Som jag tidigare nämnde publicerade Österbottens Tidning och Hufvudstadsbladet artiklar som behandlade rapporten från organisationen Breaking the Silence.
Som en reaktion till artiklarna sände jag följande insändare till tidningarna (nedan). ÖT publicerade min insändare den 18.7. utan kommentarer.
HBL publicerade insändaren 25.07. med en kommentar av Mats Gezelius.
HBL strök den del av min text som berättar att israeliska armén gjort undersökningar som stöder överste Kemps åsikt att Israel skötte sig bra i Gaza.
Mats Gezelius försvarar rapporten av de anonyma soldaterna, nämner inte ett ord om de undersökningar som varit positiva för Israel och nedvärderar överste Kemps åsikt.(Kemp som varit befälhavare för de brittiska trupperna i Afghanistan har stor erfarenhet av strider mot terrororganisationer lik Hamas)
På Gezelius svar verkar det tyvärr som om han endast skulle vara intresserad av att förmedla nyheter som är negativa för Israel.
Gezelius skriver också: "Att bryta tystnaden genom att offentliggöra sina upplevelser och vad han upplever som orättfärdigheter, är för en israelisk soldat ett brott vilket förklarar att vissa"identifierande" detaljer utelämnats från rapporten."
Detta strider mot vad en talesman för IDF säger i en kommentar till rapporten, det är en skyldighet för en soldat att rapportera om han ser något som bryter mot gällande regler:"The IDF expects every soldier and commander who feels that they have witnessed a violation of the IDF commands and regulations to turn to the appropriate authorities with all of the facts regarding the incident, in accord with their legal and moral obligations. This duty is even more important where the suspected violations have caused harm to noncombatants."
På websidan Soldiers Speak Out finns det många soldater som med foto och namn berättar om sina upplevelser i armén, så inte verkar det vara något brott att berätta om sina upplevelser.
Insändaren till ÖT:
Jag är inte längre förvånad över att ÖT väljer att rapportera och rubriksätta nyheter så att det ger en dålig bild av Israel. Rubriken i torsdagens tidning där det påstås att ordern till de israeliska soldaterna i Gaza var att skjuta först och fråga sedan börjar närmast likna förtal. Det samma gäller inledningsorden där det sägs att den israeliska militären sköt människor på måfå.
Uppgifterna i artikeln kommer från organisationen "Breaking the Silence" som i sin tur hänvisar till anonyma soldater.
En liknande rapport publicerades redan i mars i den israeliska tidningen Haaretz. Då visade det sig vid en närmare undersökning att rapporten grundade sig på rykten och hörsägen inte på verkliga händelser.
I det nu aktuella fallet kan kan de israeliska myndigheterna överhuvudtaget inte kontrollera uppgifterna eftersom det i rapporten inte finns några uppgifter om var och när de påstådda händelserna skulle ha inträffat eller vem som skulle ha utfört dem.Om "Breaking the Silence" är ärlig i sitt uppsåt och vill påverka den israeliska arméns agerande och inte bara få publicitet borde dessa uppgifter med nödvändighet finnas med.
En talesman för IDF har påpekat de stora bristerna i hur undersökningen utförts och publicerats men det har inte hindrat stora nyhetsbyråer och små lokaltidningar att okritiskt publicera rapporten.
Den israeliska armén har utfört fem olika väldokumenterade utredningar om kriget i Gaza. För att balansera sin rapportering kunde ÖT publicera ett sammandrag av dessa, som ger en positiv bild av den israeliska arméns agerande.
Eller varför inte publicera den före detta brittiske befälhavaren för styrkorna i Agfhanistan, överste Richard Kemps föredrag som han höll för några dagar sedan. I den talar han om svårigheterna med att föra krig mot terroristorganisationer som medvetet utnyttjar de demokratiska ländernas arméers svaghet, nämligen att de försöker följa lagarna för krigföring. I föredraget säger Kemp att den israeliska armén i Gaza gjorde mer än någon arme någonsin under historien gjort för att skydda civila. Jag väntar att få se den rubriken i ÖT.
Daniel Brunell
Insändaren till HBL:
Israels armé skyddade civila (rubriken HBL:s)
Mats Gezelius lämnar bort en del viktig information när han redogör för rapporten från "Bryta Tystnaden" om kriget i Gaza. Rapporten grundar sig på berättelser av anonyma soldater och det finns inte uppgifter om vare sig tidpunkt, plats eller vem som begått fel. Det är alltså omöjligt att kontrollera uppgifterna. En talesman för israeliska armén har påpekat bristerna i undersökningen men trots detta har den okritiskt publicerats över hela världen.
En liknande rapport publicerades redan i mars i den israeliska tidningen Haaretz. Då visade det sig vid en närmare undersökning att rapporten grundade sig på rykten och hörsägen inte på verkliga händelser.
Risken finns att HBL och andra nyhetsmedier gör samma misstag igen. Ett exempel: Rapporten säger:"Vi såg inte ett hus som inte var träffat. Hela infrastrukturen, vägar, åkrar - allt var i ruiner. En helt förstörd stad."
Detta är inte sant om man ser till hela Gaza området. Den svenske journalisten Anna Dahlberg besökte Gaza efter kriget. Hon konstaterade att förstörelsen var mindre än hon hade väntat sig. Vid gränsen var förödelsen stor men inne i staden Gaza var allt normalt.
Överste Richard Kemp, före detta befälhavare för de brittiska styrkorna i Afghanistan, höll för några dagar sedan ett föredrag om svårigheterna med att föra krig mot terroristorganisationer. Dessa organisationer utnyttjar medvetet de demokratiska ländernas arméers svaghet, nämligen det att de försöker följa de internationella lagarna för krigföring.
När det gäller kriget i Gaza sade Kemp att den israeliska armén i Gaza gjorde mer än någon arme någonsin under historien gjort för att skydda civila.
Överste Kemps bild av kriget är alltså totalt annorlunda än de anonyma soldaternas. Den israeliska arméns egna undersökningar stöder Kemps version av kriget. (den röda texten publicerades inte)
Daniel Brunell
Reaction to "Breaking the Silence" report 15 July 2009
The IDF Spokesperson Unit regrets the fact that yet another human rights organization is presenting to Israel and the world a report based on anonymous and general testimonies, without investigating their details or credibility. Furthermore, this organization denied the IDF the minimal decency of presenting the report to the IDF and allowing it to investigate the testimonies prior to the report's publication. This was done while defaming and slandering the IDF and its commanders.
In order to ensure that the claims made in these testimonies are dealt with in an appropriate manner, the organization "Breaking the Silence" should urge those who made these claims to really 'break their silence,' and to present specific complaints to the IDF, and not hide behind general and anonymous statements.
Some of the testimonies in the report were brought to the attention of the IDF by the media, and these were reviewed in a preliminary fashion by the Military Advocate General. As with the testimonies made at the Rabin Military Academy several months ago, a considerable number of the testimonies in this report are also based on hearsay and word of mouth. Most of the testimonies are anonymous and lack any identifying details that would allow the IDF to investigate, confirm, or refute them.
The IDF engaged in Operation Cast Lead after eight years of continuous rocket fire on Israel's southern communities, heavily affecting daily life. During the operation, the IDF succeeded in targeting the Hamas terror organization, increasing Israel's deterrence and restoring security to the area.
The decision of the organization "Breaking the Silence" to present such testimonies raises doubts about whether the organization really wishes for a credible and thorough investigation regarding the claims to be carried out, as is the norm in the IDF. We regret that this is not the first time the organization has acted in this manner.
The IDF is committed to investigating any claim, supported by facts, that is brought to its attention, as was done immediately following Operation Cast Lead. By order of the IDF Chief of the General Staff, Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi, five investigations headed by specialists in the field examined various aspects of the operation, including specific incidents. In addition, the IDF is currently investigating other incidents which relate to individual claims. As has previously been published, in several of these cases the IDF Military Police Investigations Unit has opened an investigation.
The IDF expects every soldier and commander who feels that they have witnessed a violation of the IDF commands and regulations to turn to the appropriate authorities with all of the facts regarding the incident, in accord with their legal and moral obligations. This duty is even more important where the suspected violations have caused harm to noncombatants.
This level of professionalism and integrity should be expected of any agency, organization, or association. The IDF is committed to thoroughly investigating any claims presented, where there is sufficient information to do so.
The IDF operates on the foundation of uncompromising ethical values. These will continue to guide the IDF in every mission, including in complex and difficult conditions. Prior to and during Operation Cast Lead, IDF forces were given stringent briefings on the commands and orders that they should adhere to, as well as the international laws of war. From testimonies which have been published, including those in this report, and from the investigations conducted by the IDF into the operation, it is clear that IDF soldiers operated in accord with international law and the orders they received, despite the complex and difficult fighting.
The IDF Spokesperson Unit requests that attention be given by the media to several methodological and ethical issues regarding this report:
1. The report, as given to the IDF less than 24 hours prior to its publication, is based on testimonies that lack critical identifying features:
a. No identification whatsoever was used for those who gave their testimonies, not even a first initial, as is customary throughout the media when a quote is given in anonymity.
b. There is no mention of rank or position at the time of the claimed incidents.
c. There is no mention of unit or unit type (regular or reserves).
2. The report makes no mention of the way in which the testimonies were gathered – it is not clear whether they were gathered directly via interview or indirectly via mail or e-mail. It is unclear whether there is one interviewer or more, or whether those who gave their testimonies were interviewed individually or in groups.
3. There is no mention of how the credibility of the testimonies was checked:
a. There is no way of knowing whether the testimony was given by a soldier or someone claiming to be a soldier.
b. There is no mention of time period (date and time) or specific location with regards to the incidents described in the testimonies.
It is clear to the IDF, and from reading parts of the testimonies that were gathered by "Breaking the Silence", that there were isolated incidences in which unintentional harm was caused to noncombatants as the result of operational errors. These types of error are likely to occur in complex fighting such as that in the Gaza Strip. One can also find within the testimonies statements that illustrate the self-restraint shown by the IDF and its commanders during Operation Cast Lead, as well as the steps taken to limit the harm to non-combatants and civilian property, even where this was done at the expense of the IDF's operational objectives. The testimonies also show that IDF forces adapted their behavior on the basis of the lessons learned during the fighting, as the IDF investigations after the operation have shown.
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
- Här finns Israelnyheter på Facebook
måndag 27 juli 2009
fredag 24 juli 2009
Situationsrapport från Sderot
En rapport från staden Sderot som under flera år varit huvudmålet för raketattackerna från Gaza.
Efter kriget i januari har det varit betydligt lugnare men det tar lång tid för staden att repa sig. Många människor har flyttat bort och den ekonomiska krisen gör inte situationen bättre.
De flesta verkar vara överens om att den lugna situationen bara är tillfälligt,när Hamas anser det vara passande kommer raketerna att börja falla igen.
Business is still dismal, but Sderot residents are 'hanging in there'
En artikel om messianska judar som gör sin värnplikt i IDF kan läsas här:
Serving in the IDF, 'for the sake of God and Jesus'
Efter kriget i januari har det varit betydligt lugnare men det tar lång tid för staden att repa sig. Många människor har flyttat bort och den ekonomiska krisen gör inte situationen bättre.
De flesta verkar vara överens om att den lugna situationen bara är tillfälligt,när Hamas anser det vara passande kommer raketerna att börja falla igen.
Business is still dismal, but Sderot residents are 'hanging in there'
En artikel om messianska judar som gör sin värnplikt i IDF kan läsas här:
Serving in the IDF, 'for the sake of God and Jesus'
Palestinska flyktingar
Palestinian Media Watch ger här några exempel på palestinska flyktingar som klart och tydligt säger att de 1948 uppmanades av araberna att lämna sina hem. De tvingades alltså inte av judarna, som det ofta sägs i den palestinska propagandan.
"This picture was taken a week before we left Ein-Kerem [near Jerusalem] in June 1948, in front of our house. The radio stations of the Arab regimes kept repeating to us: 'Get away from the battle lines. It's a matter of ten days or two weeks at the most, and we'll bring you back to Ein-Kerem.' And we said to ourselves, 'That's a very long time. What is this? Two weeks? That's a lot!' That's what we thought [then]. And now 50 years have gone by."
[PATV, July 7, 2009]
Här kan man läsa mera:
Arab responsibility for refugees
"This picture was taken a week before we left Ein-Kerem [near Jerusalem] in June 1948, in front of our house. The radio stations of the Arab regimes kept repeating to us: 'Get away from the battle lines. It's a matter of ten days or two weeks at the most, and we'll bring you back to Ein-Kerem.' And we said to ourselves, 'That's a very long time. What is this? Two weeks? That's a lot!' That's what we thought [then]. And now 50 years have gone by."
[PATV, July 7, 2009]
Här kan man läsa mera:
Arab responsibility for refugees
palestinska flyktingar
torsdag 23 juli 2009
Palestinier förnekar förintelsen
På tal om Förintelsen så säger Abd Al-Rahman Abbad, Secretary General of the [Palestinian] Organization of Clerics and Disseminators of Islam, att det inte i hela Europa fanns 6 miljoner judar.
Här kan man läsa om fler exempel där Förintelsen förringas eller förnekas av representanter för palestinska myndigheter: Holocaust desecration and denial
Här kan man läsa om fler exempel där Förintelsen förringas eller förnekas av representanter för palestinska myndigheter: Holocaust desecration and denial
palestinier förintelsen
Arabisk tidning om Gazakriget
Tidningen Al-Watan i Kuwait publicerade följande text som en reaktion på anklagelserna från oransiationen "Breaking the Silence" att den israeliska armén uppförde sig illa i Gaza.
A Word of Truth
By Abdallah al–Hadlaq
“Allah testifies that they are lying”
A non-governmental Israeli organization claims that the IDF that attacked Gaza and the ostracized Hamas used local civilians as human shields and opened fire indiscriminately. The report by “Breaking the Silence” says the IDF destroyed buildings, mosques and private homes, and includes testimonies by 30 soldiers who participated in the attack on Gaza (2008/12/27–18/1/2009), but without revealing their names or unit affiliation.
However these allegations are to be rejected because the IDF has proved that its troops follow international law and obey orders despite the stress of battle. These testimonies lack sourcing or corroboration, thus preventing any conclusions from being drawn... Furthermore, it was the ostracized Hamas that caused much grief when it fired dozens of Qassam missiles at innocent civilians in the southern towns and villages of Israel. The IDF had no choice but to fight back causing the deaths of 1400 Palestinians, half of them civilians used as human shields by Hamas, in addition to the 5,000 wounded. Israel lost just 10 soldiers and 3 civilians.
The IDF defended innocent Israeli civilians against Hamas attacks and did all it could to prevent harming any civilians, targeting just the Hamas men, to disarm them by aerial bombing, shelling, and the use of heavy tractors, while maintaining the humane principles of the IDF that seeks to win with minimal human cost to either side.
The report by “Breaking the Silence” was unfair, unbalanced, and lacking in proof, so one wonders where it was when Hamas used schools and homes for weapons storage or for missile launchers. Israeli pilots reported many secondary explosions after they hit Hamas targets. Where was that organization when Hamas smuggled tons of illicit weapons through a network of tunnels from Egypt?
A Word of Truth
By Abdallah al–Hadlaq
“Allah testifies that they are lying”
A non-governmental Israeli organization claims that the IDF that attacked Gaza and the ostracized Hamas used local civilians as human shields and opened fire indiscriminately. The report by “Breaking the Silence” says the IDF destroyed buildings, mosques and private homes, and includes testimonies by 30 soldiers who participated in the attack on Gaza (2008/12/27–18/1/2009), but without revealing their names or unit affiliation.
However these allegations are to be rejected because the IDF has proved that its troops follow international law and obey orders despite the stress of battle. These testimonies lack sourcing or corroboration, thus preventing any conclusions from being drawn... Furthermore, it was the ostracized Hamas that caused much grief when it fired dozens of Qassam missiles at innocent civilians in the southern towns and villages of Israel. The IDF had no choice but to fight back causing the deaths of 1400 Palestinians, half of them civilians used as human shields by Hamas, in addition to the 5,000 wounded. Israel lost just 10 soldiers and 3 civilians.
The IDF defended innocent Israeli civilians against Hamas attacks and did all it could to prevent harming any civilians, targeting just the Hamas men, to disarm them by aerial bombing, shelling, and the use of heavy tractors, while maintaining the humane principles of the IDF that seeks to win with minimal human cost to either side.
The report by “Breaking the Silence” was unfair, unbalanced, and lacking in proof, so one wonders where it was when Hamas used schools and homes for weapons storage or for missile launchers. Israeli pilots reported many secondary explosions after they hit Hamas targets. Where was that organization when Hamas smuggled tons of illicit weapons through a network of tunnels from Egypt?
Gaza Hamas Kuwait
Fatah erkänner inte Israels rätt att existera
Fatah erkänner inte Israels rätt att existera och vi har aldrig krävt att andra (Hamas) skall göra det, säger Rafik Natsheh, medarbetare till Abbas.
Den väpnade kampen mot Israel kommer aldrig att upphöra, fortsätter han.
Detta är alltså en röst från Abbas "moderata" Fatahparti som talar.
Fatah har makten i de Palestinska myndigheterna på västbanken. De understöds ekonomiskt och politiskt av västvärlden och USA tränar deras säkerhetsstyrkor.
'Fatah has never recognized Israel' (Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post)
Fatah has never recognized Israel's right to exist and it has no intention of ever doing so, a veteran senior leader of the Western-backed faction said on Wednesday.
Rafik Natsheh, member of the Fatah Central Committee who also serves as chairman of the faction's disciplinary "court," is the second senior official in recent months to make similar statements regarding Israel.
"Fatah does not recognize Israel's right to exist," Natsheh said, "nor have we ever asked others to do so." His comments, which appeared in an interview with Al-Quds Al-Arabi, came in response to reports according to which Fatah had asked Hamas to recognize Israel as a precondition for the establishment of a Palestinian unity government.
"All these reports about recognizing Israel are false," Natsheh, who is closely associated with PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said. "It's all media nonsense. We don't ask other factions to recognize Israel because we in Fatah have never recognized Israel."
Asked about calls for dropping the reference to armed struggle from Fatah's charter, Natsheh said: "Let all the collaborators [with Israel] and those who are deluding themselves hear that this will never happen. We'll meet at the conference [in Bethlehem]."
Natsheh stressed that neither Fatah nor the Palestinians would ever relinquish the armed struggle against Israel "no matter how long the occupation continues." He said that Fatah, at the upcoming conference, would reiterate its adherence to the option of pursuing "all forms" of an armed struggle against Israel. "
Den väpnade kampen mot Israel kommer aldrig att upphöra, fortsätter han.
Detta är alltså en röst från Abbas "moderata" Fatahparti som talar.
Fatah har makten i de Palestinska myndigheterna på västbanken. De understöds ekonomiskt och politiskt av västvärlden och USA tränar deras säkerhetsstyrkor.
'Fatah has never recognized Israel' (Khaled Abu Toameh, Jerusalem Post)
Fatah has never recognized Israel's right to exist and it has no intention of ever doing so, a veteran senior leader of the Western-backed faction said on Wednesday.
Rafik Natsheh, member of the Fatah Central Committee who also serves as chairman of the faction's disciplinary "court," is the second senior official in recent months to make similar statements regarding Israel.
"Fatah does not recognize Israel's right to exist," Natsheh said, "nor have we ever asked others to do so." His comments, which appeared in an interview with Al-Quds Al-Arabi, came in response to reports according to which Fatah had asked Hamas to recognize Israel as a precondition for the establishment of a Palestinian unity government.
"All these reports about recognizing Israel are false," Natsheh, who is closely associated with PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said. "It's all media nonsense. We don't ask other factions to recognize Israel because we in Fatah have never recognized Israel."
Asked about calls for dropping the reference to armed struggle from Fatah's charter, Natsheh said: "Let all the collaborators [with Israel] and those who are deluding themselves hear that this will never happen. We'll meet at the conference [in Bethlehem]."
Natsheh stressed that neither Fatah nor the Palestinians would ever relinquish the armed struggle against Israel "no matter how long the occupation continues." He said that Fatah, at the upcoming conference, would reiterate its adherence to the option of pursuing "all forms" of an armed struggle against Israel. "
Fatah Israel
onsdag 22 juli 2009
Israels utredning
Israel har gjort en utredning om varför ett hus som också användes som klinik anfölls under Gazakriget. I utredningen säger Israel att man misstänkte att Hamas använde huset som vapenförråd och att om man vetat att där också fanns en klinik skulle man inte ha förstört huset.
(alltså trots Hamas närvaro i huset)
Kyrkans utlandshjälp som var med och finansierade kliniken är missnöjd med Israels svar och vill att utrikesministeriet skall sända någon till Gaza. UM Stubb säger något irriterat att UM själv bestämmer vart man reser och hur saken skall analyseras.
Kyrkans utlandshjälp kan tydligen inte acceptera att utredningen inte kom fram till att Israel gick in i Gaza för att föstöra just den sjukvårdsklinik som KU finansierade utan att det var fråga om brist på information om husets användning.
HBL skriverv att i januari bedömde Kyrkans utlandshjälp att den israeliska armén systematiskt slog till mot sjukhus under kriget i Gaza, så det förklarar missnöjet.
Det behöver kanske inte påpekas att Kyrkans utlandshjälps bedömning inte har något med fakta att göra.
Man kan fråga sig varför skulle Israel vara så dum och omoralisk att de systematiskt skulle slå till mot sjukhus och varför kommer Kyrkans utlandshjälp med så dåraktiga påståenden?
Israels förklaring räcker inte
Stubb: Israelin ohjusiskuselvitykseen vastataan lähipäivinä
(alltså trots Hamas närvaro i huset)
Kyrkans utlandshjälp som var med och finansierade kliniken är missnöjd med Israels svar och vill att utrikesministeriet skall sända någon till Gaza. UM Stubb säger något irriterat att UM själv bestämmer vart man reser och hur saken skall analyseras.
Kyrkans utlandshjälp kan tydligen inte acceptera att utredningen inte kom fram till att Israel gick in i Gaza för att föstöra just den sjukvårdsklinik som KU finansierade utan att det var fråga om brist på information om husets användning.
HBL skriverv att i januari bedömde Kyrkans utlandshjälp att den israeliska armén systematiskt slog till mot sjukhus under kriget i Gaza, så det förklarar missnöjet.
Det behöver kanske inte påpekas att Kyrkans utlandshjälps bedömning inte har något med fakta att göra.
Man kan fråga sig varför skulle Israel vara så dum och omoralisk att de systematiskt skulle slå till mot sjukhus och varför kommer Kyrkans utlandshjälp med så dåraktiga påståenden?
Israels förklaring räcker inte
Stubb: Israelin ohjusiskuselvitykseen vastataan lähipäivinä
måndag 20 juli 2009
Olagligt uppmana till bojkott av Israel
The Council of Europe's European Court of Human Rights har bestämt att det är olagligt att uppmana till bojkott av israeliska produkter.
European court: Israel boycotts are unlawful discrimination
On Thursday, the Council of Europe's European Court of Human Rights upheld a French ruling that it was illegal and discriminatory to boycott Israeli goods, and that making it illegal to call for a boycott of Israeli goods did not constitute a violation of one's freedom of expression.
The Council of Europe is based in Strasbourg, has some 47 member states and is independent of the European Union. The court is made up of one judge from each member state, and the rulings of the court carry moral weight throughout Europe.
En eldstrid utbröt senaste natt mellan israeliska soldater och palestinier i Gaza.
IDF, Gaza Palestinians exchange fire
Markbränder på västbanken
En serie markbränder på västbanken misstänks vara anlagda av extrema judiska högeraktivister efter att armén rivit ner ett par olagliga små bosättningar/utposter.
'W. Bank fires may be settler payback'
European court: Israel boycotts are unlawful discrimination
On Thursday, the Council of Europe's European Court of Human Rights upheld a French ruling that it was illegal and discriminatory to boycott Israeli goods, and that making it illegal to call for a boycott of Israeli goods did not constitute a violation of one's freedom of expression.
The Council of Europe is based in Strasbourg, has some 47 member states and is independent of the European Union. The court is made up of one judge from each member state, and the rulings of the court carry moral weight throughout Europe.
En eldstrid utbröt senaste natt mellan israeliska soldater och palestinier i Gaza.
IDF, Gaza Palestinians exchange fire
Markbränder på västbanken
En serie markbränder på västbanken misstänks vara anlagda av extrema judiska högeraktivister efter att armén rivit ner ett par olagliga små bosättningar/utposter.
'W. Bank fires may be settler payback'
USA: judar får inte bygga i Jerusalem
President Obama och hans regering verkar göra vad de kan för att skapa en kris med Israel.
Nu vill USA att Israel inte bara avstår från att bygga i bosättningarna i Judéen och Samarien utan också i Jerusalem.
Israel betraktar hela Jerusalem som sin huvudstad och premiärminister Netanyahu har låtit förstå att Isarel inte ens kommer att överväga ett stopp på byggandet i Jerusalem.
"Araber har rätt att bygga och bo i västra Jerusalem varför skulle inte judar ha rätt att bygga i den östra delen" säger han.
'Limits on settlement freeze being set'
'No difference to U.S. between outpost, East Jerusalem construction'
Nu vill USA att Israel inte bara avstår från att bygga i bosättningarna i Judéen och Samarien utan också i Jerusalem.
Israel betraktar hela Jerusalem som sin huvudstad och premiärminister Netanyahu har låtit förstå att Isarel inte ens kommer att överväga ett stopp på byggandet i Jerusalem.
"Araber har rätt att bygga och bo i västra Jerusalem varför skulle inte judar ha rätt att bygga i den östra delen" säger han.
'Limits on settlement freeze being set'
'No difference to U.S. between outpost, East Jerusalem construction'
bosättningar Jerusalem
Abbas tvingades inte fly
Mahmoud Abbas brukar beteckna sig som en palestinsk flykting som tvingats fly från staden Safed. Men senaste vecka berättade Abbas i en TV-intervju om hans och föräldrarnas "flykt" från Safed. Det verkar som om han då skulle ha pratat sabbare än han tänkt.
Familjen var välbärgad och de gav sig iväg av fruktan för att judarna skulle hämnas en tidigare arabisk massaker på judarna i staden,sade han
Det var alltså inte judarna som drev iväg araberna från Safed utan fruktan för att judarna när de blev starkare skulle handla på samma sätt mot araberna som araberna handlat mot judarna.
Läs mera: Another Tack: Self-exiled by guilt (Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post)
"Scant attention was paid last week to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's revelations on Al-Palestinia TV. Abbas talked about his youth in Safed, from whence he routinely claims his family was forcibly driven out by Israeli troops in 1948.
"Until the nakba" (calamity in Arabic - the loaded synonym for Israeli independence), he recounted, his family "was well-off in Safed." When Abbas was 13, "we left on foot at night to the Jordan River... Eventually we settled in Damascus... My father had money, and he spent his money methodically. After a year, when the money ran out, we began to work.
"People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising. This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."
The "uprising" Abbas alluded to was one among the serial pogroms instigated by infamous Jerusalem mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who's still revered throughout the Arab world. He was a Berlin-resident avid Nazi collaborator during World War II and a wanted war criminal postwar.
In August 1929 Husseini rallied Arabs to slaughter Jews on trumped-up allegations of Jewish takeover attempts at the Temple Mount. Sixty-seven members of the ancient Jewish community of Hebron were hideously hacked to death. That was the most notorious massacre, but others were perpetrated throughout the country. In the equally ancient Jewish community of Safed, 21 were butchered no less gruesomely (a cat was stuffed into one old woman's disemboweled abdomen). A child and young woman, due to be married the next day, were cold-bloodedly shot dead by Arab constables whom British mandatory officers assigned to watch over the majority of Safed's Jews who sought safety in the police courtyard.
Familjen var välbärgad och de gav sig iväg av fruktan för att judarna skulle hämnas en tidigare arabisk massaker på judarna i staden,sade han
Det var alltså inte judarna som drev iväg araberna från Safed utan fruktan för att judarna när de blev starkare skulle handla på samma sätt mot araberna som araberna handlat mot judarna.
Läs mera: Another Tack: Self-exiled by guilt (Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post)
"Scant attention was paid last week to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's revelations on Al-Palestinia TV. Abbas talked about his youth in Safed, from whence he routinely claims his family was forcibly driven out by Israeli troops in 1948.
"Until the nakba" (calamity in Arabic - the loaded synonym for Israeli independence), he recounted, his family "was well-off in Safed." When Abbas was 13, "we left on foot at night to the Jordan River... Eventually we settled in Damascus... My father had money, and he spent his money methodically. After a year, when the money ran out, we began to work.
"People were motivated to run away... They feared retribution from Zionist terrorist organizations - particularly from the Safed ones. Those of us from Safed especially feared that the Jews harbored old desires to avenge what happened during the 1929 uprising. This was in the memory of our families and parents... They realized the balance of forces was shifting and therefore the whole town was abandoned on the basis of this rationale - saving our lives and our belongings."
The "uprising" Abbas alluded to was one among the serial pogroms instigated by infamous Jerusalem mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who's still revered throughout the Arab world. He was a Berlin-resident avid Nazi collaborator during World War II and a wanted war criminal postwar.
In August 1929 Husseini rallied Arabs to slaughter Jews on trumped-up allegations of Jewish takeover attempts at the Temple Mount. Sixty-seven members of the ancient Jewish community of Hebron were hideously hacked to death. That was the most notorious massacre, but others were perpetrated throughout the country. In the equally ancient Jewish community of Safed, 21 were butchered no less gruesomely (a cat was stuffed into one old woman's disemboweled abdomen). A child and young woman, due to be married the next day, were cold-bloodedly shot dead by Arab constables whom British mandatory officers assigned to watch over the majority of Safed's Jews who sought safety in the police courtyard.
Abbas palestinska flyktingar
fredag 17 juli 2009
FN granskar Gazakriget
Israeliska medborgare har vittnat inför FN:s undersökningsgrupp om hur det är att leva i en stad som ständigt utsätts för raketangrepp.
Bearing witness to the UN in Geneva (Noam Bedein, Sderot Media Center)
"After screening two short videos in front of the panel, which depicted the 15 seconds that Sderot residents and their children have to run for their lives when the rocket alarm is activated, I concluded my presentation with the following thoughts and questions.
"I do not have enough fingers to count on my hands the amount of times rockets exploded just a few meters from a kindergarten. Would any other Western democracy tolerate even one rocket being fired toward its territory? Why is it that we must wait until a kindergarten or classroom packed with children is struck directly by a rocket in order for Israel to gain international support, to protect and do what is right for our own people?"
US President Barack Obama put it best when he visited a devastated home in Sderot during the 2008 campaign: "If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that, and would expect Israel to do the same thing."
En intervju med Richard Goldstone som leder FN:s undersökningsgrupp kan läsas här:
Goldstone: Israel should cooperate (Haviv Rettig Gur, Jerusalem Post)
"The mission was tasked by the HRC resolution which created it with "investigat[ing] all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the occupying power, Israel, against the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, due to the current aggression [Cast Lead]."
Israel has refused to cooperate with the mission, saying it is "congenitally biased," because the founding resolution does not mention Hamas and puts the blame on Israel even while charging the mission with investigating those crimes. "
Av det korta utdraget ur resolutionstexten ovan kan man konstatera att resolutionstexten är anti-israelisk eftersom den talar om Gaza som ockuperat trots Israel drog sig tillbaka från Gaza för flera år sedan.
Bearing witness to the UN in Geneva (Noam Bedein, Sderot Media Center)
"After screening two short videos in front of the panel, which depicted the 15 seconds that Sderot residents and their children have to run for their lives when the rocket alarm is activated, I concluded my presentation with the following thoughts and questions.
"I do not have enough fingers to count on my hands the amount of times rockets exploded just a few meters from a kindergarten. Would any other Western democracy tolerate even one rocket being fired toward its territory? Why is it that we must wait until a kindergarten or classroom packed with children is struck directly by a rocket in order for Israel to gain international support, to protect and do what is right for our own people?"
US President Barack Obama put it best when he visited a devastated home in Sderot during the 2008 campaign: "If somebody was sending rockets into my house where my two daughters sleep at night, I'm going to do everything in my power to stop that, and would expect Israel to do the same thing."
En intervju med Richard Goldstone som leder FN:s undersökningsgrupp kan läsas här:
Goldstone: Israel should cooperate (Haviv Rettig Gur, Jerusalem Post)
"The mission was tasked by the HRC resolution which created it with "investigat[ing] all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the occupying power, Israel, against the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, due to the current aggression [Cast Lead]."
Israel has refused to cooperate with the mission, saying it is "congenitally biased," because the founding resolution does not mention Hamas and puts the blame on Israel even while charging the mission with investigating those crimes. "
Av det korta utdraget ur resolutionstexten ovan kan man konstatera att resolutionstexten är anti-israelisk eftersom den talar om Gaza som ockuperat trots Israel drog sig tillbaka från Gaza för flera år sedan.
Israel FN Gaza
torsdag 16 juli 2009
Breaking the Silence
Rapporten från Breaking the Silence verkar publiceras i alla tidningar. Detta trots att det är fråga om en rapport som baserar sig på anonyma vittnen och uppgifterna inte kan kontrolleras på något sätt.
Österbottens Tidning hade idag rubriken
"Skjut först,fråga sedan, var Israels order i Gaza"
Den israeliska militären sköt människor på måfå...
HBL:s rubrik:
"Om du ser minsta lilla rörelse – skjut"
"Israeliska frontsoldater berättar i en rapport publicerad i dag för första gången om sina erfarenheter under vinterns krig i Gaza. De ger ingen vacker bild: omfattande förstörelse, vit fosfor, civila som mänskliga sköldar och en atmosfär där allt var tillåtet..."
Här finns länkar till olika kommentarer:
Reaction to "Breaking the Silence" human rights report (Israeliska UM)
"The IDF Spokesperson Unit regrets the fact that yet another human rights organization is presenting to Israel and the world a report based on anonymous and general testimonies, without investigating their details or credibility. Furthermore, this organization denied the IDF the minimal decency of presenting the report to the IDF and allowing it to investigate the testimonies prior to the report's publication. This was done while defaming and slandering the IDF and its commanders.
In order to ensure that the claims made in these testimonies are dealt with in an appropriate manner, the organization "Breaking the Silence" should urge those who made these claims to really 'break their silence,' and to present specific complaints to the IDF, and not hide behind general and anonymous statements..."
Europeans funding 'Breaking the Silence'
"A day after releasing a damning report on Operation Cast Lead, and amid accusations that it is operating without transparency, the group Breaking the Silence on Thursday presented The Jerusalem Post with its donor list for the year 2008, which included several European governments.
On Wednesday, Breaking the Silence released a report including testimonies from 26 unnamed soldiers..."
Breaking the silence on Breaking The Silence
"Breaking The Silence, a small group of former Israeli soldiers on Wednesday embarked on an international campaign to show the world what it says are testimonies from soldiers pointing to immoral Israeli actions committed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza earlier this year..."
Breaking the Silence: More Rumor & Hearsay (Honest Reporting)
"The media rushes to promote another report based on unverifiable allegations from Gaza.
Will the media never learn?
In March 2009, Ha'aretz published a story alleging "war crimes" and serious ethical failures on the part of the IDF in Gaza. Predictably, many international media outlets repeated the allegations without bothering to do any rudimentary checks..."
En liknande rapport publicerades i Haaretz i mars men undersökningar visade att den baserade sig på rykten och hörsägen.
HBL:s påstående att det skulle vara första gången som soldater berättar som sina erfarenheter stämmer alltså inte.
Här finns en sida där soldater berättar om sina erfarenheter:
Soldiers Speak Out
Österbottens Tidning hade idag rubriken
"Skjut först,fråga sedan, var Israels order i Gaza"
Den israeliska militären sköt människor på måfå...
HBL:s rubrik:
"Om du ser minsta lilla rörelse – skjut"
"Israeliska frontsoldater berättar i en rapport publicerad i dag för första gången om sina erfarenheter under vinterns krig i Gaza. De ger ingen vacker bild: omfattande förstörelse, vit fosfor, civila som mänskliga sköldar och en atmosfär där allt var tillåtet..."
Här finns länkar till olika kommentarer:
Reaction to "Breaking the Silence" human rights report (Israeliska UM)
"The IDF Spokesperson Unit regrets the fact that yet another human rights organization is presenting to Israel and the world a report based on anonymous and general testimonies, without investigating their details or credibility. Furthermore, this organization denied the IDF the minimal decency of presenting the report to the IDF and allowing it to investigate the testimonies prior to the report's publication. This was done while defaming and slandering the IDF and its commanders.
In order to ensure that the claims made in these testimonies are dealt with in an appropriate manner, the organization "Breaking the Silence" should urge those who made these claims to really 'break their silence,' and to present specific complaints to the IDF, and not hide behind general and anonymous statements..."
Europeans funding 'Breaking the Silence'
"A day after releasing a damning report on Operation Cast Lead, and amid accusations that it is operating without transparency, the group Breaking the Silence on Thursday presented The Jerusalem Post with its donor list for the year 2008, which included several European governments.
On Wednesday, Breaking the Silence released a report including testimonies from 26 unnamed soldiers..."
Breaking the silence on Breaking The Silence
"Breaking The Silence, a small group of former Israeli soldiers on Wednesday embarked on an international campaign to show the world what it says are testimonies from soldiers pointing to immoral Israeli actions committed during Operation Cast Lead in Gaza earlier this year..."
Breaking the Silence: More Rumor & Hearsay (Honest Reporting)
"The media rushes to promote another report based on unverifiable allegations from Gaza.
Will the media never learn?
In March 2009, Ha'aretz published a story alleging "war crimes" and serious ethical failures on the part of the IDF in Gaza. Predictably, many international media outlets repeated the allegations without bothering to do any rudimentary checks..."
En liknande rapport publicerades i Haaretz i mars men undersökningar visade att den baserade sig på rykten och hörsägen.
HBL:s påstående att det skulle vara första gången som soldater berättar som sina erfarenheter stämmer alltså inte.
Här finns en sida där soldater berättar om sina erfarenheter:
Soldiers Speak Out
Breaking the Silence
onsdag 15 juli 2009
Saeb Ereqat om fredsförhandlingarna med Israel
Här följer en intervju som publicerats i en jordansk tidning som kan vara värt att läsa om man vill få en uppfattning om den palestinska inställningen till fredsförhandlingar med Israel.
MEMRI har översatt artikeln.
Saeb Ereqat: Over the Years, Israel Has Gradually Withdrawn from Its Positions; Therefore, We Have No Reason to Hurry
In a June 25, 2009 interview with the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, Palestinian Authority negotiations department head Saeb Ereqat said that the previous Israeli government, under Ehud Olmert, had offered PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas territory equal in size to 100% of the land occupied in 1967, by means of a land swap. Ereqat explained, however, that the PA would not agree to a land swap before Israel recognized the Palestinians' right to sovereignty over all the territory occupied in 1967. He added that there had been a steady erosion in Israel's position over the years, to the point that it had recently offered the Palestinians 100% of the territory; therefore, the Palestinians had no reason to rush into accepting the Israeli proposals. He stressed that the Right of Return and monetary compensation for the refugees were not mutually exclusive, and that the Palestinians would insist on receiving both.
Addressing the issue of Hamas, he said that nobody was asking it to recognize Israel, but that any government in which Hamas was a partner would have to recognize Israel and the commitments undertaken by the PLO.
Ereqat stated further that the Palestinians were acting in full coordination with Jordan and keeping it informed of all Israeli proposals and of their replies to these proposals. Regarding Iran, he said that it did not pose a threat, as was frequently claimed.
Following are excerpts from the interview:
Intervjun kan läsas här: Saeb Ereqat: Over the Years, Israel Has Gradually Withdrawn from Its Positions; Therefore, We Have No Reason to Hurry
MEMRI har översatt artikeln.
Saeb Ereqat: Over the Years, Israel Has Gradually Withdrawn from Its Positions; Therefore, We Have No Reason to Hurry
In a June 25, 2009 interview with the Jordanian daily Al-Dustour, Palestinian Authority negotiations department head Saeb Ereqat said that the previous Israeli government, under Ehud Olmert, had offered PA President Mahmoud 'Abbas territory equal in size to 100% of the land occupied in 1967, by means of a land swap. Ereqat explained, however, that the PA would not agree to a land swap before Israel recognized the Palestinians' right to sovereignty over all the territory occupied in 1967. He added that there had been a steady erosion in Israel's position over the years, to the point that it had recently offered the Palestinians 100% of the territory; therefore, the Palestinians had no reason to rush into accepting the Israeli proposals. He stressed that the Right of Return and monetary compensation for the refugees were not mutually exclusive, and that the Palestinians would insist on receiving both.
Addressing the issue of Hamas, he said that nobody was asking it to recognize Israel, but that any government in which Hamas was a partner would have to recognize Israel and the commitments undertaken by the PLO.
Ereqat stated further that the Palestinians were acting in full coordination with Jordan and keeping it informed of all Israeli proposals and of their replies to these proposals. Regarding Iran, he said that it did not pose a threat, as was frequently claimed.
Following are excerpts from the interview:
Intervjun kan läsas här: Saeb Ereqat: Over the Years, Israel Has Gradually Withdrawn from Its Positions; Therefore, We Have No Reason to Hurry
Israel palestinierna fredsförhandlingar
Ännu en rapport om Gazakriget
Israels fösvarsminister Barak kritiserat skarpt en rapport av organisationen "Breaking the Silence" om Gazakriget. Rapporten som anklagar de israeliska soldaterna för dåligt uppförande har även tagits upp i de finländska nyhetssändningarna.
Svagheten med rapporten är att den åtminstone delvis baserar sig på vittnesmål från anonyma soldater, vilket gör att det är omöjligt att kontrollera uppgifterna. Det verkar också som om det igen skulle vara fråga om saker man hört att hänt, inte saker man själv varit med om som rapporteras.
Barak slams criticism of IDF conduct
"The report contains a number of testimonies from anonymous soldiers about different operations in the Gaza Strip. In one testimony, a soldier from the Golani Brigade's elite Egoz Unit claimed that the IDF had used a Palestinian as a human shield during a raid on a Gaza Strip home. The soldier told the organization that troops had sent the Palestinian into a home where the IDF believed terrorists were hiding.
But according to Avi Peled, the Golani Brigade commander colonel, such an event never happened, and the soldier who offered the testimony was not even in combat at that time. "
Svagheten med rapporten är att den åtminstone delvis baserar sig på vittnesmål från anonyma soldater, vilket gör att det är omöjligt att kontrollera uppgifterna. Det verkar också som om det igen skulle vara fråga om saker man hört att hänt, inte saker man själv varit med om som rapporteras.
Barak slams criticism of IDF conduct
"The report contains a number of testimonies from anonymous soldiers about different operations in the Gaza Strip. In one testimony, a soldier from the Golani Brigade's elite Egoz Unit claimed that the IDF had used a Palestinian as a human shield during a raid on a Gaza Strip home. The soldier told the organization that troops had sent the Palestinian into a home where the IDF believed terrorists were hiding.
But according to Avi Peled, the Golani Brigade commander colonel, such an event never happened, and the soldier who offered the testimony was not even in combat at that time. "
Israel Gazakriget
måndag 13 juli 2009
Judiska flyktingar från arabländerna
De judiska flyktingarna från arabländerna är ett fenomen som sällan uppmärksammas. En artikel i Jerusalem Post tar upp ämnet.
What about the Jewish refugees from Arab lands?
"There is a troubling silence here and in the global Jewish community, in the context of Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, about the fate of those Middle Eastern Jews who were persecuted, stripped of their citizenship and expelled from their homes and in the 1940s, '50s and '60s."
En annan artikel med samma ämne:
Jews who fled Arab lands now press their cause
Refugees' advocates link issue to Palestinians' claims on Israel
"Waldman, who now lives in San Rafael, is a Mizrahi Jew, one of nearly 856, 000 Jews who fled Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen in an exodus that began after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and ended about 1970. Today, only an estimated 5,000 Jews remain in Arab lands, most of them in Morocco. "
De Saudi-Arabiska religionspolisen anklagas för att ha förorsakat hedersmord. Två systrar mördades av sina bröder efter att religionspolisen arresterat dem.
Saudi religious police blamed for 'honor killings'
"The Society for Defending Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia said the religious police arrested the two sisters, aged 19 and 21, thus putting their lives in danger.
Their brother shot them to death in front of their father when they left a women's shelter in Riyadh on July 5, according to Saudi news reports. "
What about the Jewish refugees from Arab lands?
"There is a troubling silence here and in the global Jewish community, in the context of Arab-Israeli peace negotiations, about the fate of those Middle Eastern Jews who were persecuted, stripped of their citizenship and expelled from their homes and in the 1940s, '50s and '60s."
En annan artikel med samma ämne:
Jews who fled Arab lands now press their cause
Refugees' advocates link issue to Palestinians' claims on Israel
"Waldman, who now lives in San Rafael, is a Mizrahi Jew, one of nearly 856, 000 Jews who fled Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen in an exodus that began after the establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 and ended about 1970. Today, only an estimated 5,000 Jews remain in Arab lands, most of them in Morocco. "
De Saudi-Arabiska religionspolisen anklagas för att ha förorsakat hedersmord. Två systrar mördades av sina bröder efter att religionspolisen arresterat dem.
Saudi religious police blamed for 'honor killings'
"The Society for Defending Women's Rights in Saudi Arabia said the religious police arrested the two sisters, aged 19 and 21, thus putting their lives in danger.
Their brother shot them to death in front of their father when they left a women's shelter in Riyadh on July 5, according to Saudi news reports. "
judiska flyktingar
söndag 12 juli 2009
En egen stat?
Vill palestinierna egentligen ha en egen stat vid sidan av Israel underar Sever Plocker i en artikel i Ynet news. Han refererar till Hussein och Robert Malley samt Benny Morris.
They don’t want a state
"Do the Palestinians want a state? This question sounds like a provocative one. Isn’t it patently clear that the Palestinian national movement aspires to realize its goals by establishing a Palestinian state? Isn’t it patently clear that the ethos of political sovereignty has guided the dreams and struggles of the Palestinian people for ages?
Well, no. It’s not patently clear.
The article written by Agha and Malley, associated with the Left, and Morris’ book, on the Right, convey deep pessimism.
The Palestinians will not agree to either divide or share the country. They continue to cling to the revolutionary dream of “national liberation,” and until this unrealistic liberation materializes, they prefer to exist as a national rather than political entity; one that has no obligations and is always seen as a victim, in its own eyes and in the eyes of the world.
We, who live here within a troublesome reality absent of solutions, can only hope that the learned experts are wrong."
Abbas i intervju för egyptisk tidning
"Vi kommer inte att ge upp kravet på att flyktingaran skall ha rätt att återvända"
Det verkar som om forskarna som det hävisas till i artikel ovan skulle ha rätt, viljan att skapa en palestinsk/arabisk stat vid sidan av det judiska Israel finns inte.
Abbas insists on refugee right of return
Premiärminister Netanyahu vill träffa Abbas
Låt oss sluta fred, både diplomatisk och ekonomisk fred säger han.
Netanyahu calls on Abbas to meet with him in Beersheba
Fred i Mellanöstern skriver om hur operationen Free Gaza, som med båtar försöker ta sig till Gaza, inte har något att göra med humanitär hjälpverksamhet utan det är enbart fråga om ett proraganda trick för att svartmåla Israel.
Bluffen Free Gaza – hur lättlurade journalister utnyttjas
"Allt var bluff, men för det visade medierna inget som helst intresse. Endast tidningen Kristdemokraten skrev om det. Den humanitära hjälpen bestod av ca 150 flaskor mineralvatten och några dussin kilo mat och mediciner. I stället för humanitär hjälp var båten fylld med 22 demonstranter..."
Ett exempel på det märkliga förhållandet mellan Israel och palestinierna är den senaste vapenleveransen till palestinierna som Israel gett grönt ljus för.
De palestinska säkerhetsstyrkorna får 1000 AK-47 gevär. Styrkorna tränas av amerikanerna och tanken är naturligtvis att de skall hjälpa till att upprätthålla ordningen.
Men det är inte säkert att palestinierna ser det på samma sätt.
En före detta minister i de palestinska myndigheterna, Ashraf al-Ajrami, sade följande i de palestinska myndigheternas TV den 29 juni där han försvarade säkerhetstyrkorna som av Hamas nedvärderande kallas för Dayton Forces ( efter namnet på den amerikanska general som har ansvaret för deras träning):
"Nu talar Hamas nedvärderande om säkerhetstyrkorna och kallar dem Dayton Forces. Dehär styrkorna betalade ett högt pris i den andra intifadan både som Shahids (martyrer) och som fångar. De flesta fångarna är från säkerhetsstyrkorna. Det är de som bar vapen och som utförde de största och viktigaste operationerna (terrorattacker) mot den israeliska ockupationen - och speciellt mot soldater, och några av de mest berömda operationer (terorattacker) på Västbanken - Ein-Arik, Wadi Al-Haramiyeh, Sorda och andra.
Dessa utfördes av hjältarna från de palestinska säkerhetsstyrkorna som skyddade hemlandet och de nationella intressena medan Hamas bara såg på i flera månader innan de kom med.
(källa:Palestinian Media Watch)
They don’t want a state
"Do the Palestinians want a state? This question sounds like a provocative one. Isn’t it patently clear that the Palestinian national movement aspires to realize its goals by establishing a Palestinian state? Isn’t it patently clear that the ethos of political sovereignty has guided the dreams and struggles of the Palestinian people for ages?
Well, no. It’s not patently clear.
The article written by Agha and Malley, associated with the Left, and Morris’ book, on the Right, convey deep pessimism.
The Palestinians will not agree to either divide or share the country. They continue to cling to the revolutionary dream of “national liberation,” and until this unrealistic liberation materializes, they prefer to exist as a national rather than political entity; one that has no obligations and is always seen as a victim, in its own eyes and in the eyes of the world.
We, who live here within a troublesome reality absent of solutions, can only hope that the learned experts are wrong."
Abbas i intervju för egyptisk tidning
"Vi kommer inte att ge upp kravet på att flyktingaran skall ha rätt att återvända"
Det verkar som om forskarna som det hävisas till i artikel ovan skulle ha rätt, viljan att skapa en palestinsk/arabisk stat vid sidan av det judiska Israel finns inte.
Abbas insists on refugee right of return
Premiärminister Netanyahu vill träffa Abbas
Låt oss sluta fred, både diplomatisk och ekonomisk fred säger han.
Netanyahu calls on Abbas to meet with him in Beersheba
Fred i Mellanöstern skriver om hur operationen Free Gaza, som med båtar försöker ta sig till Gaza, inte har något att göra med humanitär hjälpverksamhet utan det är enbart fråga om ett proraganda trick för att svartmåla Israel.
Bluffen Free Gaza – hur lättlurade journalister utnyttjas
"Allt var bluff, men för det visade medierna inget som helst intresse. Endast tidningen Kristdemokraten skrev om det. Den humanitära hjälpen bestod av ca 150 flaskor mineralvatten och några dussin kilo mat och mediciner. I stället för humanitär hjälp var båten fylld med 22 demonstranter..."
Ett exempel på det märkliga förhållandet mellan Israel och palestinierna är den senaste vapenleveransen till palestinierna som Israel gett grönt ljus för.
De palestinska säkerhetsstyrkorna får 1000 AK-47 gevär. Styrkorna tränas av amerikanerna och tanken är naturligtvis att de skall hjälpa till att upprätthålla ordningen.
Men det är inte säkert att palestinierna ser det på samma sätt.
En före detta minister i de palestinska myndigheterna, Ashraf al-Ajrami, sade följande i de palestinska myndigheternas TV den 29 juni där han försvarade säkerhetstyrkorna som av Hamas nedvärderande kallas för Dayton Forces ( efter namnet på den amerikanska general som har ansvaret för deras träning):
"Nu talar Hamas nedvärderande om säkerhetstyrkorna och kallar dem Dayton Forces. Dehär styrkorna betalade ett högt pris i den andra intifadan både som Shahids (martyrer) och som fångar. De flesta fångarna är från säkerhetsstyrkorna. Det är de som bar vapen och som utförde de största och viktigaste operationerna (terrorattacker) mot den israeliska ockupationen - och speciellt mot soldater, och några av de mest berömda operationer (terorattacker) på Västbanken - Ein-Arik, Wadi Al-Haramiyeh, Sorda och andra.
Dessa utfördes av hjältarna från de palestinska säkerhetsstyrkorna som skyddade hemlandet och de nationella intressena medan Hamas bara såg på i flera månader innan de kom med.
(källa:Palestinian Media Watch)
fredag 10 juli 2009
Överste Richard Kemps föredrag
Överste Richard Kemps föredrag i sin helhet kan läsas här:
18 June 2009
International Law and Military Operations in Practice
Överste Kemp går i föredraget igenom de svårigheter som man möter i striderna med terroristorganisationer som inte bryr sig i de internationella lagarna för krig.
"Do these Islamist fighting groups ignore the international laws of armed conflict? They do not. It would be a grave mistake to conclude that they do. Instead, they study it carefully and they understand it well.
They know that a British or Israeli commander and his men are bound by international law and the rules of engagement that flow from it. They then do their utmost to exploit what they view as one of their enemy's main weaknesses.
Their very modus operandi is built on the, correct, assumption that Western armies will normally abide by the rules.
It is not simply that these insurgents do not adhere to the laws of war. It is that they employ a deliberate policy of operating consistently outside international law. Their entire operational doctrine is founded on this basis. "
Ett sammandrag:
· The battlefield - in any kind of war - is a place of confusion and chaos, of fast-moving action. In the type of conflict that the Israel Defense Forces recently fought in Gaza and in Lebanon, and Britain and America are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, these age-old confusions and complexities are made one hundred times worse by the fighting policies and techniques of the enemy.
· Islamist fighting groups study the international laws of armed conflict carefully and they understand it well. They know that a British or Israeli commander and his men are bound by international law and the rules of engagement that flow from it. They then do their utmost to exploit what they view as one of their enemy's main weaknesses. Their very modus operandi is built on the correct assumption that Western armies will normally abide by the rules, while these insurgents employ a deliberate policy of operating consistently outside international law.
· Civilians and their property are routinely exploited by these groups, in deliberate and flagrant violation of international laws or reasonable norms of civilized behavior. Protected buildings, mosques, schools, and hospitals are used as strongholds. Legal and proportional responses by a Western army will be deliberately exploited and manipulated in order to produce international outcry and condemnation.
· Hamas' military capability was deliberately positioned behind the human shield of the civilian population. They also ordered, forced when necessary, men, women and children from their own population to stay put in places they knew were about to be attacked by the IDF. Israel was fighting an enemy that is deliberately trying to sacrifice their own people, deliberately trying to lure you into killing their own innocent civilians.
· And Hamas, like Hizbullah, is also highly expert at driving the media agenda. They will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents.
· When possible the IDF gave at least four hours' notice to civilians to leave areas targeted for attack. The IDF dropped over 900,000 leaflets warning the population of impending attacks to allow them to leave designated areas. The IDF phoned over 30,000 Palestinian households in Gaza, urging them in Arabic to leave homes where Hamas might have stashed weapons or be preparing to fight.
· Many attack helicopter missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were cancelled if there was too great a risk of civilian casualties in the area. During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza, even though delivering aid virtually into your enemy's hands is to the military tactician normally quite unthinkable.
· By taking these actions the IDF did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.
18 June 2009
International Law and Military Operations in Practice
Överste Kemp går i föredraget igenom de svårigheter som man möter i striderna med terroristorganisationer som inte bryr sig i de internationella lagarna för krig.
"Do these Islamist fighting groups ignore the international laws of armed conflict? They do not. It would be a grave mistake to conclude that they do. Instead, they study it carefully and they understand it well.
They know that a British or Israeli commander and his men are bound by international law and the rules of engagement that flow from it. They then do their utmost to exploit what they view as one of their enemy's main weaknesses.
Their very modus operandi is built on the, correct, assumption that Western armies will normally abide by the rules.
It is not simply that these insurgents do not adhere to the laws of war. It is that they employ a deliberate policy of operating consistently outside international law. Their entire operational doctrine is founded on this basis. "
Ett sammandrag:
· The battlefield - in any kind of war - is a place of confusion and chaos, of fast-moving action. In the type of conflict that the Israel Defense Forces recently fought in Gaza and in Lebanon, and Britain and America are still fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, these age-old confusions and complexities are made one hundred times worse by the fighting policies and techniques of the enemy.
· Islamist fighting groups study the international laws of armed conflict carefully and they understand it well. They know that a British or Israeli commander and his men are bound by international law and the rules of engagement that flow from it. They then do their utmost to exploit what they view as one of their enemy's main weaknesses. Their very modus operandi is built on the correct assumption that Western armies will normally abide by the rules, while these insurgents employ a deliberate policy of operating consistently outside international law.
· Civilians and their property are routinely exploited by these groups, in deliberate and flagrant violation of international laws or reasonable norms of civilized behavior. Protected buildings, mosques, schools, and hospitals are used as strongholds. Legal and proportional responses by a Western army will be deliberately exploited and manipulated in order to produce international outcry and condemnation.
· Hamas' military capability was deliberately positioned behind the human shield of the civilian population. They also ordered, forced when necessary, men, women and children from their own population to stay put in places they knew were about to be attacked by the IDF. Israel was fighting an enemy that is deliberately trying to sacrifice their own people, deliberately trying to lure you into killing their own innocent civilians.
· And Hamas, like Hizbullah, is also highly expert at driving the media agenda. They will always have people ready to give interviews condemning Israeli forces for war crimes. They are adept at staging and distorting incidents.
· When possible the IDF gave at least four hours' notice to civilians to leave areas targeted for attack. The IDF dropped over 900,000 leaflets warning the population of impending attacks to allow them to leave designated areas. The IDF phoned over 30,000 Palestinian households in Gaza, urging them in Arabic to leave homes where Hamas might have stashed weapons or be preparing to fight.
· Many attack helicopter missions that could have taken out Hamas military capability were cancelled if there was too great a risk of civilian casualties in the area. During the conflict, the IDF allowed huge amounts of humanitarian aid into Gaza, even though delivering aid virtually into your enemy's hands is to the military tactician normally quite unthinkable.
· By taking these actions the IDF did more to safeguard the rights of civilians in a combat zone than any other army in the history of warfare.
Hamas Israel
Maccabiah Games
Maccabiah Games, sportevenemanget som närmast kan beskrivas som den judiska motsvarigheten till Olympiskaspelen kör igång nästa vecka.
Spelens över 5000 deltagare kommer från över 60 länder. I tävlingarna som ordnas vart fjärde år får alla israeliska medborgare delta samt judar från hela världen.
I år ordnas även några evenemang där allmänheten kan delta, triatlon runt Genesaret, halvmaroton i Netanya och cykling i Tel-Aviv. Tillfällena skall ge allmänheten möjlighet att träffa och komma närmare toppidrottarna.
18th Maccabiah / Be part of the largest sporting event in Israel's history
"Sports, they say, are more about participating than winning. This has never been more true than at the Maccabiah Games and now you too can be part of the largest sporting event in Israel's history: The 18th edition of the 'Jewish Olympics' includes several mass-participation events, dubbed The Popular Maccabiah, and is designed to bring Israelis closer to the international athletes..."
Accommodating the Maccabiah
"The figures are mind-boggling, at least for little Israel: Some 3,500 international athletes and 1,500 accompanying relatives from 60 countries are staying in 1,700 hotel rooms for 14 nights.
And that's only a portion of the 5,000 athletes arriving in Israel for the 18th Maccabiah games next week..."
The 18th Maccabiah on Jerusalem Posts sida med information om spelen.
Spelens över 5000 deltagare kommer från över 60 länder. I tävlingarna som ordnas vart fjärde år får alla israeliska medborgare delta samt judar från hela världen.
I år ordnas även några evenemang där allmänheten kan delta, triatlon runt Genesaret, halvmaroton i Netanya och cykling i Tel-Aviv. Tillfällena skall ge allmänheten möjlighet att träffa och komma närmare toppidrottarna.
18th Maccabiah / Be part of the largest sporting event in Israel's history
"Sports, they say, are more about participating than winning. This has never been more true than at the Maccabiah Games and now you too can be part of the largest sporting event in Israel's history: The 18th edition of the 'Jewish Olympics' includes several mass-participation events, dubbed The Popular Maccabiah, and is designed to bring Israelis closer to the international athletes..."
Accommodating the Maccabiah
"The figures are mind-boggling, at least for little Israel: Some 3,500 international athletes and 1,500 accompanying relatives from 60 countries are staying in 1,700 hotel rooms for 14 nights.
And that's only a portion of the 5,000 athletes arriving in Israel for the 18th Maccabiah games next week..."
The 18th Maccabiah on Jerusalem Posts sida med information om spelen.
Maccabiah Games Israel sport
torsdag 9 juli 2009
Hamas hänsynslösa utnyttjande av barn
Hamas TV program för barn är ökända vid det här laget. Palestinian Media Watch rapporterar om ett program där två barn till den kvinnliga självmordbombaren Reem Riyashi inbjöds som gäster. Barnen fick se en musikvideo som är en rekonstruktion av av moderns självmordsattack. Reem Riyashi dödade fyra israeler i en självmordsattack 2004.
Den unga flickan som leder programmet avslutar med att säga att vi kommer att gå i Reem Riyashis fotspår.
Hamas är tydligen totalt hänsynslös när de utnyttjar barn.
Här kan man se en tidigare intervju med barnen.
Musikvideon i sin helhet
PMW skriver:
Suicide bomber's childrenshown re-enactment of mother's death on Hamas TV kids' show. (Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik)
The Hamas TV children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers produced a special broadcast in which the two young children of a female suicide terrorist were invited to the TV studio to watch a video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. The terrorist, Reem Riyashi, killed four Israelis in a suicide bombing in 2004.
Click here to view
Calling the terrorist a "Martyr," the bear puppet and star of the program, Nassur, introduces Riyashi's children to the other children in the studio:
"[Our guests are] the childrenof the Shahida [Martyr] Reem Riyashi."
Then Muhammad and Duha, the young son and daughter of Riyashi, together with the children in the studio, watch a music video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. While the video is shown, the TV camera shows close-ups of Riyashi's children as they stare at the screen images of their mother's bombing and death.
The re-enactment:An actress representing Riyashi is shown preparing a bomb in front of a child actress representing her daughter. The daughter follows her mother around and sings: "Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me?A toy or a present for me?" Mother Riyashi does not answer and soon is seen leaving home while the daughter sings: "Come back quickly, Mommy."The actress-daughter then sees the TV report of her mother's suicide bombing, and sings to her dead mother: "Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now I know what was more precious than us."As the daughter sings this revelation in the re-enactment video, the TV camera in the studio shifts for a moment to a close-up of Riyashi's son staring at the video of his mother. Then the camera goes back to the video, showing his mother with the Israeli soldiers, who all suddenly disappear in the smoke of the massive explosion of her bomb.
The broadcast of the video re-enactment stops before the end of the full music video, and the camera returns to the children in the studio. Child hostess Saraa summarizes for the children and viewers:
"These are the children of the Shahida [Martyr], the heroic Jihad fighter who sacrificed all that she had for the sake of her homeland. She cared less about her own flesh and blood, and for their sake, she sacrificed [herself] for Allah... We say to the occupier, that we will continue in the footsteps of the Shahida, the Jihad fighter Reem Riyashi, until we liberate our homeland from your hands, usurper."
Click here to view this Hamas children's show.
PMW note: In the full music video re-enactment, the daughter promises to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a suicide terrorist, and the video ends as the daughter opens her mother's drawer and picks up a stick of dynamite. The full video has been broadcast regularly on Hamas TV from 2007 through 2009.
Click here to view the complete Hamas music video.
Two years ago, Hamas TV interviewed terrorist Reem Riyashi's two children about their mother's suicide attack, discussing with the children how many Jews their mother had killed.
Click here to view the interview with Riyashi's children.
The following is the transcript of the 2007 interview with Riyashi's children on Hamas TV:
Interviewer: "We are now going to the two children of Reem Riyashi, the Martyrdom-seeker, and Jihad fighter [mother of] Duha and Muhammad.Duha, do you love Mommy? Where did Mommy go?"Duha: "To Paradise"Interviewer: "What did Mommy do?"Duha: "Became a Shahida [Martyr]."Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?How many did she kill, Muhammad?"Muhammad: "What?"Interviewer: "How many Jews did she kill?"Muhammad: "Five."
[Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), March 8, 2007]
Incitement of children to Shahada
Teaching hatred with music
Children as combatants in PA ideology
Denying Israel's right to exist
Hamas in its own words
Support for terrorism
Understanding Shahada
Mothers joy at sons' Shahada
Hatred of America and the West
Holocaust denial
Clarifying history
Arab world TV
Den unga flickan som leder programmet avslutar med att säga att vi kommer att gå i Reem Riyashis fotspår.
Hamas är tydligen totalt hänsynslös när de utnyttjar barn.
Här kan man se en tidigare intervju med barnen.
Musikvideon i sin helhet
PMW skriver:
Suicide bomber's childrenshown re-enactment of mother's death on Hamas TV kids' show. (Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik)
The Hamas TV children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers produced a special broadcast in which the two young children of a female suicide terrorist were invited to the TV studio to watch a video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. The terrorist, Reem Riyashi, killed four Israelis in a suicide bombing in 2004.
Click here to view
Calling the terrorist a "Martyr," the bear puppet and star of the program, Nassur, introduces Riyashi's children to the other children in the studio:
"[Our guests are] the childrenof the Shahida [Martyr] Reem Riyashi."
Then Muhammad and Duha, the young son and daughter of Riyashi, together with the children in the studio, watch a music video re-enactment of their mother's suicide bombing. While the video is shown, the TV camera shows close-ups of Riyashi's children as they stare at the screen images of their mother's bombing and death.
The re-enactment:An actress representing Riyashi is shown preparing a bomb in front of a child actress representing her daughter. The daughter follows her mother around and sings: "Mommy, what are you carrying in your arms instead of me?A toy or a present for me?" Mother Riyashi does not answer and soon is seen leaving home while the daughter sings: "Come back quickly, Mommy."The actress-daughter then sees the TV report of her mother's suicide bombing, and sings to her dead mother: "Instead of me you carried a bomb in your hands. Only now I know what was more precious than us."As the daughter sings this revelation in the re-enactment video, the TV camera in the studio shifts for a moment to a close-up of Riyashi's son staring at the video of his mother. Then the camera goes back to the video, showing his mother with the Israeli soldiers, who all suddenly disappear in the smoke of the massive explosion of her bomb.
The broadcast of the video re-enactment stops before the end of the full music video, and the camera returns to the children in the studio. Child hostess Saraa summarizes for the children and viewers:
"These are the children of the Shahida [Martyr], the heroic Jihad fighter who sacrificed all that she had for the sake of her homeland. She cared less about her own flesh and blood, and for their sake, she sacrificed [herself] for Allah... We say to the occupier, that we will continue in the footsteps of the Shahida, the Jihad fighter Reem Riyashi, until we liberate our homeland from your hands, usurper."
Click here to view this Hamas children's show.
PMW note: In the full music video re-enactment, the daughter promises to follow in her mother's footsteps and become a suicide terrorist, and the video ends as the daughter opens her mother's drawer and picks up a stick of dynamite. The full video has been broadcast regularly on Hamas TV from 2007 through 2009.
Click here to view the complete Hamas music video.
Two years ago, Hamas TV interviewed terrorist Reem Riyashi's two children about their mother's suicide attack, discussing with the children how many Jews their mother had killed.
Click here to view the interview with Riyashi's children.
The following is the transcript of the 2007 interview with Riyashi's children on Hamas TV:
Interviewer: "We are now going to the two children of Reem Riyashi, the Martyrdom-seeker, and Jihad fighter [mother of] Duha and Muhammad.Duha, do you love Mommy? Where did Mommy go?"Duha: "To Paradise"Interviewer: "What did Mommy do?"Duha: "Became a Shahida [Martyr]."Interviewer: "She killed Jews, right?How many did she kill, Muhammad?"Muhammad: "What?"Interviewer: "How many Jews did she kill?"Muhammad: "Five."
[Al Aqsa TV (Hamas), March 8, 2007]
Incitement of children to Shahada
Teaching hatred with music
Children as combatants in PA ideology
Denying Israel's right to exist
Hamas in its own words
Support for terrorism
Understanding Shahada
Mothers joy at sons' Shahada
Hatred of America and the West
Holocaust denial
Clarifying history
Arab world TV
tisdag 7 juli 2009
Överste Richard Kemp om kriget i Gaza
Överste Richard Kemp, före detta chef för de brittiska styrkorna i Afghanistan, säger att IDF gjorde mer än någon annan armé har gjort för att skydda civilbefolkningen under kriget i Gaza.
Video: IDF did more to safeguard civilians than any other army
Talet med svensk textning
Video: IDF did more to safeguard civilians than any other army
Talet med svensk textning
måndag 6 juli 2009
Palestinska ledare om judarna
De palestinska myndigheternas premiärminister Salaam Fayad sade i söndags i i en intervju i USA att han välkomnar judar till en framtida palestinsk stat. De judar som vill bo i den palestinska staten kommer att ha likadana fri- och rättigheter som araberna i Israel.
Detta är ett typiskt uttalande som är riktat till västvärlden och saknar täckning i verkligheten.
Inte ens araberna i de arabiska länderna har samma frihet och demokratiska rättigheter som de arabiska invånarna i Israel.
Arabiska kristna har det besvärligt på de palestinska områdena, det är svårt att tro att judar skulle behandlas bättre.
En framstående representant för de palestinska myndigheterna Tayseer Tamimi ( PA's Chief Religious Justice) säger något helt annat på arabiska till det palestinska folket.
Palestinian Media Watch:
In this recent interview, Tamimi teaches that the Quran says that Jews have inherently negative traits and have been evil throughout history; that Jerusalem has no Jewish holy sites; that Israel is destroying the foundation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is now "hanging in midair;" that Orthodox Jews deny the Western Wall is part of the Jewish Temple; and that Jesus was not a Jew but a Palestinian.
Detta är ett typiskt uttalande som är riktat till västvärlden och saknar täckning i verkligheten.
Inte ens araberna i de arabiska länderna har samma frihet och demokratiska rättigheter som de arabiska invånarna i Israel.
Arabiska kristna har det besvärligt på de palestinska områdena, det är svårt att tro att judar skulle behandlas bättre.
En framstående representant för de palestinska myndigheterna Tayseer Tamimi ( PA's Chief Religious Justice) säger något helt annat på arabiska till det palestinska folket.
Palestinian Media Watch:
In this recent interview, Tamimi teaches that the Quran says that Jews have inherently negative traits and have been evil throughout history; that Jerusalem has no Jewish holy sites; that Israel is destroying the foundation of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is now "hanging in midair;" that Orthodox Jews deny the Western Wall is part of the Jewish Temple; and that Jesus was not a Jew but a Palestinian.
palestina judar
söndag 5 juli 2009
Amnesty och Gazakriget
Fred i Mellanöstern har analyserat Amnesty Internationals senste rapport om Gaza kriget och ger det svidande kritik.
Läs analysen: Amnestys nygamla Gazarapport avfärdades redan i februari
"Amnestys rapport (pdf) om Hamaskriget från Gaza, som medierna rapporterade om under torsdagen, är gammal. Materialet sammanfattades redan i en förhandsrapport den 23 februari, några veckor efter att kriget upphörde, och kommenterades av oss här. Den efterföljdes av en israelisk utredning som, till skillnad från Amnesty, presenterade namn- och ID-listor på över 200 sidor över alla som avlidit i striderna. 75 % visade sig vara terrorister, enligt utredningen.
Metodologin som användes i Amnestys undersökning innan Israels utredning var färdig framgår nu tydligare, och väcker tyvärr frågor om organisationens tillförlitlighet, men vi vill här redovisa hur Amnesty resonerar så att var och en själv kan bilda sig en uppfattning. Amnesty gör förvisso inget anspråk på att sitta inne med fakta i sin rapport, som vi har läst i sin helhet."
Läs analysen: Amnestys nygamla Gazarapport avfärdades redan i februari
"Amnestys rapport (pdf) om Hamaskriget från Gaza, som medierna rapporterade om under torsdagen, är gammal. Materialet sammanfattades redan i en förhandsrapport den 23 februari, några veckor efter att kriget upphörde, och kommenterades av oss här. Den efterföljdes av en israelisk utredning som, till skillnad från Amnesty, presenterade namn- och ID-listor på över 200 sidor över alla som avlidit i striderna. 75 % visade sig vara terrorister, enligt utredningen.
Metodologin som användes i Amnestys undersökning innan Israels utredning var färdig framgår nu tydligare, och väcker tyvärr frågor om organisationens tillförlitlighet, men vi vill här redovisa hur Amnesty resonerar så att var och en själv kan bilda sig en uppfattning. Amnesty gör förvisso inget anspråk på att sitta inne med fakta i sin rapport, som vi har läst i sin helhet."
Khaled Abu Toameh skriver om hur Hamas "religionspolis" ser till att ingen går för lätt klädd på stränderna i Gaza. En kvinnlig palestinsk journalist berättar om hur hon nästan blev arresterad för att hons skrattade offentligt och var fel klädd på stranden.
"A Palestinian female journalist complained over the weekend that Hamas policemen attempted to arrest her under the pretext that she came to a Gaza beach dressed immodestly and was seen laughing in public.
The journalist, Asma al-Ghul, said that the policemen instead confiscated her passport. Since the incident, she added, she has been afraid to leave her home, especially after receiving death threats from anonymous callers."
En Likudminister Ze'ev B. Begin skriver att palestinierna inte eftersträvar en tvåstatslösning utan en tvåstegslösning. Först en palestinsk stat vid sidan av Israel sedan en palestinsk/arabisk stat från Jordan till Medelhavet.
"The necessary conclusion therefore is that the moderate organization for the liberation of Palestine from Jewish sovereignty is not interested in the "two- state solution" but rather in a "two-stage solution." In the first stage, an Arab state is to be established alongside Israel and in the second stage, following the resettlement of refugees within Israel, one Arab state is to be established, stretching from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea. "
"Although the Arab Peace Initiative includes two articles explicitly dealing with the "right of return," it should be recognized that the resettlement of refugees in Israel is not the goal but the instrument. All signs indicate that the goal is the cancelation of Israel as a sovereign state in Palestine, and that this is the source of the PLO's adamant refusal to accept Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. Hence, even Israel's withdrawal to the 1949 armistice demarcation line - even that which runs through Jerusalem - and even its agreement to assume responsibility for the plight of the refugees and resettle thousands of them in Israel, will not bring about the termination of the struggle, but will rather lead to the next chapter of prolonged hostility. "
Larry Derfner skriver om hur en liten men högljudd grupp judar förföljer de messianska församlingarna i Arad och Ber Sheva.
'Watch out, missionaries!'
'Within the law'
"Members of the Arad congregation, which numbers about 50, say they've had their tires slashed dozens of times. They've been surrounded, threatened and cursed by Gur Hassidim in the market, on the streets or in their homes for about five years. In all this time they can only recall one arrest of a suspect, and he was released immediately. I tried three times, in person and by phone, to speak to Yuval Paz, Arad's police chief, and he was never available, nor did he call me back. "
"A Palestinian female journalist complained over the weekend that Hamas policemen attempted to arrest her under the pretext that she came to a Gaza beach dressed immodestly and was seen laughing in public.
The journalist, Asma al-Ghul, said that the policemen instead confiscated her passport. Since the incident, she added, she has been afraid to leave her home, especially after receiving death threats from anonymous callers."
En Likudminister Ze'ev B. Begin skriver att palestinierna inte eftersträvar en tvåstatslösning utan en tvåstegslösning. Först en palestinsk stat vid sidan av Israel sedan en palestinsk/arabisk stat från Jordan till Medelhavet.
"The necessary conclusion therefore is that the moderate organization for the liberation of Palestine from Jewish sovereignty is not interested in the "two- state solution" but rather in a "two-stage solution." In the first stage, an Arab state is to be established alongside Israel and in the second stage, following the resettlement of refugees within Israel, one Arab state is to be established, stretching from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean Sea. "
"Although the Arab Peace Initiative includes two articles explicitly dealing with the "right of return," it should be recognized that the resettlement of refugees in Israel is not the goal but the instrument. All signs indicate that the goal is the cancelation of Israel as a sovereign state in Palestine, and that this is the source of the PLO's adamant refusal to accept Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. Hence, even Israel's withdrawal to the 1949 armistice demarcation line - even that which runs through Jerusalem - and even its agreement to assume responsibility for the plight of the refugees and resettle thousands of them in Israel, will not bring about the termination of the struggle, but will rather lead to the next chapter of prolonged hostility. "
Larry Derfner skriver om hur en liten men högljudd grupp judar förföljer de messianska församlingarna i Arad och Ber Sheva.
'Watch out, missionaries!'
'Within the law'
"Members of the Arad congregation, which numbers about 50, say they've had their tires slashed dozens of times. They've been surrounded, threatened and cursed by Gur Hassidim in the market, on the streets or in their homes for about five years. In all this time they can only recall one arrest of a suspect, and he was released immediately. I tried three times, in person and by phone, to speak to Yuval Paz, Arad's police chief, and he was never available, nor did he call me back. "
torsdag 2 juli 2009
En artikel om den utbredda korruptionen inom de palestinska myndigheterna kan läsas här:The cost of corruption
Författaren är director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group based in east Jerusalem, Bassem Eid.
Tysklands förbundskansler hör nu också till dem som kräver att byggandet i bosättningarna måste upphöra.
Merkel: Settlement builduing must stop
En palestinsk flicka dödades i strider som utbröt när palestinier från Gaza attackerade en israelisk militärpatrull. Det var antagligen granaterna som palestinierna avfyrade som träffade de egna.
IDF initial probe: Gaza girl killed by Palestinian mortar shells
Eller så var det en israelisk granat
Gaza girl may have been killed by IDF fire
Författaren är director of the Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group based in east Jerusalem, Bassem Eid.
Tysklands förbundskansler hör nu också till dem som kräver att byggandet i bosättningarna måste upphöra.
Merkel: Settlement builduing must stop
En palestinsk flicka dödades i strider som utbröt när palestinier från Gaza attackerade en israelisk militärpatrull. Det var antagligen granaterna som palestinierna avfyrade som träffade de egna.
IDF initial probe: Gaza girl killed by Palestinian mortar shells
Eller så var det en israelisk granat
Gaza girl may have been killed by IDF fire
Välkommen till Gaza Duty Free
En film om tunlarna mellan Egypten och Gaza kan ses här:Welcome to 'Rafah Duty Free'
(TV report about smuggling industry through Rafah tunnels [MEMRI]. )
Här kan man se bilder från Gaza.
(TV report about smuggling industry through Rafah tunnels [MEMRI]. )
Här kan man se bilder från Gaza.
onsdag 1 juli 2009
Några videosnuttar
En lärorik video om FN och situationen i världen:
Dysfunction at the UN
"The UN is controlled by nations that are not free democracies."
Klicka här för att se video (ca 8 min)
En video som visar hur Hamas och Fatah hatar och torterar varandra: ( I dethär fallet är det Hamas som misshandlar Fatahanhängare)
Hamas brutality against Fatah
Warning - the video contains graphic material.
Palestinian Media Watch:
"On the second anniversary of the Hamas military takeover of Gaza, PA (Fatah) TV broadcast a public Fatah event held in the presence of senior Fatah leaders, which focused on intense vilification of Hamas.
This included the showing of a graphic video of Hamas members brutally beating a Fatah member in Gaza. The screams of the victim can be heard in the video, along with others calling "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great).
The Fatah moderator introduced the video with the following words:"Hamas's name is written on every arm and leg which was crushed by their [Hamas's] acts of terror."
The Hamas - Fatah hatred is very deep and this intense hate propaganda is typical of the current Fatah - Hamas relations. This animosity has led to the arrest of numerous Hamas members by the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority. This is important to note, as these arrests have been mistakenly reported in the press to be a sign that the Palestinian Authority is fighting Palestinian terror on behalf of Israel.
En video som visar hur Fatah och Hamas tävlar om vem som är duktigare terrorister:
Fatah boasts about lynch and murder
Another part criticizes and mocks Hamas for the decrease in its terror operations against Israel, glorifies Fatah terror, and ends with Fatah boasting that they "arrested two soldiers in Ramallah," a reference to the October 2000 lynching of two Israeli reservists. In this scene actors portray a Hamas teacher and student supporters of Fatah and Hamas, debating which movement is greater. Significantly, the competition between Fatah and Hamas supporters is based not on who has built more Palestinian infrastructures, nor on who has promoted peace, but rather on who can take credit for more terror. The debate ends when a Fatah student trumps Hamas's boast of having kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit by mentioning the "arrest of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah" by the PA-Fatah. This alludes to the lynching and gruesome murder of two Israeli reservist soldiers who accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city in October 2000. While the picture of a Palestinian celebrating the killing by waving his bloody hands to the mob horrified the world, the murder remains a source of pride for Fatah. [Note: Seated in the front row at the event are Fatah leaders, including Muhammad Dahlan, former head of PA security; Kadura Faras, head of the PA Prisoners' Association; Nasser Al-Qidwa, former PA Minister of Foreign Affairs; Samir Al-Mashharawi, senior Fatah official; and others.]
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Dysfunction at the UN
"The UN is controlled by nations that are not free democracies."
Klicka här för att se video (ca 8 min)
En video som visar hur Hamas och Fatah hatar och torterar varandra: ( I dethär fallet är det Hamas som misshandlar Fatahanhängare)
Hamas brutality against Fatah
Warning - the video contains graphic material.
Palestinian Media Watch:
"On the second anniversary of the Hamas military takeover of Gaza, PA (Fatah) TV broadcast a public Fatah event held in the presence of senior Fatah leaders, which focused on intense vilification of Hamas.
This included the showing of a graphic video of Hamas members brutally beating a Fatah member in Gaza. The screams of the victim can be heard in the video, along with others calling "Allahu Akbar" (Allah is Great).
The Fatah moderator introduced the video with the following words:"Hamas's name is written on every arm and leg which was crushed by their [Hamas's] acts of terror."
The Hamas - Fatah hatred is very deep and this intense hate propaganda is typical of the current Fatah - Hamas relations. This animosity has led to the arrest of numerous Hamas members by the Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority. This is important to note, as these arrests have been mistakenly reported in the press to be a sign that the Palestinian Authority is fighting Palestinian terror on behalf of Israel.
En video som visar hur Fatah och Hamas tävlar om vem som är duktigare terrorister:
Fatah boasts about lynch and murder
Another part criticizes and mocks Hamas for the decrease in its terror operations against Israel, glorifies Fatah terror, and ends with Fatah boasting that they "arrested two soldiers in Ramallah," a reference to the October 2000 lynching of two Israeli reservists. In this scene actors portray a Hamas teacher and student supporters of Fatah and Hamas, debating which movement is greater. Significantly, the competition between Fatah and Hamas supporters is based not on who has built more Palestinian infrastructures, nor on who has promoted peace, but rather on who can take credit for more terror. The debate ends when a Fatah student trumps Hamas's boast of having kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit by mentioning the "arrest of two Israeli soldiers in Ramallah" by the PA-Fatah. This alludes to the lynching and gruesome murder of two Israeli reservist soldiers who accidentally entered the Palestinian Authority-controlled city in October 2000. While the picture of a Palestinian celebrating the killing by waving his bloody hands to the mob horrified the world, the murder remains a source of pride for Fatah. [Note: Seated in the front row at the event are Fatah leaders, including Muhammad Dahlan, former head of PA security; Kadura Faras, head of the PA Prisoners' Association; Nasser Al-Qidwa, former PA Minister of Foreign Affairs; Samir Al-Mashharawi, senior Fatah official; and others.]
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FN Hamas Fatah
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