Song on PA TV promises to attack Jews:
"We will raise the Fatah flag with the rifle...
We will come at you from the sea...
We are soldiers, until we break the Jews"
Music video includes photos of terrorist murderer Dalal Mughrabi who led attack from the sea in which 37 Israeli civilians, among them 12 children, were murdered
Song glorifies death for "the homeland"
Den israeliska versionen av vad som händer
- Denhär bloggen förmedlar nyheter om och från Israel och kommenterar nyheter som de finländska medierna förmedlar till oss.Kanske någon blir medveten om den vinkling av nyheterna från Israel som förekommer. Verkligheten ser ofta annorlunda ut än den bild som TV och tidningar förmedlar. Bland annat genom att läsa israeliska tidningar får du en bättre bild av vad som händer i Israel. (se länklistan)
- Här finns Israelnyheter på Facebook
torsdag 30 november 2017
Granatattack från Gaza mot Israel
Åtminstone ett tiotal granater sköts idag från Gaza mot Israel. Israel har besvarat attacken och med flyg och pansarvagnsbeskjutning angripit fyra mål i Gaza. Två av målen tillhörde Hamas och två Islamsk Jihad som utförde granatattacken.
Det är exakt en månad sedan Israel förstörde en av Islamsk Jihads tunnlar som sträckte sig in på israeliskt territorium och granatattacken ses i Israel som en hämndaktion av Islamsk Jihad.
Det att Hamas inte längre kunde eller ville stoppa Islamsk Jihad från att utföra attacken kan också tolkas som att Hamas nu konstaterat att försoningsavtalet som man kommit överens om med Fatah inte kommer att förverkligas.
De palestinska myndigheterna borde enligt överenskommelsen från oktober ta över kontrollen av Gaza i morgon den första december. Nu har Hamas och palestinska myndigheten (Fatah) bett Egypten om att övertagandet skall skjutas fram till 10 december.
Både parterna har under de senaste dagarna anklagat varandra för att inte följa överenskommelsen.
Senaste vecka höll parterna ett möte i Kairo som inte gav några konkreta resultat och en talesman för Hamas betecknade mötet som meningslöst.
Azzam al-Ahmad som leder Fatahs delegation i förhandlingarna med Hamas sade i en intervju tidigare i veckan att det är Iran som är huvudorsaken till att splittringen mellan Hamas och Fatah fortgår. Al-Ahmad sade att det ser ut som om Irans stöd till Hamas skulle vara beroende av att splittringen fortsätter.
Det ser alltså inte vidare hoppfullt ut för befolkningen i Gaza. Kriget mot Israel och mellan rivaliserande palestinska grupper verkar gå före allt annat.
Palestinians fire shells at troops on Gaza border; IDF retaliates
Senior Fatah official: Iran the key source of Palestinian division
Gaza handover delay raises fresh doubts over Palestinian unity deal (The Times of Israel)
Ghassan Khatib, a former Palestinian Authority minister, said he doubted a true handover could occur by the target date, though partial progress may allow the factions to keep the accord alive.
“This decision (to delay) was taken under pressure from the Egyptian delegation,” he said.
“The Egyptian delegation wants success, so they suggested 10 days and promised to continue their presence there and to put pressure on the two sides. I personally doubt that they can solve all those issues quickly.”
Det är exakt en månad sedan Israel förstörde en av Islamsk Jihads tunnlar som sträckte sig in på israeliskt territorium och granatattacken ses i Israel som en hämndaktion av Islamsk Jihad.
Det att Hamas inte längre kunde eller ville stoppa Islamsk Jihad från att utföra attacken kan också tolkas som att Hamas nu konstaterat att försoningsavtalet som man kommit överens om med Fatah inte kommer att förverkligas.
De palestinska myndigheterna borde enligt överenskommelsen från oktober ta över kontrollen av Gaza i morgon den första december. Nu har Hamas och palestinska myndigheten (Fatah) bett Egypten om att övertagandet skall skjutas fram till 10 december.
Både parterna har under de senaste dagarna anklagat varandra för att inte följa överenskommelsen.
Senaste vecka höll parterna ett möte i Kairo som inte gav några konkreta resultat och en talesman för Hamas betecknade mötet som meningslöst.
Azzam al-Ahmad som leder Fatahs delegation i förhandlingarna med Hamas sade i en intervju tidigare i veckan att det är Iran som är huvudorsaken till att splittringen mellan Hamas och Fatah fortgår. Al-Ahmad sade att det ser ut som om Irans stöd till Hamas skulle vara beroende av att splittringen fortsätter.
Det ser alltså inte vidare hoppfullt ut för befolkningen i Gaza. Kriget mot Israel och mellan rivaliserande palestinska grupper verkar gå före allt annat.
Palestinians fire shells at troops on Gaza border; IDF retaliates
Senior Fatah official: Iran the key source of Palestinian division
Gaza handover delay raises fresh doubts over Palestinian unity deal (The Times of Israel)
Ghassan Khatib, a former Palestinian Authority minister, said he doubted a true handover could occur by the target date, though partial progress may allow the factions to keep the accord alive.
“This decision (to delay) was taken under pressure from the Egyptian delegation,” he said.
“The Egyptian delegation wants success, so they suggested 10 days and promised to continue their presence there and to put pressure on the two sides. I personally doubt that they can solve all those issues quickly.”
tisdag 28 november 2017
Israelhat i FN:s generalförsamling
Årligen röstar FN:s generalförsamling för ett tjugotal resolutioner som ensidigt fördömer Israel. Under året som gått har sex andra stater en gång kritiserats av generalförsamlingen.
Tyvärr har inte de europeiska staterna den moraliska ryggrad som skulle krävas för att rösta mot resolutionerna som vanligtvis framlagts av arabstaterna utan man röstar för eller lägger i bästa fall ner sin röst.
Om du vill protestera mot den här behandlingen av Israel i FN:s generalförsamlingen kan du här under underteckna ett brev som UN Watch kommer att sända till ledarna i Tyskland, Frankrike och Storbritannien.
2017 U.N. General Assembly Resolutions Singling Out Israel – Texts, Votes, Analysis (UN Watch)
Resolutions on Israel: 20
Resolution on Rest of the World: 6
In the current session of the UN General Assembly, all EU member states are voting for one resolution each to criticize (1) Iran, (2) Syria, (3) North Korea, (4) Crimea, (5) Myanmar, and (6) the U.S., for its embargo on Cuba (click here for resolutions).
By contrast, EU states will vote for at least 15 out of 20 Arab-sponsored resolutions singling out Israel. EU states have failed to introduce a single UNGA resolution on the human rights situation in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, Algeria, or on 175 other countries. ...
UN Watch
#Iraq: 0
#Italy: 0
#Mexico 0
#Nepal: 0
#Pakistan: 0
#Russia (Crimea):
#SouthAfrica: 0
#Tajikistan: 0
#USA (Cuba embargo):
#China: 0
#Venezuela: 0
#SaudiArabia: 0
#Belarus: 0
#Cuba: ️0
#Turkey: ️0
#Pakistan: ️0
#Vietnam: 0
#Algeria: ️0
#Iraq: 0
#Zimbabwe: 0
175 #OtherCountries: 0
How is your country voting? See here:…
Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and all other EU countries are about to vote in December to finalize their support for 15/20 of the anti-Israel resolutions. If you object, write to your MP, and sign our petition here:…
Tyvärr har inte de europeiska staterna den moraliska ryggrad som skulle krävas för att rösta mot resolutionerna som vanligtvis framlagts av arabstaterna utan man röstar för eller lägger i bästa fall ner sin röst.
Om du vill protestera mot den här behandlingen av Israel i FN:s generalförsamlingen kan du här under underteckna ett brev som UN Watch kommer att sända till ledarna i Tyskland, Frankrike och Storbritannien.
2017 U.N. General Assembly Resolutions Singling Out Israel – Texts, Votes, Analysis (UN Watch)
Resolutions on Israel: 20
Resolution on Rest of the World: 6
In the current session of the UN General Assembly, all EU member states are voting for one resolution each to criticize (1) Iran, (2) Syria, (3) North Korea, (4) Crimea, (5) Myanmar, and (6) the U.S., for its embargo on Cuba (click here for resolutions).
By contrast, EU states will vote for at least 15 out of 20 Arab-sponsored resolutions singling out Israel. EU states have failed to introduce a single UNGA resolution on the human rights situation in China, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, Belarus, Cuba, Turkey, Pakistan, Vietnam, Algeria, or on 175 other countries. ...
UN Watch
#Iraq: 0

#Italy: 0
#Mexico 0

#Nepal: 0

#Pakistan: 0
#Russia (Crimea):

#SouthAfrica: 0

#Tajikistan: 0
#USA (Cuba embargo):

#China: 0
#Venezuela: 0
#SaudiArabia: 0
#Belarus: 0
#Cuba: ️0
#Turkey: ️0
#Pakistan: ️0
#Vietnam: 0
#Algeria: ️0
#Iraq: 0
#Zimbabwe: 0
175 #OtherCountries: 0
How is your country voting? See here:…
Britain, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and all other EU countries are about to vote in December to finalize their support for 15/20 of the anti-Israel resolutions. If you object, write to your MP, and sign our petition here:…
Abbas belönar antisemit med hedersmedalj
Det säger ju också något om Abbas värderingar.
Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas Awards Medal Of Honor To Egyptian Writer Mohamed Salmawy, Known For His Extremist And Antisemitic Views (MEMRI)
Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas recently awarded a medal of honor to Egyptian writer Mohamed Salmawy, the former chairman of the Egyptian Writers Union and currently an advisor to the union, for his literary contribution to the Palestinian cause. The award ceremony, held at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo, was attended by Palestinian officials and writers. Speakers at the ceremony emphasized that Salmawy's works documented the stories of martyrs and served as "literary-ideological weapons" in the service of the Palestinian cause. One month ago, Salmawy was also awarded the "Yasser Arafat Africa Prize for Freedom and Peace" in Senegal, at the initiative of the Palestinian ambassador to the country. This prize was awarded at a festive event sponsored by the Senegalese president and attended by the Palestinian ambassador and by Senegalese and Arab officials.
Salmawy, renowned in the Arab world and especially in Egypt, is known for his virulently antisemitic views. In February 1998, he published in the French-language Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram Hebdo an article titled "Look for the Jews!", in which he argued, citing Holocaust deniers Roger Garaudy and David Irving, that the Jews seek to harm anyone who does not support them. He implied that the Jews were behind the publicizing of the Lewinsky scandal with the aim of preventing then U.S. president Bill Clinton from pressuring the Israeli government into making concessions to the Palestinians. He also attacked the French law criminalizing Holocaust denial and the charges brought against Roger Garaudy based on this law, writing: "The thinker Roger Garaudy is being prosecuted on the basis of a law that seems to belong to the Middle-Ages, but which was passed in 1990. This law... bans the questioning of crimes against humanity. However, in this case the word 'humanity' does not refer to the human race, but only to six million Jews who were supposedly the victims of genocide during World War II."[1]
Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas Awards Medal Of Honor To Egyptian Writer Mohamed Salmawy, Known For His Extremist And Antisemitic Views (MEMRI)
Palestinian President Mahmoud 'Abbas recently awarded a medal of honor to Egyptian writer Mohamed Salmawy, the former chairman of the Egyptian Writers Union and currently an advisor to the union, for his literary contribution to the Palestinian cause. The award ceremony, held at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo, was attended by Palestinian officials and writers. Speakers at the ceremony emphasized that Salmawy's works documented the stories of martyrs and served as "literary-ideological weapons" in the service of the Palestinian cause. One month ago, Salmawy was also awarded the "Yasser Arafat Africa Prize for Freedom and Peace" in Senegal, at the initiative of the Palestinian ambassador to the country. This prize was awarded at a festive event sponsored by the Senegalese president and attended by the Palestinian ambassador and by Senegalese and Arab officials.
Salmawy, renowned in the Arab world and especially in Egypt, is known for his virulently antisemitic views. In February 1998, he published in the French-language Egyptian weekly Al-Ahram Hebdo an article titled "Look for the Jews!", in which he argued, citing Holocaust deniers Roger Garaudy and David Irving, that the Jews seek to harm anyone who does not support them. He implied that the Jews were behind the publicizing of the Lewinsky scandal with the aim of preventing then U.S. president Bill Clinton from pressuring the Israeli government into making concessions to the Palestinians. He also attacked the French law criminalizing Holocaust denial and the charges brought against Roger Garaudy based on this law, writing: "The thinker Roger Garaudy is being prosecuted on the basis of a law that seems to belong to the Middle-Ages, but which was passed in 1990. This law... bans the questioning of crimes against humanity. However, in this case the word 'humanity' does not refer to the human race, but only to six million Jews who were supposedly the victims of genocide during World War II."[1]
Antisemitism i Ryssland
Det var fråga om ett judiskt ritualmord när den ryska tsaren mördades för hundra år sedan under den ryska revolutionen. Påståendet har förekommit tidigare i samband med konspirationsteorier angående tsarens död men nu har en rysk biskop och en ämbetsman vid justitieministeriet upprepat anklagelserna.
Russia’s largest Jewish group protested a local bishop’s claim, repeated by a justice ministry official, that the country’s last tsar was murdered by Jews for ritual purposes.
Marina Molodtsova, a senior investigator for a special ministerial committee on the 1917 slaying of Nicholas II of Russia, said on Monday during a conference in Moscow that her committee will conduct “a psycho-historical examination” to find out whether the execution of the royal family was a ritual murder, Ria Novosti reported.
At the same event, Father Tikhon Shevkunov, a Russian Orthodox Church bishop, said that, according to “the most rigorous approach to the version of ritual murder, a significant part of the church commission [on Nicholas II’s killing during the Russian revolution of 1917] has no doubt that this murder was ritual.”
The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, a Chabad-affiliated group with more than 100 affiliated communities across Russia, called the suggestions a “shocking expression of an antisemitic myth” in a statement Monday.
“We all think of this as absolutely unacceptable,” the federation’s spokesperson, Boruch Gorin, told Interfax, and “shocked first and foremost by the sheer absurdity of the allegations.”
Russia’s largest Jewish group protested a local bishop’s claim, repeated by a justice ministry official, that the country’s last tsar was murdered by Jews for ritual purposes.
Marina Molodtsova, a senior investigator for a special ministerial committee on the 1917 slaying of Nicholas II of Russia, said on Monday during a conference in Moscow that her committee will conduct “a psycho-historical examination” to find out whether the execution of the royal family was a ritual murder, Ria Novosti reported.
At the same event, Father Tikhon Shevkunov, a Russian Orthodox Church bishop, said that, according to “the most rigorous approach to the version of ritual murder, a significant part of the church commission [on Nicholas II’s killing during the Russian revolution of 1917] has no doubt that this murder was ritual.”
The Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, a Chabad-affiliated group with more than 100 affiliated communities across Russia, called the suggestions a “shocking expression of an antisemitic myth” in a statement Monday.
“We all think of this as absolutely unacceptable,” the federation’s spokesperson, Boruch Gorin, told Interfax, and “shocked first and foremost by the sheer absurdity of the allegations.”
fredag 24 november 2017
Iran hotar Israel - stöder Hizbollah
En iransk general, Mohammad Ali Jaffari sade i går att i nästa krig kommer Israel att förintas. Han uttryckte också sitt stöd till Hizbollah och sade att gruppen måste ha de bästa vapen som finns för att kunna konfrontera Israel.
onsdag 22 november 2017
Libanons premiärminister sitter kvar
Libanons premiärminister Hariri har återvänt till Libanon. Efter att ha träffat president Michel Aoun meddelade Hariri att han sitter kvar på premiärministerposten så att man får tid att diskutera läget.
tisdag 21 november 2017
När religionsfriheten inte fungerar i Israel
Israel och de som vill försvara Israels rättigheter lyfter ofta fram att Israel är den enda demokratin i Mellanöstern och den enda staten i området där det råder religionsfrihet.
Men som i alla stater finns det brister. För alla judar gäller inte religionsfriheten. Om du är jude och vill flytta till Israel men det kommer fram att du tror på Jesus som Messias är risken stor att du inte får tillstånd att emigrera. Det är vad som hänt för Rebecca Floer från Göteborg. Rebecca är dotter till en judisk man som överlevt Förintelsen och som gifte sig med en kristen kvinna i Sverige.
Enligt israelisk lag har alla som har judiska far- eller morföräldrar rätt att emigrera till Israel men inte om du frivilligt bytt religion. Enligt israeliska myndigheter döptes Rebecca Floer som barn och har därmed ingen rätt att flytta till Israel.Enligt myndigheterna har hon också haft kontakt med kristna och messianska organisationer, detta förnekar dock Rebecca.
Efter att Rebecca ansökt om att få flytta till Israel förkortades också hennes turistvisa från tre till en månad och hon tvingas nu lämna landet.
Den här lagen och dess tolkning är en skamfläck för Israel och har inget berättigande i ett land som säger sig ha religionsfrihet.
Dessutom bör påpekas som Jacob Damkani säger i en artikel i Jerusalem Post: Jesus kom inte för att grunda någon ny religion utan han är uppfyllandet av Guds löfte till det judiska folket. (Jacob Damkani är jude som tror att Jesus är Messias) Därför anser också de flesta judar som tror att Jesus är Messias att de fortfarande är judar trots att de inte omfattar den rabbinska judendomen.
The Swedish daughter of a Holocaust survivor faces deportation from Israel next week, based on claims that she was baptized as a baby and has ties to a messianic organization.
A Jew? A Christian? A "Jew for Jesus"? Jacob Damkani isn't as focused on his own mission as he is on challenging replacement theology.
Jacob Damkani is a man on a mission. In his case, it’s a mission to his people: the Jews.
Damkani is the founder of Trumpet of Salvation to Israel, a Tel Aviv-based ministry whose goal is to “bring the gospel back to the Jewish people.”
Men som i alla stater finns det brister. För alla judar gäller inte religionsfriheten. Om du är jude och vill flytta till Israel men det kommer fram att du tror på Jesus som Messias är risken stor att du inte får tillstånd att emigrera. Det är vad som hänt för Rebecca Floer från Göteborg. Rebecca är dotter till en judisk man som överlevt Förintelsen och som gifte sig med en kristen kvinna i Sverige.
Enligt israelisk lag har alla som har judiska far- eller morföräldrar rätt att emigrera till Israel men inte om du frivilligt bytt religion. Enligt israeliska myndigheter döptes Rebecca Floer som barn och har därmed ingen rätt att flytta till Israel.Enligt myndigheterna har hon också haft kontakt med kristna och messianska organisationer, detta förnekar dock Rebecca.
Efter att Rebecca ansökt om att få flytta till Israel förkortades också hennes turistvisa från tre till en månad och hon tvingas nu lämna landet.
Den här lagen och dess tolkning är en skamfläck för Israel och har inget berättigande i ett land som säger sig ha religionsfrihet.
Dessutom bör påpekas som Jacob Damkani säger i en artikel i Jerusalem Post: Jesus kom inte för att grunda någon ny religion utan han är uppfyllandet av Guds löfte till det judiska folket. (Jacob Damkani är jude som tror att Jesus är Messias) Därför anser också de flesta judar som tror att Jesus är Messias att de fortfarande är judar trots att de inte omfattar den rabbinska judendomen.
The Swedish daughter of a Holocaust survivor faces deportation from Israel next week, based on claims that she was baptized as a baby and has ties to a messianic organization.
A Jew? A Christian? A "Jew for Jesus"? Jacob Damkani isn't as focused on his own mission as he is on challenging replacement theology.
Jacob Damkani is a man on a mission. In his case, it’s a mission to his people: the Jews.
Damkani is the founder of Trumpet of Salvation to Israel, a Tel Aviv-based ministry whose goal is to “bring the gospel back to the Jewish people.”
måndag 20 november 2017
Åsikter om Iran
Rysslands ambassadör i Israel Alexander Shein säger att enda orsaken till Irans militära närvaro i Syrien är att Iran deltar i kriget mot terrorismen.
Iran är antagligen världens största sponsor av terrorism så det är inte många som tror på ambassadör Shein, i all synnerhet inte i Israel. Inte heller i arabvärlden för den delen.
Arabförbundet höll under söndagen ett möte i Kairo där man diskuterade Irans inblandning i arabstaternas angelägenheter och dess stöd till väpnade grupper och terroristgrupper som Hizbollah.
Iran har naturligtvis reagerat och kallar resolutionen från möter värdelöst och inspirerat av "sionistregimen" (Israel).
Iran is only in Syria to fight ‘terror,’ says Russia’s Israel envoy
Iran slams Saudi Arabia for ‘following Zionist policies’
At the emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers under the auspices of the Arab League on Sunday, Iran and Hezbollah were condemned in the harshest terms. The meeting comes amid unprecedented tensions in the region between Saudi Arabia and Iran — and as the war against Islamic State wraps up in Syria and Iraq. Here are five key takeaways from the meeting in Cairo:
... Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa was one of the most outspoken in Cairo, accusing Iran of arming the region, including Hezbollah. He said Iran had left “thousands of wounds” on his country.
Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, a frequent critic of Iran's over the years, described a grave situation in the region.
"The region’s stability and security is [threatened] as a result of the ballistic missiles violations of Iran and the blunt interference in the domestic affairs of Arab countries.” ...
Iran är antagligen världens största sponsor av terrorism så det är inte många som tror på ambassadör Shein, i all synnerhet inte i Israel. Inte heller i arabvärlden för den delen.
Arabförbundet höll under söndagen ett möte i Kairo där man diskuterade Irans inblandning i arabstaternas angelägenheter och dess stöd till väpnade grupper och terroristgrupper som Hizbollah.
Iran har naturligtvis reagerat och kallar resolutionen från möter värdelöst och inspirerat av "sionistregimen" (Israel).
Iran is only in Syria to fight ‘terror,’ says Russia’s Israel envoy
Iran slams Saudi Arabia for ‘following Zionist policies’
At the emergency meeting of Arab foreign ministers under the auspices of the Arab League on Sunday, Iran and Hezbollah were condemned in the harshest terms. The meeting comes amid unprecedented tensions in the region between Saudi Arabia and Iran — and as the war against Islamic State wraps up in Syria and Iraq. Here are five key takeaways from the meeting in Cairo:
... Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed al-Khalifa was one of the most outspoken in Cairo, accusing Iran of arming the region, including Hezbollah. He said Iran had left “thousands of wounds” on his country.
Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister, Adel al-Jubeir, a frequent critic of Iran's over the years, described a grave situation in the region.
"The region’s stability and security is [threatened] as a result of the ballistic missiles violations of Iran and the blunt interference in the domestic affairs of Arab countries.” ...
fredag 17 november 2017
Hur kommer relationerna mellan Saudiarabien och Iran påverka omvärlden?
Hotet från Iran får intressanta konsekvenser. En av dem är att Israels och Saudiarabiens syn på Iran allt mer börjar likna varandra. En gemensam fiende förenar, åtminstone till en del.
Saudiarabiens utrikesminister Adel al-Jubeir sade i går att Hizbollah måste avväpnas. Enligt Adel al-Jubeir är Hizbollah en terrorist organisation som Iran använder till att destabilisera hela regionen.
Diktaturstaten Saudiarabien känner sig hotad av Iran och ser tydligare än demokratierna i Europa vad Iran står för.
Motsättningarna mellan Saudiarabien och Iran innehåller allt som behövs för att en verkligt stor konflikt med förödande följder skall bryta ut.
USA stöder Saudiarabien och Ryssland stöder Iran. Både Rysslands och USA:s stridsstyrkor finns på plats i Mellanöstern och om krig utbryter mellan Saudiarabien och Iran kan vad som helst hända.
Relationerna mellan USA och Ryssland är inte heller speciellt goda. Ett exempel på det fick man i går när Ryssland lade in sitt veto i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Ryssland motsatte sig ett förslag av USA som skulle ha förlängt mandatet för en expertgrupp (JIM) som undersöker vem som använt giftgas i attacker i Syrien.
Saudi Arabia calls on Hezbollah to disarm, threatens its ouster from Lebanon (The Times of Israel)
At a press conference in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, al-Jubeir denounced Hezbollah as “a tool of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards” and “a first-class terrorist organization used by Iran to destabilize Lebanon and the region.”
“Hezbollah has kidnapped the Lebanese system,” he said.
Al-Jubeir added that “consultations and coordination between peace-loving countries and Lebanon-loving countries are underway to try to find a way that would restore sovereignty to Lebanon and reduce the negative action which Hezbollah is conducting in Lebanon.”
In first-ever Saudi interview, IDF head says ready to share intel on Iran
US, Russia trade blame as Syria gas attacks probe set to expire (The Times of Israel)
“To my Russian friends, the next chemical weapons attack is on your head,” US Ambassador Nikki Haley said. “By not having a JIM, you are basically telling the entire world that chemical weapons are OK to use. That’s what we should be embarrassed about today.”
Saudiarabiens utrikesminister Adel al-Jubeir sade i går att Hizbollah måste avväpnas. Enligt Adel al-Jubeir är Hizbollah en terrorist organisation som Iran använder till att destabilisera hela regionen.
Diktaturstaten Saudiarabien känner sig hotad av Iran och ser tydligare än demokratierna i Europa vad Iran står för.
Motsättningarna mellan Saudiarabien och Iran innehåller allt som behövs för att en verkligt stor konflikt med förödande följder skall bryta ut.
USA stöder Saudiarabien och Ryssland stöder Iran. Både Rysslands och USA:s stridsstyrkor finns på plats i Mellanöstern och om krig utbryter mellan Saudiarabien och Iran kan vad som helst hända.
Relationerna mellan USA och Ryssland är inte heller speciellt goda. Ett exempel på det fick man i går när Ryssland lade in sitt veto i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Ryssland motsatte sig ett förslag av USA som skulle ha förlängt mandatet för en expertgrupp (JIM) som undersöker vem som använt giftgas i attacker i Syrien.
Saudi Arabia calls on Hezbollah to disarm, threatens its ouster from Lebanon (The Times of Israel)
At a press conference in the Saudi capital of Riyadh, al-Jubeir denounced Hezbollah as “a tool of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards” and “a first-class terrorist organization used by Iran to destabilize Lebanon and the region.”
“Hezbollah has kidnapped the Lebanese system,” he said.
Al-Jubeir added that “consultations and coordination between peace-loving countries and Lebanon-loving countries are underway to try to find a way that would restore sovereignty to Lebanon and reduce the negative action which Hezbollah is conducting in Lebanon.”
In first-ever Saudi interview, IDF head says ready to share intel on Iran
US, Russia trade blame as Syria gas attacks probe set to expire (The Times of Israel)
“To my Russian friends, the next chemical weapons attack is on your head,” US Ambassador Nikki Haley said. “By not having a JIM, you are basically telling the entire world that chemical weapons are OK to use. That’s what we should be embarrassed about today.”
Rapport om judarnas rätt att bo och bygga i Judéen och Samarien
Den som vill ha kunskap om judarnas lagliga rätt att bosätta sig i Judéen och Samarien (västbanken) borde läsa den här rapporten från The Hague Initiative for International Cooperation.
Författare är Andrew Tucker och Matthijs de Blois.
Hela rapporten kan läsas här:
Redan sammanfattningen ger en hel del kunskap som de flesta saknar:
Executive Summary
This Position Paper is intended to assist in the analysis of the international legal aspects of what
are often referred to as “settlements” in the “Occupied Palestinian Territories.”1
The “West Bank” and East Jerusalem is an area of approximately 6000 km2
north/west, east
and south/west of Jerusalem. It encompasses most of the mountainous territory of what for
centuries after 70AD was known as “Palestine.”
For 2000 years the territory covering what is now current Israel and the West Bank was
part of larger empires. In 1922, the international community agreed that a Jewish national
home should be established in the area then known as Palestine—including all of Jerusalem
and the area now known as the “West Bank”. This was part of the desire to achieve an equitable
determination of the territories of the Ottoman Turkish Empire after WWI in order to
give the peoples of the Middle East self-determination. For millennia, the Jewish people had
been one of the most important peoples of the Middle East. In the Mandate for Palestine,
the international community recognized the unique connection of the Jewish people with
all of Palestine—including Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria (which only became known as
the “West Bank” after 1950).
In the Six-Day War in June 1967, the Israeli army unexpectantly gained control over a
large area of land that was prior to 1948 part of the Mandate for Palestine, but since the
conclusion of hostilities in 1949 had been controlled by Syria (Golan Heights), Egypt (Gaza
Strip and Sinai) and Jordan (the “West Bank”). Since June 1967, with the exception of “East
Jerusalem,” Israel has not annexed these territories, but has instead voluntarily submitted to
the application of the law of “belligerent occupation.” As a result, these territories are now
almost universally referred to as “the occupied Palestinian territories.”
Israel is heavily criticized for its military administration and for Israeli civilian “settlements”
in these territories. These territories are referred to in UN resolutions, by international
organizations and agencies, in the media and even by the International Court of
Justice as the “Occupied Palestinian Territories” (“OPT”). It is often stated that “Israel is
illegally occupying” these territories, and that “the settlements” are “illegal” and an “obstacle
to peace.” UN Security Council resolution 465 (1980), for example, calls on Israel to “dismantle
the existing settlements.” The International Court of Justice stated generically in the
Wall Advisory Opinion that “the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
(including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law.”
On December 23, 2016, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2334, in which it
stated that the establishment by Israel of “settlements” in the “Palestinian territory occupied
since 1967” “has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and
a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive
peace.” In referring to “Palestinian territory occupied since 1967,” the Security
Council is referring to the Gaza Strip, the Sinai, the Golan Heights and the “West Bank” and
“East Jerusalem.” This paper focusses on the status of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. We
argue that the statements by the Security Council that the establishment by Israel of “settlements”
in these territories are illegal is both incorrect and misleading.
The term “Occupied Palestinian Territories” is often used to make the suggestion that:
a. the 1949 Armistice Lines constitute legally binding “borders”;
b. these territories “belong” to the “Palestinians”;
c. Israel’s “occupation” of these territories is illegitimate.
This paper sets out the main legal issues involved in characterizing these territories.
The main conclusions of this analysis are:
1. International law applicable to the West Bank is extremely complex and controversial.
International law does not provide “cut-and-dried” solutions to the conflict between
Israel and its neighbors in relation to these territories. Care should be taken to avoid
generalizations. When referring to international law, it is essential to specify precisely
which actions by the State of Israel are considered to be in breach of international
law. For the reasons set out below, blanket statements that “the settlements are illegal”
completely fail to take account of these complexities.
2. Israel has potentially legitimate claims to territorial sovereignty (title) with respect
to all of the territory included in the former Mandate for Palestine. This covers all of
the West Bank (including East Jerusalem).
3. In light of these (potential) claims, and Israel’s rights to “territorial integrity”, neither
the United Nations, the EU nor any other party or organization has the jurisdiction
to impose any legally-binding “solution” with respect to these territories without
Israel’s consent.
4. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) also does not have jurisdiction to make
legally-binding determinations concerning these territories without Israel’s consent.
5. Given Israel’s potentially legitimate sovereign territorial claims with respect to all or
part of these territories, it is inaccurate and misleading to refer to them as “Palestinian”
in so far as this is intended to imply that these territories are part of the sovereign
territory of another people or State.
6. Although the West Bank is (almost) universally referred to as “occupied” (including
by Israel itself—at least for the territories outside Jerusalem), the international law
of belligerent occupation arguably does not apply to the West Bank.
7. But even if the West Bank does constitute “occupied” territory within the meaning
of the law of occupation, that law does not prohibit occupation as such. It does not
require Israel to “withdraw” its military personnel or its citizens from the West Bank
pending the finalization of a negotiated peace treaty.
8. The international law of belligerent occupation only prohibits specific kinds of conduct
by occupying States. At best, it could be argued that article 49(6) of the Fourth
Geneva Convention prohibits the State of Israel from taking measures to transfer (or
encourage the transfer of) Israeli citizens from Israel to the West Bank.
9. But even on this reading, international law only applies to the activities of the State of
Israel. It does not prohibit or restrict the right of Israeli citizens to settle voluntarily
in the West Bank, or to move in and out of, or to conduct activities or build houses
or other infrastructure in, the West Bank.
10. While the “Palestinians” arguably have a right to self-determination, international
law does not mandate the establishment of a “Palestinian” state next to Israel. The
“two-state” solution is a political goal, not a legal requirement. It is therefore invalid
to claim that settlements are “illegal” because they somehow frustrate the establishment
of a Palestinian state.
11. It is also incorrect to state or imply that “Palestine” is already a state.
12. Additional considerations are raised by the unique status of Jerusalem. The fact that
“East Jerusalem” contains sites regarded as holy by Jews, Christians and Moslems
raises additional issues of concern. In particular, no steps should be taken that would
limit the freedom of members of any of these religions to access their holy places.
Allowing East Jerusalem to come under the exclusive control of an Islamic regime
would by definition arguably result in the illegitimate restriction of the rights of
Christians and Jews to access these holy sites.
13. Israel and the PLO remain bound by the terms of the Oslo Accords. Until such time
as these binding agreements are revoked, they provide the legal framework for the
settlement of disputes between Israel and the PLO. Under the Oslo Accords, Israel
and the PLO are both entitled and obliged to negotiate directly with each other
concerning all “final status” issues, including Jerusalem, borders and settlements.
Under Article XXXI of the Interim Agreement, neither party is entitled to take unilateral
action that will “change the status” of the West Bank pending the outcome of
permanent status negotiations.
14. The UN Security Council and General Assembly, the EU and individual member
states have no authority to limit the rights of Israel and its citizens with respect to
the West Bank, including “East Jerusalem.” In fact, measures by the EU or United
Nations organs to comply with PLO requests to change the status of the West Bank
unilaterally, or to impose limitations on the rights of Israel to negotiate as set out
above, could arguably themselves constitute infringements of international law.
Författare är Andrew Tucker och Matthijs de Blois.
Hela rapporten kan läsas här:
Redan sammanfattningen ger en hel del kunskap som de flesta saknar:
Executive Summary
This Position Paper is intended to assist in the analysis of the international legal aspects of what
are often referred to as “settlements” in the “Occupied Palestinian Territories.”1
The “West Bank” and East Jerusalem is an area of approximately 6000 km2
north/west, east
and south/west of Jerusalem. It encompasses most of the mountainous territory of what for
centuries after 70AD was known as “Palestine.”
For 2000 years the territory covering what is now current Israel and the West Bank was
part of larger empires. In 1922, the international community agreed that a Jewish national
home should be established in the area then known as Palestine—including all of Jerusalem
and the area now known as the “West Bank”. This was part of the desire to achieve an equitable
determination of the territories of the Ottoman Turkish Empire after WWI in order to
give the peoples of the Middle East self-determination. For millennia, the Jewish people had
been one of the most important peoples of the Middle East. In the Mandate for Palestine,
the international community recognized the unique connection of the Jewish people with
all of Palestine—including Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria (which only became known as
the “West Bank” after 1950).
In the Six-Day War in June 1967, the Israeli army unexpectantly gained control over a
large area of land that was prior to 1948 part of the Mandate for Palestine, but since the
conclusion of hostilities in 1949 had been controlled by Syria (Golan Heights), Egypt (Gaza
Strip and Sinai) and Jordan (the “West Bank”). Since June 1967, with the exception of “East
Jerusalem,” Israel has not annexed these territories, but has instead voluntarily submitted to
the application of the law of “belligerent occupation.” As a result, these territories are now
almost universally referred to as “the occupied Palestinian territories.”
Israel is heavily criticized for its military administration and for Israeli civilian “settlements”
in these territories. These territories are referred to in UN resolutions, by international
organizations and agencies, in the media and even by the International Court of
Justice as the “Occupied Palestinian Territories” (“OPT”). It is often stated that “Israel is
illegally occupying” these territories, and that “the settlements” are “illegal” and an “obstacle
to peace.” UN Security Council resolution 465 (1980), for example, calls on Israel to “dismantle
the existing settlements.” The International Court of Justice stated generically in the
Wall Advisory Opinion that “the Israeli settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory
(including East Jerusalem) have been established in breach of international law.”
On December 23, 2016, the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 2334, in which it
stated that the establishment by Israel of “settlements” in the “Palestinian territory occupied
since 1967” “has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation of international law and
a major obstacle to the achievement of the two-State solution and a just, lasting and comprehensive
peace.” In referring to “Palestinian territory occupied since 1967,” the Security
Council is referring to the Gaza Strip, the Sinai, the Golan Heights and the “West Bank” and
“East Jerusalem.” This paper focusses on the status of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. We
argue that the statements by the Security Council that the establishment by Israel of “settlements”
in these territories are illegal is both incorrect and misleading.
The term “Occupied Palestinian Territories” is often used to make the suggestion that:
a. the 1949 Armistice Lines constitute legally binding “borders”;
b. these territories “belong” to the “Palestinians”;
c. Israel’s “occupation” of these territories is illegitimate.
This paper sets out the main legal issues involved in characterizing these territories.
The main conclusions of this analysis are:
1. International law applicable to the West Bank is extremely complex and controversial.
International law does not provide “cut-and-dried” solutions to the conflict between
Israel and its neighbors in relation to these territories. Care should be taken to avoid
generalizations. When referring to international law, it is essential to specify precisely
which actions by the State of Israel are considered to be in breach of international
law. For the reasons set out below, blanket statements that “the settlements are illegal”
completely fail to take account of these complexities.
2. Israel has potentially legitimate claims to territorial sovereignty (title) with respect
to all of the territory included in the former Mandate for Palestine. This covers all of
the West Bank (including East Jerusalem).
3. In light of these (potential) claims, and Israel’s rights to “territorial integrity”, neither
the United Nations, the EU nor any other party or organization has the jurisdiction
to impose any legally-binding “solution” with respect to these territories without
Israel’s consent.
4. The International Court of Justice (ICJ) also does not have jurisdiction to make
legally-binding determinations concerning these territories without Israel’s consent.
5. Given Israel’s potentially legitimate sovereign territorial claims with respect to all or
part of these territories, it is inaccurate and misleading to refer to them as “Palestinian”
in so far as this is intended to imply that these territories are part of the sovereign
territory of another people or State.
6. Although the West Bank is (almost) universally referred to as “occupied” (including
by Israel itself—at least for the territories outside Jerusalem), the international law
of belligerent occupation arguably does not apply to the West Bank.
7. But even if the West Bank does constitute “occupied” territory within the meaning
of the law of occupation, that law does not prohibit occupation as such. It does not
require Israel to “withdraw” its military personnel or its citizens from the West Bank
pending the finalization of a negotiated peace treaty.
8. The international law of belligerent occupation only prohibits specific kinds of conduct
by occupying States. At best, it could be argued that article 49(6) of the Fourth
Geneva Convention prohibits the State of Israel from taking measures to transfer (or
encourage the transfer of) Israeli citizens from Israel to the West Bank.
9. But even on this reading, international law only applies to the activities of the State of
Israel. It does not prohibit or restrict the right of Israeli citizens to settle voluntarily
in the West Bank, or to move in and out of, or to conduct activities or build houses
or other infrastructure in, the West Bank.
10. While the “Palestinians” arguably have a right to self-determination, international
law does not mandate the establishment of a “Palestinian” state next to Israel. The
“two-state” solution is a political goal, not a legal requirement. It is therefore invalid
to claim that settlements are “illegal” because they somehow frustrate the establishment
of a Palestinian state.
11. It is also incorrect to state or imply that “Palestine” is already a state.
12. Additional considerations are raised by the unique status of Jerusalem. The fact that
“East Jerusalem” contains sites regarded as holy by Jews, Christians and Moslems
raises additional issues of concern. In particular, no steps should be taken that would
limit the freedom of members of any of these religions to access their holy places.
Allowing East Jerusalem to come under the exclusive control of an Islamic regime
would by definition arguably result in the illegitimate restriction of the rights of
Christians and Jews to access these holy sites.
13. Israel and the PLO remain bound by the terms of the Oslo Accords. Until such time
as these binding agreements are revoked, they provide the legal framework for the
settlement of disputes between Israel and the PLO. Under the Oslo Accords, Israel
and the PLO are both entitled and obliged to negotiate directly with each other
concerning all “final status” issues, including Jerusalem, borders and settlements.
Under Article XXXI of the Interim Agreement, neither party is entitled to take unilateral
action that will “change the status” of the West Bank pending the outcome of
permanent status negotiations.
14. The UN Security Council and General Assembly, the EU and individual member
states have no authority to limit the rights of Israel and its citizens with respect to
the West Bank, including “East Jerusalem.” In fact, measures by the EU or United
Nations organs to comply with PLO requests to change the status of the West Bank
unilaterally, or to impose limitations on the rights of Israel to negotiate as set out
above, could arguably themselves constitute infringements of international law.
En ung palestinsk bilförare körde idag på morgonen över två personer söder om Jerusalem. Därefter steg han ur bilen och försökte knivhugga soldater.
Soldaterna sköt angriparen.Både terroristen och hans offer fördes till sjukhus. En av de skadade fick allvarliga hjärnskador.
Two injured, one seriously, in West Bank car ramming; terrorist shot
Soldaterna sköt angriparen.Både terroristen och hans offer fördes till sjukhus. En av de skadade fick allvarliga hjärnskador.
Two injured, one seriously, in West Bank car ramming; terrorist shot
torsdag 16 november 2017
Kommer Islamsk jihad att attackera Israel?
En artikel av Paul Widén om det spända läget efter sprängningen av en av Islamsk Jihads tunnlar för en tid sedan.
Israel har denhär veckan förberett sig för en större terrorattack.
Förhöjd militär beredskap i södra Israel
"Israel höjde på måndagskvällen sin militära beredskap runt gränsen till Gaza, då man befarar att terroristorganisationen Islamiska Jihad står i begrepp att utföra en storskalig attack som vedergällning för Israels kontrollerade demolering av en tunnel under gränsen till Gaza den 30 oktober. Ett antal enheter av raketförsvarssystemet Järnkupolen utplacerades i centrala Israel för första gången sedan kriget i Gaza sommaren 2014, vilket tyder på att Israels försvarsstyrkor (IDF) har konkret information om planer på raketattacker, specifikt mot Tel Aviv med omnejd. ..."
Israel har denhär veckan förberett sig för en större terrorattack.
Förhöjd militär beredskap i södra Israel
"Israel höjde på måndagskvällen sin militära beredskap runt gränsen till Gaza, då man befarar att terroristorganisationen Islamiska Jihad står i begrepp att utföra en storskalig attack som vedergällning för Israels kontrollerade demolering av en tunnel under gränsen till Gaza den 30 oktober. Ett antal enheter av raketförsvarssystemet Järnkupolen utplacerades i centrala Israel för första gången sedan kriget i Gaza sommaren 2014, vilket tyder på att Israels försvarsstyrkor (IDF) har konkret information om planer på raketattacker, specifikt mot Tel Aviv med omnejd. ..."
Fatah försvarar våld
Efter att Hamas och Fatah kom överens om att samarbeta i Gaza har flera ledare inom Fatah försvarat användning av våld i kampen mot Israel.
USA och Israel har krävt att Hamas måste avstå från sina vapen och avstå från våld om samarbetet med Fatah skall ha någon effekt i praktiken. Mahmoud Abbas har också uttryckt liknande tankar.
Den senaste rapporten från Palestinian Media Watch visar att även ledare inom Fatah motsätter sig en avväpning av Hamas.
För övrigt så går samarbetet mellan Hamas och Fatah lite trögt. Gränsövergången till Egypten borde enligt avtalet vara öppen vid det här laget men den hålls fortfarande stängd. Som orsak uppges oenighet om säkerhetsarrangemangen i Gaza.
Fatah official Abbas Zaki promises continued violence:
The US, Israel, and others have demanded that Hamas denounce violence and disarm in order for them to accept the unity deal that Hamas and Abbas' Fatah party signed in October.
Responding to this demand, several Fatah leaders have spoken against disarmament and reiterated Fatah's position not to lay down arms, but rather to continue the "resistance" - a Palestinian euphemism for violence and terror.
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki stated that Fatah will "resume arming" its "brigades" in the Gaza Strip, and emphasized that Fatah adheres to violent "resistance" against Israel with weapons that are "pure." Zaki specified that the loyalty and allegiance of any Palestinian who suggests laying down "the weapons of the resistance" is cast into doubt, and such a person is perceived as a "traitor":
...Fatah official Nasser Al-Qidwa: Disarming Hamas "is unacceptable, unrealistic, and impossible to implement"
Hamas leadership member: "The resistance will never hand over its weapons"
Palestinian reconciliation falters as Gaza crossing with Egypt stays shut
USA och Israel har krävt att Hamas måste avstå från sina vapen och avstå från våld om samarbetet med Fatah skall ha någon effekt i praktiken. Mahmoud Abbas har också uttryckt liknande tankar.
Den senaste rapporten från Palestinian Media Watch visar att även ledare inom Fatah motsätter sig en avväpning av Hamas.
För övrigt så går samarbetet mellan Hamas och Fatah lite trögt. Gränsövergången till Egypten borde enligt avtalet vara öppen vid det här laget men den hålls fortfarande stängd. Som orsak uppges oenighet om säkerhetsarrangemangen i Gaza.
Fatah official Abbas Zaki promises continued violence:
The US, Israel, and others have demanded that Hamas denounce violence and disarm in order for them to accept the unity deal that Hamas and Abbas' Fatah party signed in October.
Responding to this demand, several Fatah leaders have spoken against disarmament and reiterated Fatah's position not to lay down arms, but rather to continue the "resistance" - a Palestinian euphemism for violence and terror.
Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki stated that Fatah will "resume arming" its "brigades" in the Gaza Strip, and emphasized that Fatah adheres to violent "resistance" against Israel with weapons that are "pure." Zaki specified that the loyalty and allegiance of any Palestinian who suggests laying down "the weapons of the resistance" is cast into doubt, and such a person is perceived as a "traitor":
...Fatah official Nasser Al-Qidwa: Disarming Hamas "is unacceptable, unrealistic, and impossible to implement"
Hamas leadership member: "The resistance will never hand over its weapons"
Palestinian reconciliation falters as Gaza crossing with Egypt stays shut
onsdag 15 november 2017
Hotet från Iran kommer närmare
USA:s och Rysslands överenskommelse om vapenstillestånd i Syrien är tyvärr ett allvarligt hot mot Israels säkerhet.
Avtalet verkar nämligen inte eftersträva att iranska trupper skall avlägsnas från Syrien. Rysslands utrikesminister Sergey Lavrov sa för några dagar sedan att Iran har rätt att stanna i landet. Ryssland har i kriget varit allierad med Syriens "president" Assad, Iran och Hizzbollah så uttalandet är inte så förvånande. Men för Israel är situationen allvarlig.
Både Israels premiärminister och försvarsminister har de senaste dagarna klargjort att de inte under några omständigheter kommer att acceptera iranskas styrkor i närheten av gränsen till Israel.
Premiärminister Netanyahu har sagt att om det så behövs kommer Israel ensam att förhindra att Iran får militärbaser i Syrien.
Iranska militära, religiösa och politiska ledare upprepar med jämna mellanrum att målet för Iran är att utplåna staten Israel så Israels ovilja att få iranska trupper stationerade några kilometer från gränsen är förståelig.
Förutom rädslan för ett framtida kärnvapenhot från Iran är Hizbollah i Libanon ett stort hot mot Israel. (Hizbollah tar sina order direkt från Iran)
Ytterligare iransk närvaro vid Israels norra gräns i Syrien verkar därför vara totalt oacceptabelt för Israel och om inte stormakterna förstår detta och har makt att förmå Iran att dra sig bort från området kommer följderna med största sannolikhet att vara katastrofala.
"Iran is scheming to entrench itself militarily in Syria. They want to create a permanent air, land and sea military presence, with the declared intent of using Syria as a base from which to destroy Israel. We are not going to agree to that. I have said very clearly that Israel will work to stop this,” Netanyahu told the Jewish Federation of North America’s General Assembly which is meeting in Los Angeles.
“We must all work together to stop Iran’s aggression and its pursuit of nuclear weapons. If we stand together we will achieve it. But if we have to we'll stand alone. Iran will not get nuclear weapons. It will not turn Syria into a military base against Israel,” the premier asserted.
Touring northern border, Liberman vows no Iran presence in Syria
“We simply will not allow Shiite and Iranian entrenchment in Syria. And we will not allow all of Syria to become a forward operating base against the State of Israel. Whoever doesn’t understand that — should understand that,” Liberman said.
Netanyahu says he told Putin Israel not bound by Syria ceasefire
Avtalet verkar nämligen inte eftersträva att iranska trupper skall avlägsnas från Syrien. Rysslands utrikesminister Sergey Lavrov sa för några dagar sedan att Iran har rätt att stanna i landet. Ryssland har i kriget varit allierad med Syriens "president" Assad, Iran och Hizzbollah så uttalandet är inte så förvånande. Men för Israel är situationen allvarlig.
Både Israels premiärminister och försvarsminister har de senaste dagarna klargjort att de inte under några omständigheter kommer att acceptera iranskas styrkor i närheten av gränsen till Israel.
Premiärminister Netanyahu har sagt att om det så behövs kommer Israel ensam att förhindra att Iran får militärbaser i Syrien.
Iranska militära, religiösa och politiska ledare upprepar med jämna mellanrum att målet för Iran är att utplåna staten Israel så Israels ovilja att få iranska trupper stationerade några kilometer från gränsen är förståelig.
Förutom rädslan för ett framtida kärnvapenhot från Iran är Hizbollah i Libanon ett stort hot mot Israel. (Hizbollah tar sina order direkt från Iran)
Ytterligare iransk närvaro vid Israels norra gräns i Syrien verkar därför vara totalt oacceptabelt för Israel och om inte stormakterna förstår detta och har makt att förmå Iran att dra sig bort från området kommer följderna med största sannolikhet att vara katastrofala.
"Iran is scheming to entrench itself militarily in Syria. They want to create a permanent air, land and sea military presence, with the declared intent of using Syria as a base from which to destroy Israel. We are not going to agree to that. I have said very clearly that Israel will work to stop this,” Netanyahu told the Jewish Federation of North America’s General Assembly which is meeting in Los Angeles.
“We must all work together to stop Iran’s aggression and its pursuit of nuclear weapons. If we stand together we will achieve it. But if we have to we'll stand alone. Iran will not get nuclear weapons. It will not turn Syria into a military base against Israel,” the premier asserted.
Touring northern border, Liberman vows no Iran presence in Syria
“We simply will not allow Shiite and Iranian entrenchment in Syria. And we will not allow all of Syria to become a forward operating base against the State of Israel. Whoever doesn’t understand that — should understand that,” Liberman said.
Netanyahu says he told Putin Israel not bound by Syria ceasefire
måndag 13 november 2017
Ett tiotal resolutioner planeras mot Israel i FN
De årligen återkommande omröstningarna i FN:s generalförsamling där man ensidigt fördömer Israel förbereds som bäst.
UN General Assembly expected to censure Israel 9 times
Exempel från november senaste år:
FN firade solidaritetsdag med palestinierna
Tio FN resolutioner mot Israel antogs i går
UN General Assembly expected to censure Israel 9 times
Exempel från november senaste år:
FN firade solidaritetsdag med palestinierna
Tio FN resolutioner mot Israel antogs i går
söndag 12 november 2017
Vad har hänt med Libanons premiärminister?
Under veckan som gått har det gått många rykten om vad som egentligen hänt med Libanons premiärminister Saad al-Hariri som oväntat meddelade att han avgår under ett besök i Saudi Arabien.
Klart är väl att hans avgång hänger ihop med maktkampen mellan Saudiarabien och Iran. Men det är oklart om Saudiarabien tvingade honom att meddela om sin avgång eller om han gjorde det frivilligt. Det är också oklart om han frivilligt stannat kvar i Saudiarabien eller om han hålls i någon form av husarrest.
En del analyser förutspår till och med att Hariris avgång var startskottet till ett krig mellan Saudiarabien och Iran på libanesisk mark.
Ur israelisk synvinkel har knappast situationen vid Libanons gräns förbättrats, osäkerheten är minst lika stor som tidigare.
US joins calls for return of Lebanon’s PM from Saudi Arabia
Klart är väl att hans avgång hänger ihop med maktkampen mellan Saudiarabien och Iran. Men det är oklart om Saudiarabien tvingade honom att meddela om sin avgång eller om han gjorde det frivilligt. Det är också oklart om han frivilligt stannat kvar i Saudiarabien eller om han hålls i någon form av husarrest.
En del analyser förutspår till och med att Hariris avgång var startskottet till ett krig mellan Saudiarabien och Iran på libanesisk mark.
Ur israelisk synvinkel har knappast situationen vid Libanons gräns förbättrats, osäkerheten är minst lika stor som tidigare.
US joins calls for return of Lebanon’s PM from Saudi Arabia
torsdag 9 november 2017
I Nederländerna är det OK att kalla israeliska barn för "sionistterrorister"
Åklagarmyndigheterna i Nederländerna har slagit fast att det inte var något brott att kalla israeliska skolbarn som besökte Haag för "sionistterrorister i träning" och "framtidens barnmördare och ockupanter".
Uttalandet hade gjorts av Abdoe Khoulani som sitter i stadsfullmäktige i Haag.
Åklagarmyndigheterna ansåg att eftersom Khoulani talade om "sionister" och inte använde ordet "judar" var det inte fråga om något hatbrott.
Så nu vet omvärlden hur man får tilltala israeliska barn i Nederländerna!
Dutch prosecutors say calling Israeli kids ‘Zionist terrorists’ not incitement
Uttalandet hade gjorts av Abdoe Khoulani som sitter i stadsfullmäktige i Haag.
Åklagarmyndigheterna ansåg att eftersom Khoulani talade om "sionister" och inte använde ordet "judar" var det inte fråga om något hatbrott.
Så nu vet omvärlden hur man får tilltala israeliska barn i Nederländerna!
Dutch prosecutors say calling Israeli kids ‘Zionist terrorists’ not incitement
tisdag 7 november 2017
Palestinierna visar ingen respekt för andras åsikter
Efter att Storbritanniens premiärminister Theresa May deltog i firandet av Balfourdeklarationen och försvarade den blev hon ett objekt för palestiniernas hatkampanj.
På Fatahs Facebooksida ritades May med ett svintryne och texten säger "barndödare". (Judar kallas ibland föraktfullt för apor och svin )
Text in capital letters in English: "CHILD KILLERS".
Text in Arabic: "Theresa May: 'We are proud of our role in the establishment of Israel.'"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 2, 2017]
Theresa May depicted as pig, in Fatah cartoon (PMW)
Fatah posted the above cartoon on Facebook, depicting British Prime Minister Theresa May with a pig's snout and carrying a Star of David, in response to her statement in British Parliament defending the Balfour Declaration. She said that Britain is "proud of the role that we played in the creation of the State of Israel, and we will certainly mark the centenary with pride."
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that PA educators, religious leaders and even children's programs have referred to Jews as "apes and pigs." Drawing British PM May as a pig holding the Star of David may be the PA's way of saying that by defending the Balfour Declaration, and thereby expressing support for a Jewish state, May herself becomes like a Jew.
Palestinska myndighetens officiella dagstidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadida publicerade en teckning där Theresa May dricker palestiniernas blod. Texten lyder: "Theresa May firar vårt blod."
Text: "Theresa May celebrates our blood"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 1, 2017
På Fatahs Facebooksida ritades May med ett svintryne och texten säger "barndödare". (Judar kallas ibland föraktfullt för apor och svin )
Text in capital letters in English: "CHILD KILLERS".
Text in Arabic: "Theresa May: 'We are proud of our role in the establishment of Israel.'"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 2, 2017]
Theresa May depicted as pig, in Fatah cartoon (PMW)
Fatah posted the above cartoon on Facebook, depicting British Prime Minister Theresa May with a pig's snout and carrying a Star of David, in response to her statement in British Parliament defending the Balfour Declaration. She said that Britain is "proud of the role that we played in the creation of the State of Israel, and we will certainly mark the centenary with pride."
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that PA educators, religious leaders and even children's programs have referred to Jews as "apes and pigs." Drawing British PM May as a pig holding the Star of David may be the PA's way of saying that by defending the Balfour Declaration, and thereby expressing support for a Jewish state, May herself becomes like a Jew.
Palestinska myndighetens officiella dagstidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadida publicerade en teckning där Theresa May dricker palestiniernas blod. Texten lyder: "Theresa May firar vårt blod."
Text: "Theresa May celebrates our blood"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 1, 2017
söndag 5 november 2017
Libanons premiärminister avgick i protest mot Irans inflytande
Libanons premiärminister Saad Hariri avgick oväntat under ett besök i Saudi Arabien i lördags.Han sade att han fruktar att bli mördad precis som hans far Rafik Hariri mördades 2005. Det anses allmänt att det var Hizbollah som stod bakom mordet på Rafik Hariri. Trots det har Saad suttit i samma regering som Hizbollah i snart ett år och det kanske har varit mer förvånande än hans avgång.
Saad Hariri beskyllde i hårda ordalag Iran och Hizbollah för att sprida förstörelse inte bara i Libanon utan i hela den arabiska världen.
Man kan säga att Saudiarabien och Iran i dagsläget är fiender och det är därför naturligt att Saad tillkännagav sin avgång i Saudiarabien.
Lebanon’s PM resigns, says he fears for his life, slams Iran and Hezbollah (The Times of Israel)
Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri resigned from his post Saturday during a trip to Saudi Arabia less than a year after taking office, in a surprise move that plunged the country into uncertainty amid heightened regional tensions.
In a televised address from Riyadh, Hariri said he feared for his life: “We are living in a climate similar to the atmosphere that prevailed before the assassination of martyr Rafik Hariri” — Saad’s father, a former prime minister who was assassinated in 2005, allegedly by Hezbollah. “I am aware of what is being plotted to target my life,” he said.
“The evil that Iran spreads in the region will backfire on it,” Hariri said, accusing Tehran of spreading chaos, strife and destruction throughout the region.
“Iran has a grip on the fate of the region’s countries… Hezbollah is Iran’s arm not just in Lebanon but in other Arab countries too,” he said.
“In recent years, Hezbollah has used the power of its weapons to impose a fait accompli,” he said, reading a speech from behind a desk.
En analys av Avi Issacharoff:
With Hariri’s resignation, Lebanon now a full on Iranian proxy for all to see
"Over the last 11 months, Hariri became a fig-leaf for Hezbollah. As one of the main leaders of the opposition, his appointment as prime minister ostensibly proved Lebanon was maintaining its independence vis-a-vis Iran.
Now, however, the charade is over, and Lebanon remains as it was without the disguise — pro-Iranian, pro-Syrian, and with Hezbollah firmly in control. The Lebanese president is considered to be an Iranian and Hezbollah appointment, the Lebanese army is cooperating and coordinating with Hezbollah, and the Shiite terror group does whatever it likes in Lebanon.
It is likely that the Saudis had an influential role in Hariri’s decision to resign. To put it mildly, the Saudis were not enamored with Hariri’s choice to accept the post of prime minister less than a year ago."
The international community must heed outgoing Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri’s harsh words against Iranian regional aggression and act against Tehran, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday night.
This should be a “wake-up call to the international community to take action against the Iranian aggression" that aims that "to turn Syria into a second Lebanon,” Netanyahu said.
Saad Hariri beskyllde i hårda ordalag Iran och Hizbollah för att sprida förstörelse inte bara i Libanon utan i hela den arabiska världen.
Man kan säga att Saudiarabien och Iran i dagsläget är fiender och det är därför naturligt att Saad tillkännagav sin avgång i Saudiarabien.
Lebanon’s PM resigns, says he fears for his life, slams Iran and Hezbollah (The Times of Israel)
Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri resigned from his post Saturday during a trip to Saudi Arabia less than a year after taking office, in a surprise move that plunged the country into uncertainty amid heightened regional tensions.
In a televised address from Riyadh, Hariri said he feared for his life: “We are living in a climate similar to the atmosphere that prevailed before the assassination of martyr Rafik Hariri” — Saad’s father, a former prime minister who was assassinated in 2005, allegedly by Hezbollah. “I am aware of what is being plotted to target my life,” he said.
“The evil that Iran spreads in the region will backfire on it,” Hariri said, accusing Tehran of spreading chaos, strife and destruction throughout the region.
“Iran has a grip on the fate of the region’s countries… Hezbollah is Iran’s arm not just in Lebanon but in other Arab countries too,” he said.
“In recent years, Hezbollah has used the power of its weapons to impose a fait accompli,” he said, reading a speech from behind a desk.
En analys av Avi Issacharoff:
With Hariri’s resignation, Lebanon now a full on Iranian proxy for all to see
"Over the last 11 months, Hariri became a fig-leaf for Hezbollah. As one of the main leaders of the opposition, his appointment as prime minister ostensibly proved Lebanon was maintaining its independence vis-a-vis Iran.
Now, however, the charade is over, and Lebanon remains as it was without the disguise — pro-Iranian, pro-Syrian, and with Hezbollah firmly in control. The Lebanese president is considered to be an Iranian and Hezbollah appointment, the Lebanese army is cooperating and coordinating with Hezbollah, and the Shiite terror group does whatever it likes in Lebanon.
It is likely that the Saudis had an influential role in Hariri’s decision to resign. To put it mildly, the Saudis were not enamored with Hariri’s choice to accept the post of prime minister less than a year ago."
The international community must heed outgoing Lebanese prime minister Saad al-Hariri’s harsh words against Iranian regional aggression and act against Tehran, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday night.
This should be a “wake-up call to the international community to take action against the Iranian aggression" that aims that "to turn Syria into a second Lebanon,” Netanyahu said.
fredag 3 november 2017
Palestinierna fäster större vikt vid Balfourdeklarationen än Israel
Den palestinska historieförfalskningen behöver Balfourdeklarationen för att få en startpunkt för judarnas kolonisering av deras land.
Why is the Balfour Declaration anniversary so much more important for Palestinians than it is for Israelis?
Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch answers this in an op-ed in today's Jerusalem Post, and explains that it is so important for Palestinians that "had their been no Balfour Declaration, the PA would have had to invent it."
Every year, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration passes by quietly in Israel with hardly any notice. Only this year it is being noted and celebrated because it is the 100th anniversary.
However this is not true of the Palestinian Authority. Ever since Palestinian Media Watch has been monitoring the PA, the date of the Balfour Declaration was among the most important days on the PA calendar. Each year, PA schools would have special sessions discussing Balfour. In 2011, for example, the PA organized a letter writing campaign from schoolchildren to the Queen of England "to mark the 94th anniversary of the cursed Balfour promise." [Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 3, 2011]
Why is it that Israelis, who are the direct beneficiaries of the Balfour Declaration, have been ignoring it, while for Palestinians it is so important?
For Israelis the Balfour Declaration was just one step in a series of significant events that had started decades before Balfour and continued after him, all contributing to the Jewish people's return to the Land of Israel. The first wave of immigrants started in 1882, 35 years before Balfour's declaration and the first Zionist Congress was in 1897. Israelis today see the return to their land as something so normal and inevitable that no single event except for the declaration of statehood itself is regularly celebrated.
But why does the PA focus on Balfour? They should be mourning the first Aliyah in 1882 or the first Zionist Congress in 1897, more than the Balfour Declaration which was Britain's response to an already active Zionist movement.
For the PA, the Balfour Declaration is a necessary component of the Palestinian narrative. The two foundations of Palestinian ideology, both fictitious, are that a Palestinian nation existed for thousands of years and that there never had been a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. But this left one problem. The PA needed to explain to its people why millions of Jews had immigrated from Europe and all over the world, if they had no connection to the land.
The PA's answer is colonialism and Balfour is the "proof." ...
Den palestinska historieförfalskningen behöver Balfourdeklarationen för att få en startpunkt för judarnas kolonisering av deras land.
Why is the Balfour Declaration anniversary so much more important for Palestinians than it is for Israelis?
Itamar Marcus of Palestinian Media Watch answers this in an op-ed in today's Jerusalem Post, and explains that it is so important for Palestinians that "had their been no Balfour Declaration, the PA would have had to invent it."
Every year, the anniversary of the Balfour Declaration passes by quietly in Israel with hardly any notice. Only this year it is being noted and celebrated because it is the 100th anniversary.
However this is not true of the Palestinian Authority. Ever since Palestinian Media Watch has been monitoring the PA, the date of the Balfour Declaration was among the most important days on the PA calendar. Each year, PA schools would have special sessions discussing Balfour. In 2011, for example, the PA organized a letter writing campaign from schoolchildren to the Queen of England "to mark the 94th anniversary of the cursed Balfour promise." [Official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 3, 2011]
Why is it that Israelis, who are the direct beneficiaries of the Balfour Declaration, have been ignoring it, while for Palestinians it is so important?
For Israelis the Balfour Declaration was just one step in a series of significant events that had started decades before Balfour and continued after him, all contributing to the Jewish people's return to the Land of Israel. The first wave of immigrants started in 1882, 35 years before Balfour's declaration and the first Zionist Congress was in 1897. Israelis today see the return to their land as something so normal and inevitable that no single event except for the declaration of statehood itself is regularly celebrated.
But why does the PA focus on Balfour? They should be mourning the first Aliyah in 1882 or the first Zionist Congress in 1897, more than the Balfour Declaration which was Britain's response to an already active Zionist movement.
For the PA, the Balfour Declaration is a necessary component of the Palestinian narrative. The two foundations of Palestinian ideology, both fictitious, are that a Palestinian nation existed for thousands of years and that there never had been a Jewish presence in the Land of Israel. But this left one problem. The PA needed to explain to its people why millions of Jews had immigrated from Europe and all over the world, if they had no connection to the land.
The PA's answer is colonialism and Balfour is the "proof." ...
Full text of May’s speech at Balfour Declaration centenary dinner
Full text of May’s speech at Balfour Declaration centenary dinner (The Times of Israel)
... Let us cast our minds back to the time of 1917. In an era of competing imperial powers and with Britain still embroiled in the midst of the First World War, the idea of establishing a homeland for the Jewish people would have seemed a distant dream for many; and been fiercely opposed by others.
Yet it was at this very moment that Lord Balfour had the vision and the leadership to make this profound statement about restoring a persecuted people to a safe and secure homeland. ...
...So when some people suggest we should apologize for this letter, I say absolutely not.
We are proud of our pioneering role in the creation of the State of Israel.
We are proud to stand here today together with Prime Minister Netanyahu and declare our support for Israel. And we are proud of the relationship we have built with Israel.
And as we mark one hundred years since Balfour, we look forward to taking that relationship even further. ...
...And as we look to that future, let us mark with pride what has been achieved with the creation of the State of Israel and – in Balfour’s own words – “a national home for the Jewish people.”
... Let us cast our minds back to the time of 1917. In an era of competing imperial powers and with Britain still embroiled in the midst of the First World War, the idea of establishing a homeland for the Jewish people would have seemed a distant dream for many; and been fiercely opposed by others.
Yet it was at this very moment that Lord Balfour had the vision and the leadership to make this profound statement about restoring a persecuted people to a safe and secure homeland. ...
...So when some people suggest we should apologize for this letter, I say absolutely not.
We are proud of our pioneering role in the creation of the State of Israel.
We are proud to stand here today together with Prime Minister Netanyahu and declare our support for Israel. And we are proud of the relationship we have built with Israel.
And as we mark one hundred years since Balfour, we look forward to taking that relationship even further. ...
...And as we look to that future, let us mark with pride what has been achieved with the creation of the State of Israel and – in Balfour’s own words – “a national home for the Jewish people.”
torsdag 2 november 2017
Hamas vill söka efter saknade terrorister
Hamas har via Röda Korset anhållit om tillstånd av Israel att söka efter 5 personer som saknas efter att en tunnel sprängdes av Israel för några dagar sedan.
Israel har svarat att man inte kommer att tillåta att terroristerna som saknas lokaliseras om det inte sker några framsteg i förhandlingar med Hamas om saknade israeler i Gaza.
Hur reagerade Hamas på detta? Jo en talesman för Hamas säger att det inte är humant att ställa sådana krav och att Israel åter en gång gör sig skyldig till krigsförbrytelser.
De palestinska ledarna borde börja se sig i spegeln. Vad har de i så fall gjort sig skyldiga till när de under flera års tid vägrat ge ut information om saknade israeler?
Israel har svarat att man inte kommer att tillåta att terroristerna som saknas lokaliseras om det inte sker några framsteg i förhandlingar med Hamas om saknade israeler i Gaza.
Hur reagerade Hamas på detta? Jo en talesman för Hamas säger att det inte är humant att ställa sådana krav och att Israel åter en gång gör sig skyldig till krigsförbrytelser.
De palestinska ledarna borde börja se sig i spegeln. Vad har de i så fall gjort sig skyldiga till när de under flera års tid vägrat ge ut information om saknade israeler?
Netanyahu i London för att fira Balfourdeklarationen
Israels premiärminister är i London för att fira att det gått hundra år sedan Balfourdeklarationen skrevs.
"Palestinierna har ännu inte tagit det grundläggandet steget som Storbritannien gjorde för hundra år sedan när de erkände judarnas rätt till en egen stat i sitt hemland" sade Netanyahu vid ett möte med Storbritanniens premiärminister Theresa May .
The Historical Significance of the Balfour Declaration (Dore Gold JCPA)
"The Balfour Declaration is a tremendously important document because it contains world recognition of the historical rights of the Jewish People to a National Home. In the Mandate document, it is stated: “Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.” Thus, the Mandate and the Balfour Declaration, upon which it was based, did not create Jewish historical rights, but rather recognized a pre-existing right. ..."
De palestinska ledarna kan som vanligt inte acceptera och hantera historiska fakta.
The Balfour Declaration: "The greatest crime in the history of mankind" (PMW)
Mahmoud Abbas:
"Britain must first acknowledge that it made a mistake...
Britain had no right to do this as it is our land"
The Palestinian Authority:
"The Criminal Theresa May"
Statements by the Palestinian Authority and Fatah about the Balfour Declaration and Britain:
"The greatest political crime in the history of mankind" [PA Ministry of Information]
"The crime of the century" [Official PA daily]
"The most inhuman terrorist crime... creating a Zionist illegal state" [The Fatah Movement]
"The most horrible crime in the history of mankind" [Fatah Spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi]
"Despicable crime" [Official PA daily, Khaled Jamil Mismar, member of the Palestinian National Council]
"The greatest crime in the history of mankind and a political, legal, and moral sin" [PA Ministry of Information]
"The greatest crime of the era... the slaughter of the basic moral and human values" [Official PA daily]
"The level of the greatest war crimes that have been committed." [Abbas Zaki, Fatah Central Committee member]
"Palestinierna har ännu inte tagit det grundläggandet steget som Storbritannien gjorde för hundra år sedan när de erkände judarnas rätt till en egen stat i sitt hemland" sade Netanyahu vid ett möte med Storbritanniens premiärminister Theresa May .
The Historical Significance of the Balfour Declaration (Dore Gold JCPA)
"The Balfour Declaration is a tremendously important document because it contains world recognition of the historical rights of the Jewish People to a National Home. In the Mandate document, it is stated: “Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.” Thus, the Mandate and the Balfour Declaration, upon which it was based, did not create Jewish historical rights, but rather recognized a pre-existing right. ..."
De palestinska ledarna kan som vanligt inte acceptera och hantera historiska fakta.
The Balfour Declaration: "The greatest crime in the history of mankind" (PMW)
Mahmoud Abbas:
"Britain must first acknowledge that it made a mistake...
Britain had no right to do this as it is our land"
The Palestinian Authority:
"The Criminal Theresa May"
Statements by the Palestinian Authority and Fatah about the Balfour Declaration and Britain:
"The greatest political crime in the history of mankind" [PA Ministry of Information]
"The crime of the century" [Official PA daily]
"The most inhuman terrorist crime... creating a Zionist illegal state" [The Fatah Movement]
"The most horrible crime in the history of mankind" [Fatah Spokesman Osama Al-Qawasmi]
"Despicable crime" [Official PA daily, Khaled Jamil Mismar, member of the Palestinian National Council]
"The greatest crime in the history of mankind and a political, legal, and moral sin" [PA Ministry of Information]
"The greatest crime of the era... the slaughter of the basic moral and human values" [Official PA daily]
"The level of the greatest war crimes that have been committed." [Abbas Zaki, Fatah Central Committee member]
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