tisdag 30 augusti 2016

Abbas tid går mot sitt slut - vad kommer sen?

Abbas och de palestinska myndigheterna förlorade redan 2007 kontrollen över Gaza  till Hamas, nu håller samma sak på att hända på västbanken. Lokalvalen i oktober förväntas bli en seger för Hamas och det kan bli början till slutet för de palestinska myndigheternas och Fatah.
De senaste tiderna har Fatah terroristceller i Nablus stridit mot säkerhetsstyrkor och det är fullt möjligt att de kommer att ansluta sig till Hamas efter en eventuell valseger.
I Hebron förbigår klanledare de palestinska myndigheterna och väljer att skapa en egen allians.

Our world: The end of Mahmoud Abbas  (Caroline B Glick Jerusalem Post)
"16 years after the failed Camp David summit, the fiction of the two-state solution is about to be shattered once and for all. The only relevant question today, is what does Israel intend to do next?"

Palestinska scoutrörelsen framställer terrorist som förebild för ledare (uppdaterad)

För sex månader sedan blev den palestinska scoutrörelsen accepterad som fullvärdig medlem av  scouternas världsorganisation (World Organization of the Scout Movement).
Nu ställs berättigade krav på att den palestinska organisationen skall uteslutas eftersom organisationen i sin skolning av ledare framställer före detta scoutledaren Baha Alyan som förebild för de nya ledarna. Baha Alyan mördade senaste oktober tillsammans med en annan man tre personer på en buss i Jerusalem.

PMW asks “World Scout Movement” to cancel PA Scouts’ membership

The Palestinian Scouts hero who murdered my father

Palestinian Scout Association website shows picture of terrorist murderer Alyan in Palestinian Scouts uniform,
in its article about the "Leader Baha Alyan Course"
[Website of the Palestinian Scout Association, Aug. 25, 2016] (PMW)

World scouts deny ties to branch that praised Palestinian terrorist
The world’s main scouting organization on Sunday said it has no connection to a Palestinian branch in East Jerusalem that dedicated a recent training course to one of the killers of an Israeli-American man...

...Palestinian Media Watch, an Israeli group that monitors what it says is incitement in Palestinian media and society, rejected the scout movement’s conclusions.

In a letter to the movement, it said it had found overwhelming evidence that the two Palestinian scouting groups work closely with one another, including dozens of pictures identifying the same people as leaders of both organizations. The photos indicate “that the organizations are one and the same,” it wrote.

Avni said he was “appalled” by the global scouting movement’s response.

“There is no question that the Palestinian scouting association has been systematically inciting to violence and murder,” he said. “I can’t believe any true scout would want its hand in incitement in terror.”

fredag 26 augusti 2016

EU och FN betalar för palestinsk kampanj mot Israel

Ännu ett exempel på hur skattepengar från bland annat Europa går till palestinsk anti-israelisk verksamhet. Pengarna är tänkt att användas för att inkludera kvinnor i fredsarbetet men palestinierna använder dem för att driva internationella kampanjer mot Israel.

UN, EU help Palestinians build ICC suit against Israel (Jerusalem Post)
"...A small booklet with PA, UN and EU logos has already been printed to explain how the money would be allocated.

The plan’s budget includes $100,000 to document crimes against women “by the Israeli occupation,” to be “submitted to the ICC.” Another $150,000 would be spent on “preparing files of complaint” and $129,000 for “developing a monitoring mechanism.”

The plan also called for $202,500 to be set aside to build international coalitions against the “Israeli occupation” for “its non-compliance with international law.”

This includes campaigns that target the ICC, the UN Committee on the Status of Women and other international women’s rights organizations.

Some $54,000 would be spent on preparations for “UN resolutions to condemn the Israeli occupation and prosecute it for its violations at the expense of Palestinian women.”

Another $81,600, was earmarked for “presenting written and oral reports” to the United Nations Human Rights Council, particularly with regard to Agenda Item 7.

In addition, $118,800 would be spent on urging states to maintain commitments they have made to the Palestinians in international forums...."

tisdag 23 augusti 2016

Israels svar på raketattacken från Gaza tyder på en ny politik

Israels svar på raketattacken från Gaza i söndags visar att Israel  har förändrat sin strategi. Hittills har Israel svarat på raketattacker med mycket begränsade insatser men efter söndagens attack utförde Israel närmare 50 olika attacker med flyg och artilleri.
En talesman för militären sade att man förändrat sin politik för att försvara Israels suveränitet. Raketattacken från Gaza gav Israel en möjlighet att slå ut en del strategiska Hamas mål och visar att Israel inte kommer att låta Hamas rusta upp och bygga upp sin vapenarsenal hur mycket som helst.

Latest Gaza-Israel flare-up a war-game shift (Jerusalem Post)
"In accepting the cease-fire in 2014, Hamas tried to dictate to Israel the game rules, which can be defined as follows: the two sides will continue to arm themselves in preparation for the next round, but until then will hold their fire and will not violate each other’s sovereignty.

Israel could not accept this logic.

However, Israel recently decided to change that policy, which is also based on taking advantage of occurring opportunities. Every time a rocket is fired against Israel from Gaza, as happened this week, IDF will use it to increase its fire power against all Hamas targets, assets and infrastructure, and will not only resort to its predicted, limited measured response. In other words, from now on not a single Hamas target or capability will have immunity.

The senior military source emphasized that the new policy was designed by Chief of Staff Lt.-General Gadi Eisnekot and approved by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former defense minister Moshe Ya’alon."

Israel targeted ‘key Hamas strategic assets’ in Sunday’s barrage

måndag 22 augusti 2016

Kan FN förändra sig?

En ny generalsekreterare skall väljas för FN. Kan det bli en början till att Israel behandlas på samma sätt som världens övriga nationer frågar sig Jerusalem Post i en ledare. Knappast...
A new UN
The UN’s predisposition against Israel is well documented. A low point was undoubtedly a 1975 resolution pushed by the Soviet Union that equated Zionism with racism...

For decades Israel has been the only member state consistently denied admission to a regional group, which is the organizational structure by which member states can participate in UN bodies and committees. Arab states refuse to allow Israeli membership in the Asian Regional Group, Israel’s natural geopolitical grouping...

Israel is the only country in the world that is singled out to appear on the UN Human Rights Council’s permanent agenda...

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon admitted to the UN’s bias during his visit to Israel in August 2013.

“Unfortunately, because of the [Israeli-Palestinian] conflict, Israel’s been weighed down by criticism and suffered from bias – and sometimes even discrimination,” Ban said in response to a question about discrimination against Israel at the UN. “It’s an unfortunate situation,” he said, adding that Israel should be treated in the same way as all the other 192 member states...

The time has come for a restart. Ban ends his second term as secretary-general on December 31. Custom dictates that the job rotates between regions and it is now the turn of Eastern Europe. Two Bulgarian women are the front-runners for the position and they have an opportunity, where Ban has failed, to take steps to end the UN’s anti-Israel bias...

Raketattack från Gaza

Söndag eftermiddag sköts en raket från Gaza mot staden Sderot i Israel. Raketen landade i närheten av stadens järnvägsstation men inga skador har rapporterats.
Israel svarade på raketattacken med bombningar av terroristmål i Gaza.

IDF 'not interested in an escalation' after targeting dozens of Gaza terror sites

torsdag 18 augusti 2016

Fred - nerifrån upp eller uppifrån ner?

Ledare i Jerusalem Post: Two kinds of peace

"The bottom-up approach to solving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict posits that peace begins with people.

Only when both Israelis and Palestinians accept the notion that their societies are inexorably tied to one another will it be possible to realize peace...

...A new mall launched this week in Gush Etzion, which caters to both Israelis and Palestinians living in the area, exemplifies the potential power of the bottom- up approach to bringing about positive change. The three-story, 5,000-meter structure has 15 shops, including a FOX clothing outlet and home goods retailer.

During a small ribbon-cutting ceremony on the top floor that was attended mostly by politicians from the Right, Muslim women wearing hijabs and traditional dress could be seen shopping alongside religious Jewish women in skirts, and scarves tied over their hair. Here was coexistence in action..."

Alan Dershowitz om Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter must rescind anti-Israel declaration (Jerusalem Post)

"It is a real tragedy that Black Lives Matter – which has done so much good in raising awareness of police abuses – has now moved away from its central mission and has declared war against the nation state of the Jewish people. In a recently issued “platform,” more than 60 groups that form the core of the BLM movement went out of their way to single out one foreign nation to accuse of genocide and apartheid...

...Until and unless BLM removes this blood libel from its platform and renounces it, no decent person – black, white, or of any other racial or ethnic background – should have anything to do with it. We should continue to fight against police abuses by supporting other organizations or forming new ones. But we must not become complicit in the promotion of anti-Semitism just because we agree with the rest of the BLM program.

To support an organization or movement that promotes anti-Semitism because it also supports good causes is the beginning of the road to accepting racism. Many racist groups have also promoted causes that deserve support."

onsdag 17 augusti 2016

När man inte vill se sanningen

Olympic Bigotry: It’s All Israel’s Fault (Honest Reporting)
"An article in the Economist titled Politics hogs the Olympic spotlight in the Middle East looks at Arab hostility towards Israel in the Olympics, but then becomes guilty of its own charge.

You might think an article in the sports section would reinforce the message of the Olympics and how treatment of the Israeli athletes is unsportsmanlike. But an anti-Israel agenda hogs the article, suggesting that Israel is to blame for bringing on the racism it endures...

...Referring to the Egyptian judoka who refused to shake the hand of the Israeli Bronze winner Or Sasson, The Economist callously exploits the Munich Olympics massacre, saying “Mr El Shahaby’s snub seems mere tokenism compared to the bullets that killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972,” but “nonetheless” Israel criticized his bad sportsmanship.

Does that mean Israel should just accept the Rio snub simply because it wasn’t murder?

Would The Economist say such a thing about anyone else being targeted for their race, religion or nationality?"

tisdag 16 augusti 2016

Vanliga missuppfattningar om Israel och konflikten med araberna

Ten False Assumptions Regarding Israel
"Israel is inundated with one-sided international resolutions, declarations, “peace plans,” and advice from governments, international organizations, leaders, pundits, and elements within the Jewish, Christian and Muslim communities.

Most of the above rest on widely-held, false and mistaken assumptions regarding Israel, its leaders, government, policies, and positions held by the vast majority of the Israeli public.

These false and mistaken assumptions need to be addressed:"

söndag 14 augusti 2016

Vem bryr sig om palestinierna?

PM Netanyahu: Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do.
​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 11 August 2016), issued the following statement:

"I'm going to say something now that some of you will not believe.

But I'm going to say it anyway because it's true.

I, the Prime Minister of Israel, care more about Palestinians than their own leaders do.

Israel cares more about Palestinians than their own leaders do.

That sounds incredible, right?

But consider the following:

A few days ago, the world learned that Hamas, the terrorist organization that rules Gaza, stole millions of dollars from humanitarian organizations like World Vision and the United Nations.

Innocent and impoverished Palestinians were denied vital aid supplied from nations around the world.

Hamas used this stolen money to build a war machine to murder Jews.

I want you to think about that. Let that sink in.

Hamas stole critical support for Palestinian children so that they could kill our children.

So I ask you – who cares more about Palestinians?

Israel, that facilitates the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza, every single day?

Or Hamas, that robs Palestinian children of that very same aid?

Israel, that treats wounded Palestinians from Gaza in its hospitals?

Or Hamas that prevents injured Palestinians from getting help?

Imagine, just imagine, where we might all be if Palestinian leaders cared as much about helping their own people as they did about hurting our people.

The Palestinian people deserve better.

And today, I express my deepest sympathy with innocent Palestinians and those well-meaning nations who generously donated money to help them.

The cynicism and cruelty of Hamas is hurting all of us.

It's hurting peace."

Israel tog sin andra OS medalj

Or Sasson har vunnit bronsmedalj i judo i OS. Det är Israels andra bronsmedalj, båda har kommit i judo.
På sin väg mot bronsmedaljen mötte Sasson bland andra Islam El Shehaby från Egypten. Shehaby vägrade skaka hand med Sasson och det har väckt en mängd reaktioner eftersom det skedde framför TV-publiken.
Sasson säger att han inte blev förvånad, enligt honom är det ganska vanligt att muslimska idrottare vägrar skaka hand med israeler.
Tidigare under OS vägrade den libanesiska truppen israeler att använda samma buss som de färdades i.

Bronze medal judoka: Muslim athletes often snub Israelis

IOC to probe Egyptian judoka’s refusal to shake Israeli’s hand

Lutherska kyrkan i Amerika har valt att strida mot Gud

Den Lutherska kyrkan i Amerika har med stor majoritet röstat igenom en resolution  där man bland annat kräver att USA skall upphöra med allt stöd till Israel ifall inte Israel upphör med att bygga bosättningar.
Det betyder att en kyrka som kallar sig kristen väljer att strida mot Gud. Judar skall inte få bygga i det land som Gud har utvalt och gett åt dem, istället skall araber få bilda en muslimsk stat där.
Kanske inte ett så förvånande beslut men nog helt ologiskt.

Evangelical Lutherans in US: Stop aid to Israel if settlements allowed to stay

fredag 12 augusti 2016

Hizbollah bryter mot FN resolution 1701

Resolution 1701 från FN:s säkerhetsråd var av avgörande betydelse för att få ett slut på det andra Libanonkriget 2006.
I resolutionen sägs det bland annat att i området mellan Litani floden i södra Libanon och Israels gräns skall det inte finnas några andra väpnade grupper än Libanons armé.
I dag har Hizbollah mer vapen i området än under kriget 2006. På grund av att resolutionen inte följts kommer ett nytt krig antagligen förr eller senare att bryta ut mellan  Hizbollah och Israel.
Läs en analys av läget här:
Hezbollah’s Multiple Violations of UN Resolution 1701

“[The Security Council] calls for Israel and Lebanon to support a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution based on the following principles and elements:…the establishment between the Blue Line and the Litani river of an area free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons other than those of the Government of Lebanon.”

“…all States shall take the necessary measures to prevent, by their nationals or from their territories or using their flag vessels or aircraft: (a) The sale or supply to any entity or individual in Lebanon of arms and related materiel of all types, including weapons and ammunition, military vehicles and equipment, paramilitary equipment, and spare parts for the aforementioned, whether or not originating in their territories…”

De palestinska ledarnas lögner går hem hos befolkningen

Varför utförde palestinierna så många terrorattacker under det senaste året?
Därför att de palestinska ledarna med Mahmoud Abbas i spetsen uppmanade befolkningen att med alla medel försvara de muslimska platserna och speciellt Al-Aqsa moskén. I uttalanden till folket förklarade man att de muslimska platserna var hotade av judarna och trots att det inte fanns någon sanning bakom uttalandena reagerade alltför många med att utföra mord på judar.
PMW visar i sin rapport att släktingar till dem som utförde terrorattacker och terroristerna själva säger att attackerna utfördes för att försvara Al-Aqsa moskén.

Special report: PA brainwashing works, terrorists kill to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque
Palestinian terrorists say they attack and kill
to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque

Mother of murderer of 13-year-old Israeli girl explained son's killing:
He was "defending Jerusalem
 and the Al-Aqsa Mosque"

Uncle of stabber explained 14-year-old's attack:
"He said: 'Maybe after two operations (i.e., terror attacks)
they (i.e., the Jews) will stop invading 
the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque'"

Terrorist stabber in farewell video before attack:
"I dedicate myself 
to the protection of the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]
and defense of our occupied land"

This follows PA libel:
Israel is destroying and defiling Islamic holy places
PA and Fatah leaders say presence of Jews in Muslim holy places is "desecration" and "defilement"
PA and Fatah leaders urge Palestinians to "defend" and "protect" the Muslim holy places "at all costs" and "whatever the sacrifices" - including implicit call for violence and terror
PA and Fatah leaders urge Palestinians to come to the Al-Aqsa Mosque to "carry out Ribat" - religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic

Läs hela rapporten här.

Iran finansierar terrororganisationer

Att Iran understöder och finansierar terroristorganisationer som Hizbollah och Hamas är ingen nyhet men här några uttalanden som bekräftar saken.

In a speech he delivered on June 24, 2016, marking 40 days after the killing of Mustafa Badr Al-Din, who was considered to be Hizbullah's chief operations officer, and following the imposition of U.S. sanctions on Hizbullah that threaten its financial infrastructure and income, Hizbullah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah clarified: "Hizbullah's budget – its salaries and expenditures, [the money that pays for] its food and drink, weapons and missiles – [all come from] Iran. Is that clear?... As long as Iran has money we have money. Do you require greater transparency than that[?] The funds earmarked for us do not reach us through the banks. We receive them the same way we receive our missiles, with which we threaten Israel."

The deputy head of Hamas's political bureau, Moussa Abu Marzouq, tweeted on June 15, 2016: "The aid extended by Iran to the Palestinian resistance, in provisions, training and funds, is not comparable [to any other aid], and most other countries cannot match it."

Officials In Lebanese, Gazan Terror Organizations Confirm: Iran Funds Our Activity

onsdag 10 augusti 2016

OS medalj till Israel

Yarden Gerbi tog OS-brons i judo och i Israel gläds man över medaljen. Det var Israels åttonde OS-medalj sedan landet började delta i sommarspelen 1952.
Gerbi basks in bronze glow of glory

Black Lives Matter anklagar Israel för folkmord och apartheid

Organisationen Black Lives Matter som skall kämpa för de svartas rättigheter i USA skjuter sig själv i foten med korkade uttalanden i sitt program.
Israel kallas för en apartheidstat som utför folkmord, USA borde enligt programmet upphöra med sitt militära stöd till Israel och dessutom sympatiserar man med bojkottrörelsen mot Israel.

Black Lives Matter author defends platform accusing Israel of 'genocide'

Black Lives Matter platform author defends Israel ‘genocide’ claim

tisdag 9 augusti 2016

Flera hjälporganisationer utnyttjas av Hamas

Inom en vecka har israeliska säkerhetstjänsten avslöjat tre fall där personer som arbetar inom olika hjälporganisationer egentligen arbetat för Hamas.
 FN-organet UNDP och hjälporganisationen Save the Children har utnyttjats av Hamas.

Israel charges UN employee with aiding Hamas in Gaza

Save the Children probes claim employee recruited by Hamas

EU bygger olagligt på C-området

EU bygger olagligt bostäder på område C på västbanken som administreras av Israel. Israel river ner de olagliga byggnaderna. Pengar går upp i rök.
Varför samarbetar inte EU med Israel och bygger där det är tillåtet. Ett dumt slöseri med resurser som inte hjälper någon.
Israel razes three EU-funded Palestinian homes in West Bank

Palestinsk man som hjälpte terroroffer sparkades från sitt jobb

Den palestinska mannen som hjälpte barnen till rabbi Miki Mark som mördades i en terrorattack tidigare i år har förlorat sitt arbetet på grund av motståndet mot hans handlande, skriver The Times of Israel.
Yochai Damari  som är ledare för bosättarna i Hebronområdet försöker nu hjälpa mannen att få arbetstillstånd i Israel.
Settler leader intervenes as Palestinian loses job for saving terror victims

söndag 7 augusti 2016

PA law: Terror's reward - rise to rank of General in PA Security Forces

PA law: Terror's reward - rise to rank of General in PA Security Forces (PMW)

Terrorist who drove murderer of Mickey Mark
will reach rank of General in 20 years

PA law rewards terrorists from PA Security Forces
with promotions in rank based on years in prison:
5 years in prison - Lieutenant
10 years in prison - Lieutenant Colonel
20 years in prison - Brigadier General

This reward is in addition to:
high salary while in prison
large grant when released from prison
guaranteed high salary after release

Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
On July 1, 2016, Palestinian terrorists murdered a father of ten and critically wounded his wife in a drive by shooting south of Hebron. Last week, the shooter, Muhammad Al-Faqih, was killed when he fired at Israeli soldiers who came to arrest him, and the driver of the car during the murder, a member of the PA Security Forces, Muhammad Amira, was arrested.
In addition to the many financial rewards the PA grants all Palestinian terrorist prisoners, Amira, because he was a member of the PA Security Forces, will also be rewarded with a rise in military rank. This is stipulated in the PA Regulation: Securing Jobs for Released Prisoners in Government, Decision No. 15 of 2013, initiated by Mahmoud Abbas.

According to this Palestinian Authority law, all terrorists from the PA Security Forces who are imprisoned for "resisting the occupation," i.e., for terror offenses, are rewarded by rising in military rank - during their time in prison.

The following chart, published by WAFA, the official PA news agency on Dec. 12, 2013, is from the PA Regulation, Decision No. 15 of 2013, Issue 103 of the Records, published Dec. 8, 2013:

Number of years in prisonMilitary rank
5-6 yearsLieutenant
6-8 yearsCaptain
8-10 yearsMajor
10-15 yearsLieutenant Colonel
15-20 yearsColonel
20-25 yearsBrigadier General
25-30 yearsMajor General
30 years and aboveMajor General (senior)

Hamas lyckades infiltrera World Vision

Hamas har lyckats infiltrera hjälporganisationen World Vision och överfört flera miljoner euro årligen till sin terrorverksamhet. Pengar som var avsedda att användas för livsmedel och annan humanitär hjälp har använts till vapen och andra krigsförberedelser.
Mohammed El-Halabi som verkat som World Visions chef i Gaza  arresterades av israelisk polis i juni när han skulle passera en gränsövergång från Gaza. Han har sedan år 2005 arbetat inom World Vision och arbetat sig upp till den nuvarande positionen.
Australien och Tyskland har avbrutit sina betalningar till World Vision på grund av Gazaskandalen.

Hamas 'infiltrated int'l Gazan aid group,' stole tens of millions of dollars

Germany, Australia suspend funding for World Vision

World Vision says Gaza aid is audited, doubts Hamas pocketed millions

Vad står World Vision för i förhållande till Israel? Läs här: World Vision Profile