måndag 20 augusti 2018

Israelhataren Jeremy Corbyn Storbritanniens nästa premiärminister?

Det kommer fram fler och fler uppgifter om brittiska arbetarpartiets ledare Jeremy Corbyn, hans Israelhat och hans arbete genom åren, där han till och med visat stöd för tanken att staten Israel inte har rätt att existera.
Den palestinska myndigheten och Hamas ger Corbyn sitt stöd, vilket också visar var han står i relation till Israel.

Corbyn, who sought Israel’s demise, is an anti-Semite. Labour must kick him out (TOI)
"... Jeremy Corbyn wrote in his August 3 Guardian column that “it is Labour’s responsibility to root out antisemitism in our party” and pledged to do so. But for Labour to root out anti-Semitism, it needs to start by booting out Jeremy Corbyn."

Palestinians hail Corbyn for refusal to ‘give in’ on anti-Semitism definition
The Palestinian Authority is backing the British Labour Party over its controversial adoption of a definition of anti-Semitism that does not include Israel criticism and has called on party leader Jeremy Corbyn not to “give in” to pressure to change it.

The definition adopted by Labour, which strips out clauses from the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition dealing with criticism of Israel, has been met with anger from British Jewry and further added to criticism the party has been soft on dealing with anti-Semitism under Corbyn.

On Sunday, the Hamas terror group said that it “salutes” Corbyn for his views.

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