torsdag 27 maj 2021

Terrorist blir offer i den palestinska versionen


– footage shows one of the wounded Israelis with the knife still in his back,
moments after the attack

This week, a 17-year-old Arab teenager stabbed and wounded two Israelis. After the attack, one of the victims still had the knife sticking out of his back. The terrorist was shot and killed by an Israeli border patrol officer at the scene.

However, the PA and Fatah portray terrorist stabber Zuhdi Al-Tawil differently. According to their false narrative, the stabber was an innocent school boy, murdered in cold blood by Israel.

The PA completely inverted the events, declaring that terrorist Zuhdi Al-Tawil was the victim of an Israeli attack:

“Zuhdi Al-Tawil, a 17-year-old youth… was shot by the occupation forces and died as a Martyr yesterday [May 24, 2021,] in the French Hill area of occupied Jerusalem, after a stabbing operation by extremist Israelis.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 25, 2021]

Referring to the image below, the official PA daily continued its portrayal of the terrorist as if he was an innocent young man, emphasizing that he was a young student who was unrightfully killed – “with his schoolbag next to him”:

[Website of Al-Jazeera Mubasher, May 24, 2021]

“Local sources said that the Martyr is an outstanding high school student in the sciences track… An image was published on social media of the Martyr on the ground handcuffed with his schoolbag next to him.”

[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, May 25, 2021]

Fatah likewise claimed that Israel invented the story of the boy’s stabbing attack “as a pretext” to shoot “a young man”. Fatah repeated the Palestinian claim that all reported stabbing attacks against Israelis are fake and made up as a “pretext” Israel “uses every time” to have an excuse to kill Palestinians:

WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT – Disproving the Fatah TV host’s lie, footage shows one of the wounded Israelis with the knife still in his back, moments after the attack

Fatah-run Awdah TV host: “Today the occupation police killed a young man at the beginning of his life (i.e., terrorist, stabbed 2) on the pretext of carrying out a stabbing attack – which is a pretext that it (i.e., Israel) uses every time, while it is lenient with the settlers as they riot against the Palestinians, against our people.”

[Facebook page of the Fatah Commission of Information and Culture, May 24, 2021]

However, a Palestinian teenager attempting to murder Israelis should not be unexpected, as this is exactly what the PA/Fatah tell Palestinian youth they expect of them. As Palestinian Media Watch has exposed numerous times, it is the PA and Fatah that have taught Palestinian youth that achieving martyrdom-death while “defending” the Al-Aqsa Mosque and Jerusalem from danger of “Judaization” is “the path to excellence and greatness” – and preferable to their studies...

tisdag 11 maj 2021

Det drar ihop sig till ett nytt krig mellan Israel och terroristerna i Gaza

 Mer än  700 raketer har avfyrats mot Israel från Gaza under det senaste dygnet. Raketerna har förorsakat åtminstone 3 israeliska dödsoffer och över hundra skadade.

Av raketerna föll 150 inne i Gaza uppger IDF och hur många dödsoffer de förorsakat där är oklart.
200 raketer har skjutits ner av israelisk försvaret.
Raketerna har förutom närområdet till Gaza riktats mot Jerusalem och Tel-Avivområdet. Därför kommer Israel med största sannolikhet att slå tillbaka hårt den här gången. Det verkar också som att Israel inte bara bombat tomma hus och vapenlager utan några terroristledare i Gaza har fått sätta livet till.
Under tisdagskvällen har hundratals raketer avfyrats mot Tel-Aviv området och förorsakat döda och skadade.

Israel under fire: Live updates on rocket alerts (Här kan man se vilka områden som utsätts för raketbeskjutning)

När palestinierna vill ha våld hjälper det inte att Israel försöker lugna ner situationen. Herb Keinon: "As tension mounted in Jerusalem in recent days because of Ramadan, the cancellation of Palestinian Authority elections, slated evictions from Sheikh Jarrah and Jerusalem Day celebrations, some called on Israel to be smart, not right. What did it mean to be smart in these circumstances? Postponing the Sheikh Jarrah evictions, temporarily barring Jews from the Temple Mount and diverting the traditional Jerusalem Day march away from both Damascus Gate and the Muslim Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City so as not inflame an already combustible situation. And Israel was smart: It did all of the above. The Supreme Court hearing on the Sheikh Jarrah evictions was postponed until June 8, Jews were kept from the Temple Mount on Jerusalem Day on Tuesday, and on that same day the traditional flag procession to the Western Wall through Damascus Gate was diverted elsewhere. But it helped not a whit. Rockets were still fired on Jerusalem, and then they pounded the South. Riots broke out in the mixed Jewish-Arab cities of Haifa, Ramle and Lod, as well as in Arab cities in the Galilee. Arabs blocked roads in the South, and passing motorists were threatened and pelted with rocks..."

Ignoring rocket fire, most foreign media focus on Israel’s airstrikes (Medias rapportering verkar vara lika vinklad som vanligt när det krisar till sig)

De palestinska ledarnas uppmaning till våld ignoreras helt av omvärlden.

- With Abbas and his Fatah party leading the violent Palestinian rioting against Israel in the name of “protecting Jerusalem,” Hamas was left with no choice but to compete with Fatah by attacking Israel.
- Abbas demanded violence using the PA euphemism “peaceful popular resistance” – the Palestinian public understood
- Abbas’ Fatah: “The Fatah Movement with all its elements and leadership calls to continue this uprising” and calls “everyone to raise the level of confrontation in the coming days and hours in the Palestinian lands”
- Abbas’ Presidential Office Spokesman to Palestinians: “The battle of all battles has arrived… [the] “long struggle against a satanic colonialist force”
- The Fatah Revolutionary Council “called on all Fatah’s frameworks everywhere to act to support our people in occupied Jerusalem, who are fighting the occupation authorities’ incessant violations”