torsdag 28 juni 2007

Koptiska kristna i svårigheter i Egypten

Den 1 juli kommer det i Egyptens högsta domstol att avgöras om 45 koptiska kristna får återta sin kristna tro eller om de tvingas förbli muslimer.
De mer hårdföra muslimerna kräver att alla som avfaller från islam skall avrättas medan de mer moderata har en något mildare linje.
Läs mera på Compass Direct News

Några utdrag från WEA:s nyhetsbrev om situationen i Egypten:

"Muslims have not forced anyone to believe in Islam, so they are not allowing anyone to desert Islam and leave it," the court was quoted as saying.

The interior minister insisted that Islam, as the state religion of Egypt, demands that any Muslim man who abandons his faith should be killed. But a Muslim woman "apostate," he wrote, should only be imprisoned and beaten every three days until she returns to Islam.

Moderate Islamic scholars in Egypt contend that only birthright Muslims who attack the Islamic faith can be judged as "apostates." They exclude from this category any converts to Islam who later return to their previous faith.

But the Muslim Brotherhood and other hardliners insist that anyone who embraces the Muslim religion and then abandons it is an apostate who should be executed.

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