Två rapporter som berättar om hur palestinska barn utnyttjas av terrorister/myndigheter och hjärntvättas till att hata judar och Israel:
NGOs call for public support in ending use of Palestinian child soldiers (Jerusalem Post)
10.000 barn tränas varje år i terroristernas läger och över 100 uppges ha dött när de deltagit i grävandet av tunnlar i Gaza.
The letter notes that an estimated 10,000 children are trained in Gazan terrorist camps each year, and that at least 160 have died digging terror tunnels into Israel.
The NGOs hope that public pressure put on the terrorist organizations will eventually force them to abandon their use of children to fight their wars. As part of that effort, they are also encouraging people to hold rallies and share material online to raise awareness of the fact that the children are being used in this way.
Palestinian, Saudi Arabian textbooks demonize Jews, Israel – studies (Jerusalem Post)
Israel beskrivs i palestinska skolböcker som ond och ensam skyldig till konflikten med araberna och judarna är aggressiva,barbariska och fulla av aht.
Jews and Israel are collectively demonized as “colonialist settlers,” aggressive,” “barbaric,” “full of hate” and “harboring genocidal intentions.” Israel is described as the source of all evil and as the party solely responsible for the conflict. In contrast, the Palestinians are depicted as victims.
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