Abu Al-Hajj pointed to the fact that... clinic doctors in Israeli prisons are using the prisoners as guinea pigs under the pretense of "treatment."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2008]
3. "The prisoner is treated like a lab mouse."
Heading: "Drugs and Lab-Mice" ..."The reports came gushing in... of the terrible crime, unimaginably horrific, that was committed by the executioner jailers of the occupation forces; the occupation forces used several of the freedom prisoners as lab accessories for conducting medical trials. This crime committed by the occupiers demonstrates... that the prisoner is treated like a lab mouse - who will either be killed by an inappropriate drug, or will be hurt by an electrical shock. Otherwise the experiment should inflict a permanent disability or deformity upon him... this is something that mobilizes each and every human-being as such... to actively participate in activities aimed at their release and their return to freedom, properly meant as a return to life... all of us! all of us! all of us! - to confront the enemy in the war it wages against those of us who are alive and those who are dead"...[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 3, 2007]
4. "Prisoners as guinea pigs for drug and treatment clinical testing."
Headline: "Reports given by two lawyers after visiting [prisons] indicate an increase in the policy of provoking the prisoners".The director of the Center for the Defense of Freedoms and Civil Rights, "Hurriyat", Hilmi Al-Araj said that the reports given by the two lawyers from the center, Ibtisam Al-Anati and Raed Al-Zabi, clearly point to a documented increase in the Israeli Prison Authority's policy of provoking the male and female prisoners and of treating them inhumanely; this includes, most notably, a policy requiring the prisoners [to wear] an orange garment, and the use doctors in these prison clinics make of the prisoners as guinea pigs for drug and treatment clinical testing." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 3, 2008]
5. "Most suffer infertility problems, others have lost their eyesight."
Headline: "Most suffer infertility problems, others have lost their eyesight and their sanity after the occupation has injected them with unidentified substances and drugs - Israel continues to use prisoners as guinea pigs for pharmaceutical drug-testing.""Abd Al-Nasser Piroanah, researcher and head of the Statistical Department in the [Palestinian] Ministry of Prisoner and Released Prisoner Affairs, said in his report that the Occupation Authorities conduct clinical testing on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in prisons, in defiance of every international treaty and code of ethics.
The general tragic state of the prisons escapes no one, and the medical situation all the more so... In order to increase the suffering of the prisoners and to murder them slowly, or to render them hollow, fragile and sickly bodies that will be a burden to their families and their nation after their release...
Further, he stated: This is not limited to their policy of medical neglect, but rather the violations even extend to exploitive use of the prisoners as testing subjects for pharmaceutical drugs. Knesset Member Dalia Itzik and former Head of the Science Committee revealed in July 1997 that thousands of medical clinical trials, experiments with dangerous drugs are performed each year on Palestinian prisoners. At that time, she added that her office held thousands of permits issued by the Israeli Health Ministry for large Israeli pharmaceutical companies permitting the performance of thousands of clinical trials on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli prisons. Additionally, 'Amy Laftat,' Head of the Pharmaceutical Division in the Israeli Health Ministry, revealed ... that there is a 15% annual increase in the number of permits granted by her office for conducting research with dangerous drugs on Palestinians and Arabs in the Israeli prisons. The researcher concluded that this crime is only becoming more widespread... under the auspices of the Israeli Health Ministry ... These crimes reflect clearly on the degree of racism which abounds in the Israeli system as a whole... He brought many examples of male and female prisoners who were given injections from needles they had not seen before, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently, and there were other prisoners who lost their eyesight and the functionality of their nerve system, and others who lost their sanity, or whose mental condition is constantly deteriorating, and still others who suffer from infertility and so forth...
Piroanah mentioned that the first to use prisoners for medical experiments were the Nazis, who did it in the detention centers of the German army during WWII... He added: We have many examples of experiments conducted by the Nazis, but we shall bring one example that exhibits a great similarity [to the Israeli experiments]: They would insert poisons into the prisoners' food in order to study the effect of the poisons on people and with the purpose of performing autopsies on the bodies of those who died from the poison. He mentioned multiple cases of the mass poisoning of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in several Israeli prisons and detention centers. He did not rule out the possibility that the mass poisonings were done deliberately. He said the Ministry of Prisoner Affairs has been conducting activities in the past months... aimed at pressuring international opinion to act urgently and to adhere to its moral and human responsibility to save the prisoners... and to investigate the serious medical circumstances found in Israeli prisons, and to bring the war criminals to international courts." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 1, 2007]
6. "Clinics are nothing but open grounds for experimenting with dangerous drugs."
"Dr Awda emphasized that health conditions in Israeli prisons are bad and dangerous... She emphasized that the clinics are nothing but open grounds for experimenting with dangerous drugs on the sick prisoners. She proved this with a statement given by the Head of the Knesset Science Committee Dalia Itzik on July 10, 1997, in which she claimed that every year 1000 clinical trials of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs are conducted using Palestinian prisoners as subjects." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2008]
Israeli Officials Respond Office of Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik: "Knesset Speaker Itzik never made the statements attributed to her. Knesset Speaker Itzik is certain that incidents of this kind do not occur in Israel; this is not how Israel conducts itself." Ministry of Health's Response: "Clinical testing on prisoners in prison was never approved, never performed, and is most certainly not taking place at present. Furthermore, there is no person named Amy Laftat working for the Pharmaceutical Division.
De palestinska ledarna förbereder inte folket för fred utan drar mattan undan ett framtida fredsavtal genom detta förfarande.
Palestinian Media Watch skriver att de palestinska myndigheterna intensifierat sin hatkampanj mot Israel, man framför falska anklagelser att Israel genomför hemska nazi-lika medicinska experiment på palestinska fångar. Dessa påhittade historier, där man sätter falska citat i munnen på israeliska tjänstemän och citerar människor som inte finns, har upprepade gånger publicerats i de Palestinska Myndigheternas officiella tidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadida som Mahmoud Abbas har full kontroll över.
Den senaste veckan fanns tre sådana historier i tidningen.
"The method employed by the Israeli Occupation in which they [are] instigating slow death ... doctors in Israeli prison clinics use the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical drug testing under the pretense of 'treatment.'" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2008]
"Many of the male and female inmates received injections from needles they had not seen before, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently ... others lost their sanity, or their mental condition is constantly deteriorating... and some are suffering from infertility." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]
"The doctors in these prison clinics are using the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical testing of drugs and treatment-methods." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 3, 2008]
Palestinian Media Watch special report July 9,2008
Palestinian Authority Libel: Prisoners are used for Nazi-like medical experimentsBy Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook
Introduction: The Palestinian Authority is intensifying its longstanding blood libel campaign against Israel, falsely accusing Israel of conducting horrific Nazi-like medical experiments on Palestinian prisoners. These fabrications have been featured repeatedly in the Palestinian Authority's official newspaper, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, which is under the direct authority of Mahmoud Abbas. In the past week alone there were three new examples of this libel:
"The method employed by the Israeli Occupation in which they [are] instigating slow death ... doctors in Israeli prison clinics use the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical drug testing under the pretense of 'treatment.'" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2008]
"Many of the male and female inmates received injections from needles they had not seen before, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently ... others lost their sanity, or their mental condition is constantly deteriorating... and some are suffering from infertility." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]
"The doctors in these prison clinics are using the prisoners as guinea pigs for clinical testing of drugs and treatment-methods." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 3, 2008]
Giving voice to blood libels and slandering Israel are essential tools used by the Palestinian Authority to demonize Israel and to inflame hatred against Israel, especially on the highly sensitive subject of Palestinian prisoners. It is therefore not surprising that the Palestinian public places the release of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli prisons as a national cause, and justifies all means -- including the abduction of Israeli soldiers - to free the prisoners from their supposed mistreatment. Al-Hayat Al-Jadida has attested that reports about such "experiments" performed on Palestinian prisoners serve to "mobilize each and every human-being as such... to actively participate in activities aimed at their release and their return to freedom, properly meant as a return to life... all of us! all of us! all of us! - to confront the enemy in the war it wages." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 3, 2007] These new accusations build on earlier libels that Israel conducts the same kind of experiments on Palestinian prisoners as the Nazis did in the concentration camps:
"We have many examples of experiments conducted by the Nazis, but we shall bring one example that exhibits a great similarity [to the Israeli experiments]: They would insert poisons into the prisoners' food in order to study the effect of the poisons on people, with the purpose of performing autopsies on the bodies of those who died from the poison. He mentioned multiple cases of the mass poisoning of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in several Israeli prisons and detention centers. He did not rule out the possibility that the mass poisonings were done deliberately." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 1, 2007]. Furthermore, the libel adds that Israel is deliberately laboring "to increase the suffering of the prisoners and to murder them slowly, or to render them hollow, fragile and sickly bodies that will be a burden to their families and their nation after their release..." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept.1, 2007]. According to the libel, because Israel views the prisoners as guinea pigs, "the terrible crime, unimaginably horrific, that was committed by the executioner jailers of the occupation forces... demonstrated that the prisoner is treated like a lab -mouse." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 3, 2007]. In an attempt to increase the credibility of the libel about the treatment of prisoners, the Palestinian Authority daily last week repeated a media invention from a previous article. It said that Dalia Itzik, Speaker of the Knesset, said in 1997 that Israel conducts "thousands of medical clinical trials," and that "experiments with dangerous drugs are performed each year on Palestinian prisoners." The story also rehashed the fabrication that an Israeli named Amy Laftat, who was presented as Head of the Pharmaceutical Division in the Ministry of Health, reported that "there is a 15% annual increase in the number of permits granted by her office for conducting research on dangerous medications on Palestinians" [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]. Palestinian Media Watch checked with Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik and the Ministry of Health, and confirmed that these statements were never made, and in fact that there is no one named Amy Laftat working for the Pharmaceutical Division. (The Israeli responses are below). Following are more complete texts of the Prisoners Libel, as promoted by the Palestinian Authority's official Daily, al-Hayat al-Jadida:
1: "Prisoners lost their eyesight and the functionality of their nervous system"
"The Occupation forces continue to conduct medical experiments on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in their prisons, in defiance of every international treaty and code of ethics. This is not limited to their policy of medical neglect, but rather the violations even extend to exploitive use of the prisoners as testing subjects for pharmaceutical drugs. Dalia Itzik, then a member of the Israeli Knesset and head of the Science Committee in the Israeli parliament, revealed in July 1997 that thousands of medical clinical trials, experiments with dangerous drugs are performed each year on Palestinian prisoners. At that time, she added that her office held thousands of permits issued by the Israeli Health Ministry for large Israeli pharmaceutical companies permitting the performance of thousands of clinical trials on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli prisons.
Additionally, 'Amy Laftat,' Head of the Pharmaceutical Division in the Israeli Health Ministry, revealed before the Knesset in that same meeting that there is a 15% annual increase in the number of permits granted by her office for conducting research with dangerous drugs on Palestinians and Arabs in the Israeli prisons.
It should be mentioned that many of the male and female prisoners were given shots from needles they had not seen beforehand, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently, and there were other prisoners who lost their eyesight and the functionality of their nervous system, and others who lost their sanity, or whose mental condition is constantly deteriorating, and still others who suffer from infertility and are unable to bear children, etc. [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 4, 2008]
2. "Doctors in Israel use the prisoners as guinea pigs under the pretense of "treatment"
"Abu Al-Hajj [Director of the Abu-Jihad Center for Prisoner Affairs in Al-Quds University] referred back to the period of the British Mandate and its usual method of execution - using the hanging noose that is on display in the museum ... Fahd Abu Al-Hajj went on to mention the subsequent method employed by the Israeli Occupation, in which they finish off by instigating slow death, which the prisoners suffer at the hands of the prison authorities. He added that as a result of this method, 226 prisoners have died as shahids (martyrs) in the prisons... Abu Al-Hajj pointed to the fact that... clinic doctors in Israeli prisons are using the prisoners as guinea pigs under the pretense of "treatment."[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 6, 2008]
3. "The prisoner is treated like a lab mouse."
Heading: "Drugs and Lab-Mice" ..."The reports came gushing in... of the terrible crime, unimaginably horrific, that was committed by the executioner jailers of the occupation forces; the occupation forces used several of the freedom prisoners as lab accessories for conducting medical trials. This crime committed by the occupiers demonstrates... that the prisoner is treated like a lab mouse - who will either be killed by an inappropriate drug, or will be hurt by an electrical shock. Otherwise the experiment should inflict a permanent disability or deformity upon him... this is something that mobilizes each and every human-being as such... to actively participate in activities aimed at their release and their return to freedom, properly meant as a return to life... all of us! all of us! all of us! - to confront the enemy in the war it wages against those of us who are alive and those who are dead"...[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 3, 2007]
4. "Prisoners as guinea pigs for drug and treatment clinical testing."
Headline: "Reports given by two lawyers after visiting [prisons] indicate an increase in the policy of provoking the prisoners".The director of the Center for the Defense of Freedoms and Civil Rights, "Hurriyat", Hilmi Al-Araj said that the reports given by the two lawyers from the center, Ibtisam Al-Anati and Raed Al-Zabi, clearly point to a documented increase in the Israeli Prison Authority's policy of provoking the male and female prisoners and of treating them inhumanely; this includes, most notably, a policy requiring the prisoners [to wear] an orange garment, and the use doctors in these prison clinics make of the prisoners as guinea pigs for drug and treatment clinical testing." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 3, 2008]
5. "Most suffer infertility problems, others have lost their eyesight."
Headline: "Most suffer infertility problems, others have lost their eyesight and their sanity after the occupation has injected them with unidentified substances and drugs - Israel continues to use prisoners as guinea pigs for pharmaceutical drug-testing.""Abd Al-Nasser Piroanah, researcher and head of the Statistical Department in the [Palestinian] Ministry of Prisoner and Released Prisoner Affairs, said in his report that the Occupation Authorities conduct clinical testing on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in prisons, in defiance of every international treaty and code of ethics.
The general tragic state of the prisons escapes no one, and the medical situation all the more so... In order to increase the suffering of the prisoners and to murder them slowly, or to render them hollow, fragile and sickly bodies that will be a burden to their families and their nation after their release...
Further, he stated: This is not limited to their policy of medical neglect, but rather the violations even extend to exploitive use of the prisoners as testing subjects for pharmaceutical drugs. Knesset Member Dalia Itzik and former Head of the Science Committee revealed in July 1997 that thousands of medical clinical trials, experiments with dangerous drugs are performed each year on Palestinian prisoners. At that time, she added that her office held thousands of permits issued by the Israeli Health Ministry for large Israeli pharmaceutical companies permitting the performance of thousands of clinical trials on Palestinian and Arab prisoners in Israeli prisons. Additionally, 'Amy Laftat,' Head of the Pharmaceutical Division in the Israeli Health Ministry, revealed ... that there is a 15% annual increase in the number of permits granted by her office for conducting research with dangerous drugs on Palestinians and Arabs in the Israeli prisons. The researcher concluded that this crime is only becoming more widespread... under the auspices of the Israeli Health Ministry ... These crimes reflect clearly on the degree of racism which abounds in the Israeli system as a whole... He brought many examples of male and female prisoners who were given injections from needles they had not seen before, and which caused their hair and facial hair to fall out permanently, and there were other prisoners who lost their eyesight and the functionality of their nerve system, and others who lost their sanity, or whose mental condition is constantly deteriorating, and still others who suffer from infertility and so forth...
Piroanah mentioned that the first to use prisoners for medical experiments were the Nazis, who did it in the detention centers of the German army during WWII... He added: We have many examples of experiments conducted by the Nazis, but we shall bring one example that exhibits a great similarity [to the Israeli experiments]: They would insert poisons into the prisoners' food in order to study the effect of the poisons on people and with the purpose of performing autopsies on the bodies of those who died from the poison. He mentioned multiple cases of the mass poisoning of Palestinian and Arab prisoners in several Israeli prisons and detention centers. He did not rule out the possibility that the mass poisonings were done deliberately. He said the Ministry of Prisoner Affairs has been conducting activities in the past months... aimed at pressuring international opinion to act urgently and to adhere to its moral and human responsibility to save the prisoners... and to investigate the serious medical circumstances found in Israeli prisons, and to bring the war criminals to international courts." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Sept. 1, 2007]
6. "Clinics are nothing but open grounds for experimenting with dangerous drugs."
"Dr Awda emphasized that health conditions in Israeli prisons are bad and dangerous... She emphasized that the clinics are nothing but open grounds for experimenting with dangerous drugs on the sick prisoners. She proved this with a statement given by the Head of the Knesset Science Committee Dalia Itzik on July 10, 1997, in which she claimed that every year 1000 clinical trials of dangerous pharmaceutical drugs are conducted using Palestinian prisoners as subjects." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, April 17, 2008]
Israeli Officials Respond Office of Knesset Speaker Dalia Itzik: "Knesset Speaker Itzik never made the statements attributed to her. Knesset Speaker Itzik is certain that incidents of this kind do not occur in Israel; this is not how Israel conducts itself." Ministry of Health's Response: "Clinical testing on prisoners in prison was never approved, never performed, and is most certainly not taking place at present. Furthermore, there is no person named Amy Laftat working for the Pharmaceutical Division.
tisdag 8 juli 2008
Video som visar hur FN:s mänskorättsråd misslyckats
Eye on the UN har sammanställt några videoklipp som visar hur de islamska länderna förhindrar att de kritiseras i FN:s männskorättsråd.
Det verkar som om barn som leker i sandlådan är värd mera förtroende än mänskorättsrådet.
UN Human Rights Council: Sharia'h Law Now Sacrosanct, Part 1 June 16, 2008:
The UN Human Rights Council decides criticism of human rights violations under Sharia'h law is out of order
Part 2
Part 3
UN Human Rights Council: Silencing Critics of Islamic Extremism (6) June 16, 2008:
The real UN double-standards - harassing, intimidating and silencing critics of Islamic states, Islamic terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism
Part 7
UN Human Rights Council: New and Not Improved, Part 1 June 13, 2008:
The New Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Process of the Human Rights Council - Human Rights Protection Gone Wrong
Part 2
Part 3
Det verkar som om barn som leker i sandlådan är värd mera förtroende än mänskorättsrådet.
UN Human Rights Council: Sharia'h Law Now Sacrosanct, Part 1 June 16, 2008:
The UN Human Rights Council decides criticism of human rights violations under Sharia'h law is out of order
Part 2
Part 3
UN Human Rights Council: Silencing Critics of Islamic Extremism (6) June 16, 2008:
The real UN double-standards - harassing, intimidating and silencing critics of Islamic states, Islamic terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism
Part 7
UN Human Rights Council: New and Not Improved, Part 1 June 13, 2008:
The New Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Process of the Human Rights Council - Human Rights Protection Gone Wrong
Part 2
Part 3
FN:s mänskorättsråd
torsdag 3 juli 2008
Sommarläger och brott mot vapenvilan i Gaza
Sex kassamraketer sedan vapenvilan trädde i kraft
En kassamraket sköts idag från Gaza och därmed har 6 raketer skjutits mot Israel sedan den 19 juni. Israel svarar med att stänga gränsövergångarna men har inte svarat med militära motangrepp.
Qassam hits Negev, sixth since start of Gaza truce
Hamas sommarläger för 150.000 barn
Liksom tidigare år ordnar Hamas även i år sommarläger för barn. Ca 150.000 barn deltar i lägren. Den utbildning barnen får under sommarveckorna är knappast någon fredsfostran och fastän endast 1% (1.500) av barnen skulle ta till sig Hamas våldsamma ideologi skulle det vara tillräckligt för att förhindra en fredlig utveckling i området.
Hamas launches summer camps in Gaza
En kassamraket sköts idag från Gaza och därmed har 6 raketer skjutits mot Israel sedan den 19 juni. Israel svarar med att stänga gränsövergångarna men har inte svarat med militära motangrepp.
Qassam hits Negev, sixth since start of Gaza truce
Hamas sommarläger för 150.000 barn
Liksom tidigare år ordnar Hamas även i år sommarläger för barn. Ca 150.000 barn deltar i lägren. Den utbildning barnen får under sommarveckorna är knappast någon fredsfostran och fastän endast 1% (1.500) av barnen skulle ta till sig Hamas våldsamma ideologi skulle det vara tillräckligt för att förhindra en fredlig utveckling i området.
Hamas launches summer camps in Gaza
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