onsdag 12 november 2014

Hamas näst rikaste terrorgruppen i världen

Tidningen Ha'aretz skriver att Hamas hör till de rikaste terrorgrupperna i världen.Enligt uppgifter från Forbes Israel är det endast IS (ISIS) som är rikare.
Hamas omsättning rör sig kring 1 miljard dollar i året. (IS 2 miljarder)
Det är efter att Hamas tog över makten i Gaza 2007 som organisationen växt ordentligt.
En delorsak till Hamas rikedom kan vara att omvärlden pumpar in bistånd till palestinierna i en omfattning som är unik i världen.

Hamas among richest terror groups worldwide – second only to ISIS (Ha'aretz)
"The report describes Hamas' takeover of Gaza in 2007 as the point from which it entered "the big league." Today, Hamas is now no longer only dependent on donations, but is able to collect taxes from both civilians and businesses. But that's not all. The report says Hamas also takes a cut out of all international aid donated to Gaza by Arab and other foreign countries."

Hamas said to be world's second richest terror group ( I 24 News )
"Hamas reportedly gets $1 billion annually from taxing goods that come in to the Gaza Strip, which it has controlled since 2007, and from charitable contributions by organizations and individuals abroad. Various reports indicate that over the years it has also been taking a cut from the funding provided by Western and Arab governments to help Gaza's impoverished 1.8 million Palestinians. A 2010 assessment by Israel's Shin Bet security agency put the organization's expenditures on salaries and weaponry at some $300 million."
The Palestinian Authority accused Hamas of stealing funds intended to aid Gaza’s residents. Hamas has a history of graft and usury.

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