Efter att Storbritanniens premiärminister Theresa May deltog i firandet av Balfourdeklarationen och försvarade den blev hon ett objekt för palestiniernas hatkampanj.
På Fatahs Facebooksida ritades May med ett svintryne och texten säger "barndödare". (Judar kallas ibland föraktfullt för apor och svin )
Text in capital letters in English: "CHILD KILLERS".
Text in Arabic: "Theresa May: 'We are proud of our role in the establishment of Israel.'"
[Official Fatah Facebook page, Nov. 2, 2017]
Theresa May depicted as pig, in Fatah cartoon (PMW)
Fatah posted the above cartoon on Facebook, depicting British Prime Minister Theresa May with a pig's snout and carrying a Star of David, in response to her statement in British Parliament defending the Balfour Declaration. She said that Britain is "proud of the role that we played in the creation of the State of Israel, and we will certainly mark the centenary with pride."
Palestinian Media Watch has documented that PA educators, religious leaders and even children's programs have referred to Jews as "apes and pigs." Drawing British PM May as a pig holding the Star of David may be the PA's way of saying that by defending the Balfour Declaration, and thereby expressing support for a Jewish state, May herself becomes like a Jew.
Palestinska myndighetens officiella dagstidning Al-Hayat Al-Jadida publicerade en teckning där Theresa May dricker palestiniernas blod. Texten lyder: "Theresa May firar vårt blod."
Text: "Theresa May celebrates our blood"
[Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Nov. 1, 2017
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