onsdag 14 maj 2014

Fatahs facebook uppdatering

Mahmoud Abbas är ledare för Fatah och trots att Abbas påstår att han arbetar för en tvåstatslösning publiceras liknande bilder på Fatahs facebooksida.
Kartan visar hela Israel plus de omstridda områden i Judéen och Samarien och bildtexten är fritt översatt:
Detta är palestinska statens område som ockupationen måste lämna omedelbart.

 Fatah threatens Israelis: "Leave immediately" (PMW)

Internationally, Abbas continuously affirms the Palestinians' desire for a two-state solution and a Palestinian state on the 1967-borders. However, that statement is not reflected in this poster, nor in many other statements and messages to the Palestinian people. 

In March, Palestinian Media Watch reported that Fatah's military wing issued a video promoting "armed resistance until the liberation of all of Palestine." Similarly, Fatah leader Tawfik Tirawi stated that "the two-state solution does not exist" and explained Fatah's goal of a world without Israel:
"This is our goal; this is the lantern that lights our way;

these are our principles in the Fatah Movement:

Palestine - Gaza is part of it; the West Bank is part of it;

and it is Haifa, Jaffa, Acre, and it is all of Palestine" 
[Al-Manar TV (Hezbollah), April 2, 2014]

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