söndag 30 juni 2019

Mord på judisk flicka lönande affär för palestinsk familj

Det är välkänt att palestinska myndigheten betalar terrorister (och deras familjer) för varje mord på judar. Här ett exempel från PMW:
PMW Bulletins
For 3 years, the PA has paid family of murderer of a 13-year-old Israeli girl
For 3 years, the PA has paid family of murderer 
of a 13-year-old Israeli girl
  • By now, on the 3-year anniversary of the murder of the 13-year-old Israeli girl Hallel Yaffa Ariel, the PA has paid the family of her murderer over 50,000 shekels and will continue paying them a monthly allowance
  • Mother of girl’s murderer: “My son is a hero. He made me proud”

By Maurice Hirsch, Adv. and Nan Jacques Zilberdik
Three years ago today, a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist murdered 13-year-old Hallel Yaffa Ariel while she slept in her bed. The terrorist was killed by Israeli security personnel at the scene.

Since the murder, the Palestinian Authority has paid the family over 50,000 shekels, just because their son murdered an Israeli 13-year-old girl and died a “Martyr” as they call it.

A substantial part of the PA’s 
"Pay for Slay" program is to pay the families of dead terrorists a monthly allowance. Since being elected as Chairman of the PA in 2005, Mahmoud Abbas has repeatedly approved increasing the monthly allowances paid to the families of dead terrorists. Currently, the PA pays such families at least 1,400 shekels/month, with additions for terrorists who were married, terrorists who had children and terrorists who lived in Jerusalem or other parts of Israel. 

The different institutions headed by Abbas have all referred to the murderer as a “Shahid” (Martyr) - the highest honor achievable in Islam according to the Palestinian Authority.

Reporting on the murder, both the PA’s official daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida and WAFA, the official PA news agency, 
referred to the murderer as a “Shahid,” as did PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi.

Also honoring the murderer, Fatah immediately 
posted his picture on Facebook, declaring him a “Martyr.”

The murderer’s mother expressed her pride in her son, stating that “My son is a hero. He made me proud.” She also encouraged other young Palestinians to carry out similar murders:

Mother of terrorist Muhammad Taraireh: “My son is a hero. He made me proud. My son died as a Martyr defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, he [my son] has joined the Martyrs before him, and he is not better than them. Allah willing, all of them will follow this path, all the youth of Palestine. Allah be praised.”
[Hebron News YouTube channel, June 30, 2016]
The family of the murderer of Hallel Yaffa is one of thousands of Palestinian families that receive monthly allowances from the PA because of their children’s terror acts. While the payments are technically made and administered by the PLO Families of the Martyrs and Wounded Institution, that institution is entirely funded by the PA

Arkeologiska utgrävningar som visar på judarnas långa närvaro i Jerusalem får kritik

Enligt palestinska myndigheten är det fråga om judaisering när man genom arkeologiska utgrävningar påvisar judarnas långa närvaro i Jerusalem.

The ancient street is referred to as “Pilgrimage Road,” since archeologists are convinced that this is the path millions of Jews took three times a year when performing the commandment of aliyah l’regel – going up to the holy city of Jerusalem to bring sacrifices to God during Judaism’s three key holidays, Passover, Shavuot and Sukkot.

The Pilgrimage Road goes all the way from the Shiloah Pool to the area adjacent to the Western Wall known as Robinson’s Arch, where today you can still see remnants of the ancient stairway that led into the Jewish Temple.

Almost all of the Jewish pilgrims, according to Doron Spielman, vice president of the Ir David Foundation (Elad), would have entered the city on this road. It is a road that Jesus almost certainly used during the Second Temple period, alongside many of the famous Jewish scholars and leaders of that period.

It will inaugurate the Pilgrims’ Road, a now-subterranean stairway that is said to have served as a main artery for Jews to the Temple Mount thousands of years ago, which archaeologists have been excavating for the past eight years at the City of David National Park in Jerusalem, beginning at the intersection of the Kidron and Ben Hinnom Valleys.

But the dovish Peace Now group slammed the initiative on Saturday, branding the Pilgrim’s Road “the controversy tunnel” and saying it had been “dug under the homes of Silwan residents, caused the evacuation of Palestinians’ homes in the neighborhood and increased tensions between Palestinian residents and the Jewish settlers acting more intensively than ever in recent years to Judaize the neighborhood, as part of an effort to sabotage the two-state solution.”

The Palestinian Authority’s foreign ministry released a statement condemning the “imperialistic Judaization plans” it charged were aimed at changing the status quo in the city.

But on Sunday, Greenblatt dismissed the criticism as “ludicrous,” adding on Twitter that “we can’t ‘Judaize’ what history/archaeology show. We can acknowledge it & you can stop pretending it isn’t true! Peace can only be built on truth.”

Intressant artikel om Israels vattenhushållning

Plan to pump desalinated water to Sea of Galilee may open diplomatic floodgates

"...- But since the first desalination plant started operations in 2005, Israel has needed to pump less and less water from the Sea of Galilee for drinking and agriculture, and today very little water is withdrawn from the freshwater lake. The majority of Israel’s drinking water — some 70 percent — now comes from the coastal desalination plants, especially those in the southern cities of Ashdod and Ashkelon. After 60 years, the need for water to flow from the Sea of Galilee in the north to the rest of the country in the south is more or less gone.

- In 2001-2002, Israel used 513 million cubic meters of treated water from the Sea of Galilee for homes, farms and business around the country. In 2018-2019, the country used only 25 million cubic meters.

- Israel is a world leader in recycling wastewater, with approximately 87% of the country’s wastewater treated and recycled, providing vast water resources for farmers. Currently, about 50% of the country’s agriculture grows on treated wastewater, according to EcoPeace, an Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian environmental organization that advocates for better water policies in the region.

- Israel desalinates around 600 million cubic meters of water per year at five desalination plants. This, together with the recycled wastewater, means that technology is responsible for approximately a billion cubic meters of water yearly — 50% of Israel’s domestic needs. Two more plants are being built.

söndag 23 juni 2019

USA har publicerat sin ekonomiska plan för att hjälpa palestinierna

USA har publicerat sin ekonomiska plan för att hjälpa palestinierna. Investeringar för 50 miljarder dollar skall göras inom 10 år, ungefär hälften av pengarna skulle gå till västbanken och Gaza, resten till Jordanien, Libanon och Egypten.
Ett litet problem i sammanhanget är att de palestinska ledarna bestämt förkastat planen redan innan de sett den.
Knappast är heller de israeliska ledarna så förtjusta i alla detaljer.

Här några artiklar som analyserar och rapporterar om planen:


Trump’s ‘This is what you will be throwing away’ letter to the Palestinians

US economic plan avoids saying much, but does hint at future Israeli concessions

White House economic peace plan may be tough to sell to Netanyahu




söndag 16 juni 2019

Oroligheterna vid Gazagränsen ökar igen

Natten mot torsdag sköts en raket från Gaza mot Israel, den förorsakade ingen skada. Följande kväll sköts ytterligare en raket som träffade en byggnad. Vittnen till händelsen beskriver det som ett mirakel att ingen i yeshivaskolan som verkade i byggnaden som träffades skadades vid angreppet.
Under fredagens sändes också tiotals ballonger med brandbomber och sprängämnen över gränsen till Israel och närmare tio bränder uppstod till följd av dem. Våldsamheterna vid gränsstängslet fortsatte också under fredagen och försök att bryta genom stängslet gjordes.
Israels flygvapen har svarat på attackerna från Gaza.

IAF strikes underground Hamas target after Palestinians fire rocket into Israel


Israeli planes hit several Gaza sites after Sderot rocket attack

Witnesses describe ‘miracle’ as Gaza missile barely misses Sderot students

Gazans launch dozens of fire balloons into Israel as hundreds riot on border

FIFA utreder Palestinska fotbollsförbundets ordförande Jibril Rajoub

FIFA utreder Palestinska fotbollsförbundets ordförande Jibril Rajoub för brott mot organisationens etiska regler.
Rajoub har under lång tid understött terrorism mot Israel och motarbetat normalisering och samarbete inom idrott.

The investigation is based on evidence submitted to FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee by Palestinian Media Watch (PMW), which found that Rajoub and the PFA have been promoting and glorifying terrorism; inciting hatred and violence; promoting racism; and preventing the use of the game of soccer to build a bridge for peace.

...The 2017 complaint explained how Rajoub has honored terrorist murderers, calling them “sacred,” including convicted Palestinian plane hijacker Leila Khalid and terrorist Abu Sukkar – who planned and carried out a 1975 bombing in Jerusalem in which 15 people were killed and over 60 people wounded – among many others.

The complaint took these points further. PMW submitted evidence that shows how in October 2015, just after the wave of stabbing attacks began, “instead of using his influence to calm the murderous atmosphere” Rajoub “chose to promote and glorify terrorism and terrorists.”

PMW charged that in an interview broadcast on official Palestinian Authority TV on October 17, 2015, Rajoub, “referring directly to the terrorists said, ‘These are individual acts of bravery, and I am proud of them. I congratulate everyone who carried them out. I say to you, we are proud of you.’”

This is not the first time Rajoub has been disciplined by the football umbrella body.

In August last year, FIFA fined Rajoub 20,000 Swiss francs ($20,340) and banned from matches for a year by FIFA’s Disciplinary Committee for threatening Lionel Messi, the star striker of the Argentine soccer team.

At the time, Rajoub had urged fans to burn pictures and shirts of Messi if he played in a friendly soccer game against Israel in Jerusalem that was eventually canceled.

Palestinian hypocrisy: Jibril Rajoub forbids Palestinian-Israeli sports,  yet in Paris says sports is "a bridge of love and connection with the international community" (PMW)
Rajoub: "Anyone who participates in any joint [sports] activity with the Israelis -- I'll take him off the [Palestinian Football] Association's lists, whether he is a player, coach, referee or, God forbid, a team."
[Official PA TV, July 1, 2013]

Referring to a friendly soccer game between Israeli and Palestinian children shortly after the 2014 war in Gaza, Rajoub stated that:

"Any activity of normalization in sports with the Zionist enemy is a crime against humanity."

söndag 9 juni 2019

Reaktioner på USA:s kommande fredsplan

Frankrikes utrikesminister kritiserar USA:s fredsplan för Israel och palestinierna. Planen har inte ännu offentliggjorts men utrikesminister Jean-Yves Le Drian säger att planen inte kommer att göra båda parterna glada eller skapa lugn i området. Han upprepade också Frankrikes motstånd mot USA:s erkännande av Jerusalem som Israels huvudstad.
Som kommentar kan man säga att förhandlingarna om en tvåstatslösning med början i Osloprocessen som pågått i över 20 år inte heller har gjort parterna glada eller skapat lugn i området.  Så kanske det ändå skulle vara orsak att pröva på något nytt!
French FM: Trump peace plan ‘cannot grant serenity,’ won’t satisfy both sides

Tyskland och Jordanien håller fast vid den misslyckade tvåstatslösningen som enda möjligheten att lösa konflikten. Inget nytänkande tillåts där inte.
Germany, Jordan say two states ‘only solution’ to Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Palestinska myndigheten säger att man överväger att vända sig  Internationella brottmålsdomstolen efter att USA ambassadör David Friedman sagt att Israel har rätt att annektera åtminstone en del av västbanken. Palestinierna säger att Friedmans uttalande är ologiskt och strider mot internationell lag.
Om palestinierna skulle bry sig om internationell lag kunde de läsa stadgarna för Palestina mandatet och San Remo deklarationen, båda skall betraktas som internationell lag och båda ger judarna rätt att återupprätta sin nationalstat på området mellan Medelhavet och Jordanfloden dit också västbanken hör. Friedmans uttalande är alltså varken ologiskt eller strider mot internationella avtal.
Palestinians weigh ICC complaint against US envoy for backing Israeli annexation

söndag 2 juni 2019

Bilder tagna i slutet av 1800-talet i Jerusalem

A glimpse of 19th century Jerusalem (TOI)
In celebration of Jerusalem Day, the National Library of Israel takes a look back -- way back -- at the Holy City