söndag 28 juli 2024

Därför är ICJ:s åsikt felaktig

 Why the ICJ’s advisory opinion on Israel is wrong - opinion (Jerusalem Post)

The advisory opinion of the ICJ is a travesty, which starts with its very title: “Legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the occupied Palestinian territory."...

...This is a travesty because, in order to be occupied, a territory must have had a previous and recognized sovereign. From 1949 to 1967, the Gaza Strip was controlled by Egypt, and the West Bank by Jordan. Both Jordan and Egypt had illegally conquered territories where no sovereign existed as of the 15th of May 1948, and where Israel could legally claim sovereignty based on the principle of uti possidetis juris...

…By taking control of the West Bank (known as “Judea and Samaria” in Hebrew) in 1967, Israel recuperated a territory that had been designated for Jewish national self-determination by the San Remo Conference of 1920 and by the League of Nations Mandate of 1922. Israel also reunited with its historical homeland, where a millennium of Jewish sovereignty was ended by the Roman Empire in the first century, followed by the colonial conquests of the Arabs in the 7th century, of the Crusaders in the 12th century, of the Mamluks in the 13th century, and of the Turks in the 16th century.

The West Bank is therefore not, legally and historically, an occupied territory. It is, at most, disputed. But since when is it Palestinian?

YLE och TV-Nytt håller stilen

 Lördag kväll rapporterade TV-Nytt kort att Israel bombat en skola i Gaza och 30 personer hade dödats. Det som man inte rapporterade var att Hamas använde skolan som kommandocentral och vapenförråd.

Alltså ännu en av många mer eller mindre falska nyheter som upprätthåller hatet mot Israel och judarna.

Söndag hade Yle följande rubrik: Blodig lördag i Israel och Gaza – attacker mot fotbollsplan och skola

Rubriken jämställer en raketattack från Libanon mot en fotbollsplan i Israel som dödade 12 barn och ungdomar med en israelisk attack mot Hamas kommandocentral  i Gaza.

Ingen egen artikel som skulle behandla raketattacken mot Israel.( De finskspråkiga nyheterna nämner raketattacken)

IDF orders new evacuations for humanitarian zone, hits Hamas HQ in central Gaza school

Command center in UN school

A Hamas command and control center embedded within a school in central Gaza’s Deir al-Balah was struck by Israeli fighter jets a short while ago, the IDF said, adding that it took extensive measures to minimize civilian casualties.

The military said that the command room it targeted was used by Hamas operatives to plan and carry out attacks against IDF troops in Gaza and against Israel.

Additionally, the IDF said the site was used to develop and store weaponry.

To mitigate harm to civilians, the IDF said it carried out “many steps,” including using a “munition adapted to the type of strike,” aerial surveillance, and other intelligence.

“This is a further example of the Hamas terrorist organization’s systematic violation of international law and exploitation of civilian structures and population as human shields for its attacks against the State of Israel,” the military said in a statement.

fredag 26 juli 2024

Ännu en åsikt om ICJ:s beslut

 The Advisory Opinion on Palestine is a bad omen for international law - opinion

Since the terrible attacks on October 7, it has seemed as though the international community, led by an elite organization, the United Nations, and its immensely reputable international court system, has time and time again allowed itself to be misled, and its values and principles misused, in a manner that is putting the entire international rules-based order at risk.

The Advisory Opinion regarding the legal consequences of Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, issued by the International Court of Justice on 19 July 2024 is yet another example. 

The advisory proceedings were biased from the start. In December 2022, the UN General Assembly passed by 87 votes to 79, a nine-page resolution condemning Israel in the harshest of terms, declaring almost every action it has ever taken in violation of international law and of Palestinian rights, and requesting the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on the legal consequences of such violations.

The resolution was drafted and sponsored by 32 states of which two-thirds have no diplomatic relations with Israel and several do not recognize Israel as a state. It was the 15th General Assembly resolution condemning Israel that year, compared to 13 resolutions adopted against all other countries combined...

…But while overreliance on United Nations documentation was expected, what came as a complete shock was the extent to which the Court manufactured an entirely new narrative of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, oftentimes at complete odds with reality. First, in paragraphs 52 and 53, the Court describes the process of Israel becoming a sovereign state. Here is how it describes that process: 

“While the Jewish population accepted the Plan of Partition, the Arab population of Palestine and the Arab States rejected this plan, contending, inter alia, that it was unbalanced. On 14 May 1948, Israel proclaimed its independence… an armed conflict then broke out between Israel and a number of Arab States, and the Plan of Partition was not implemented.” 

An Unbalanced Plan of Partition. Israel pushing ahead and proclaiming its independence, despite concerns of “unbalance”. And therefore, “armed conflict broke out”, resulting in the Plan of Partition not being implemented.

Stating that Israel proclaimed its independence while omitting that it was de facto recognized as a State by over a dozen countries, including the United States and the Soviet Union, on the same day or just days after, using the neutral phrasing “armed conflict broke out” rather than specifying that Israel was attacked on the morning of 15 May 1948, a day after it became a State, by the armies of Syria, Transjordan, Iraq and Egypt, all serve to remove, or distance, responsibility for the events leading up to the situation now complained of before the Court from the Palestinians and any neighboring Arab states, and placing such responsibility exclusively on Israel...

...And so, hidden in an inconspicuous paragraph in a separate opinion by one of the Court’s fifteen judges, ignored and in all likelihood unread, at least by the general public, is a clear-as-day explanation that the advisory opinion is nothing but a bird’s-eye-view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as seen through the eyes of one particular bird – the United Nations – excluding entirely any “careful consideration of whether Israel’s security concerns may be legally relevant concerning any specific situation.” Needless to say, this crucial disclaimer was not included in either the Court’s majority opinion or the international media reports that followed.

Författarna till texten:

Olivia Flasch is a Legal Consultant in Public International Law, with a particular focus on armed conflicts and international criminal law. She holds a Master of Law (MJur) from the University of Oxford.

Ami H. Orkaby, is a renown international lawyer and former adviser at the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office.

torsdag 25 juli 2024

 Professor Anne Bayefsky skriver om ICJ:s krig mot Israel, som jag tog upp i ett tidigare inlägg.

The UN World Court war against the Jews

When Hamas welcomes the 'advisory opinion,' the rest of the world should immediately realize that anti-Israel bias is at play

The UN’s World Court, also called the International Court of Justice, issued an 80-page attack on the state of Israel in the late afternoon of Friday, July 19, 2024. It had been five months since the Court heard oral arguments and yet the Court chose to release their missive on the eve of Shabbat. The majority opinion was accompanied by hundreds of pages of further declarations and opinions by various judges. Formally, it was called an “advisory opinion.” Actually, it was a legal obscenity from start to finish.

The only judge to consistently dissent from the opinion was ICJ Vice President Julia Sebutinde from Uganda...

...The Real Consequences

The so-called “peace process” is dead, killed off by alleged peace-loving UN judges. From now on, Palestinians have zero incentive to negotiate anything or finally accept the legitimacy of a Jewish state. The UN has purportedly decided the outcome of all the items that were supposed to be subject to negotiation — as specified in Oslo and other agreements — territory, borders, settlements, Jerusalem. All the Palestinians have to do is sit back and enjoy the squeeze play. And perpetuate more Jew-hatred, incite more violence, and foment more wars, with impunity.

onsdag 24 juli 2024

Sorglig splittring i Israel

 Trots att Israel är i krig på flera fronter är folket splittrat. Det är sorgligt att se hur det tar sig uttryck.

När Israels premiärminister Netanyahu nu besöker USA har en grupp äldre tjänstemän i Israel sänt ett brev till ledarna i kongressen där de bland annat varnar för att Netanyahu är ett existentiellt hot mot staten Israel. De skriver också att Netanyahu ensam är skyldig till bristen på seger över Hamas.

Att man agerar på det sättet mot en demokratiskt vald premiärminister (som naturligtvis har fel och brister) mitt under brinnande krig på flera fronter ger ingen bra bild av läget i Israel.

I en välfungerande demokrati stöder man sin premiärminister och baktalar  honom inte utomlands, är man missnöjd byter man ut honom i nästa val.

Ett annat sorgligt exempel kritiken  mot Noa Argamani som satt 245 dagar som fånge hos Hamas i Gaza.

Hon kritiseras för att hon nu efter att nyligen ha blivit fritagen från Gaza följt med premiärminister Netanyahu till Washington. Noa Argamani och hennes pappa borde skämmas resten av livet för att de följt med Netanyahu, skriver en journalist och får stöd av andra.

Det finns andra som försvarar henne, likt Jerusalem Post som skriver: "Kritiken som riktas mot Argamani är inte bara orättvis; det är en återspegling av en bredare samhällsfråga... Men sann empati kräver att vi stöder dem som har lidit, att vi höjer deras röster snarare än att tysta dem med kritik."

Liat Ron, Walla News säger rakt ut : "Gisslan och deras familjer får göra vad som helst, och alla vi andra måste hålla käften.”

Tyvärr visar kritiken av Argamani hur en del personers hat mot Netanyahu drabbar helt oskyldiga.

Netanyahu 'existential threat to Israel': Israeli officials tell US Congress Bibi to blame for war

Noa Argamani is not a political pawn, she can make her own decisions - editorial

tisdag 23 juli 2024

INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE, ICJ, visade än en gång att den är ett politiskt organ ingen domstol

 Den 19 juli gav FN:s egen domstol (INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE ICJ ) ett rådgivande utslag som berörde Israel.

Domstolen visade tydligt att den är ett FN organ och behandlade Israel på samma sätt som FN:s övriga organ. Fakta spelar ingen roll, det handlar om att fördöma Israel och dess agerande. 

Kort sagt kan man säga att domstolen konstaterade att Israels närvaro på de "ockuperade palestinska territorierna" är olagligt och måste upphöra så fort som möjligt. Det ockuperade palestinska territoriet består enligt ICJ av västbanken, östra Jerusalem och Gaza.

Det märkliga är att trots att det i verkligheten aldrig funnits någon palestinsk stat eller något palestinskt territorium påstås Israel ockupera palestinskt territorium.

Ännu märkligare blir det när man vet att området ICJ hänvisar till hör till det område som genom internationella avtal getts till det judiska folket för att där återupprätta sin nationalstat. Avtalen är San Remodeklarationen och stadgarna för Palestina mandatet.

När ICJ dessutom kräver att Israel skall lämna det historiska Jerusalem (gamla stan räknas till östra Jerusalem) så saknas allt förstånd i beslutet.

Jerusalem har varit judarnas huvudstad i 3000 år, oberoende av om de haft kontroll över den eller  inte.

Palestinierna (araberna) har aldrig haft en egen stat i området och naturligtvis inte heller någon huvudstad, ändå skall judarna enligt ICJ överlämna området till palestinierna/araberna.

Saken blir inte bättre av att domstolens ordförande, Nawaf Salam från Libanon, är en känd Israelhatare. Han har röstat för fördömanden av Israel i FN 210 gånger, han har bland annat också stått på Irans sida i FN och förhindrat att FN fördömt den syriska regimens attacker på civila. Men eftersom FN:s medlemsstater till stor del inte är demokratiska och fria stater blir personer som Nawaf Salam valde till viktiga poster.

World Court: Israeli presence in East Jerusalem, West Bank is illegal and must end (TOI)

In a conclusive and unambiguous decision, the International Court of Justice declared in a non-binding ruling Friday that Israel’s 56-year long rule in “the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967” is “illegal,” and that it is obligated to bring its presence in that territory to an end “as rapidly as possible.”

Report: Head of World Court Condemned Israel 210 Times as Lebanon’s UN Rep, Sided With Regimes in Iran, Syria, Belarus, Cuba (UN Watch)

GENEVA, July 18, 2024 — The president of the International Court of Justice, which is tomorrow releasing an opinion in another politically-motivated case targeting Israel, voted 210 times to condemn the Jewish state when he served as Lebanon’s UN ambassador, and delivered inflammatory speeches accusing “terrorist Jewish organizations” of committing “organized massacres,” according to a new report by the non-governmental organization UN Watch. CLICK FOR VIDEO




"...What are the legal consequences arising from the ongoing violation by Israel of the

right of the Palestinian people to self-determination, from its prolonged occupation,

settlement and annexation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including

measures aimed at altering the demographic composition, character and status of the

Holy City of Jerusalem, and from its adoption of related discriminatory legislation

and measures?..."

måndag 15 juli 2024

En av de värsta ledarna i HBL på mycket länge

 Dubbelmoral att fördöma attentatet mot Trump men finansiera krigsbrott

I en ledare i Hufvudstadsbladet kommer Peter Buchert med så många lögner och falska påståenden att jag inte tänker  gå in på detaljerna, konstaterar bara att Peter Bucherts ledare (Dubbelmoral att fördöma attentatet mot Trump men finansiera krigsbrott) aldrig borde ha fått gå i tryck.

En ledare utan en nyans av sanning kan man säga, och rent förtal dessutom. 

Väldigt,väldigt dåligt av Hufvudstadsbladet. Varför skriver man en ledare om saker man tydligen inte vet någonting?!

HBL: "När Israel överskrider alla gränser för mänsklighet får USA:s president och Europas ledare inte skrolla vidare."


Israel har gjort mer än vad som kan krävas för att undvika civila offer i Gaza

 'Baseless': Urban warfare researcher John Spencer battles war crimes accusations against Israel

John Spencer, urban warfare researcher and retired US officer claims that Israel went above and beyond what was expected of a state in an attempt to prevent harm to non-combatants.

"The war in Gaza is different from almost any other war I have seen," he continued. "The terrain, the density of tunnels under population centers, the nature of the enemy, and the presence of hostages - all of these combine to make this war one that is particularly difficult to conduct without bloodshed. 

"What I saw in Gaza convinced me that Israel took the necessary steps to avoid civilian casualties, even when it was constantly criticized for its conduct in the war."