fredag 30 juli 2010

Attacker mot Israel

I dag på morgonen landade en GRAD -raket i centrala Ashkelon i Israel. Raketen avfyrades från Gaza och terrorgruppen Aza Din al-Kassem har tagit på sig ansvaret.
En del materiella skador uppstod och två personer fick vård av Magen David Adom.
Grad missile lands in Ashkelon

De palestinska myndigheterna har igen namngett ett sommarläger för ungdomar efter ledaren för en av de värsta terrorattackerna mot Israel.
Palestinian summer camp for "young leaders"named after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi (PMW)
A summer camp in Bethlehem is the latest institution in the Palestinian Authority to be named after the leader of the worst terror attack in Israel's history.
According to the official PA daily newspaper, the new camp is named after Dalal Mughrabi, who led a 1978 bus hijacking in which 37 civilians, 12 of them children, were killed. The newspaper reports that the camp "aims at training young leaders" in the Bethlehem area:

"The Ministry of Social Affairs in Ramallah opened yesterday in El Bireh the fourth integration camp for people with special needs, and in Bethlehem the second Shahida (Martyr) Dalal Mughrabi camp [opened]... The second Dalal Mughrabi summer camp was opened in the headquarters of Light of Generations' youth association in Bethlehem, with support from the National Committee for Summer Camps and the One Voice Palestine organization in Ramallah. It aims at training young leaders in the eastern countryside of Bethlehem District. Present [at the opening] were... the Secretary of Fatah's Bethlehem branch, Yusuf Al-Aref, ..., Chairman of the [Light of Generations' youth] association, Ibrahim Mubarak, Muhammad Khalil - camp director... 70 young girls from the Dar Salah village and neighboring villages participated."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, July 29, 2010]

As PMW has documented, the PA has turned Mughrabi into a celebrated hero and role model. Schools, summer camps, landmarks and centers for youth and education have been named after her.

Click here to see the section of PMW's website about Mughrabi's elevation from terrorist to hero.

Här kan man se hur de palestinska myndigheterna raderar ut Israel från kartan i TV-program för barn: PA TV children's showdepicts world without Israel

Den brittiske premiärministern David Cameron försökte av någon anledning göra sig till inför Turkiets ledare och kallade vid ett besök i Turkiet Gaza för ett "fångläger" och Israels bordning av skeppskonvojen på väg till Gaza för en "attack".
Av någon orsak verkar det inte som om Cameron skulle ha haft någon kritik mot Turkiet som spelade en avgörande roll i försöket att bryta den lagliga israeliska sjöblockaden av Gaza.
'Gaza cannot remain a prison camp'

Även den avgående brittiske ambassadören i Israel har uttalat sig i negativa ordalag om Israel.
Israel drove Gaza “into a Hamas-controlled tunnel economy, säger han. Kan det ha undgått ambassadören att Hamas tog över makten i Gaza genom en blodig kupp, det var inte Israels fel.
Hamas skall isoleras tills de går med på att avstå från våld och erkänna Israel är ett krav som även Storbritannien har varit med om att ställa. I fall denna politik varit felaktig är Storbritannien medskyldig till detta.
'Gaza blockade bred radicals'

Egyptiska tidningen Al-Ahram och palestinska Al-Hayat Al-Jadida har skrivit om situationen i Gaza. Tydligen har premiärminister Cameron inte läst dessa artiklar.

MEMRI har översatt en del av artiklarna: Egyptian Journalist: In Actual Terms, Gaza Is Not Under Siege

In an article in the Egyptian daily Al-Ahram on the economic situation in the Gaza Strip, journalist Ashraf Abu Al-Houl wrote about the burgeoning recreation industry and of the low merchandise prices.
Also as part of the interest in the economic situation in Gaza, the PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida published articles describing the expensive resorts that have been established for Gaza's newly rich, and a Palestinian website reported on the new mall recently opened in the city.
The following are excerpts from the articles: Läs mera här!

Resort in Gaza., July 21, 2010

tisdag 27 juli 2010

måndag 26 juli 2010

Hjälp till Gaza?

Både FN:s representant och Kvartettens sändebud Tony Blair säger att försök att bryta sjöblockaden mot Gaza inte hjälper befolkningen i Gaza. Organisationer som vill sända hjälp till Gaza skall göra det landvägen.

Blair: Aid flotillas not helpful (Jerusalem Post)
Quartet Representative Tony Blair Friday urged the Lebanese flotilla intent on heading towards Gaza this weekend to reconsider its journey."I urge the Lebanese aid ship to reconsider its intention to set sail to the Gaza shores to deliver aid to the people. As the UN Under-Secretary General said yesterday, such convoys are not helpful, do not resolve the economic difficulties in Gaza and carry the risk of escalation needlessly," said Blair.

FN tog avstånd från Ship to Gaza (Fred i Mellanöstern)
För andra gången i rad tog FN:s generalsekreterare och FN-organet UNRWA i fredags avstånd från de metoder som Ship to Gaza använder, enligt nyhetsbyrån AFP och en utskrift från FN:s presstjänst:
– Det finns etablerade rutter för förnödenheter via landvägen. Det är på det sättet som hälp till folket i Gaza ska levereras, sade FN-talesmannen Martin Nesirky på en presskonferens

En del hjälpsändningar till Gaza verkar närmast vara ett försök att dumpa problemavfall. Se video!

Gaza, avskälpningsplats för icke andvändbar medicin? (Arieh Fürth)
Vad är avsikten med den materiella hjälp, t.ex. medicin och sjukvårdsmaterial, som världssamfundet, i dess olika former, levererar till befolkningen i Gaza remsan. Vilja att hjälpa och stödja? Vinna politiskt inflytande?

söndag 25 juli 2010

Palestinierna motsätter sig direkta förhandlingar

Abbas vägrar inleda direkta förhandlingar med Israel och han har nu fått stöd av både PLO:s och Fatahs ledande organ.
USA har försökt pressa palestinierna att inleda direkta förhandlingar utan att lyckas.
Abbas kräver mer eller mindre att de frågor som borde behandlas i förhanlingarna skall vara avgjorda innan han går med på att förahandla. Bl.a. kräver Abbas att gränserna skall vara fastslagna och att Israel upphör med allt byggande i bosättningarna.
Israel gick senaste höst med på ett tio månaders byggstopp i bosättningarna men det har bara lett till nya krav från palestiniernas sida.

Fatah backs refusal on direct talks (Jerusalem Post ,Khaled Abu Toameh)
The Fatah Revolutionary Council over the weekend expressed support for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s refusal to open direct talks with Israel unconditionally.Following a stormy meeting in Ramallah, the 122 members of the council also voiced support for Abbas’s efforts to reconcile with Hamas.RELATED:Fatah supports direct talks on conditionFatah urges Abbas to avoid direct talksAbbas told Fatah members that the US administration was exerting heavy pressure on him to agree to direct talks with Israel without conditions.Abbas reiterated his opposition to the demand, insisting that Israel first accept the pre- 1967 lines as the future borders of a Palestinian state, freeze all settlement construction and reach agreement with the Palestinians on security issues.Abbas also criticized US President Barack Obama for being “unclear and vague” with the Palestinians. Abbas said that Obama sent him an oral message that did not include clear answers to questions he had presented to the Americans regarding the proposed negotiations with Israel.The support of the Revolutionary Council is seen as a moral victory for Abbas. Last week he also won the backing of the PLO Executive Committee on this issue.“The Revolutionary Council and Fatah stand firmly with the president regarding the direct negotiations,” said a statement issued by the council members. “The council also stresses the need to demand that the US administration clarify its position regarding the 1967 borders.”The statement said that direct negotiations with Israel were contingent on recognition of pre-1967 lines as the official borders of a Palestinian state. It noted that these lines include also east Jerusalem, the Dead Sea and the Jordan Valley on the Palestinian side of the line.
Läs hela artikeln.

onsdag 21 juli 2010

Palestinier i den arabiska världen

En läsvärd artikel om hur palestinierna diskrimineras - i de arabiska länderna.
Artikeln är skriven av Khaled Abu Toameh.
Palestinians in the Arab World: Why the Silence?
"When was the last time the United Nations Security Council met to condemn an Arab government for its mistreatment of Palestinians?
How come groups and individuals on university campuses in the US and Canada that call themselves "pro-Palestinian" remain silent when Jordan revokes the citizenship of thousands of Palestinians?
The plight of Palestinians living in Arab countries in general, and Lebanon in particular, is one that is often ignored by the mainstream media in West.
How come they turn a blind eye to the fact that Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and many more Arab countries continue to impose severe travel restrictions on Palestinians?
And where do these groups and individuals stand regarding the current debate in Lebanon about whether to grant Palestinians long-denied basic rights, including employment, social security and medical care?
Or have they not heard about this debate at all? Probably not, since the case has failed to draw the attention of most Middle East correspondents and commentators.
A news story on the Palestinians that does not include an anti-Israel angle rarely makes it to the front pages of Western newspapers..."

Läs mera här.

PMW granskar de palestinska myndigheterna

Trots att palestinska ledare, inklusive president Abbas, har lovat att de skall arbeta för att hetsen och propagandan mot judarna och Israel skall upphöra har inga förändringar till det bättre skett i det palestinska samhället rapporterar Palestinian Media Watch.
Deras senaste rapport granskar juni månad.

PMW Incitement WatchThe PA during the proximity talks, June 2010
Hela rapporten som PDF här.

US State Department:"
After completing the first round of proximity talks with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, both parties are taking some steps to help create an atmosphere that is conducive to successful talks, including President Abbas's statement that he will work against incitement of any sort..."
[Washington D.C., May 9, 2010]


The start of the proximity talks in May 2010 created hope for the renewal of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process. Palestinian Authority (PA) Chairman and Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas declared that the PA would fulfill its commitments, with special focus on stopping incitement.


However, the first two months have brought no changes in the quality of the messages being transmitted from the Palestinian Authority and Fatah to Palestinians. An examination of the Palestinian leaders' statements, official media, children's programs and PA- and Fatah-controlled events reveals the following: The conditions, principles and expectations set by the US and the Quartet for accepting the Palestinian Authority as a partner in the peace process continue to be violated by the Palestinian Authority. Contrary to the Palestinian Authority's moderate statements to the West, its statements to its people in Arabic continue to delegitimize Israel's existence, deny Israel's right to exist, define the conflict with Israel as a religious war for Allah, promote hatred through demonization, slander and libel, and glorify terror and violence:
- The PA continues to teach on PA educational TV that Israeli cities across the entire country, including Jaffa and Haifa, are Palestinian cities.
- The official media deny Israel's right to exist by using terminology to refer to Israel as "the homeland occupied in '48."
- The conflict with Israel is defined by PA-appointed political and religious leaders not as territorial but as Ribat -- a religious war for Allah.
- The PA senior religious leader demonizes Jews as the "enemies of God."
- PA TV host: "The Jews are our enemies, right?"
- The PA continues to honor terrorists.
- PA-Fatah leader defends "the right to return to the armed conflict."
- PA-Fatah leader explains negotiations as "a tactical decision, i.e., a temporary, defensive decision."

Report: PA still inciting hatred (Jerusalem Post)

Contrary to the PA’s moderate statements to the West, its statements to its people in Arabic continue to delegitimize Israel’s existence, deny Israel’s right to exist, define the conflict with Israel as a religious war for Allah, promote hatred through demonization, slander and libel, and glorify terror and violence, according to PMW’s Itamar Marcus, Nan Jacques Zilberdik and Barbara Crook.

Rapport om Gazakriget

Israel har publicerat en uppdaterad rapport om undersökningarna angående Gazakriget. Rapporten är 37 sidor lång. Här kan man läsa ett sammandrag eller hela rapporten:
Gaza Operation Investigations: Second Update
This Paper describes the progress and current status of investigations carried out by Israel into allegations of misconduct and violations of the Law of Armed Conflict by Israel Defence Forces ("IDF") during the military Operation in Gaza from 27 December 2008 through 18 January 2009 (the "Gaza Operation," also known as "Operation Cast Lead"). It is intended as an update to the information presented in Israel's reports related to the Gaza Operation previously released in July 2009 and January 2010.

Background information:
In this document, the Government of Israel shares with the Israeli and international public updates regarding its investigations. During the past six months, since the publication of the last update, 11 additional criminal investigations into events relating to the Gaza Operation have been opened, bringing the total number of criminal investigations in the wake of allegations regarding violations of the Law of Armed Conflict to 47. Some of the investigations have have resulted in criminal indictments: two IDF soldiers were recently indicted for compelling a Palestinian minor to assist them in opening suspicious parcels, and another IDF soldier suspected of killing a Palestinian civilian. These cases are in addition to an earlier conviction of an IDF soldier for looting.
Israel examines complaints from a wide variety of sources, including Palestinian civilians, Israeli and international NGOs, reports from the United Nations and other international organizations. Even where Israel has expressed criticism of some of these reports, it views them as an important source of information. The two new indictments resulted from such reports.
Other cases resulted in disciplinary proceedings against senior officers, in instance where it was decided that while criminal actions had not been committed, they had deviated from the IDF's clear instructions.
Chapter 3 of the report provides an update of 16 concrete cases relating to the Gaza Operation. In most cases, the factual and/or legal conclusions reached differ widely from what was presented in outside reports.
In other cases, even where no violations of the Law of Armed Conflict were found, many lessons were learned that led to operational changes in IDF orders and combat doctrine, particularly in the area of protection of civilian property in time of armed conflict. A salient example of this is the integration of a Humanitarian Affairs Officer in each combat unit beginning at the battalion level and new procedures to regulate destruction of private property in cases of military necessity.
The document also describes the Turkel Commission, established in the wake of the Gaza flotilla, which also received a mandate to examine the conformity of Israel’s mechanisms for investigating complaints raised in relation to violations of the Law of Armed Conflict with its obligations under international law.

tisdag 20 juli 2010

The Legal Basis of Israel's Naval Blockade of Gaza

Ruth Lapidoth har skrivit en analys om Israels rätt att upprätthålla en blockad av Gaza.
Lapidoth är professor emeritus i internationell lag vid hebreiska univeristet i Jerusalem.

The Legal Basis of Israel's Naval Blockade of Gaza
Ruth Lapidoth
Professor Emeritus of International Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The relations between Israel and Hamas are in the nature of armed conflict. Nowadays no formal declaration of war is needed. Hence the rules of the laws of armed conflict apply. This means that Israel may control shipping headed for Gaza - even when the vessels are still on the high seas.
The rules of naval warfare have not been fully codified in a treaty and are in the nature of binding customary rules. They can be found in the relevant manuals of Western armies (in particular the U.S. and Britain) and in the San Remo Manual prepared by a group of experts.
In order to be legal, a blockade has to be declared and announced, effective, non-discriminatory, and has to permit the passage of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population. In addition, the San Remo Manual of 1994 includes two conditions: first, the state which applies the blockade may decide where and when and through which port the assistance should reach the coast. In addition, the state may require that a neutral organization on the coast should verify who is the recipient of the assistance. In Gaza, for instance, does it reach the civilians or Hamas?
A ship that clearly intends to breach the blockade may be stopped already when it is still on the high seas. Stopping the flotilla heading for Gaza in international waters 100 kilometers from Israel was not illegal; in time of armed conflict, ships intending to breach the blockade may be searched even on the high seas.
Israel is within its rights and is in full compliance with international law because it has fulfilled all of the above-mentioned conditions for a lawful blockade. E.g., in January 2009 Israel notified the relevant authorities of its intention to establish a blockade of the Gaza coast.

What is the legal basis of Israel's naval blockade of Gaza? The relations between Israel and Hamas (which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007) are in the nature of armed conflict, meaning that the rules of the laws of armed conflict apply. This means that Israel may control shipping headed for Gaza - even when the vessel is still on the high seas. Israel may not do so in the territorial sea of a third country, such as Cyprus, but in time of armed conflict Israel may check vessels on the high seas that are headed for Gaza.
A naval blockade means preventing the passage (entry or exit) of all vessels to or from the ports and coastal areas of the enemy, irrespective of the kind of cargo carried by these vessels. One has to define clearly the borders of the area to which the blockade applies. The blockade has to be distinguished from other institutions of naval warfare, such as exclusion zones and security zones.

Läs mera här!

Israels rätt till säkra gränser

EnligtFN-resolution 242 har Israel rätt till trygga och säkra gränser.
Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs har gjort en video om vad som krävs för att gränserna skall vara säkra. I videon ser man bl.a. hur litet Israel är.

söndag 18 juli 2010

Nytt köpcenter i Gaza

Foto: Köpcenter som öppnades i Gaza 17 juli.

En nyhet som inte passar in i medias rapportering från Gaza levererar Tom Gross.

Political and media commentator Tom Gross said:
“On a day when (because EU Foreign Policy Chief Baroness Ashton is in Gaza) the BBC and other media have featured extensive reports all day long on what they term the dire economic situation in Gaza, why are they not mentioning the new shopping mall that opened there yesterday?
“When leading news outlets mention the so-called humanitarian flotillas from Turkey, why do they omit the fact that life expectancy and literacy rates are higher, and infant mortality rates are lower in Gaza than corresponding rates in Turkey? Have they considered that perhaps the humanitarian flotillas ought to be going in the other direction, towards Turkey?”
Läs mer och se foton från öppningen här.

fredag 16 juli 2010

Israelisk undersökning av Mavi Marmara

Arieh Fürth skriver om den undersökning Israel gjort för att utreda vad som gick fel i bordningen av Gaza konvojen i slutet av maj.
Israelisk undersökning av bordningen av M/S Marmara
"Den israeliska försvarsmakten (IDF) lade i går (12072010) fram en genomgående undersökning om hur och på vilka grunder de militära besluten om utförandet av bordningen av "Ships to Gaza" och då speciellt sett M/S Marmara fattats.
Gabi Ashkenazi, IDFs nuvarande ÖB beordrade, några dagar efter att den israeliska marinen stoppat M/S Marmara och de andra fem fartygen på dessas väg mot Gaza, generalmajoren (res.) Giora Eiland att göra en undersökning av bordningen av M/S Marmara för att utreda hur planeringen av aktionen gått till. Det rörde sig om en utredning om valet av den militära tekniken att utföra bordningen och övertagandet av befälet på Marmara och de övriga fartygen i flottiljen. Eiland hade inte mandat att utreda de politiska besluten bakom aktionen ej heller de juridiska rörande rätten eller icke rätten att borda på internationellt vatten.
Det är ytterst viktigt att notera att Eiland klart och tydligt säger att kommando soldaternas sätt att handla och utföra sin uppgift ombord på Marmara var yrkesmässigt på högsta nivå och utfördes med stort personligt mod. Detta som svar på diverse skriverier i internationella massmedia att soldaterna greps av panik och vilt sköt omkring sig.
Eiland menar också att beslutet att öppna eld mot aktivisterna var berättigat inte minst då dessa var de som började eldgivningen. Att åtminstone några av aktivisterna hade tagit med sig eld vapen till fartyget bevisas genom att kulor av sort som IDF inte använder sig av opererats ut ur sårade israeliska soldater."

Här en artikel om kopplingarna mellan Turkiets ledning och aktivisterna på Marmara:
Sponsor of Flotilla Tied to Elite of Turkey

FN och Israel

FN:s mänskorättsråd har tillsatt en kommitte för att följa upp Goldstonerapporten. Medlemmarna har valts ut för att arbeta vidare i Goldstonerapporten anda. Alla har kopplingar till International Commission of Jurists som är känd för sina anti-israeliska ställningstaganden.
Lägre ner en satirisk video om FN och bl.a dess inställning till Israel från No laughing matter

Goldstone follow-up panel slammed (Jerusalem Post)
BERLIN – An American UN expert on Thursday slammed the appointment of German jurist Christian Tomuschat as chairman of the UN committee responsible for implementing the findings of the Goldstone Report on Operation Cast Lead, and an Israelbased expert blasted all three of the committee’s members for their affiliation with an “anti-Israel” NGO.In a 2007 interview with the Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger daily, Tomuschat said, “Israel killed the spiritual leader of Hamas in 2004, Sheikh Yassin, with a missile, killing eight... Targeted killings are as ruthless as the attacks of terrorists.”
When asked in the interview if Israel’s targeted killings constitute “state terrorism,” Tomuschat said, “It is very much in that direction.”

Last month, the UN human rights commissioner, Navi Pillay, appointed three members of the panel that will conduct a follow-up probe to the Goldstone Report. The other two committee members are Malaysian Param Cumaraswamy and American Mary Davis. The panel is charged with examining the efficiency, independence and professionalism of Israel’s court system and its adherence to internationally accepted standards.Gerald Steinberg, the head of the human rights watchdog group NGO Monitor, told the Post that the committee’s members are affiliated with the International Commission of Jurists, and the “ICJ has had a long history of anti-Israel bias going back to Jenin [after the IDF’s Operation Defensive Wall in 2002]. Involving ICJ officials in an UN-related commission is another illustration of the link between the UN [Human Rights] Council and ideological NGOs.”

UN Moves Forward to Implement Goldstone Report (Weekly Standard)
Svensk översättning av artikeln här
New UN committee members and UN staffer have anti-Israel connections.
Among the multitude of attacks on Israel that the United Nations has sponsored over the decades, last year’s Goldstone report on the 2009 Gaza war stands out for its dangerous distortions of fact and law. Now the UN Human Rights Council has sponsored a second-team of investigators to press forward with the report’s implementation. Just as with round one, the United Nations has guaranteed the result of round two by selecting individuals whose independence is compromised from the start.
This second rendition of Goldstone was crafted by a March 2010 resolution of the Human Rights Council. That resolution first declares that Israel – and only Israel – committed “unlawful acts” in the Gaza war. And then it establishes a committee of experts to monitor and assess all judicial and other proceedings taken by Israel to respond to the General Assembly’s endorsement of the Goldstone report and its long list of supposed Israeli crimes.

måndag 12 juli 2010

IHH bannlyst i Tyskland

Tyskland förbjöd idag den turkiska organisationen IHH att verka i Tyskland. Det var IHH som stod för det våldamma motståndet mot de israeliska soldaterna som bordade skeppet Mavi Marmara i slutet av maj. IHH bannlyses eftersom den samlar in medel till terrororganisationen Hamas.

Germany bans IHH for Hamas links (Jerusalem Post)
"German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said in a statement that the International Humanitarian Relief Organization was banned Monday because it has used donations to support projects in Gaza that are related to Hamas — while presenting their activities to donors as humanitarian help.
De Maiziere said organizations that directly or indirectly work against Israel's right to exist lose their right to be active in Germany."

Fred i Mellanöstern har skrivit en artikel om Turkiet
Bakslag efter bakslag för regeringen i Turkiet
"Det har inte varit lätt för Turkiet efter händelserna på den turkiska islamistbåten Mavi Marmara i Ship to Gaza. De negativa återverkningarna för Turkiet har duggat tätt. Visserligen skrev New York Times igår att källor till tidningen bekräftar att det är business as usual i handeln mellan Turkiet och Israel. Och de obekräftade ryktena i förra månaden om att militära mångmiljardkontrakt skulle ställas in av Turkiet har inte förverkligats. Dessutom befinner sig en turkisk regerings- och militärdelegation på utbildning i Israel just nu. Istället är det Turkiet som är oroligt för att Israel kommer att ställa in försäljningen av teknisk underrättelseutrustning till Turkiet, skriver tidningen. Israel fruktar att teknologin till slut hamnar i händerna på Iran. Artikelns källor noterar att Israel är Ankaras näst största försvarsmaterielleverantör efter USA.
Den israeliska regeringens varningar till befolkningen att inte resa på semester till Turkiet pga spänningarna där har dessutom resulterat i en omedelbar förlust för Ankara på över 3 miljarder kronor hittills, med 150.000 avbokningar, rapporterar
Hürriyet. Men trots att Turkiet alltså handlar lika mycket som tidigare med Israel, så har de vänskapliga relationerna onekligen skadats. Anslutningen till pakten Syrien-Iran, på bekostnad av kontakterna med de mer fredsvilliga Egypten och Saudiarabien, var ett turkiskt systemskifte som inleddes redan från 2003, kort efter islamistregeringens makttillträde."
Läs fortsättningen här!

fredag 9 juli 2010


Kanske en påminnelse om att de flesta israeliska soldaterna är unga pojkar, precis som våra egna söner.
Shabat Shalom!

Israel avslöjar Hizzbollahs hänsynslösa upprustning

Israels armé publicerade denhär veckan hemligstämplade dokument och kartor som visar hur Hizbollah rustar upp i södra Libanon.
Hizzbollah placerar vapenföråd och kommandocentraler bredvid skolor och sjukhus och tar över privata hus.
I nästa krig kommer civila att drabbas, men kommer omvärlden att kritisera Hizzbollah som använder civila som sköldar eller kommer man att ensidigt åter en gång fördöma Israel?
Alla som följt med händelserna i Mellanöstern en längre tid vet svaret på frågan.

Läs mera:
Analysis: The IDF intel Jerusalem Post
The IDF’s decision to declassify maps, videos and photos of Hizbullah positions in southern Lebanon carries an element of risk. Hizbullah will see that the IDF knows where its positions are in the village of el-Khiam, and will likely make a similar assumption regarding its positions in other villages. It could then move its assets and try hiding them again in different buildings.The IDF weighed the risks, but decided on Wednesday that it had more to gain than to lose in releasing the information.

The IDF fights back Jerusalem Post
The IDF this week declassified sensitive intelligence information on Hizbullah’s rearmament campaign in south Lebanon. Detailed aerial photos, videos and maps show how the terrorist organization is again ruthlessly preparing to use Lebanese civilians as human shields, as exemplified by its deployment in one Shi’ite village – el-Khiam – located just 4 kilometers from the Israeli border. There, Hizbullah has embedded its weapon caches, bunkers, command-and-control centers and missile stockpiles – and stationed its armed personnel – in and alongside hospitals, mosques, schools and homes.

På följande sida finns kartor och mera information
Intelligence Maps: How Hezbollah Uses Lebanese Villages as Military Bases, 7 July 2010
The following declassified intelligence maps as well as the 3D animated clip illustrate how Hezbollah, in the four years since the Second Lebanon War, has turned over 100 villages in South Lebanon into military bases. These maps and the 3D clip illustrate how Hezbollah stores their weapons near schools, hospitals, and residential buildings in the village of al-Khiam. They follow similar tactics in villages across southern Lebanon, essentially using the residents as human shields, in gross violation of UN Resolution 1701. al-Khiam was used as a rocket launching site during the Second Lebanon war.
During the Second Lebanon war, Hezbollah stored their weapons in open areas for the most part, which enabled the IDF to locate and destroy their stores. In the four years since then, Hezbollah has pursued a tactic of moving their weapons into civilian villages, essentially institutionalizing the tactic of using human shields on a large scale

Israels Magna Carta

En video om San Remo konferenssen 1920. De beslut som togs av mötet visar att judarna har rätt att bosätta sig i hela det område som britterna fick att förvalta och som kallades Palestina mandatet.
Det av dagens politiker så vanliga påståendet att judiska bosättningar är olagliga bara för att de befinner sig på fel sida av den så kallade Gröna linjen håller inte.
Se videon, ca 5 minuter lång.

Israel vill förhandla Abbas hedrar terrorister

Israels premiärminister Netanyahu har besökt USA och president Obama denhär veckan. Relationerna mellan Israel och USA verkar nu vara i ordning, det är åtminstone den bild man ger till pressen.
Netanyahu och Obama vill att direkta fredsförhandlingar skall komma igång mellan Israel och palestinierna men palestinierna vägrar fortfarande.
Neyanyahu säger att om det beror på honom så kan ett fredsavtal slutas inom år 2011.
PM: Peace plan possible by end of '11

Uttalanden från Abbas ger inte mycket hopp för framtiden.
Den palestinska tidningen Al-Hayat Al-Jadida skriver att den palestinske presidenten Abbas säger att för tillfället är förhandlingar den enda möjligheten eftersom palestinierna inte ensamma har möjlighet att föra ett krig mot Israel. Om däremot alla arabstater går med ikriget är han för ett krig.
Abbas valde också att hedra den avlidne Fatahledaren Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, som var delaktig i Munchenmassakerna 1972. Abbas kallade honom för en underbar broder och kompanjon.

PA Chairman Abbas: "If all of you [Arab States] will fight Israel, we are in favor.Palestinians will not fight alone because they don't have the ability."
(Palestinian Media Watch)
The following is the transcript from the official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida:
"'We don't accept the statement [of Hamas]: a [Palestinian] state of resistance and refusal. What we hear from everyone is that the basis is negotiations, at a time that the entire world agrees about this, despite the absence of other options, we either have negotiations or no negotiations, what has put Israel in the corner.We are unable to confront Israel militarily, and this point was discussed at the Arab League Summit in March in Sirt (Libya). There I turned to the Arab States and I said: 'If you want war, and if all of you will fight Israel, we are in favor. But the Palestinians will not fight alone because they don't have the ability to do it.' He [Abbas] said: 'The West Bank was completely destroyed and we will not agree that it will be destroyed again,' in addition to 'the inability to confront Israel militarily.'"
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), July 6, 2010]

Abbas on mastermindof Munich Olympics massacre:"A wonderful brother, companion,tough and stubborn, relentless fighter"
PA Chairman Abbas continues honoring terrorists

Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas and the Fatah movement have used the death of the mastermind of the murders of the 11 Israeli athletes during the 1972 Munich Olympics as their latest opportunity to honor and glorify terror, presenting him as a Palestinian hero and role model. In a condolence telegram quoted in the official PA daily newspaper, Abbas referred to Muhammad Daoud Oudeh, who died Saturday, as "a wonderful brother, companion, tough and stubborn, relentless fighter," and described him as "one of the prominent leaders of the Fatah movement." Abbas also called the family to express his condolences.

Only Israel

fredag 2 juli 2010


Free Gaza movement

Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center har gått igenom Free Gaza movements målsättning och instruktioner till deltagarna i Gaza flottiljen.
Trots att rörelsen är registrerad som en humaitär organisation har den ett politiskt mål och var förberedd på att möta de israeliska soldaterna på ett inte helt fredligt sätt.
Det bör påpekas att det inte var Free Gaza movement som gick till angrepp på de iraeliska soldaterna utan medlemmarna i den turkiska IHH organisationen.

Inside documents of the Free Gaza movement seized in the recent flotilla expose considerable discrepancies between its strategy and tactics and its public stance. The documents prove, among other things, the attempts to conceal the aid to the Hamas administration since Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization in the US.

1. Established in 2006, the Free Gaza movement (hereinafter: Free Gaza) is a pro-Palestinian/pro-Hamas group whose stated purpose is to “break the siege” imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip following the Hamas takeover. Free Gaza is registered in Cyprus as a human rights project and is headquartered in Nicosia. Its website says that Free Gaza has branches in 28 countries, including 11 in Europe, 5 in North America (4 in the US and one in Canada), and a branch in Israel (referred to on the movement's website as “Palestine 1948 territories”). The organizational framework of Free Gaza also includes the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which also took part in the latest flotilla.
2. Free Gaza played an important role in the coalition of organizations which orchestrated the latest flotilla, even though the dominant force was the Turkish IHH. Free Gaza started sending aid flotillas to the Gaza Strip in 2008. Prior to the latest flotilla, Free Gaza was able to send four other aid flotillas to the Gaza Strip:
a. August 2008: two ships departed from Cyprus and arrived at the port of Gaza on August 23 (BBC, August 23, 2008).
b. October 2008: a yacht named Dignity with 26 activists and medical supplies on board arrived in Gaza on October 29 (JTA, October 29, 2008).
c. December 2008: the same yacht, Dignity, with about 3 tons of medical supplies, attempted to penetrate the waters of Gaza but was stopped by the Israeli navy (ynet, December 30, 2008).
d. June 2009: a ship called Spirit of Humanity, which attempted to reach Gaza on June 30, was stopped by the Israeli navy near the Gaza port (Jerusalem Post, June 29, 2009).
3. The movement's mission, as appears on its website, is to break the siege of Gaza. It also states that it will not ask for Israel’s permission for its actions, since the movement's intent is “to overcome this brutal siege through civil resistance and non-violent direct action, and establish a permanent sea lane between Gaza and the rest of the world” (Free Gaza website).
4. Free Gaza is now organizing yet another flotilla to the Gaza Strip. Nidal Hejazi, a Free Gaza senior official in Norway, said that the movement is now planning to acquire yet another boat from Norway to depart for the Gaza Strip as soon as possible. He said he was hoping to organize a flotilla consisting of more than ten additional boats from European countries. According to Hejazi, upon returning from Turkey on June 3, the movement started working on a list of passengers from Norway to join the flotilla, and the list will be finalized in the coming days (Hamas’ Al-Aqsa TV, June 5, 2010).
5. Inside documents of Free Gaza seized in the latest flotilla (see appendices for the unedited, complete text) deal with the movement's strategy and with briefings given to its activists prior to the flotilla’s departure. Analysis and comparison of the inside documents to the movement's public stance shows significant discrepancies and even contradictions between them. For example:
a. Legal aspect: a legal briefing ("legal information") given by Free Gaza to its activists shows that the movement is well aware of the legal problem of delivering assistance to the Hamas de-facto administration in the Gaza Strip, particularly considering that the US designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. Reading between the lines also shows that while Free Gaza publicly states that the aid is for the Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip, Free Gaza is aware that, in fact, it assists the Hamas de-facto administration. Therefore, at a legal briefing for activists who took part in the flotilla, they were warned against making any statement or taking any action that could be construed as providing material assistance to Hamas to avoid being incriminated in the US and in other countries (the movement has activists in the US whose participation in the flotilla seems to contradict US law; also, Free Gaza raises funds in the US, where it has a contact man for allegedly humanitarian purposes, yet those purposes are in fact clearly political).
b. Political aspect: during the legal briefing, as a way of solving the problem of Hamas’ designation as a terrorist organization, the activists were told that Free Gaza had publicly announced that it had no political agenda, and that it was committed to “non-violent humanitarian assistance” to the Palestinian people (Free Gaza is registered as a Human Rights Project, a definition which appears on its website). However, according to an inside document found on the Mavi Marmara, the goals of the flotilla were clearly political rather than humanitarian (the minimum goals defined in the document are generating media [impact] about the blockade on the Gaza Strip and pushing foreign governments to take punitive action against Israel; delivering humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip was not listed as a goal).
c. Response to possible scenarios during the voyage: Free Gaza drew up “defensive” scenarios for the flotilla based on the premise that the IDF would be unable to stop the boats without using force. Several tactics are listed to prevent the IDF from taking over the boat. One of the things mentioned is putting obstructions with sharp points on the deck and barricading in the wheelhouse and the engine room.
d. Although those tactics pale in comparison to the organized violence used by IHH, they are still incompatible with instructions given by Free Gaza to its activists, which categorically prohibited the use of verbal of physical violence. It therefore appears that the term “non-violent resistance”, which appears in the instructions of human rights organizations which took part in the flotilla, was open to interpretation by the various organizations and the various activists, who were eager to confront the IDF soldiers (as demonstrated by the preparations made by IHH, which also defines itself as a humanitarian organization, for a violent confrontation with the IDF).
6. What follows is an analysis of Free Gaza inside documents seized in the latest flotilla.

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