tisdag 19 oktober 2010

Varför förhandlar palestinierna inte?

Palestinierna vägrar igen förhandla med Israel. Tydligen anser de att det är mera fördelaktigt för dem att inte för tillfället föra några förhandlingar.

Det rapporteras att palestinierna överväger att försöka få FN att erkänna en palestinsk stat och därmed få en egen stat utan att förhandla och komma överens med Israel.Detta kunde betyda att palestinierna får en stat vid sidan av Israel men konflikten skulle fortsätta och bland annat kraven på att de palestinska flyktingarna skall få "återvända" till Israel skulle finnas kvar.

Här finns två länkar till artiklar som behandlar detta ämne:

Palestinians may ask UN to recognize state in ’67 borders
Salim Zanoun, chairman of the Palestine National Council, the PLO’s parliament- in-exile, said over the weekend that it was “impossible” for the Palestinians to recognize Israel as a Jewish state because that would jeopardize the right of return for Palestinian refugees to their original homes inside Israel and threaten the status of Israel’s Arab minority.

“The Palestinians have given all [of] what they have for the sake of peace,” Zanoun said. “But we won’t give up our basic national rights, first and foremost the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital on all the territories occupied in 1967 and the return of the refugees to their homes.

“It’s impossible to recognize Israel as a Jewish state because we want to preserve the right of return for those Palestinians who were forcibly expelled from their homes and lands,” Zanoun said. “We also want to protect the rights of the Arab Palestinians living in the territories that were occupied in 1948 and who are facing a conspiracy by the racist, extremist Israeli government.”

Does the PA fulfill the criteria for an independent state?
According to the 1933 Montevideo Convention on the Rights and Duties of States, which is now part of customary law and therefore binding on all countries, a state must possess a permanent population, a defined territory, a government and a capacity to enter into relationships with other states.

Furthermore, the convention states that “the political existence of the state is independent of recognition by other states.”

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