måndag 27 maj 2024

Domarna i Internationella domstolen är inte överens om vad de beslutat

 Internationella domstolen (ICJ) har gett ett uttalande om Israels krigsföring i Gaza och speciellt i Rafah.

En del har tolkat deras uttalande som att Israel inte har rätt att utföra krigsoperationer i Rafah, andra säger att Israel kan fortsätta med sina operationer.

Två av domstolens 15 domare röstade mot uttalandet och fyra av de fem domare som uttalat sig om domstolens beslut säger att Israel kan fortsätta med krigsoperationer i Rafah.

Tyvärr är nog inte domstolen trots namnet en riktig domstol utan den gör mer eller mindre politiska beslut.

Den som vill veta mera kan läsa analysen:

Confused by the ICJ’s decision on Gaza? Blame the judges’ deliberate ambiguity

The key sentence in the court’s ruling is a non-definitive three-clause construct. And the judges themselves don’t agree on what it is they are requiring Israel to do...

...This order was supported by 13 judges against two, but the full decision did not offer clarity on what the order actually means. Whatever their reasons, the judges chose not to formulate a single, short, non-ambiguous sentence stating precisely what Israel was being required to do.

Most of the headlines in Israel and around the world proclaimed that the court had ordered Israel to immediately stop its military operation in Rafah. Ongoing coverage since then has largely maintained this definitive interpretation.

But after the court published the minority opinion documents – by Justice Barak and the court vice president, Julia Sebutinde of Uganda – along with the opinions written by three of the majority judges, it became clear that four of the five judges who addressed this issue consider that Israel is allowed to continue its military action in Rafah, as long as this action does not put the Palestinian population at risk of annihilation, either in full or in part...

måndag 20 maj 2024

106 MKs sign letter slamming ICC prosecutor’s move to seek arrest warrants for Israeli, Hamas leaders

 Internationella brottmålsdomstolens åklagare Karim Kahn vill att domstolens utfärdar en arresteringsorder på Israels premiärminister Netanyahu och försvarsminister Gallant.

Till det kan man bara säga att Kahn tydligen har förlorat förståndet.

106 MKs sign letter slamming ICC prosecutor’s move to seek arrest warrants for Israeli, Hamas leaders

The text is read out loud in the Knesset plenum by Speaker Amir Ohana.

“The State of Israel is in the midst of a just war against a criminal terrorist organization. The IDF is the most moral army in the world. Our heroic soldiers fight with unparalleled courage and morality, in accordance with international law, as no other army has ever done,” the letter states.

“The scandalous comparison of the prosecutor in The Hague between the leaders of Israel and the heads of the terrorist organization Hamas is an indelible historical crime and a clear manifestation of antisemitism.”

Comparing democratic Israel, which “defends human rights and fights” and is defending itself, to Hamas terrorists who “kidnapped, butchered, burned and raped its citizens” is a “distortion” which Israelis “reject with disgust.”

“80 years after the Holocaust, no one will tie the hands of the Jewish state [to prevent it] from defending itself,” the letter states.

söndag 19 maj 2024

Analys av hur New York Times behandlat kriget mellan Hamas och Israel

Intressant analys av hur New York Times behandlat kriget mellan Hamas och Israel.

From Oct. 7 to today: How Hamas criticism vanished in The New York Times

The inevitable conclusion is that the Times’ editorial line clearly diverted attention away from Hamas, which started the war and refused prisoner exchange deals, and aimed it toward Israel. 

fredag 17 maj 2024

Israel och omvärlden är skyldig att förhindra Hamas att utföra folkmord

Läsvärd intervju: 

(Former United States Justice Department Office of Special Investigations director Eli Rosenbaum )

Rosenbaum, whose 38-year career with different incarnations of Department of Justice war crimes investigatory departments saw him prosecute Rwandan génocidaires, Russian war criminals, and more World War II Nazi criminals than the rest of the world combined, explained that not only does Israel have a right to pursue the destruction of the Hamas terrorist entity if it can, “but Israel has a legal obligation under international law as a signatory of the Genocide Convention [1948, the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide].

Top US Nazi hunter tells ‘Post’: Israel is obligated to stop Hamas's genocide

The treaty obligates all signatory nations not just not to commit genocide, but to prevent it,” said Rosenbaum.

Israel and much of the world have a legal obligation under international law to stop the genocidal intent of Hamas in the wake of the October 7 massacre, former United States Justice Department Office of Special Investigations director Eli Rosenbaum told The Jerusalem Post in an interview on Wednesday, in which he also decried the abuse of international criminal law to attack Israel and rejected the allegations of genocide against the Jewish state.

torsdag 16 maj 2024

Felaktiga folkmords anklagelser mot Israel

 Insändare i dagens Hufvudstadsbladet:

Anklagelser om folkmord riktas dagligen mot Israel från olika håll.
Internationella domstolens tidigare ordförande Joan Donoghue sade nyligen i en intervju för BBC Hardtalk att hon var glad att få tillrättalägga ett missförstånd som spridit sig runt världen.
Donoghue förklarade att domstolen inte sagt att anklagelserna mot Israel om folkmord var rimliga.
Det domstolen beslöt var att palestinierna har rätt att skyddas från folkmord och att Sydafrika har rätt att framlägga fallet inför domstolen.
Israel gör sig inte skyldigt till folkmord. I ett krig under ytterst svåra förhållanden har relationen mellan dödade civila och stridande hållits på ungefär samma nivå som i andra krig där västvärlden varit inblandad.
Den andra parten i striderna, Hamas, har däremot folkmord av judarna inskrivet i sina stadgar och visade den 7 oktober att man är beredd att utföra ytterst grymma mord. Hamas har också lovat att fortsätta mörda om de får möjlighet till det. Av någon anledning är det ändå väldigt få som protesterar mot Hamas.
Daniel Brunell, Karleby

onsdag 8 maj 2024

Sinister Hamas terms would let it keep most hostages, win the war, inflame the West Bank

 Sinister Hamas terms would let it keep most hostages, win the war, inflame the West Bank (David Horovitz)

It took the US more than a day to internalize that Hamas had not in fact accepted a hostages-for-truce proposal. But the text of its ‘agreement’ is far more duplicitous than that

On Tuesday night, more than a day after Hamas claimed to have approved what it said was the Egyptian and Qatari mediators’ proposal “regarding a ceasefire agreement,” the US State Department spokesman Matthew Miller finally declared publicly, “That is not what they did.”

Rather, said Miller, “They responded with amendments or a counterproposal.” The US, he said, was “working through the details of that now.”

In summary

Under the terms that it has set out, therefore, Hamas expects to survive, rearm and reassert full control in Gaza, and establish primacy in the West Bank. Israel will be under attack on multiple fronts. The ambitious, improbable American vision of an Israel integrated into the region, at peace with Saudi Arabia, with a reformed PA ruling in the West Bank Gaza, will be shattered. Most of the hostages will still be held in Gaza, with no prospect of release. And Israel will be more torn and vulnerable than ever.

On Monday night, soon after the office of Hamas’s overall chief Ismail Haniyeh issued its ostensible acceptance of a ceasefire, Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said he had spoken with Haniyeh, who had assured him that “the ball is in the opposite court. We are honest in our intentions.”

Indeed, the document leaves no doubt about Hamas’s intentions. You just have to read it.

söndag 5 maj 2024

The war against the Jewish story

En läsvärd artikel av Yossi Klein Halevi!

 The war against the Jewish story 

The ease with which anti-Zionists have managed to portray the Jewish state as genocidal marks a historic failure of Holocaust education

How has it come to this? How is it possible that Israel, rather than radical Islamism, would become the villain on liberal campuses? That thousands of students would be chanting “from the river to the sea” even as the Hamas massacre revealed that slogan’s genocidal implications? That the most passionate outbreak of student activism since the 1960s would be devoted to delegitimizing the Jewish people’s story of triumph over annihilation? 

This moment didn’t happen in a vacuum. The anti-Zionist forces in academia have been preparing the ground for decades, systematically dismantling the moral basis of each stage of Zionist and Israeli history..."

Israel stänger ner Al-Jazeera

 Israel har beslutat att stänga ner Al-Jazeera i Israel. Ingen kan förneka att Al- Jazeera fungerar som Hamas propagandakanal så beslutet är inte oväntat.

The Foreign Press Association fördömer beslutet och kallar det en mörk dag för demokratin.

Som jämförelse är det bra att komma ihåg att EU stängde ner Russia Today och Sputnik efter att Ryssland anfallit Ukraina. Orsak var bland annat att de sprider rysk propaganda.

Jag vet inte om det också ansågs vara en mörk dag för demokratin och media men bra att komma ihåg att andra demokratier än Israel vidtagit liknande åtgärder.

Police seize Al Jazeera broadcast equipment as network pulled off air in Israel

The Foreign Press Association, which represents foreign media in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, also condemned the decision to shutter the Al Jazeera news network’s operations in Israel, saying that Israel had joined “a dubious club of authoritarian governments” in banning the station.

“We urge the government to reverse this harmful step and uphold its commitment to freedom of the press — including outlets whose coverage it may not like… This is a dark day for the media. This is a dark day for democracy.”

RT (TV network)

"...RT was banned in Ukraine in 2014 after Russia's annexation of Crimea;[76] Latvia and Lithuania implemented similar bans in 2020.[77][78] Germany banned RT DE in February 2022.[79] During the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union and Canada formally banned RT and independent service providers in over 10 countries suspended broadcasts of RT.[80][81][82] Social media websites followed by blocking external links to RT's website and restricting access to RT's content.[83][84] Microsoft removed RT from their app store and de-ranked their search results on Bing,[85][86] while Apple removed the RT app from all countries except for Russia.[87]..."

Despite Western bans, Putin’s propaganda flourishes in Spanish on TV and social media

fredag 3 maj 2024

Protesterna vid universiteten i USA och judehatet

 I bland annat  TV-Nytt har de så kallade pro-palestinska demonstrationerna vid universiteten i USA tagits upp två kvällar i rad. Demonstranterna  beskrivs nästan som offer och inte ett ord sades om deras stöd för terroristorganisationen Hamas och för utplånandet av staten Israel. Inte heller nämndes hoten och trakasserierna som riktats mot judar på universiteten.

Här några artiklar om ämnet:

Biden slams anti-Israel campus protests, says Mideast policies unchanged

Trots att TV-Nytt rapporterade om Bidens tal nämndes som sagt inte ett ord om antisemitismen bland demonstranterna.

President Biden:

“Threatening people, intimidating people, instilling fear in people is not peaceful protest — it’s against the law,” Biden added.

“There should be no place on any campus — no place in America — for antisemitism or threats of violence against Jewish students,” he said, referring to widespread documentation of antisemitic and pro-terror expressions during the protests, before subsequently condemning all forms of discrimination.

Campus protests: Back to the '60s, but with a nasty twist

…shout slogans calling for Israel’s destruction – “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free”; for the killing of Israelis – “Intifada, intifada”; and for the erasure of Jews from public spaces – “We want to say it clear, we don’t want no Zionists here.”

...Among some of the elites today, or at least those on elite campuses, the fashionable cause now – believe it or not – is Hamas. While, at first blush, this may seem unfathomable – how could idealistic youth find their heroes in murderers and rapists supported by Iran? – this should not surprise anyone. Just think of the lionization of Che Guevara and Fidel Castro by the radical chic set in the past.

Social media are currently inundated with clips from protests at universities, where demonstrators, attending institutions costing upwards of $75,000 a year, seem to have little understanding of why they are demonstrating, what they are protesting, or who is who in the Middle East.

Those starring in these videos seem to be rebels without a cause, rebels looking for a cause, and rebels grasping onto this one because it is there and it is hip.

‘As they chant for intifada, we will work together’: Herzog pans anti-Israel protests

President Isaac Herzog broadcast a message of solidarity to Jewish communities around the world on Thursday, amid a wave of anti-Israel protests that has sent shockwaves through college campuses in the United States and elsewhere and often included displays of antisemitism and support for terror.

“The people of Israel are with you. We hear you,” he said in a video message in English.

“We see the shameless hostility and threats. We feel the insult, the breach of faith and the breach of friendship. We share with you the apprehension and concern,” he added.

Anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian protests at US universities have sent many Jewish students fleeing campuses, fearing for their safety amid increasing antisemitic rhetoric, threats and a growing lack of faith in the educational institutions’ ability to protect them.

“We see prominent academic institutions, halls of history, culture and education contaminated by hatred and antisemitism, fueled by arrogance and ignorance and driven by moral failings and disinformation. We watch in horror as the October 7 atrocities against Israel are celebrated and justified,” the president said.

Chikli: Pro-Palestinian protesters' calls for retribution on Israel are not justified

Columbia riots’ masterminds are after the free world and the West

No, the rioting at Columbia was not about the freedom, democracy, equality, justice, or peace that the Middle East craves. It was about their eradication.

WATCH: Columbia professor Shai Davidai: 'I'm just asking for equal treatment'

"I have not heard anything from the University since last Monday when I was barred because we couldn't guarantee the safety of the most vocal proponent of Jewish life on campus," he told The Jerusalem Post on Wednesday. 

Jewish groups demand further action to combat antisemitism at Columbia

Over half of campus protestors arrested by NYPD unaffiliated with the schools

Police shared photos of the different encampment's rules, which included not talking to "police, Zionists, or the media."

Anti-Israel campus protests spread across the US border to Canada, Mexico

Asked to comment on the encampments, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s office pointed to a statement he made on Tuesday, saying: “Universities are places of learning, they’re places for freedom of expression … but that only works if people feel safe on campus. Right now … Jewish students do not feel safe. That’s not right.”