fredag 31 januari 2025

Etnisk rensning tillåtet bara när det gäller judar

 USA:s president Trump har föreslagit befolkningen i Gaza kunde flyttas till något grannland för att få bättre levnadsförhållanden.

Några av dem som reagerat på uttalandet kallar det för uppmaning till krigsbrott och etnisk rensning.

Det som gör det intressant är att det tydligen är fråga om etnisk rensning om man flyttar på araber men inte om man tvångsförflyttar judar.

De flesta av världen stater, inklusive Finland, kräver nämligen genom en FN resolution att judarna i Samarien, Judéen och Jerusalem lämnar sina hem och flyttar bort från området som är deras nuvarande hem och historiska hemland.

Det är bland annat så antisemitismen tar sig uttryck i vår tid.

Trump’s Gaza proposal rejected by allies and condemned as ethnic cleansing plan (The Guardian)

“I’d rather get involved with some of the Arab nations and build housing at a different location where they can maybe live in peace for a change,” Trump told reporters on Air Force One. 

- Donald Trump’s proposal that large numbers of Palestinians should leave Gaza to “just clean out” the whole strip has been rejected by US allies in the region and attacked as dangerous, illegal and unworkable by lawyers and activists.

- “To ‘clean’ Gaza immediately after the war would in fact be a continuation of the war, through the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people,” said Hassan Jabareen, the director of Palestinian rights group Adalah.

- Omer Shatz, a lecturer in international law at Sciences Po Paris and international criminal court (ICC) counsel, said Trump’s comments were a “call for ethnic cleansing” that echoed calls from extremist Israeli politicians and public figures dating to the start of the war.

- The Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR) civil advocacy rights group said Trump’s suggestion was “delusional and dangerous nonsense” in a statement that also described it as a proposal for ethnic cleansing.

-Mustafa Barghouti, a senior Palestinian politician, said he “completely rejected” Trump’s comments, the Palestinian news agency Ma’an reported. Barghouti warned against attempts at “ethnic cleansing” in Gaza, saying: “The Palestinian people are committed to remaining in their homeland.”

tisdag 28 januari 2025

Farligt när minnet av Förintelsen förvrängs och används i politiska syften

 Holocaust distortion more dangerous than outright denial, warns departing IHRA chief (TOI)

JTA — As the world marked 80 years on Monday since the liberation of Auschwitz, one of Germany’s most prominent Holocaust scholars said twisting the facts about the Nazi extermination of six million Jews is far more harmful than outright denial — and that such distortion is “a stepping stone from antisemitism into the mainstream.”

Kathrin Meyer, secretary-general of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, or IHRA, said she considers Holocaust distortion particularly dangerous, especially as the number of survivors dwindles with each passing year. This week, when the world focuses on International Holocaust Remembrance Day, only 50 survivors took part in ceremonies at the Nazi death camp in Poland – down from 300 just five years ago.

“Obviously, it’s an insult to the victims, but it’s also a threat to our democracy because you will not find a single radical, anti-democratic, nationalistic, imperialistic group ideology that does not have a distorted view of the Holocaust,” Meyer said about distortions that are often disguised as differing opinions rather than outright lies...

... “The events of October 7 have tragically proven us right. There cannot be a debate on antisemitism without looking into the completely biased criticism of Israel that we often see,” Meyer said. “This dramatic increase in antisemitic incidents came right after the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust. The fact that this didn’t lead to more solidarity but to more antisemitism shows how deep this hatred goes, and how irrational it often is.”

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söndag 26 januari 2025

På tal om mod att stå upp för det rätta

"Om jag inte står upp för europeiska judar och Israel nu, när och vad skulle jag då stå upp för?"

 How Swedish MEP Alice Teodorescu Mawe became Israel’s most outspoken European ally

“If I don’t stand up for European Jews and Israel now, then when and what would I stand up for?”

Calling out “the West’s spineless politicians, activist journalists and corrupt judicial institutions,” Teodorescu Mawe called for tougher measures against Hamas “now that the masked monsters have been unmasked, stomping on a Red Cross ambulance — and thus on our Western values.”

Her outspoken comments might be considered remarkable coming from another source — especially in a political climate in Europe that has not been particularly friendly to Israel during the last 15 months of its multi-front war — but for Teodorescu Mawe, it was just another Monday.

Förintelsens minnesdag

"De upprörande berättelserna om överlevnad och förlust är desto mer gripande när de hörs tillsammans med erfarenheterna av Hamas illdåd...

...Men sedan hans barnbarn överlevde massakern den 7 oktober i Kibbutz Kfar Aza är 92-åringen mer beslutsam än någonsin att vittna."

Holocaust survivors who began again in Israel tell their stories in the shadow of Oct. 7

AFP — For years, Auschwitz survivor Naftali Furst kept his story to himself.

But since his granddaughter survived the October 7 massacre at Kibbutz Kfar Aza — one of the bloodiest in Hamas’s unprecedented onslaught on Israel that saw some 1,200 people brutally slaughtered and 251 kidnapped to the Gaza Strip, sparking the war there — the 92-year-old is more determined than ever to testify.

With antisemitism at levels rarely seen since World War II, Furst warned that “if we forget our history, we risk seeing it repeat itself.”

Eighty years after the Red Army liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp on January 27, 1945, AFP reached out to Holocaust survivors who rebuilt their lives in Israel.

Several came through the horrors of that slaughterhouse in occupied Poland where 1 million of the 6 million Jews killed in the Shoah were murdered, and which has become a symbol of the genocide perpetrated by Nazi Germany.

Here are their stories:

Vad kan förhindra historien från att upprepa sig? (Tomas Sandell i HBL)

Med facit i hand är det lätt för nästan alla att säga nazisternas förintelse av judarna var något mycket ont, något man måste fördöma.

Betydligt svårare verkar det vara  att se, förstå och reagera på, att samma hat idag riktas mot den judiska staten Israel. 

Vad kan förhindra historien från att upprepa sig? (HBL)

"...En färsk undersökning från amerikanska Anti Defamation League visar att fyrtiosex procent av världens vuxna har antisemitiska fördomar av något slag. Ju längre ner man kommer i åldrarna desto tydligare blir det. Så tror exempelvis över fyrtio procent av alla tillfrågade under trettiofem år att judarna är ansvariga för alla krig i världen.

För över hundra år sedan spreds samma konspirationsteorier av den ryska tsarens hemliga polis. Men i dag är judehatet inte begränsat till någon enskild stat eller speciell ideologi. Den florerar lika fritt inom yttervänstern som inom ytterhögern. Många menar att den farligaste varianten av dem alla är den nya antisemitismen där den kollektiva juden står i centrum. I dag är den i princip både rumsren och håller på att bli mainstream.

Denna resilienta variant av antisemitism vänder sig inte mot judar som folk eller religion utan mot staten Israel, den trygga hamn för det judiska folket som saknades under förintelsen men som byggdes upp av dess överlevande.

När det internationella samfundet på måndag uppmärksammar minnesdagen för Förintelsens offer kan det därför vara skäl att citera den polska motståndsmannen Jan Karski. När han belönades för sin heroiska insats för att ha räddat judar under förintelsen var hans största glädjeämne inte själva medaljen utan det faktum att det judiska folket enligt Karski aldrig mera skulle behöva utsättas för ett liknande öde eftersom det nu finns en judisk stat med en egen armé.

För att citera Golda Meir: När valet står mellan vänliga minnesord över döda judar och kritik av oss som ännu är levande är det inte svårt att välja. Dessa visdomsord kan man med fördel begrunda måndagen den 27 januari men även året runt."

söndag 12 januari 2025

Uttalanden från iranska ledare

 2024 Editor's Picks: Top Iran Clips From MEMRI TV

Här några plock från MEMRI:s urval.

#11511 - Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei: Israel Has Made Miscalculations Regarding Iran – It Does Not Properly Understand Our Strength – We Will Make It Understand; Only More Power Will Provide Security For Iran; Crowd Chants: Death To America! Death To Israel!

On October 27, 2024, Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivered a speech asserting that only power will provide security for Iran. This statement followed an Israeli airstrike on military targets inside Iran on October 26. Khamenei warned that Israel has made miscalculations regarding Iran, stating that it does not "properly" understand the strength and willpower of the Iranian people, but that Iranians will make it understand.

#11471 - Iranian Official Reza Taghavi: Hitler Was Right In His Approach Towards The Jews; The Zionists Must Be Persecuted, Deported, And Killed Everywhere; Soon The Zionists Will Eradicate America And Europe

Iranian official Reza Taghavi said in an October 4, 2024 interview on IRINN TV (Iran) that Hitler was right in his approach towards the Jews. He added that the Zionists must be persecuted, deported, and killed everywhere. Taghavi said that soon the Zionists will create strife in the West, and they will be eradicating America, Europe, and the “arrogant” countries that support them now. Reza Taghavi is a member of an official committee that decides the guidelines for imams delivering Friday sermons in Iran and a former member of the Majles.

#11346 - Head Of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei's Academic Think Tank Alireza Panahian: If You Want To Introduce Islam To Europe, Use Shi'ite Islam; You Must Destroy Zionism In Order To Liberate The Europeans And Americans From This Oppressive Capitalist World Order

Alireza Panahian, head of Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei's Academic Think Tank said in an August 21, 2024 interview with Channel 2 (Iran) that "the road to Jerusalem goes through Karbala." He said that in order to introduce Islam to Europe, it is necessary to use the Islam of Hossein, Shi'ite Islam, that is full of "kindness and dignity" instead of the Islam of ISIS. Panahian continued to say that in order to liberate Jerusalem, it is required to destroy Zionism, which he referred to as the "lifeline" of Global Arrogance – the United States. He said that Iran should strike Jerusalem, because then some of the Zionists will pack up and leave. Panahian added that if Iranians want to destroy Zionism, the Europeans, Americans, and the people of the world will be liberated from this oppressive capitalist world order.

#10781 - Senior Iranian Official Ali Aghamohammadi: 'The Only Way To Save Humanity Is To Annihilate Israel'; 'Hizbullah, Houthis, Palestinians Will Avenge The Killing Of Qods Force General Razi Mousavi'

The economic advisor to Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei and member of the Expediency Council Ali Aghamohammadi discussed in a December 27, 2023, address aired on IRINN TV (Iran) the killing of IRGC Qods Force General Razi Mousavi in an Israeli airstrike. He said that Hizbullah, the Houthi Ansar Allah, and the Palestinians will avenge his death. Aghamohammadi said that Israel must be annihilated in a preemptive act and that is the only way to save humanity. He shared that he wears a ring made from the windshield of the car used by Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, who were killed by American forces in January 2020. Aghamohammadi said: "We will not rest until we strangle their enemies."

#11554 - Iran-Based Academic Hadi Dalloul: When Palestine Is Liberated, We May Carry Out A Genocide Against The Israelis Or Let Them Flee To Europe – I Support Finishing Them Off Once And For All

On November 8, 2024, Iran-based Lebanese academic Hadi Dalloul – who was presented as a nuclear physicist and international law expert - appeared on Lebanon On (YouTube) to discuss the recent attacks on Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam. When asked about the fate of Israelis following the potential "liberation" of Palestine, Dalloul speculated that they could be killed or deported to Europe, which he argued would be unwilling to accept them. He suggested that what happened in the Netherlands provides a glimpse of what the presence of Israelis in Europe might look like. Dalloul framed the situation as a choice between committing genocide or allowing civilians to flee. He added that, if Israelis were allowed to leave, they would establish refugee camps in Europe and later attempt to return to Israel. Dalloul concluded that Europe would likely send them back, labeling them a "nuisance," and suggested that it would be best to resolve the issue once and for all.

#11519 - Iranian Religious Scholar Masoud Aali: If We Conquer Israel, We Will Be Able To Conquer The West

On October 24, 2024, Iranian religious scholar Masoud Aali stated in a speech aired on IRINN TV (Iran) that the Jews and the polytheists are the “most obstinate enemies” of the believers. He claimed that they view only Jews as humans, regarding others as slaves. Aali argued that Zionism has exported this Jewish philosophy worldwide and that conquering Israel is key to overcoming the West, and this is the reason for Western support of Israel. He said that Khomeini viewed the destruction of Israel as a religious idea and strategy. This speech was delivered at a memorial for martyrs of the resistance in Semnan.

fredag 10 januari 2025

Ett urval av palestinska ledares uttalanden

 2024 Editor's Picks: Top Palestinian Clips From The MEMRI TV Project

#11438 - Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa: We No Longer Maintain Security Coordination With Israel; Hamas, Islamic Jihad (PIJ) Are Patriotic Factions; All Palestinians Are Our Children

#11322 - Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas Prays For The Soul Of 'Martyr' Ismail Haniyeh In Turkish Parliament Speech, Adds: We Are Implementing Shari'a Law – Victory Or Martyrdom; America Is The Plague And The Plague Is America; The Palestinian Leadership And I Are Going To Gaza, Even If It Costs Us Our Lives; Then We Will Go To Jerusalem, Our Eternal Capital

#11381 - Senior Hamas Official Sami Abu Zuhri On DOJ Terrorism Charges Against Hamas Leaders: The American Citizens Killed Or Taken Captive On October 7 Were Murderers, Mercenaries Sent To Kill Our Women And Children

#11370 – Palestinian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Muhammad Qaddura: After We Liberate Palestine, We Will Not Tolerate The Grave Of A Single Jew Or A Single Hebrew Word – We Will Eliminate Any Trace Of Them; Palestine Is A Bride And Her Dowry Is Blood; We Welcome Our Martyrs With Joy

...och så vidare

onsdag 8 januari 2025

Att utesluta den israeliske premiärministern från hågkomsten av Förintelsen är oacceptabelt och underblåser modern antisemitism

 ECI: "Att utesluta den israeliske premiärministern från hågkomsten av Förintelsen är oacceptabelt och underblåser modern antisemitism"

Bryssel, 8 januari 2025 – Hotet från den polska regeringen att arrestera den israeliska premiärministern Benjamin Netanyahu om han deltar i 80-årsdagen av befrielsen av koncentrationslägren Auschwitz-Birkenau den 27 januari är oacceptabelt och förstärker de värsta formerna av modern antisemitism genom att det antyder att judar inte är bättre än nazisterna eftersom de, enligt ICC, är också ansvariga för ett folkmord. Att arrestera den demokratiskt valde israeliske ledaren på samma mark där miljontals judar slaktades för bara 80 år sedan skulle utan tvekan gå till historien som den allvarligaste missuppfattningen av lag och rättvisa i modern tid.

ECI:s grundare Tomas Sandell talade ut på tisdagseftermiddagen och tillade att "detta verkar vara ännu ett exempel på en europeisk besatthet av döda judar, samtidigt som man misslyckas med att stödja dagens judiska folk eftersom de fortfarande återhämtar sig från traumat från Hamas grymheter den 7 oktober 2023, den enskilt dödligaste attacken mot judar sedan Förintelsen. Även om det inte fanns några israeliska väpnade styrkor i närheten för att förhindra Förintelsens fasor, slår den judiska staten idag tillbaka mot dem som drivs av samma demoniska ideologi att mörda judar som Hitler gjorde för 80 år sedan. Att hota med att arrestera den demokratiska ledaren för den återuppståndna judiska staten, en premiärminister som vägrar att låta sina medborgare, inklusive överlevande från Förintelsen, återuppleva fasorna för 80 år sedan och i stället är fast besluten att skydda sitt folk är inget annat än en parodi på internationell lag och rättvisa...

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fredag 3 januari 2025

Kriget mot judarna

 The war against the Jewish story  (Yossi Klein Halevi)

The ease with which anti-Zionists have managed to portray the Jewish state as genocidal marks a historic failure of Holocaust education

How has it come to this? How is it possible that Israel, rather than radical Islamism, would become the villain on liberal campuses? That thousands of students would be chanting “from the river to the sea” even as the Hamas massacre revealed that slogan’s genocidal implications? That the most passionate outbreak of student activism since the 1960s would be devoted to delegitimizing the Jewish people’s story of triumph over annihilation? 

…I recently completed a lecture tour of some of the most Jewishly problematic campuses, from Columbia to Berkeley. In meetings with Jewish students, I was repeatedly told about a pervasive atmosphere of hostility toward Israel, even among many otherwise apolitical students. While the protests are an immediate threat to Jewish well-being on campus, the far deeper problem is the impact of the anti-Zionist campaign, linking the name “Israel” with racism and genocide. The vulgar protesters are a small minority, but they are shaping the attitudes of a whole generation.