söndag 26 januari 2025

På tal om mod att stå upp för det rätta

"Om jag inte står upp för europeiska judar och Israel nu, när och vad skulle jag då stå upp för?"

 How Swedish MEP Alice Teodorescu Mawe became Israel’s most outspoken European ally

“If I don’t stand up for European Jews and Israel now, then when and what would I stand up for?”

Calling out “the West’s spineless politicians, activist journalists and corrupt judicial institutions,” Teodorescu Mawe called for tougher measures against Hamas “now that the masked monsters have been unmasked, stomping on a Red Cross ambulance — and thus on our Western values.”

Her outspoken comments might be considered remarkable coming from another source — especially in a political climate in Europe that has not been particularly friendly to Israel during the last 15 months of its multi-front war — but for Teodorescu Mawe, it was just another Monday.

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