fredag 5 oktober 2012

Kristna tvingas fly från Sinai

Khaled Abu Toameh skriver att kristna tvingas fly från staden Rafah i Sinai.
Det är muslimska terrorister som för ett heligt krig, jihad, mot de kristna och alla kristna lär redan ha flytt från staden  Rafah.
Jihadisterna har förstört den lokala kyrkan och kristnas egendom.
De egyptiska myndigheterna har inte varit till någon större hjälp, de har uppmanat de kristna att flytta till staden Al- Arish.

"The ethnic cleansing of Christians in the Sinai is being ignored not only by the Egyptian authorities, but also by the mainstream media and human rights groups in the West. "
"In events being ignored not only by the Egyptian authorities, but also by the mainstream media and human rights organizations in the West, Muslim terrorists have in recent weeks attacked Christian families and forced them out of their homes and businesses in the Sinai town of Rafah. The terrorists have threatened to pursue their jihad against Christians until all of them leave the Sinai."

Fler artiklar av Khalde Abu Toameh finns här:

Bland andra:

"In the past two years, tens of thousands of Christians have fled Egypt, mainly due to the rise of Muslim fundamentalists to power. Recurring attacks on Christian families and property and failure of the Egyptian authorities to employ a tougher policy against the fundamentalists have led many Christians to reach the conclusion that they have no future not only in Egypt, but in other Arab countries where radical Muslims are rising to power.
Christian fears are not unjustified. Muslim fanatics will continue to target Christians because they consider all non-Muslims "infidels." If the fanatics cannot tolerate moderate and secular Muslims, why should they be expected to accept those who belong to other faiths?"

"[Abbas's] resignation would actually be the most positive thing he has ever done for the Palestinians." — PLO representative. 

"Muslim men from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries have asked their embassies to help to help them find Syrian girls living in makeshift refugee camps in Jordan and Iraq. "Exploiting the conditions of the girls in the refugee camps by marrying them temporarily is a form of rape that must stop immediately. Those responsible for this crime should be brought to trial," says Abdel Bari Atwan of Al-Quds Al-Arabi. "

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