tisdag 19 juni 2012

Närmare 30 raketer från Gaza mot Israel

Gränsen till Gaza är åter en gång orolig. Det senaste dygnet har närmare 30 raketer avfyrats från Gaza mot södra Israel.
Hamas har tagit på sig ansvaret för en del av attackerna vilket är ganska ovanligt.  Hamas har den senaste tiden annars låtit andra grupper sköta raketbeskjutningen.
Israeliska flygvapnet har svarat på attackerna och angripit terrorister i Gaza.

Gaza terrorists fire 31 rockets at Israel since midnight  (Jerusalem Post)

Updates: Rocket Fire From Gaza On Israel in Past Two Days (IDF)

June 19:

  • 6:00 AM: Two rockets fired from Gaza land in southern Israel.
  • 12:50 PM: IAF targets terrorist squad handling explosive device near the security fence in the central Gaza Strip.
  • 2:20 PM:  Four rockets fired from Gaza landed in Eshkol Regional Council, just east of the strip. Residents living in this area have about 15 seconds to find shelter after hearing the alarm.
  • 3:25 PM:  Four more rockets fired from Gaza land in southern Israel. Israeli residents in area are instructed to remain in their homes.
  • 3:50 PM: The Israeli Air Force targets terrorist squad in Gaza responsible for rockets fired at Israel over past few hours. A hit is confirmed.
  • 4:50 PM: Two rockets fired from Gaza land in Eshkol Regional Council.
  • 7:00 PM: Six rockets fired from Gaza land in southern Israel.

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