torsdag 21 juni 2018

Hamas betalade familj för att ljuga om barnets död

Enligt uppgifter från en släkting till familjen som påstod att deras spädbarn dödats av tårgas vid gränsen till Gaza betalade Hamas familjen för att ljuga om barnets död. Det framkom ganska snabbt att barnet antagligen dog av en sjukdom men trots det spreds nyheten om barnet som dödats av Israel i nyhetsmedia världen över.
En otrolig mediaframgång för Hamas, tack vare en okritisk Israelfientlig nyhetsmedia.

Hamas paid family to claim Gaza baby was killed by Israeli tear gas, says cousin (TOI)
Mahmoud Omar, arrested by Israel for terror-related offenses, tells interrogators his relatives lied: 8-month-old Layla actually died from fatal blood condition that runs in family....

... The Israeli army disputed the circumstances of her death at the time. An Israeli army spokesperson said that “contrary to the unequivocal Palestinian announcement, we have evidence that undermines the credibility of the Palestinian Ministry of Health’s announcement regarding the death of the baby.”

On that Wednesday, Al-Qudra told The Times of Israel by phone that he did not know the cause of her death, and said it was being investigated.

The health ministry initially included Layla on its list of the 62 people killed during protests on May 14 and 15, before removing it later that month. Almost all of the other fatalities from those protests were acknowledged by Hamas to be its members.

The Gaza ministry said it was referring the case to the forensic medicine department to issue a ruling. Hamas’s Justice Ministry, which controls the forensic medicine department, later said it ended its investigation and referred the file to Gaza’s attorney general. Both authorities have since declined to comment.

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