torsdag 31 augusti 2017

Palestinska sommarläger förbereder barn att bli terrorister

Denna sommar liksom många somrar tidigare ordnas det sommarläger för palestinska barn. Läger för barn, vad bra tänker man kanske. Men tyvärr, på sommarlägren för palestinska barn får barnen lära sig att bli "martyrer" och terrorister.
Enligt en rapport från PMW får barnen delta i små skådespel där de utför terrorattacker och terrorister presenteras som rollmodeller för barnen. Barnen får också ta del av en världsbild där Israel har ersatts av Palestina.

PA summer camps teach terror and Martyrdom-death for kids (PMW)

- Kids enact terror attacks

- Terrorist murderers presented as role models

- Kids' plays show terrorist stabbers being shot by "Israelis" and dying as "Martyrs"

- Kids taught to see world in which "Palestine" erases all of Israel

- The National Committee for Summer Camps, which organized some of these camps, received 2,928,000 shekels in 2017 from the PA Budget

- UNICEF and UNDP listed among "partners and supporters" of the National Committee for Summer Camps

[Facebook page of the National Committee for Summer Camps, Aug. 3, 2017

onsdag 30 augusti 2017

Palestinska myndigheterna lurade generalsekreterare Guterres

När FN:s generalsekreterare Guterres besökte Ramallah i går blev han oväntat ombedd att möta mödrar till barn som sitter i fängelse i Israel.
WAFA rapporterade att det i verkligheten var mödrar till terrorister som dömts för terrorattacker i Israel. Palestinska myndighetens nyhetsbyrå WAFA förfalskade också ett uttalande av Guterres där han påstås uttrycka förståelse för fångarnas situation.
FN har kommenterat WAFA:s "nyheter" och sagt att alla citat av Guterres är fabricerade.

UN chief said to meet families of Palestinian terrorists in Ramallah (The Times of Israel)
“Any quotes attributed to the secretary-general in this regard are fabricated,” it said.

PA entraps UN Sec. Gen. Guterres to meet with mother of 5 terrorists (PMW)
The Palestinian Authority entrapped UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres into meeting with the mother of 5 Palestinian terrorists yesterday, and then lied about what happened.

PA then lied, claiming Guterres expressed “understanding” of prisoners’ “suffering,” vowing to “put an end to it”

UN spokesman: 
“All of the quotes attributed to the Secretary-General
 are fabricated" 

Maktkampen i den muslimska världen

The Hajj and the Struggle for Islamic Hegemony

By Lt. Col. (res.) Dr. Mordechai Kedar August 29, 2017

BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 573, August 29, 2017

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The ethnic Sunni-Shiite rift parallels the Saudi-Iranian political rift, the Wahhabi-Muslim Brotherhood ideological rift, and the historic rift between Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Tensions over Islamic hegemony arising from these rifts are likely to come to a boil at the 2017 Hajj.

tisdag 29 augusti 2017

"Iran är Hamas största sponsor"

Hamas ledare i Gaza, Yahiya Sinwar, säger att Hamas för tillfället inte vill ha krig med Israel men att man nog är redo för strid och samlar sina styrkor för strid och återvändande...
Sinwar säger också att Iran är Hamas största sponsor när det gäller vapen och finansiering.


Iran tar över Syrien

Ambassadör Dore Gold skriver om farorna med att låta Iran ha kvar sina styrkor i Syrien.
Gold skriver att iranska styrkor måste dras bort från Syrien. Om stormakterna låter Iran ha kvar sina styrkor i Syrien är det upptakten till nästa stora kris i Mellanöstern och den krisen kommer att vara mycket större än vad vi hittills har sett.
Det är värt att notera att det inte bara handlar om Israels säkerhet. Iran strävar efter herraväldet i Mellanöstern och det handlar om vem som är muslimernas ledare, om striden mellan shia- och sunnimuslimer.

Thwarting a New Iranian Empire
People do not understand what it means to leave Iran inside of Syria as currently envisioned by the Great Powers. Actually, to get a sense of what the full implications of that move mean for the Middle East, it’s useful to look at Lebanon back in 1982 when the Iranians established themselves in the Bekaa Valley in Lebanon and from that position established, in a few short years, Hizbullah, a guerrilla army that served as a surrogate for Iran – not only affecting Lebanon, but affecting the entire Middle East. Why was Hizbullah created? The Iranians have a theological doctrine called Vilayat-e Faqih – the rulership of the jurisprudent – which simply means that the head of the Iranian government, the Supreme Leader, is a global leader of all Muslims. When, for example, Shia in Lebanon refused to accept this new idea, Iran created Hizbullah which would accept the idea of Iranian domination, of Iranian leadership of all Muslims in the Middle East. ...

... Just as Lebanon became a base for Iranian operations across the Middle East, leaving Iranian forces in Syria will create a challenge on a much greater scale than we have already seen. This will pose a direct threat to the future security of Israel, but also the security of Jordan as well as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. The bottom line is: Iranian forces must be withdrawn from Syria back to Iran. If the Great Powers leave Iran in Syria, they are setting the stage for the next great crisis in the Middle East, which will be far larger than anything we have seen until now.

måndag 28 augusti 2017

FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres besöker Israel

FN:s generalsekreterare António Guterres besöker Israel  sju månader efter att han tillträdde som generalsekreterare.
I Israel hoppas man på att Gueterres skall förmå FN att sluta med den negativa särbehandlingen av Israel. Det är kanske att hoppas för mycket men Gueterres har gjort flera uttalanden som varit positiva ur Israels synvinkel.

En analys av Michal Hatuel-Radoshitzky:
Seven Memorable “Guterres Moments" for Israel during the UN Secretary-General's First Seven Months
"UN Secretary-General António Guterres is scheduled to visit Israel for the first time in late August 2017, seven full months after assuming the prestigious post in January 2017. Upon his election, the Israeli establishment expressed hope that Guterres' leadership would lead to a change in the UN’s bias against Israel. In considering seven milestones during the past seven months, Guterres’ actions, rhetoric, and statements on Israel-related issues create the impression that he is indeed committed to bettering the situation. ..."

Greeting Guterres, Netanyahu rips UN, says Iran turning Lebanon, Syria into warfronts against Israel (The Times of Israel)
With secretary general by his side, PM accuses United Nations of bias against Israel and of allowing Iran to build missile sites and Hezbollah to smuggle arms

onsdag 23 augusti 2017

Palestinska myndigheten gör sitt för att spänningen vid Tempelberget skall fortsätta

Palestinska myndighetens officiella TV kanal har valt att visa en repris av en "dokumentärfilm" som påstår att höga judiska ledare försökte bränna ner Al-Aqsa moskén år 1969. I verkligheten var det en australiensisk medborgare (kristen) som anlade branden. Han arresterades omedelbart och det konstaterades senare att han hade mentala problem.
Men för de palestinska myndigheterna duger vilken lögn som helst för att hetsa befolkningen mot judarna.

PA tries to increase hatred regarding Jerusalem (PMW)
With Palestinian-Israeli tensions over Jerusalem's Old City and the Temple Mount still simmering, the Palestinian Authority has chosen to intensify Palestinian anger and hate by repeating one of its most dangerous libels - that "senior Jews of high position" planned the arson of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in 1969. In a documentary broadcast on PA TV, it was presented as fact that not only did Jews plan the arson of the Mosque but also that after the fire started Israel shut off the water supply, preventing fire fighters from efficiently putting out the fire.

The following is some of the narration from the documentary:

"From investigations conducted by the Islamic Council it became clear that there was more than one perpetrator [of the Al-Aqsa Mosque arson in 1969] and that the fire was planned by senior Jews of high position, especially since the roof can only be reached from a wooden spiral staircase located outside the Al-Aqsa building. This proves that careful, premeditated measures were taken to completely destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The proof is that the occupation authorities were slow to extinguish [the fire] and that the water supply to the Sanctuary (i.e., the Temple Mount) had been cut off during those hours." 
[Official PA TV, Aug. 21, 2017] 

The 1969 fire in the Mosque was started by a Christian Australian man, who was arrested immediately afterward and found to be mentally unstable.

PA TV's decision to broadcast this Al-Aqsa libel now, follows its ongoing attempts to keep Palestinian hatred of Israel simmering over the Temple Mount issue. Last month the Palestinian Authority Minister of Religious Affairs told Palestinian viewers on television that Israel was planning to destroy the Al-Aqsa Mosque: ...

tisdag 15 augusti 2017

Mahmoud Abbas gratulerar Nord Koreas ledare

Palestiniernas ledare Mahmoud Abbas gratulerade i dag Nord Koreas ledare Kim Jong-un på landets "befrielsedag".
Lika barn leka bäst brukar man säga.

Mahmoud Abbas congratulates North Korea's Jong-un,
for Korea's Liberation Day

The following is the full text of Abbas' greetings to Jong-un, as reported by WAFA, the official PA news agency:

Headline: "The [PA] president congratulates the leader of North Korea for Liberation Day"
"President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas today, Tuesday congratulated First Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, Leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea National Leadership Committee, and Supreme Leader of the Army Kim Jong-un for [Korea's] Liberation Day.
The president said in a greeting telegram for the occasion that the Korean people sacrificed the most precious sacrifices for its freedom and honor, and expressed appreciation for the solidary and stable positions of Korea supporting the rights of our people and its just struggle to end the occupation and establish our independent state and its capital of East Jerusalem - the surest guarantee of realizing a just peace that all peoples of the region seek.
His Honor the president wished Leader Jong-un all health and happiness; the Korean people continued stability and prosperity; and that the historical friendly relations between Palestine and North Korea and their two peoples will continue to develop and grow."
[WAFA, official PA news agency, Aug. 15, 2017]

måndag 14 augusti 2017

PLO fördömer amerikanska senatorer

Efter att senatens utrikeskommitté röstat för att USA inte skall betala stöd till de palestinska myndigheterna så länge dessa betalar lön till terrorister som angriper Israel har PLO gett ett uttalande där de fördömer senatorerna.
För PLO är det en självklarhet att alla palestinier som dödar judar skall belönas och få lön av myndigheterna så länge de lever.

Mahmoud Abbas and PLO condemn US Senators (PMW)

The following is the translation of the article posted on the Facebook page of the Fatah Movement's Bethlehem Branch, Aug. 13, 2017, about the PLO decision.

"The PLO Executive Committee, led by [PA President] Mahmoud Abbas, met at the [PA's] presidential headquarters and discussed the political developments...
The [PLO] Executive Committee condemned the legislators of the American Congress and their positions towards the Palestinian people... and sees the American Senate Committee on Foreign Relations' approval of stopping American aid to the PA - if it does not stop the aid to the families of the Martyrs (Shahids) and prisoners - as an unacceptable act that will negatively affect everything that is connected to the Palestinians' rights, and particularly their right to life and protection from the occupation army's violations, and [from] the summary executions that it carries out in the streets and military checkpoints of the West Bank, including occupied East Jerusalem. [The Executive Committee] emphasized the rejection of this [American] extortion and the rejection of using the tool of financial aid to extract political concessions.
[The Executive Committee] emphasized that the PLO will continue its national, moral, and humanitarian responsibility towards the occupation's victims, the victims of the organized state terror, and the victims of the herds of settlers and their terror organizations, which the government of Israel supports and provides with protection and patronage, with the blessings of the legislators of the American Congress...
The [PLO] Executive Committee sent a blessing of appreciation and pride to the freedom prisoners of war for their legendary stance, and emphasized that their release is at the top of its agenda."
[Facebook page of the Fatah Movement's Bethlehem Branch, Aug. 13, 2017

Hamas bygger attacktunnlar under bostadshus

IDF har publicerat uppgifter som visar att Hamas bygger attacktunnlar som har sina öppningar i bostadshus i Gaza.
 Som vanligt använder Hamas civila som sköldar för sin verksamhet.

Hamas denies existence of tunnels under civilian buildings (The Times of Israel)
Though IDF provided exact coordinates for entrances into passageways, terror group says claim is part of plan to legitimize targeting innocents

The Hamas terror group on Monday denied Israeli allegations that it has built attack tunnels entrances under the homes of Gazan civilians, claiming that the Israeli accusation is meant to lay the groundwork for attacks against residential buildings in any future conflict.

On Wednesday, the head of the IDF’s Southern Command, Maj. Gen. Eyal Zamir, revealed the location of two alleged Hamas tunnel sites buried underneath an apartment building and a family home in the northern Gaza Strip, and threatened to blow up both structures despite a desire to avoid civilian casualties.

MÅNADSRAPPORT - AUGUSTI 2017 (Europeiska koalitionen för Israel)

"Juli är traditionellt en semestermånad i norra Europa och Europaparlamentet håller paus från mitten av juli till början av september. Men Israels fiender tar ingen semester. I fjol godkändes en katastrofal FN-resolution mot staten Israel dagen före julafton när de flesta redan hade lämnat sina kontor och åkt på jullov.

Som Israels vänner behöver vi hela tiden hålla oss beredda och alerta. Senaste månad visade sig detta vara av största vikt när kampen om Tempelberget i Jerusalem hettade till och krävde en omedelbar reaktion från vår sida samtidigt som ECI:s byrå i Helsingfors officiellt höll semesterstängt.
Det här är vad som hände. ..."

Läs mera här!

söndag 13 augusti 2017

Rapport från Hamas sommarläger för ungdomar

Varje år ordnar Hamas sommarläger för barn och ungdomar där ungdomarna mer eller mindre hjärntvättas för att bli soldater åt Hamas och islam och lära sig hata judarna.

Motto Of Hamas Summer Camps This Year: 'Marching On Jerusalem'; Their Goal: To Train The Generation That Will Liberate Palestine, Jerusalem (MEMRI)
The Goal Of The Summer Camps: Training The Generation That Will Lead The Campaign Of Liberation
The camps' director in the northern Gaza Strip, Zaki Al-Sharif, explained that their goal is to raise "a special, aware generation which will lead the decisive campaign of liberation against the Zionist enemy." He added that all branches of Hamas share the desire to inculcate in the youth the Islamic faith and the national military and security doctrine, and to consolidate the fundamental Palestinian principles, which are "liberating the prisoners as well as the destination of the Prophet's Night Journey [i.e., Jerusalem], and the return of the refugees."[8] The head of the camps committee in the western Gaza Strip, Dr. Na'im Al-Baroud, defined the camps' goal this year as "inculcating the value of resistance and liberation of Palestine, with Jerusalem as its capital."[9] At the camps' opening ceremony, Dr. Nasim Yasin, the deputy head of the Palestinian Clerics Association in Gaza and a member of the International Union of Muslim Scholars, stressed the importance of religious education for the sake of liberating Jerusalem and Palestine: "Liberation will be achieved only by youths who are educated in mosques. Liberation requires training generations. We are raising this generation based on the Quran, so that it carry out the mission entrusted to it, [including] the return to Jerusalem, the destination of the Prophet's Night Journey."[10]

Explaining the rationale behind the camps' motto, Hamas's former education minister, Osama Al-Muzaini, said: "Jerusalem is the compass of the Palestinian cause and the central issue of the conflict with the occupier... It is part of the Islamic faith, and its liberation is first a religious duty and then a national one." He added that the camps' goal is "to train the generation of victory and liberation, which will have the honor of liberating Jerusalem and uprooting the occupation.

Hamas Summer Camp Graduation in Gaza: Teen Cadets Demonstrate Military Training, "Capture" Israeli Soldier
At the graduation ceremony of a Hamas summer camp in Rafah, Gaza, teen cadets demonstrate military-style training, brandish weapons, and simulate the storming of an Israeli army outpost. One of the cadets "captures" a fellow cadet dressed in Israeli army fatigues and hauls him back into a tunnel. A teen announcer says that "the grandchildren of apes and pigs" had prevented the call for prayer at the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Footage from the ceremony of the "Knights of Palestine" camp was posted on the Internet on July 31.
Teen Announcer: ''Joy filled our chests and our hearts, when we heard that the call for prayer has been restored to the Al-Aqsa Mosque, after the grandchildren of apes and pigs prevented it from being heard. Oh our wise leadership, from this moment on, we are your soldiers.''


fredag 11 augusti 2017

Utmaningar i det palestinska samhället

Det finns flera orsaker till att den palestinska befolkningen inte kan utveckla en normal demokrati på sina självstyrelseområden.
Omkring 30 % av befolkningen har under de senaste åren sagt sig understöda Hamas som i praktiken styr Gaza.
För några dagar sedan fick vi åter en gång ett exempel på vad Hamas står för.
Hamas firade då 16-årsdagen av terrorattacken mot Sbarro pizzeria i Jerusalem. I självmordsattacken dödades 15 israeler av dem 7 barn omkring 130 personer skadades. "Attacken fyllde palestinierna med glädje och massorna gick ut på gatorna hurrade och delade ut godsaker, skriver Hamas på en av sina internetsidor.(Website of Hamas’ Al-Aqsa Channel, Aug. 9, 2017)

De palestinska  myndigheterna å sin sida hedrade terroristen som utförde terrorattacken en militärbegravning år 2014.

Handlingar som inte har något med demokrati och normal samhällsutveckling att göra.

Abbas och Fatah som representerar det "moderata" alternativet till Hamas (med ungefär lika stort understöd bland befolkningen) styr västbanken trots att Abbas mandat gått ut för 8 år sedan.
Abbas ser till att kritik mot honom tystas ner. Det rapporteras att bara den senaste månaden har 30 webbsidor stängts av myndigheterna. Inte  precis något som hjälper den demokratiska utvecklingen på traven.

Förutsättningar för en bra framtid för palestinierna finns men goda ledare saknas, ungefär så skriver  Gershon Baskin

Gloating over mass murder, Hamas style

PA chief Abbas issues decree curbing free speech online


onsdag 2 augusti 2017

Hamas sommarläger befriar Tempelberget

At Hamas summer camp, kids ‘liberate’ Temple Mount, ‘kill’ Israeli troops

In the final ceremony of a summer camp in Gaza, teens play-acted a scene of storming the security measures around the Al-Aqsa Mosque, stabbing and killing Israeli soldiers and "liberating" the mosque. Several dozen youngsters prayed outside a makeshift "electronic gate” manned by teens dressed as Israeli soldiers and carrying mock rifles. The group pelts the soldiers with paper rocks, and amid the ensuing attack, the announcer declares that "one martyr has fallen while carrying out a stabbing operation and killing one of the Zionist pigs." Other teens, dressed as 'Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades militants, join the fray, ultimately "blowing up" the security measures and "liberating the Al-Aqsa Mosque from the defilement of the occupation." Footage of the enactment was posted on a Palestinian website on July 19.

Islamska stater fördömer Israels "provokationer" vid Tempelberget

Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) anklagade i tisdags vid ett extra möte Israel för provokativa åtgärder vid Tempelberget och för att ha inflammerat situationen.
Detta trots att Israels "provokativa åtgärder", metalldetektorer för att förbättra säkerheten, har avlägsnats.

Att muslimer använder Tempelberget som utgångspunkt för terrorattacker mot Israel anses inte vara någon provokativ åtgärd eller  inflammera situationen..
Men i och för sig, terrorattacker mot Israel är enligt många muslimer Jihad, heligt krig, och det är varje muslims plikt att delta i Jihad. Så varför skulle islamska stater fördöma muslimer som utför sin plikt.

Muslim states slam ‘provocative’ Israeli actions at Temple Mount (The Times of Israel)

A joint communique issued after the OIC gathering said the meeting “strongly condemns Israel’s recent provocative actions” at the holy site.

It accused the Jewish state of “employing collective punishment measures and the use of lethal and excessive force against peaceful Palestinian worshipers” at the site.

... Palestinian Authority Foreign Minister Riyad al-Malki told the meeting that Israel’s removal of the detectors was a “small victory in the long battle for freedom.”

But he accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of seeking to change the longstanding agreement whereby only Muslims are allowed to pray at the Temple Mount, although anyone can visit, including Jews.
“Netanyahu will try again to impose his status quo and we should prepare for the next round, which could come very soon and be very nasty,” he added.

... Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said it was time Muslim countries started to help the Palestinians “not just with words but with actions.”

“We must act to protect the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Palestine,” he said. 

...In its statement, the OIC accused the Israeli government of “neither (being) committed to peace nor interested in the two-state solution,” saying its actions were the “most dangerous threat to the prospects of peace.”

tisdag 1 augusti 2017

Rekordantal judar besökte Tempelberget för att ihågkomma templets förstöring

I dag firas högtiden Tisha B’av till minnet av att det judiska templet två gånger förstörts på denna dag. Ett rekordantal judar, omkring 1300 personer besökte i dag Tempelberget för att ihågkomma händelsen.
Muslimerna som tydligen anser att Tempelberget där Al-Aqsa moskén finns bara skall tillhöra dem har svårt att acceptera att judar får besöka området.

Jordaniens utrikesminister kritiserade händelsen och sade att antalet extremister som stormade Al-Aqsa idag var rekordstor. (Ingen stormade Al-Aqsa moskén utan judar under sträng övervakning besökte Tempelberget.)

Azzam al-Khatib som är chef för den muslimska myndigheten som kontroller Tempelberget sade att detta är oacceptabelt och måste upphöra.
Tiotusentals muslimer skall alltså när de vill få besöka området och be där, judar skall inte ens få besöka området på en högtidsdag.

As record number of Jews visit Temple Mount, Jordan warns of more crises