måndag 30 januari 2023


 Förintelsen förnekas av många. Iran går i första ledet.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day In Iran: Iran's Islamic Regime Denies The Holocaust

In Advance Of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, Iran's Channel 4 TV Presents Series Of Interviews In English With U.S., British Holocaust Deniers And Conspiracy Theorists

On Traditional And Social Media Platforms, Holocaust Deniers In Arab, Muslim World Continue To Deny, Question And Justify The Holocaust, Accuse The Jews Of Benefiting Financially From It

American Writer E. Michael Jones On Iranian TV: Hollywood Created The Holocaust Narrative; Jews Were Not Gassed In Showers — These Jews Had Never Seen A Shower And Didn't Know What It Was; Auschwitz Had A Swimming Pool And Other Means To Make Life Better

Gaza - ord från invånare

Intervjuer med personer från Gaza.


All interviews were conducted over the course of 2022.

The Palestinian speakers, all of whom currently reside in Gaza, describe arbitrary arrests, extortion, and violence by Hamas authorities. Some express longing for the time before Hamas seized power in a coup against the Palestinian Authority in 2007, when they were freer to express themselves and pursue a life path they chose. (The PA held partial authority in Gaza from 1994 under the Oslo Accords. Israel maintained overall control of the Strip until 2005, when it dismantled its 21 settlements there, evicted their 9,000 Israeli Jewish residents, and withdrew unilaterally to pre-1967 lines.)

According to CPC president Joseph Braude, the series “challenges those who justify Hamas violence to choose between supporting Hamas and supporting the Palestinians it oppresses. At the same time, it challenges those opposing Hamas to recognize that countless Gazans want a brighter and more peaceful future, and ask what can be done to empower them.”

Introducing ‘Whispered in Gaza’ — 25 short, animated interviews on life under Hamas

What’s life like under Hamas? ‘Whispered in Gaza’ offers unique, courageous testimony

‘Whispered in Gaza, Part 2’: When residents of the Strip tried to challenge Hamas

Darkest tragedy, unrealized dreams: ‘Whispered in Gaza,’ the final interviews

fredag 27 januari 2023

Gazablockaden - sanning eller lögn

 Blockaden av Gaza dyker allt emellanåt upp i rubrikerna. Den följande artikeln beskriver hur varor och personer rört sig mellan Israel och Gaza under 2022.

Närmare en halv miljon personer reste från Gaza till Israel under 2022.Antalet personer som besökte Israel för att få sjukvård uppgick till över 14000 personer.

Mer än 70.000 långtradare med olika handelsvaror körde in till Gaza från Israel.

The continuing lie of the “Gaza blockade” (PMW)

In 2022, United Nations officials and reports, many countries and their representatives, and the Palestinian Authority continued to perpetuate the lie alleging that Israel has applied a “blockade” on the “besieged Gaza Strip.”

While the lie was commonplace and even often embellished by claiming that “Gaza is the biggest prison in the world,” statistics released by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the so-called “occupied Palestinian territory” (OCHA) reveal the truth.

According to the OCHA statistics, in 2022 there were 424,417 exits via the Erez crossing from Gaza into Israel. 14,909 exits were for Gazan patients, who were accompanied by 10,930 people, entering Israel to receive medical treatment. There were also 573 entries into Israel to visit imprisoned terrorists.

 [Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]

Alongside the entry of the Gazans into Israel, OCHA also reported that 74,096 truckloads of 

commodities entered Gaza from Israel via the Kerem Shalom crossing in 2022. According to the statistics, only 5% of the truckloads were carrying humanitarian products.

[Website of United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, accessed Jan. 18, 2023]

In addition to the 74,096 truckloads of commodities, thousands of trucks entered Gaza from Israel carrying fuel:...

tisdag 24 januari 2023

President Herzog uppmanar de politiska ledarna att ta sitt ansvar

 Det politiska läget i Israel har länge varit väldigt splittrat men nu har tudelningen gått så  långt att president Herzog sett sig tvungen att uppmana de politiska ledarna att ta ansvar och sätta sig ner och diskutera med varandra. Annars hotas hela landet slitas i tu säger han.

Herzog warns Israel’s leaders: Clash over judicial overhaul ‘could consume us all’ (TOI)

President Isaac Herzog on Tuesday warned that Israel is on course to tear itself apart, amid the government’s planned radical shakeup of the judicial system and mounting public opposition, and urged the country’s leadership to avoid confrontation and instead engage in patient dialogue and constructive debate.

“The democratic foundations of Israel, including the justice system, and human rights and freedoms, are sacred, and we must protect them and the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence,” Herzog said, addressing the Ashmoret education conference in Tel Aviv. “The dramatic reform, when done quickly without negotiation, rouses opposition and deep concerns among the public,” he said.

“I see the sides prepared and ready all along the front for an all-out confrontation over the character of the State of Israel, and I am anxious we are on the brink of an internal struggle that could consume us all,” Herzog said.

Herzog issued a plea to Israel’s leaders to “show responsibility… take the time needed for this critical discussion,” and warned, “The absence of dialogue is tearing us apart from within, and I’m telling you loud and clear: This powder keg is about to explode. This is an emergency.”..."

fredag 6 januari 2023

En israelisk minister besöker Tempelberget - FN:s säkerhetsråd sammanträder

 Israeliska ministern Ben-Gvir besökte Tempelberget för några dagar sedan. Besöket varade mindre än 15 minuter och skedde tidigt på morgonen utan något större mediauppbåd. Ben-Gvir besökte Tempelberget men inte Al-Aqsa moskén.

Redan innan besöket hade palestinierna varnat för ett religionskrig om besöket genomförs. Efter besöket fördömdes det av i princip alla världens nationer, ingen har i alla fall uttryckt sitt stöd för det.

I muslimvärlden beskrevs besöket allmänt som en stormning av Al-Aqsa moskén.

Otroligt nog sammankallades FN:s säkerhetsråd för att behandla att en jude besökt judarnas heligaste plats i judarnas historiska huvudstad.

Mötet resulterade inte i något uttalande eller resolution men deltagarna fördömde Ben-Gvirs besök och uppmanade till att bibehålla status quo på området. Detta är i sig en logisk kullerbytta eftersom status quo ger judarna rätt att besöka området.

Det är overkligt att västvärlden men sin kristna och humanistiska bakgrund inte försvarar judarnas rätt att besöka sin heligaste plats. Istället böjer man sig för den intoleranta muslimvärlden och kommer antagligen aldrig på tanken att fördöma den osakliga och våldsamma reaktionen därifrån. Västvärlden verkar totalt sakna moralisk ryggrad när det kommer till frågor om Israel.

Noteras kan att ungefär samtidigt firar Fatah att det gått 58 år sedan de utförde sin första terrorattack. Fatah är den palestinska myndighetens ordförande Mahmoud Abbas parti. I samband med firandet uppmanar man till flera våldsdåd och hedrar terrorister. Omvärlden reagerar knappt alls och ingen skulle komma på tanken att föra saken till FN:s säkerhetsråd. Men nog är det en betydligt allvarligare provokation än ett fredligt besök på Tempelberget.

‘Poison, lies’: Israeli, Palestinian envoys spar at fiery UN session on Temple Mount

Israeli actions on Temple Mount unacceptable, US tells UNSC (JPOST)

Israel’s Ambassador to the UN Gilad Erdan said that the issue was antisemitism because what bothered the Palestinians and the Muslims was that Jews had set foot on the site, even though it was where their Temple had stood in biblical times.

“The Palestinians have turned the Temple Mount into a battleground time and again,” Erdan said. “The mosques are used as arsenals where terrorists keep rocks and explosives to attack Jewish visitors and security forces,” he added. 

“The hallowed ground is used as a platform for Palestinian incitement poisoning the minds of the youth and stoking the flames of violence,” Erdan said. He referred to the Palestinian Authority as the “Palestinian Terror Authority” and charged that it had weaponized the status quo, leveling false accusations to justify terror attacks against Jews, He said.

In the eyes of the PA, a Jew who sets foot on the Temple Mount deserves to be met with violence,” he said.

Palestinians urge UN Security Council to rap Israel over Ben Gvir Temple Mount visit

Arab FMs urge UN Security Council to ‘work immediately’ against Temple Mount ‘provocations’

Ben-Gvir's Temple Mount jaunt a sign of new Israeli gov't pragmatism - analysis (JPOST)

Reasonable people can debate whether National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, who over the years has earned through his actions a reputation as a right-wing provocateur, should have gone to the Temple Mount on Tuesday. But even his detractors must admit that the way he did it – in the early morning, without fanfare, after sending signals that he actually would not go through with the visit – was, well, at least smart...

...Similar considerations were at play Monday in deliberations Ben-Gvir held with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the heads of the police and security services. To prohibit Ben-Gvir, a senior cabinet minister, from going to the site – a site he has visited on numerous occasions in the past – because of Hamas threats would send precisely the wrong message just as the new government was starting out: that it could be intimidated.

Wave of international criticism after Ben Gvir visits flashpoint Temple Mount (TOI)

Turkey’s Foreign Ministry condemned the “provocative act by the Israeli minister of national security.”“We call on Israel to act responsibly to prevent such provocations that will violate the status and sanctity of holy places in Jerusalem and escalate the tension in the region,” Turkey said.

Qatar also blasted Ben Gvir’s visits and warned that Israeli policy would be responsible for further a deterioration in the security situation on the ground.

Bahrain’s foreign ministry said the visit was a “provocation against Muslims and a violation of international law.”

Jordan, which views itself as a custodian of the Temple Mount — a status Israel does not recognize, though it acknowledged the kingdom’s “special role” at the site in the countries’ 1994 peace treaty — castigated Israel over the far-right minister’s visit.

“Jordan condemns in the severest of terms the storming of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and violation of its sanctity,” the Jordanian Foreign Ministry said in a statement, according to the Reuters news agency.

The French embassy in Israel confirmed its “absolute commitment” to the preservation of the status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem.

“Any gesture aimed at casting doubt on it carries a risk of escalation and must be avoided,” the French statement read.

The United Kingdom issued a similar statement, with Israel envoy Ambassador Neil Wigan tweeting: “The UK remains committed to supporting the historic status quo at the holy sites in Jerusalem. It is important that all actors avoid actions at those sites that inflame tensions.”

Palestinians: Changing status quo at Temple Mount a ‘declaration of war’

“Ben-Gvir’s threat to storm al-Aqsa Mosque as security minister is a blatant and shameless challenge that requires a Palestinian, Arab and international response,” Sheikh said.

Mahmoud al-Habbash, religious affairs adviser to PA President Mahmoud Abbas, said Ben-Gvir’s intention to visit the Temple Mount would ignite a “religious war.” The Palestinian leadership was taking steps in the international arena to “expose the practices and policies of the occupation government,” he said.

Hamas and other Palestinian factions urged Palestinians to “defend” al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Israeli government would be held responsible for any escalation “if al-Aqsa Mosque is harmed,” senior Hamas official Haroun Nasser al-Din said. The Palestinians would foil any attempt to impose a new reality at the site, he added.

Palestinian Islamic Jihad said Ben-Gvir’s visit to the Temple Mount would be seen as a declaration of war on the mosque.

tisdag 3 januari 2023

Året som gick - utvalda artiklar från MEMRI

 MEMRI har vid årets slut valt ut några artiklar från året som gått. Topp- eller  bottennoteringar, i vilket fall som helst inget man läst i dagstidningarna.

Former Jordanian MP Tarek Khoury On Hizbullah TV: The Jews Killed Christ, Drove Nails Into His Arms And Legs; The Enmity Between Judaism And Christianity Is Eternal; Were Jesus Alive Today, He Would Lead The Intifada

Senior Hamas Official Mahmoud Al-Zahar: The Jews Were Banished From Every Country In The World, Sent To Palestine To Weaken Our Historic Islamic Movement; Ukraine Is A Jewish Country

Iraqi Islamic Scholar Fares Al-Azawi On Hamas TV: The Killing Of Six Million Jews In The Holocaust Is A Myth; The Nuremberg Trials Were A Sham; The Zionists Colluded With The Nazis

Palestinian Islamic Jihad Official Bassam Al-Agha: Arab Schools Should Teach The Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion; Students Should Learn How The Jews Think

Friday Sermon At The Grand Mosque In Mecca By Imam Saleh Bin Al-Humayd: Oh Allah, Annihilate The Jews; We Take Refuge With Allah Against Their Evil

Indonesia-Based Islamic Scholar Dr. Quds Al-Samaraai: Allah Likened The Jews To Apes And Pigs To Teach Us That Only Force Is Effective Against Them

PA Presidential Advisor Al-Habbash Defends Mahmoud Abass's "50 Holocausts" Comment: He Was Speaking On Behalf Of Us All; We Are The Real Semites, The History Of The Jews Is Fabricated

Syrian Israeli Affairs Expert Muhammad Nasour: The Number Of Jewish Deaths In The 'So-Called' Holocaust Is Grossly Inflated; The Zionists Were Behind The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki

Released Hamas Terrorist Ahlam Tamimi, Who Participated In The Jerusalem Sbarro Pizzeria Bombing Where Dozens Were Killed And Wounded: This Operation Is "The Crown On My Head... I Joined The Annals Of History By Committing The Best Act"

Pro-Palestinian Rally In Brussels: Rise Up, Throw Stones, Shoot Bullets – The Palestinians Will Redeem Themselves! The Israeli Ambassador Should Be Afraid; Israel Will Be Defeated, Along With America, Canada

Muslim-American Activist Dana Al-Hasan At Raleigh, N.C. Lecture: Martyrdom And Dying For Your Land Are An Integral Part Of Palestinian Culture; This Is An Important Religious And Cultural Element We Need To Tell Non-Muslims About

Canadian Activist Laith Marouf, Recently Deplatformed And Defunded For Antisemitism: Zionists Are Part Of The Western Ruling System; We Are At War, We Must Confront Them On All Battlefields

British Hizb ut-Tahrir Women's Section Director Dr. Nazreen Nawaz: The Islamic Caliphate Will Liberate Islamic Lands, Uproot Israel, Free Aafia Siddiqui

NYC Pro-Gaza Rally Speakers: Mayor Eric Adams Supports The Murder Of Palestinian Children; The Gates Of Al-Aqsa Mosque Can Only Be Opened By Martyrs

Friday Sermon in Yasuj, Iran By Iranian Imam Nassir Hosseini: Iran Has The Intelligence And Capability To Carry Out Attacks In Tel Aviv And In America

IRGC Qods Force Commander General Esmail Qaani: Israel Is A Cancer That Must Be Annihilated; The Jews Should Go Back Where They Came From

söndag 1 januari 2023

De nordiska länderna skämmer ut sig i FN - FN för Israels agerande till domstol

 I fredags röstade FN:s generalförsamling för en resolution som uppmanar Internationella domstolen i Haag att ge ett rådgivande uttalande angående "Israels långvarig ockupation, bosättning och annektering av palestinskt territorium".

FN:s generalförsamling består av 193 stater. Av dem är en majoritet stater som inte är fria demokratiska stater med värderingar som vi i västvärlden betraktar som normala. Därför borde västvärlden inte ta FN resolutioner på allvar utan betrakta dem som det de är: uttryck för de odemokratiska staternas åsikter. Västvärlden borde också enhälligt rösta mot resolutioner som ät absurda och strider mot våra värderingar.

De odemokratiska staterna håller bra ihop i FN, i synnerhet de islamska staterna när det kommer till omröstningar om Israel.

De demokratiska staterna och EU länder i synnerhet saknar moralisk ryggrad och röstar ibland med de odemokratiska länderna och ibland lägger EU länder ner sina röster. Väldigt sällan röstar de emot resolutionerna även om de är helt absurda.

Den senaste resolutionen riktad mot Israel röstade de europeiska staterna Albanien, Kroatien, Tjeckien, Estland, Tyskland, Ungern, Italien, Litauen, Rumänien och Storbritannien mot resolutionen. Det förtjänar de respekt för.

 Alla de nordiska länderna visade vad de går för genom att lägga ner sina röster. Vi sitter inte i FN för att se på när ondskan florerar utan för att ta ställning mot den. Det kunde man tro i alla fall, men så är det tyvärr inte. Vi lägger oss platt och håller tyst.

Terrororganisationer hyllar FN för resolutionen, det om något borde ge de nordiska länderna något att tänka på. 

En resolution som tar ställning till Israels agerande på "palestinskt territorium" borde inte kunna läggas fram i FN eftersom det inte existerar något palestinskt territorium i juridisk mening. Hela området mellan Medelhavet och Jordanfloden tillhör enligt internationella avtal judarna. Om araberna vill ha en stat på området är direkta förhandlingar med Israel enda lagliga vägen framåt.

Om FN på riktigt skulle bry sig om ockuperade områden kunde de t.ex ta upp Turkiets långvariga ockupation av Cypern sedan 1974. I det fallet ockuperades ett annat lands territorium men det är ingen som bryr sig om det och inga resolutioner i FN. Under det gångna året har 15 resolutioner antagits i FN:s generalförsamling mot Israel, inte en enda mot Turkiet.

Det senaste året har FN:s generalförsamling antagit 15 resolutioner mot Israel. Inget annat land har utsatts för samma behandling. (Bild UN Watch)

UN votes to request world court give legal opinion on Israel

Palestinians welcome UN vote on Israel's 'occupation' as 'a victory'

The Palestinians said they see the vote as another victory for the Palestinian people and their issue.

Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh praised the UN vote as “a new victory for the Palestinians and their just cause on the way to achieving their freedom and national independence.”...

...PLO Secretary-General Hussein al-Sheikh praised the UN vote as “a victory for Palestinian diplomacy.” According to al-Sheikh, PA President Mahmoud Abbas had come under pressure to withdraw or delay the Palestinian initiative at the UN, but refused to submit...

...Abbas’s ruling Fatah faction also welcomed the UN vote, describing it as a “victory for Palestinian diplomacy.” Fatah said in a statement that the resolution to ask the International Court of Justice for an advisory opinion on the Israeli “occupation” would have “significant repercussions in favor of the Palestinian cause because it will pave the way for holding Israel accountable.”...

...Hamas also welcomed the UN vote, describing it as “an achievement and an important step toward ending the occupation and its assaults on the national rights of the Palestinian people.” 

Israel rejects UN vote seeking ICJ declaration Jews occupy the Holy Land

Netanyahu in rejecting the UNGA vote stated that "the Jewish people is not occupying its land and is not occupying its eternal capital Jerusalem. No UN resolution can distort this historical truth."

The UK opposes the resolution

A United Kingdom envoy addressed the UNGA on Friday, stating that his country did not feel that a referral to the ICJ was helpful in "bringing the parties back to dialogue."

He added that "it is inappropriate without the consent of both parties to ask the court to give an advisory opinion in what is essentially a bilateral dispute."

The envoy also explained that his country did not support the work of the United Nations Human Rights Council's Commission of Inquiry which had first bought up the matter of an ICJ referral, noting that the group's work helped exacerbated the "disproportionate focus on Israel" at the UN.

Separate from the ICJ inquiry, the British envoy said that his country also opposed the fact that the resolution "refers to the Haram al-Sharif Temple Mount site in Jerusalem in purely Islamic terms. 

"The UK has made clear for many years that we disagree with this approach," he said.

UN asks world court to weigh in on Israeli ‘occupation’ and ‘annexation’

The UN's vote against Israel and its historic contradictions - analysis

UN vote imperfect map of Israel's friends - analysis

Israel has claimed some wins in UN vote — but the ICJ process is a serious threat