USA stödda av flera arabstater har bombat terroristmål i Syrien. Enligt Al-Jazeera dödades många civila i bombningarna, även kvinnor och barn.
Jag kan inte låta bli att jämföra rapporteringen av USA:s bombningar med rapporteringen av Israels attacker mot Hamas.
När Israel angrep terroristerna i Gaza rapporterade t. ex. Österbottens Tidning dagligen om hur många civila som dödats (enligt uppgifter från Hamas hälsovårdsmyndigheter).
I tidningens rapport (artikeln är från FNB-TT) om USA:s bombningar nämns inte med ett enda ord civila offer.
(Det bör kanske tilläggas att det är möjligt att uppgifterna från Al-Jazeera är lika opålitliga som uppgifterna från Hamas var)
Det är också andra som reagerar på omvärldens olika reaktioner beroende på om det är Israel eller någon annan som utför krigsoperationer. Se följande artikel:
Opinion: United States attack in Syria parallels Israel’s in Gaza (Jerusalem Post)
"The air attack by American and Arab forces against ISIS and other
terrorist targets parallels Israel’s air attacks against Hamas terrorist
targets in Gaza. According to retired General Wesley Clark, the United
States air attacks are designed to degrade and destroy the
infrastructure of the terrorist groups, including the electric grid, the
sources of their finance and other mixed military-civilian targets.
When Israel attacked Hamas military targets, including some that had
mixed uses, it was condemned by the same Arab nations that participated
in the joint United States-Arab attack in Syria. The difference of
course is that the threat posed by ISIS is not nearly as imminent as the
threats posed by Hamas. This is certainly true in relation to the
United States and may also be true in relation to its Arab partners.
the most hypocritical nations participating in the US attack is, of
course, Qatar, which not only condemned Israel for defending its
civilians against Hamas rockets and tunnels, but actually funded the
Hamas attacks and provided asylum for the Hamas terrorist leaders who
ordered them. Hypocrisy is nothing new when it comes to the double
standard applied by the international community against Israel. The
United States and its Arab partners have the right to take preemptive
action against terrorist groups without fear of UN condemnation, a
Goldstone report, or threats to bring its leaders before the
International Criminal Court. Yet everything Israel does, regardless of
how careful it is to minimize civilian casualties, becomes the basis
for international condemnation..."
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