söndag 6 mars 2016

Youtube stängde Palestinian Media Watch konto igen (uppdaterad)

Palestinian Media Watch publiceras videoklipp på Youtube som avslöjar hur hatet mot judarna sprids i det palestinska samhället av bland annat politiska och religiös ledare.
Av någon anledning tycker Youtube att detta strider mot deras regler och har nu stängt PMW:s konto.
Det kan egentligen bara finnas två orsaker till åtgärden endera är de ansvariga för stängningen okunniga och dumma eller så vill de inte att omvärlden skall få reda på det judehat som sprids bland palestinierna.
YouTube öppnade PMW:s konto på nytt nästa dag

NGO gets booted off YouTube for exposing Palestinian incitement video

PMW YouTube account "terminated" for exposing PA hate speech
Dear PMW subscribers,

Following Palestinian Media Watch's release of a video on Thursday in which a Palestinian girl read a poem on official PA TV calling for "war that will smash the oppressor and destroy the Zionist's soul," YouTube "terminated" PMW's account for violating their "terms of service," which includes hate speech. The terminated account, https://www.youtube.com/user/palwatch/, contains nearly all of PMW's videos.

We urge anyone with contacts at Google or YouTube to contact them and request that PMW's account be reinstated. Others can send a message to YouTube by clicking the "Send feedback" link at the bottom of YouTube's homepage.

It is outrageous that YouTube closed PMW's account, which is a blow to the war on terror. This is particularly dangerous now while Israel is fighting a war against Palestinian terror. PMW documentation on PMW's YouTube account shows the PA and Fatah leaders' support and promotion of the terror. 

PMW's exposure of Palestinian incitement and hate speech is recognized and used by parliaments and governments around the world. On Friday, a 25-minute debate took place in Swedish Parliament in which the PA's support for the current terror was discussed, and the proof was based entirely on PMW documentation - most of which is no longer accessible on PMW's YouTube account. 

PMW is urging YouTube to immediately reinstate PMW's account and all PMW videos, and is calling to our subscribers to help put pressure on Google. 

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