onsdag 1 april 2015

Den icke existerande palestinska staten medlem i ICC

Internationella brottmålsdomstolen (ICC) välkomnade i dag den palestinska staten som sin 123:dje medlem.
Att en domstol välkomnar en stat som inte existerar enligt de normala krav som finns på en stat höjer inte domstolens status.
Domstolens vicepresident Kuniko Ozaki konstaterade vid en ceremoni i Haag att undertecknandet av Romstadgan medför rättigheter men också ansvar. Hur man sedan kan få detta ansvar att gå ihop med att den "Palestinska staten" styrs av en regering där terroristorganisationen Hamas ingår är svårare att förstå.
Den palestinske utrikesministern Al-Malki sade vid tillfället att man nu var närmare palestiniernas mål, fred och rättvisa.
Israel ser palestiniernas medlemskap i ICC som ett brott mot allt vad man tidigare kommit överens om.
Israel: PA is in cahoots with Hamas, has no right to threaten us in name of int'l law (JerusalemPost)
“The Palestinian Authority government, which has established a partnership with the murderous Hamas terrorist organization that carries out war crimes like those carried out by Islamic State, is the last one that can threaten to file claims in the international court in the Hague,” he said.

Nachshon called the Palestinian decision to join the court “political, cynical and hypocritical.” He said that Palestinian intentions at the court contradict the goals of the court and will lead to a “destructive politicization” that will harm the stature of the body.

ICC 'welcomes State of Palestine' as 123rd member at ceremony

Sheikh Muhammad Hussein är den högste religiösa ledaren inom de palestinska myndigheterna och utnämnd av Mahmoud Abbas. Här ger han ett exempel på hur palestinierna tar sitt ansvar.

PA's top religious leader: Muslims have religious obligation to “liberate Palestine” ‎ 
 The Mufti of the Palestinian Authority Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, appointed in 2006 by PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas to the position of most senior religious leader in the PA, told a conference of "Muslim scholars and delegations from over 46 countries" that Israel must be destroyed in the name of Islam:

"The land of Palestine is waqf (i.e., inalienable religious endowment in Islamic law). It must not be relinquished nor must any part of it be sold... It is the duty of the leaders of the [Islamic] nation and its peoples to liberate Palestine and Jerusalem."
[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, March 23, 2015

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