Amnesty International kommer inom kort att ge ut en över 200 sidor lång rapport där Israel bland annat anklagas för apartheid.
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
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måndag 31 januari 2022
Amnestys Israelhat i ny rapport
Den palestinska dödskulten
Den palestinska dödskulten enligt premiärminister Muhammad Shtayyeh: "Martyrerna är hjältar... Deras blod är parfym, och deras själar svävar i paradiset tillsammans med de rättfärdiga och profeterna. De är smyckade med en hederskrona, och deras blod vattnar anemonerna som blommar i hela Palestina. ”
PA death worship: "Terrorists' "souls hover in Paradise... adorned with a crown of honor," says PA Prime Minister
PA PM on terrorists killed during attacks: “The Martyrs are heroes... Their blood is perfume, and their souls hover in Paradise together with the righteous and the prophets. They are adorned with a crown of honor, and their blood waters the anemones that bloom in all of Palestine. ”
PA PM stresses: Paying families of dead terrorist “Martyrs” is “a moral commitment” for the PA
PA PM: Goal is to destroy Israel - “We’ve defeated all the invaders… we’ll defeat this hated occupation that will leave our land”
Speaking on behalf of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas at the Palestinian Martyrs’ Day ceremony in Ramallah, PA Prime Minister Muhammad Shtayyeh stressed certain key issues in PA ideology that Palestinian Media Watch has continuously exposed:
- Terrorists – be they imprisoned, released, or dead as “Martyrs” – are “heroes” and role models for PA society
- Therefore the PA sees it as its duty and “moral commitment” to pay them salaries
- The ultimate goal for the PA is Israel's destruction – “to defeat the invader”
The following are excerpts of Shtayyeh’s speech emphasizing these ideologies:
Terrorists killed during attacks - “Martyrs” in PA terminology - are “heroes… Their blood is perfume… They are adorned with a crown of honor”:
“Martyrdom is a medal of honor, and honor for those who were killed for the sake of God and the homeland. They are the symbol of heroism in dealing with the oppression, subjugation, and occupation. The Martyrs are heroes, and heroes have identifying features. Their blood is perfume, and their souls hover in Paradise together with the righteous and the prophets. They are adorned with a crown of honor, and their blood waters the anemones that bloom in all of Palestine. The heroic Martyrs – where do they stand out? In the battlefield… in the uprisings, and in the intifadas.
[Official PA TV Live, Jan. 9, 2022]
All Palestinian terrorists who were killed during their attacks are called Martyrs by the PA, and Martyrdom is presented as the most honorable status achievable in Islam.
PM Shtayyeh’s speech also honored specific terrorist “Martyrs”:
fredag 21 januari 2022
Antisemitismen ökade under 2021
Europa i topp när det gäller antisemitism.
2021 was the most antisemitic year in the last decade - antisemitism report (Jerusalem Post)
The year 2021 is the most antisemitic year in the last decade, with at least 10 antisemitic incidents happening on average every single day, according to the annual Antisemitism Report published by the World Zionist Organization (WZO) and the Jewish Agency...
...So in 2021, which places were the most antisemitic?
The answer to that is by far Europe, where nearly half of all antisemitic incidents happened. .."