onsdag 13 februari 2019

Palestinska ledare kämpar hårt mot fredsplan

De palestinska ledarna är inte intresserad av fred och normala relationer med den judiska staten Israel.
Mahmoud Abbas reser runt i arabvärlden för att övertyga arabledare om att inte ställa sig bakom USA:s fredsplan, trots att ingen ännu har sett vad planen går ut på.

Andra palestinska ledare satsar på att fördöma ett möte som idag startar i Polens huvudstad Warszawa. Tvådagarsmötet ordnas av USA och Polen för att diskutera fred och säkerhet i Mellanöstern.
Israel och flera av arabländer deltar i mötet men palestinierna har vägrat komma till mötet som de anser är en USA ledd konspiration mot palestinierna


"There is an Israeli Auschwitz to massacre Palestinians" - Senior Fatah official condemns Warsaw Conference (PMW)

Editorial in official PA daily:
Warsaw Conference is "a plan to carry out a 'holocaust' against this [Palestinian] cause"
"Perhaps it is not a coincidence that Warsaw will serve as the site for the convening of this conference"

"This is the just ruse of history, which wishes to remind humanity that the holocausts of racist eradication that Nazi Germany carried out in Poland can happen again today as a result of this American policy." 

"It wishes to turn Warsaw - as the Nazis did - into an arena of holocaust of eradication against a small, oppressed, and tortured people, the Palestinian people"

Fatah and other groups call on Arab countries to boycott the conference because it is "normalization" with Israel

Rajoub: "They are welcoming Netanyahu in Warsaw in order to remind us of the Holocaust and Auschwitz (i.e., in Poland). In every city in Palestine, from Rafah to Jenin, there is an Israeli Auschwitz to massacre Palestinians."
[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub, 

Feb. 10, 2019]

Rajoub: "Once again, we hope that the Arab Summit will emphasize that normalization and ties with Israel - as long as Palestine is occupied - are taboo... We do not want to see Israelis in the Arab capitals - not for purposes of sports, not for purposes of economy, not for purposes of cooperation, and so on. As long as the Palestinian state has not been established, this must remain taboo."

[Facebook page of Fatah Central Committee Secretary Jibril Rajoub, Feb. 10, 2019]

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