onsdag 13 januari 2021

Covid-19 vaccin och palestinierna

Eftersom det börjat kommas anklagelser mot Israel för att de inte förser palestinierna med vaccin kommer här två artiklar som behandlar ämnet.
- palestinierna har inte velat ha hjälp av Israel för att skaffa vaccin
- palestinska myndigheten  har enligt Osloavtalet kontroll över palestiniernas hälsovård, inte Israel
- när det gäller epidemier/pandemier skall de två parterna samarbeta, vilket palestinierna hittills inte verkar ha varit intresserade av

PA slow to secure Covid-19 vaccines, so it decides to blame Israel (PMW)

Timeline of the PA vaccine activities and libel blaming Israel:‎

Nov. 21, 2020:‎
PA meets with WHO, UNICEF, UNRWA “to ensure that Palestine is provided ‎with adequate Coronavirus vaccines” (Israel not invited)‎

Dec. 12, 2020:‎
PA orders “four million doses of the Russian vaccine… expected in Palestine by ‎the end of this year” (Israel's help not requested)‎

Jan. 9, 2021:‎
PA announces: “Four vaccine producer companies [will deliver for] 70% of the ‎Palestinian people… the WHO will provide for 20%” (Israel's help not needed)‎

Jan. 9, 2021:
PA announces: “Two million doses were ordered [from AstraZeneca]… we ‎received an official response from the company… [Also] the Russian company ‎Sputnik, and a vaccine was ordered… We are not just waiting… we are ‎working…” (Israel's help not needed)‎

Suddenly, after everything the PA was doing independently - it was time to blame Israel: ‎

Jan. 10, 2021:‎
PA Foreign Ministry demands that Israel “ supply the Palestinian people with ‎Coronavirus vaccines… [Israel is] racially discriminating against the ‎Palestinian people, and negating its right to health [services]… an apartheid ‎against the Palestinian people in the field of health” ‎

...While it is unclear why the PA’s planning is not satisfactory, apparently seeing Israel's success ‎obtaining vaccines, the PA then reverted to its default position:  ‎blaming and demonizing Israel. ‎
Finally, it should be noted that the Oslo Accords transferred full responsibility for the ‎health of Palestinians to the PA, which now has completely autonomous health ‎services, for which it receives significant international financial aid. Whereas, Israel ‎regularly supplies healthcare aid to the PA, as it did in the early months of the Covid-19 ‎crisis, Israel does this not out of obligation but out of its concern for the health of its ‎neighbors.‎

"Israel gave 100 doses of coronavirus vaccines to the Palestinian Authority as a “humanitarian gesture” a week and a half ago, the government informed the High Court of Justice on Wednesday.

The government’s acknowledgement followed a High Court petition filed by the family of Hadar Goldin, a soldier whose body is being held in Gaza by the Hamas terror group. Goldin’s family seeks to condition the entry of aid into Gaza — including coronavirus vaccines — on the return of their son’s body...

The issue of Israel’s legal responsibility to the Palestinians in a pandemic is highly contentious and hotly debated by international law experts. The 1995 Oslo II Accord delegates responsibility for health care to the Palestinian Authority. But the same treaty also obligates the two sides to cooperate in fighting epidemics."

As Israel’s world-leading coronavirus vaccination program makes international headlines, Human Rights Watch executive director Ken Roth took to Twitter to spread the lie that Israel is committing an act of racism by not vaccinating all Palestinians living under Hamas rule in Gaza and the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

UN Watch executive director Hillel Neuer explains why Roth’s claims are a deception:

söndag 3 januari 2021

Jesus den första palestinska terroristen enligt palestinska myndigheten

Den palestinska myndighetens premiärminister påstår att Jesus var den första palestinska terroristen, förebilden för alla senare palestinska  terrorister. Kyrkornas världsråd och andra kyrkliga organisationer brukar vara snabba att komma med fördömanden mot Israel, knappast kan vi vänta oss någon reaktion på de palestinska lögnerna.

Palestinian Media Watch: 

PA PM insults Christianity by comparing Jesus to murderers and suicide bombers

PA PM insults Christianity by comparing Jesus to murderers and suicide bombers

Itamar Marcus  | 

In a speech at a Christmas dinner, the PA’s Prime Minister, Muhammad Shtayyeh, repeated the PA’s historically false narrative, turning Jesus into a “Palestinian.” He further insulted Christianity saying that Jesus was “the first Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter” and the one who taught Palestinians “Martyrdom-death”:

PA Prime Minister Shtayyeh: “Our lord Jesus, peace be upon him – the first Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter from whom we learned Martyrdom-death, and who paid for his mission with his life.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 28, 2020]

The Prime Minister’s categorizations of Jesus are insulting to Christians and Christian tradition in many ways:

1. PA PM Shtayyeh: “Jesus… the first Palestinian self-sacrificing fighter”

The PA uses the expression “self-sacrificing fighter,” (Fida’i) for terrorists who have been fighting and murdering Israelis since 1965, including the most loathsome murderers. For example, Palestinian terrorist Ashraf Na’alwa shot and murdered his 2 Israeli coworkers, Kim Levengrond-Yehezkel, a young mother of a one-year-old infant, and Ziv Hajbi, a young father of three. Fatah glorified the murderer repeatedly including this post on its official Facebook page, which called him: "The legend, the heroic self-sacrificing fighter (Fida’i) Ashraf Na'alwa" [Official Fatah Facebook page, Dec. 13, 2018]

Defining Jesus who preached non-violence (see Matthew 5:39: “Do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also") as a "self-sacrificing fighter" in the category with Palestinian murderers is a desecration.

2. PA PM Shtayyeh: “Jesus … from whom we learned Martyrdom-death.”
The PA’s presentation of Jesus as one who taught Palestinians “Martyrdom-death,” is a grave insult to Christians as well, since the PA promotes Martyrdom-death as something to be aspired due to the rewards in Paradise, among which according to Islam’s tradition the “Martyr” marries 72 dark-eyed virgins. For example, this popular music video has been broadcast on Fatah and PA TV since 2017 right through 2020:

"God, grant us Martyrdom there (Al-Aqsa)...
A million grooms and brides at the celebration
have written the marriage contract in blood on the veil 
(visual of suicide bomber)
A million grooms and brides at the celebration
have written the marriage contract in blood on the veil 
(visual of another suicide bomber)
Filled with desire, they are going to the Paradise of immortals
to a wedding procession with angels

[Many times on Fatah-run Awdah TV and official PA TV, from Dec. 11, 2017 - 2020]

Palestinian Media Watch has exposed repeatedly that the PA inculcates the ideal of becoming a “Martyr” for “Palestine” into the minds of the Palestinian population.

3. PA PM Shtayyeh:  Jesus was “a Palestinian”
This too is an insult to Christianity, as the Christian Bible clearly presents Jesus as a Jew living and interacting with other Jews in the nation of Judea.

Especially around Christmas time, but not exclusively, PA leaders repeatedly publicize their false PA narrative that Jesus was a “Palestinian.” Palestinian Media Watch recently published a collection of such statements, and since then, this falsification of history has continued: 

Official PA TV host: “We wish the Palestinian people wherever they are happy holidays, health, and all the best. May we and you turn the coming years into a message of love, hope, and joy. A message of resolve and patience that characterized the first Palestinian, Jesus, peace be upon him.”

[Official PA TV, Palestine This Morning, Dec. 24, 2020]

4. Moreover, Shtayyeh linked Jesus’ Martyrdom to the “thousands of Martyrs” who have died for “Palestine”:

PA PM Shtayyeh: "The birthday of our lord Jesus... takes place at the same time as the anniversary of the outbreak of the Palestinian revolution (i.e., its first terror attack against Israel called “the Launch” of Fatah), for which thousands of Martyrs have paid with their lives."
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Dec. 28, 2020]

Linking Jesus to the thousands of Palestinian “Martyrs,” which is the term the PA uses to define all its suicide bombers as well as all terrorists who were killed while attacking Israelis, is yet an additional desecration of Christianity.