onsdag 30 september 2009

Tankar inför Lövhyddohögtiden

Gud vandrade med sitt folk i öknen, också i dag är han med oss.

Efter de allvarstyngda bibliska högtidsdagarna Rosh Hashana (Nyåret) och Yom Kippur (Försoningsdagen) infaller glädjefesten Suckot / Lövhyddohögtiden nu på fredagkväll.
Bibeln säger faktikst att man skall glädja sig denna högtid. 3 Mos 23:40" ...och ni skall glädja er i sju dagar inför Herrens er Guds ansikte."
Under Lövhyddohögtiden "bor" man i "lövhyddor" och kommer ihåg ökenvandringen och hur Gud tog hand om sitt folk i ödemarken.
Man kan fyllas av glädje när man inser att samme Gud som tog hand om sitt folk i öknen tar hand om oss idag, även fastän vi skulle tvingas gå genom öknen.
Lövhyddohögtiden ser också framåt mot den Messianska tiden, profettexten är från Sakarja 14 som berättar om att Herren själv kommer att stiga ner på Oljeberget. Därefter kommer alla hednafolk att dra upp till Jerusalem för att tillbe konungen Herren Sebaot och fira Lövhyddohögtiden.
En annan profettext är Hes.38:18-39:16 som handlar om den sista messianska striden mellan Gog, Magog och Israel och hur Gud visar sin storhet och helighet och strider för Israel.
Lövhyddohögtiden ser alltså framåt mot en tid när alla folk tillber Israels Gud. Därför offrade man under templets tid 70 tjurar som symboliserade antalet för jordens alla folk.

Jesus (Yeshua) är centrum i alla de bibliska högtiderna så också i Lövhyddohögtiden

Under vattenösningsceremonin på Lövhyddohögtidens sista dag, när prästerna sjöng (Jes 12:3) : "Med fröjd skall ni ösa vatten ur frälsningens (på hebreiska: "Yeshuas källor" ) källor, berättas det följande om Jesus:(Joh. 7:37-39)”På den sista dagen, den största i högtiden, stod Jesus (Yeshua) och ropade: 'Om någon törstar, så kom till mig och drick! Den som tror på mig, ur hans innersta skall strömmar av levande vatten flyta fram, som Skriften säger.' Detta sade han om Anden, som de skulle få som trodde på honom. Ty Anden hade ännu inte blivit utgjuten, eftersom Jesus ännu inte hade blivit förhärligad.”
Eftersom Lövhyddohögtiden är en av de tre vallfartshögtiderna sjöng man under högtiden vallfartspsalmerna. I psalm 118:26 står det: "Välsignad vare han som kommer i Herrens namn". Detta ord citeras av Jesus när han klagar över Jerusalem och säger: Härefter skall ni inte se mig förrän ni säger: Välsignad vare han som kommer i Herrens namn.
Lövhyddohögtiden påminner oss om att Messias, Jesus, kommer tillbaka och då blir det bröllop. Egentligen hjälper oss alla tre vallfartshögtiderna att se vem Jesus är och vad han gjort för oss.
Jesus säger i Joh. 14
Låt inte era hjärtan oroas. Tro på Gud och tro på mig. I min Faders hus finns många rum. Om det inte vore så, skulle jag
då ha sagt er att jag går bort för att bereda plats åt er? Och om jag än går och bereder plats åt er, skall jag komma
tillbaka och ta er till mig, för att ni skall vara där jag är.

Dehär orden kan syfta på de gamla bröllopstraditionerna i Israel.

Den unga mannen, brudgummen, besökte brudens hem. Han kom överens om priset för bruden, och 1) betalade, och
2) han gav en brudgåva till bruden. Efter att allt var klart återvände han till sin faders hus för att bygga ett rum åt sig och sin kommande brud.
3)När Fadern ansåg rummet var klart fick sonen återvända för att under jubel och glädje föra hem sin brud. Han kunde till och med komma under natten och röva bort henne.
Bruden som inte visste när brudgummen skulle återvända för att hämta henne levde så att hon ständigt var redo för att bli hämtad.

Jesus, brudgummen, kom en första gång. Påsken berättar om hur han betalade ett oerhört högt pris för oss. Han vill verkligen ha oss.
Pingsten talar om den brudgåva han gav oss. DHA som påminner oss om Jesu ord och hjälper oss att leva så att vi är redo när han kommer.
Lövhyddohögtiden påminner oss om hans återkomst och den bröllopsfest vi har framför oss.

Så låt oss gå upp till Jerusalem och glädja oss!
Välsignad vare han som kommer I Herrens namn!

tisdag 29 september 2009

Gaza - Islam

Här kan man läsa en artikel om hur Gaza under Hamas styre islamiseras:
Analysis: The Islamic republic of Gaza
"A slow introduction of Islamic norms and practices into society began immediately following the Hamas victory in PLC elections in January 2006. This process was accelerated following Hamas's seizure of exclusive control of Gaza in 2007.
However, there are clear internal differences in the movement regarding the pace of change. Hamas's current leadership has tended to favor a slow encouragement of Islamic practices and rules, without straying too far from the desires of the broader public.
More hardline and Salafi elements within the movement want a stricter and more formal introduction of Islamic norms. Events over the last 18 months indicate that the latter camp is now making the running, with Hamas's leadership under pressure from extreme forces both within the movement and beyond it. "

På Fred i Mellansösterns hemsida kan man läsa en bokrecension av Magnus Norells bok "Islamismens seger - från Libanon till Iran", recensionen skriven av Franz Cohn.
Bokrecension: ”Islamismens seger – från Libanon till Iran”
"Norell förklarar i boken också skillnaden i tänkesättet. Det som många israeliska politiker och vi i Väst ser som en fredspolitik uppfattar vissa ledare som svaghet. Det ensidiga bortdragande av sina trupper från säkerhetszonen i Libanon och avvecklingen av bosättningarna i Gaza, samt ensidig vapenvila utan någon riktig seger både i Libanon 2006 och Gaza 2009 har inte gett Israel någon goodwill. Motparterna har tagit dessa koncessioner som intäkt för nya krav och hotelser."

måndag 28 september 2009

Israel 1951

Se en reklamfilm om Israel från Air France!
Filmen är från 1951, endast tre år efter Israels självständighet. Folket sprudlar av energi för att bygga upp landet.
Story of Israel in 1951
"Exceptional document!!!This is a 30 minutes clip made by Air France (but in English) to promote Israel in 1951."

söndag 27 september 2009

Oroligheter på tempelberget

I fredags slog israeliska flygvapnet till mot en terrorcell i Gaza som förberedde en raketattack. Det var fösta gången sedan kriget i januari som Israel slog till för att förhindra en raketattack.
Efter attacken avfyrades flera raketer mot Israel.
Palestinians fire mortar shell, Kassams

Oroligheter på Tempelberget
Ett tiotal polismän och lika många demonstranter skadades när muslimer på Tempelberget angrep en judisk grupp som besökte området.
Policemen wounded in Temple Mt. riots

Såhär kan en jude uppleva dagens situation när en jude inte får be på Temepelberget:
"But now that I was standing in that holiest of places, which generations of Jews for 2,000 years could only dream of visiting, I was forbidden to pray. Simply moving my lips in whispered prayer could be grounds for removal. Why? Because I am a Jew. And only a Muslim can pray on the holiest site in Judaism. A Jew may not. "
Intolerance on the Temple Mount

Söndag kväll inleds Yom Kippur, Försoningsdagen. De följande 24 timmarna fastar en troende jude från både mat och vatten. Detta är den allvarligaste dagen på året för judarna och trafiken och livet lugnar ner sig i Israel. 4 Mos.23:26-32

Yom Kippur är allmän helgdag i Israel. Radio och TV tystnar, flygplatser stängs, kollektivtrafiken står stilla, och all handel stannar. År 2008 uppgav 63% av befolkningen att de tänkte fasta under helgen. Det anses oartigt att äta offentligt under Yom Kippur, eller att framföra ett motorfordon. Och även om det inte finns några legala hinder för att köra eller äta på allmänna platser, möts det med ogillande.
Under de senaste decennierna har det blivit en ny “tradition” bland sekulära ungdomar att cykla och åka inlines på de tomma gatorna.
År 1973 drabbades Israel av en arabisk överraskningsattack mitt under Yom Kippur. Flygsirenerna tjöt och radiosändningarna återupptogs för att varsko och mobilisera befolkningen. Kriget har kommit att kallas Yom Kippur-kriget, eller Oktoberkriget.
Från engelska Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_Kippur

Jom Kipur – Försoningsdagen http://jfst.se/judendom/jom_kipur.php
De tio botdagarna kulminerar i Jom Kipur, vilken är den största av de judiska helgdaganar – och en fastedag. Denna helgdag börjar kvällen innan i synagogan med Kol Nidre, en urgammal juridisk formel. Vi ber om att få bli lösta från alla de löften som vi kommer att ge under det kommande året, men som vi inte kan hålla. Detta gäller endast löften till Gud, löften, som vi menade allvar med, när vi gav dem, och som vi känner skuld över att inte kunna hålla. Löften människor emellan kan inte hävas genom bön, och försoning med Gud är inte möjlig utan att man bett de personer om förlåtelse, som man handlat orätt emot. Det tillhör Jom Kipurs regler att ovänner skall sluta fred, att ljus skall tändas för våra avlidna, att man har en vit kitel (en sorts skrud) och vit kipa, som symboliserar "renhet". Jom Kipur avslutas med Neila – portens stängning – en avslutningsgudstjänst som vädjar om bot, bättring och bönhörelse.

fredag 25 september 2009

Premiärminister Netayahus tal inför FN

Netanyahus tal kan ses här ( Video: Netanyahu addresses the UN General Assembly (full speech) och texten finns härunder.
En svensk översättning av talet här.
Del 1 av talet:

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Nearly 62 years ago, the United Nations recognized the right of the Jews, an ancient people 3,500 years-old, to a state of their own in their ancestral homeland.
I stand here today as the Prime Minister of Israel, the Jewish state, and I speak to you on behalf of my country and my people.
The United Nations was founded after the carnage of World War II and the horrors of the Holocaust. It was charged with preventing the recurrence of such horrendous events.
Nothing has undermined that central mission more than the systematic assault on the truth. Yesterday the President of Iran stood at this very podium, spewing his latest anti-Semitic rants. Just a few days earlier, he again claimed that the Holocaust is a lie.
Last month, I went to a villa in a suburb of Berlin called Wannsee. There, on January 20, 1942, after a hearty meal, senior Nazi officials met and decided how to exterminate the Jewish people. The detailed minutes of that meeting have been preserved by successive German governments. Here is a copy of those minutes, in which the Nazis issued precise instructions on how to carry out the extermination of the Jews. Is this a lie?
A day before I was in Wannsee, I was given in Berlin the original construction plans for the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Those plans are signed by Hitler’s deputy, Heinrich Himmler himself. Here is a copy of the plans for Auschwitz-Birkenau, where one million Jews were murdered. Is this too a lie
This June, President Obama visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. Did President Obama pay tribute to a lie?
And what of the Auschwitz survivors whose arms still bear the tattooed numbers branded on them by the Nazis? Are those tattoos a lie? One-third of all Jews perished in the conflagration. Nearly every Jewish family was affected, including my own. My wife's grandparents, her father’s two sisters and three brothers, and all the aunts, uncles and cousins were all murdered by the Nazis. Is that also a lie?
Yesterday, the man who calls the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. To those who refused to come here and to those who left this room in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries.
But to those who gave this Holocaust-denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere: Have you no shame? Have you no decency?
A mere six decades after the Holocaust, you give legitimacy to a man who denies that the murder of six million Jews took place and pledges to wipe out the Jewish state.
What a disgrace! What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations! Perhaps some of you think that this man and his odious regime threaten only the Jews. You're wrong.
History has shown us time and again that what starts with attacks on the Jews eventually ends up engulfing many others
This Iranian regime is fueled by an extreme fundamentalism that burst onto the world scene three decades ago after lying dormant for centuries. In the past thirty years, this fanaticism has swept the globe with a murderous violence and cold-blooded impartiality in its choice of victims. It has callously slaughtered Moslems and Christians, Jews and Hindus, and many others. Though it is comprised of different offshoots, the adherents of this unforgiving creed seek to return humanity to medieval times.
Wherever they can, they impose a backward regimented society where women, minorities, gays or anyone not deemed to be a true believer is brutally subjugated. The struggle against this fanaticism does not pit faith against faith nor civilization against civilization.
It pits civilization against barbarism, the 21st century against the 9th century, those who sanctify life against those who glorify death.
The primitivism of the 9th century ought to be no match for the progress of the 21st century. The allure of freedom, the power of technology, the reach of communications should surely win the day. Ultimately, the past cannot triumph over the future. And the future offers all nations magnificent bounties of hope. The pace of progress is growing exponentially.
It took us centuries to get from the printing press to the telephone, decades to get from the telephone to the personal computer, and only a few years to get from the personal computer to the internet.
What seemed impossible a few years ago is already outdated, and we can scarcely fathom the changes that are yet to come. We will crack the genetic code. We will cure the incurable. We will lengthen our lives. We will find a cheap alternative to fossil fuels and clean up the planet.
I am proud that my country Israel is at the forefront of these advances – by leading innovations in science and technology, medicine and biology, agriculture and water, energy and the environment. These innovations the world over offer humanity a sunlit future of unimagined promise.
But if the most primitive fanaticism can acquire the most deadly weapons, the march of history could be reversed for a time. And like the belated victory over the Nazis, the forces of progress and freedom will prevail only after an horrific toll of blood and fortune has been exacted from mankind. That is why the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction.
The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom?
Will it take action against the dictators who stole an election in broad daylight and gunned down Iranian protesters who died in the streets choking in their own blood? Will the international community thwart the world's most pernicious sponsors and practitioners of terrorism?
Above all, will the international community stop the terrorist regime of Iran from developing atomic weapons, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world?
The people of Iran are courageously standing up to this regime. People of goodwill around the world stand with them, as do the thousands who have been protesting outside this hall. Will the United Nations stand by their side?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The jury is still out on the United Nations, and recent signs are not encouraging. Rather than condemning the terrorists and their Iranian patrons, some here have condemned their victims. That is exactly what a recent UN report on Gaza did, falsely equating the terrorists with those they targeted.
For eight long years, Hamas fired from Gaza thousands of missiles, mortars and rockets on nearby Israeli cities. Year after year, as these missiles were deliberately hurled at our civilians, not a single UN resolution was passed condemning those criminal attacks. We heard nothing – absolutely nothing – from the UN Human Rights Council, a misnamed institution if there ever was one.
In 2005, hoping to advance peace, Israel unilaterally withdrew from every inch of Gaza. It dismantled 21 settlements and uprooted over 8,000 Israelis. We didn't get peace. Instead we got an Iranian backed terror base fifty miles from Tel Aviv. Life in Israeli towns and cities next to Gaza became a nightmare. You see, the Hamas rocket attacks not only continued, they increased tenfold. Again, the UN was silent.
Finally, after eight years of this unremitting assault, Israel was finally forced to respond. But how should we have responded? Well, there is only one example in history of thousands of rockets being fired on a country's civilian population. It happened when the Nazis rocketed British cities during World War II. During that war, the allies leveled German cities, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties. Israel chose to respond differently. Faced with an enemy committing a double war crime of firing on civilians while hiding behind civilians – Israel sought to conduct surgical strikes against the rocket launchers.
That was no easy task because the terrorists were firing missiles from homes and schools, using mosques as weapons depots and ferreting explosives in ambulances. Israel, by contrast, tried to minimize casualties by urging Palestinian civilians to vacate the targeted areas.
We dropped countless flyers over their homes, sent thousands of text messages and called thousands of cell phones asking people to leave. Never has a country gone to such extraordinary lengths to remove the enemy's civilian population from harm's way.
Yet faced with such a clear case of aggressor and victim, who did the UN Human Rights Council decide to condemn? Israel. A democracy legitimately defending itself against terror is morally hanged, drawn and quartered, and given an unfair trial to boot.
By these twisted standards, the UN Human Rights Council would have dragged Roosevelt and Churchill to the dock as war criminals. What a perversion of truth. What a perversion of justice.
Delegates of the United Nations,
Will you accept this farce?
Because if you do, the United Nations would revert to its darkest days, when the worst violators of human rights sat in judgment against the law-abiding democracies, when Zionism was equated with racism and when an automatic majority could declare that the earth is flat.
If this body does not reject this report, it would send a message to terrorists everywhere: Terror pays; if you launch your attacks from densely populated areas, you will win immunity. And in condemning Israel, this body would also deal a mortal blow to peace. Here's why.
When Israel left Gaza, many hoped that the missile attacks would stop. Others believed that at the very least, Israel would have international legitimacy to exercise its right of self-defense. What legitimacy? What self-defense?
The same UN that cheered Israel as it left Gaza and promised to back our right of self-defense now accuses us –my people, my country - of war crimes? And for what? For acting responsibly in self-defense. What a travesty!
Israel justly defended itself against terror. This biased and unjust report is a clear-cut test for all governments. Will you stand with Israel or will you stand with the terrorists?
We must know the answer to that question now. Now and not later. Because if Israel is again asked to take more risks for peace, we must know today that you will stand with us tomorrow. Only if we have the confidence that we can defend ourselves can we take further risks for peace.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
All of Israel wants peace.
Any time an Arab leader genuinely wanted peace with us, we made peace. We made peace with Egypt led by Anwar Sadat. We made peace with Jordan led by King Hussein. And if the Palestinians truly want peace, I and my government, and the people of Israel, will make peace. But we want a genuine peace, a defensible peace, a permanent peace. In 1947, this body voted to establish two states for two peoples – a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews accepted that resolution. The Arabs rejected it.
We ask the Palestinians to finally do what they have refused to do for 62 years: Say yes to a Jewish state. Just as we are asked to recognize a nation-state for the Palestinian people, the Palestinians must be asked to recognize the nation state of the Jewish people. The Jewish people are not foreign conquerors in the Land of Israel. This is the land of our forefathers.
Inscribed on the walls outside this building is the great Biblical vision of peace: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. They shall learn war no more." These words were spoken by the Jewish prophet Isaiah 2,800 years ago as he walked in my country, in my city, in the hills of Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem.
We are not strangers to this land. It is our homeland. As deeply connected as we are to this land, we recognize that the Palestinians also live there and want a home of their own. We want to live side by side with them, two free peoples living in peace, prosperity and dignity.
But we must have security. The Palestinians should have all the powers to govern themselves except those handful of powers that could endanger Israel.
That is why a Palestinian state must be effectively demilitarized. We don't want another Gaza, another Iranian backed terror base abutting Jerusalem and perched on the hills a few kilometers from Tel Aviv.
We want peace.
I believe such a peace can be achieved. But only if we roll back the forces of terror, led by Iran, that seek to destroy peace, eliminate Israel and overthrow the world order. The question facing the international community is whether it is prepared to confront those forces or accommodate them.
Over seventy years ago, Winston Churchill lamented what he called the "confirmed unteachability of mankind," the unfortunate habit of civilized societies to sleep until danger nearly overtakes them.
Churchill bemoaned what he called the "want of foresight, the unwillingness to act when action will be simple and effective, the lack of clear thinking, the confusion of counsel until emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong.”
I speak here today in the hope that Churchill's assessment of the "unteachibility of mankind" is for once proven wrong.
I speak here today in the hope that we can learn from history -- that we can prevent danger in time.
In the spirit of the timeless words spoken to Joshua over 3,000 years ago, let us be strong and of good courage. Let us confront this peril, secure our future and, God willing, forge an enduring peace for generations to come.

torsdag 24 september 2009

Internationell lag - Israel och Jerusalem

Många påstår att israeliska bosättningar är olagliga utan att känna till vad lagen egentligen säger. Här följer nyttig läsning:

by Elliott A. Green

"International law is often cited as a pretext for the policies of Western governments and human rights agencies toward Judea, Samaria, and Gaza in general and Jerusalem in particular. A certain assumption or presumption about the international law status of these areas is the premise for claims that they are "occupied territory," that Israeli construction in formerly Jordanian-ruled parts of Jerusalem is "illegal," etc.
Given the centrality of allegations about international law in the diplomatic and political assaults on Israel made by such bodies as the European Union, the UN General Assembly, and others, there is a need to know, to understand and to expound the true international law concerning the Land of Israel as a matter of sheer political self-defense. What indeed has been the status of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza under the law of nations?
International law has recognized Jewish rights to sovereignty over the Land of Israel and to settlement throughout the land. In April 1920, at the San Remo Conference (part of the post-World War I peace negotiations), the Principal Allied Powers, acting on behalf of the international community, recognized all the land between the Jordan River and the sea, including Jerusalem, as part of the Jewish National Home, based on the Jewish people's historic rights. On the same grounds, the Golan[1] and Transjordan too were within the National Home (albeit the eastern border of the National Home, though clearly east of the Jordan, was not yet fixed)..."

Obama hindrar fredsförhandlingar

Efter att USA:s president kom med kravet att Israel måste upphöra med allt byggande i bosättningarna har palestinierna vägrat gå med på nya fredsförhandlingar innan Israel går med på kravet.
I sitt tal till FN upprepar Obama sitt misstag. Obamas tal inför FN kan tolkas som om han skulle kräva att Israel drar sig tillbaka till vapenstilleståndslinjen som gällde fram till 1967.
Abbas var inte sen att haka på och nu vägrar han att börja förhandla om det inte på förhand är fastslaget att målet är ett israeliskt tillbakadragande till 1967 års "gränser".

Innan Obama kom med sina krav förhandlade palestinierna med Israels förra regering och byggandet i bosättningarna var inget hinder för förhandlingar.

Abbas: We can't return to negotiations

Abbas: Partial halt on settlement activity is not a freeze
"Abbas and members of the Palestinian delegation to the UN were pleased with Obama's statement that Washington is pursuing a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, as Abbas has that diplomatic talks with Israel with Israel cannot begin unless it is clear that the 1967 lines are the goal. "
"Abbas said two issues must be agreed on before talks begin: freezing West Bank settlement construction, and stipulating an Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines as the basis for the talks."

Obamas tal inför FN

USA:s före detta FN-ambassadör John Bolton var skakad efter att ha hört Obamas tal inför FN:s generalförsamling.
"Detta var det mest radikala anti-israeliska tal jag kan påminna mig att någon president hållit" säger han i intervjun i följande video.
Israels premiärminister Netanyahu fäste sig vid andra formuleringar än Bolton och lovordade Obamas tal bl.a. för att han försvarade Israels rätt att leva i säkerhet och för att han talade om Israel som den "judiska staten".

Texten till intervjun från Tundra Tabloids
Obama speaking at the UN: " We continue to call on Palestinians to end incitement against Israel, and we continue to emphasize that America does not accept the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements.
The time... (applause)... the time has come to relaunch negotiations without preconditions that address the permanent status issues. Security for Israelis and Palestinians, borders, refugees and Jerusalem. The goal is clear, two states living side by side in peace and security, a Jewish state of Israel with true security for all Israelis and a viable Palestinian state with contiguous territory that ends the occupation that began in 1967, and realizes the potential of the Palestinian people.
Glenn Beck: Ok, "occupation that began in 1967", that's weird, it's a war they won.

John Bolton: Yeah. This is the most radical anti-Israel speech I can recall any president making. I just want to underline..

Glenn Beck: I was just going to ask you that..

John Bolton: Two phrases in what you've just heard, the president says that "America does not accept" and I'm quoting now, "the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlements." Not 'new Israeli settlements', "continued Israeli", which, this is Mr.Wordsmith here, that calls into question in my mind all Israeli settlements.
Then he says that "we want a Palestinian state that's contiguous", by the way, Gaza and the West Bank were never contiguous Palestinian areas before, "and that ends the occupation that began in 1967". That means, I think, a return to the 67' borders. Now, he doesn't say that, but that's certainly implicit in this statement.

(Glenn Beck and John Bolton looking at a map of Israel and the disputed territories)

Glenn Beck: Show me what this means
Well the idea is a road between Gaza Strip and the... (West Bank) it makes it contiguous because your going to make a Palestinian territory, but there's one small problem with that, ..

Glenn Beck: Well then Israel is not contiguous.

John Bolton: Do you think that matters to the Palestinians? That is the kind of approach to an issue that is attempting to decide the outcome to the negotiations, before the negotiations, that's why I think that the Israelis should be worried. He's laid it out where he wants it to end up.
Glenn Beck: And Jerusalem:

John Bolton: That would be, that would remain divided. That would not be the capital..

Glenn Beck: We have never been for a divided Jerusalem.

John Bolton: Well we have said that it's a matter for the final negotiations. Our State Department over the years has resisted over the years any effort by the Israelis to say Jerusalem is a unified city and the capital of their country. The only country that I'm aware of where the United states disputes what the capital is.

Glenn Beck: Did we sell out Israel today?

John Bolton: I think it's very close to it. As I say, I think it's the most anti-Israel speech I can remember by an American president, and the important thing is, when you have the Palestinians in as a weak of a position as they are now, and to have Barack Obama be their lawyer in effect, puts them in a very strong bargaining place.
Glenn Beck: Bad day at the UN.

John Bolton: I have to say that I was very shaken by this speech. I was disturbed by it, because it shows the president in the most naive mode, talking about how many problems he wants to solve through the United Nations. He did everything but say, "why can't we all just get along".
And I think that the warm reception he received at the UN is a reflection that they know exactly what he's saying. The other thing that struck me about this speech, was how personal it was to him, and how it was his presence, and the changes he's made that have enhanced America's security, whereas in fact we've seen just in recent days, a dramatic reduction in that security.
A cancellation of the European Missile Defense sites, and an evident unwillingness to do what his own commanders think is necessary in Afghanistan. The signaling of potentially very large reductions in our nuclear arsenal. All of which is being done without a thought to the consequences.

Glenn Beck: Jeremiah Wright said about a month ago that "the president couldn't talk to him because the Jews are telling exactly what to do, who he can and cannot meet with". I don't think that the Jews were talking to him about this speech?

John Bolton: Yeah. well this is part of a conspiracy theory that a lot of people on the Left have, that the Jews are running our foreign policy. Here we are, you're a Mormon and I'm a Lutheran, not a very good one, talking about the security of Israel. We're not a part of the Jewish conspiracy, but a lot of people think that that is something that Obama needs to overcome, and he said today in the speech, that America's not doing a service when we couple our interests in Israel's security, with a lack of insisting that Israel look out for the Palestinians' rights. There's never been a point where an American presidents haven't done that.

Glenn Beck: Do you think that a man can sit in a church with somebody who is as anti-Semitic as Jeremiah Wright is, and not come away with an anti-Semitic view?

John Bolton: Well I think at a minimum, he was either asleep for twenty years, or we need an explanation of which we really didn't get in the Jeremiah Wright speeches in the campaign.

Glenn Beck: That kind of..we're changing our policies towards Israel, at least it may not be anti-Semitic, but we're changing almost a hundred percent..

John Bolton: Dramatically, I think that we put Israel on the chopping block. This speech demonstrates to the Palestinians, they don't have to make concessions, the president is going to take care of them.

Glenn Beck: Do you think that we put ourselves on the chopping block as well? We have one piece of sound here.... "No one nation should, or can or should try to dominate".
Obama speaking at the UN: No one nation can, or should try to dominate another nation. No world order that elevates one nation or a group of people over another will succeed. No balance of power among nations will hold."
Glenn Beck: "No world order that elevates one nation or a group over another will succeed." Well, we shouldn't be domineering, but all nations are not created equal.

John Bolton: The Liberal international economic order's stability in the world as a whole since 1945, has rested on the United States. Rested on us and allies in many cases, rested on our nuclear deterrent, rested on our armed forces, rested on our determination to preserve freedom in the world. And I think what he just said was, our policy for the last sixty years has been wrong.

Glenn Beck: And we are going for a one world order kind of

John Bolton: He's made it very clear how much he wants to do through the UN, and an overwhelming percentage of our policy, and we'll see more of it.

En artikel som kritiserar Obamas tal:
President Obama Speaks to the United Nations:Sacrificing Israel and America to Make Friends in the UN Netherworld
"“This speech ought to send shockwaves through the United States and our European allies,” concludes Bayefsky. “We have the weakest president in modern times ensconced in Washington, a man who will run away from saying what has to be said, if it doesn’t appeal to an audience rife with demagogues.”

onsdag 23 september 2009

Obama Netanyahu Abbas

Herb Keinon säger i en analys av mötet mellan Obama, Netanyahu och Abbas att den tid är förbi när vi kan vänta dramatiska resultat från toppmöten. I stället är det nu små framsteg på det lokala planet som gäller.
Analysis: Building drama-less diplomatic paradigms
Eftersom levnadsförhållandena hela tiden blir bättre på Västbanken har Abbas tid att vänta.
"Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, in a seminal interview with Jackson Diel in The Washington Post at the beginning of the summer - one quoted again Monday by a senior official in the Prime Minister's Office on the way to New York - said he was in no hurry. He said that his negotiations with former prime minister Ehud Olmert had left gaps "too wide," that life was improving in the West Bank, and that he could wait until the US pressure on Israel led to the collapse of the Netanyahu government.
In short, he was willing to wait. And waiting is indeed what he is doing. Abbas climbed up a massive redwood tree, saying negotiations would not begin until Israel declared an all-out settlement freeze. And he has, so far, held on to the branches. Which means that the negotiations are not continuing, and the waiting game is on. "

"Paradoxically the waiting game also serves Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, as long as - and this is indeed taking place - the Palestinians continue institution-building: improving their ability to govern, improving their security apparatus with the help of US Lt.-Gen. Keith Dayton, and improving their economy.
There may be little high-profile diplomatic drama right now, but on the ground, there are changes. The story is not in New York, but in changes in the West Bank. "

Netanyahu och Abbas har helt olika uppfattningar om vad man kommit överens om vid mötet.
PM, Abbas draw contrasting conclusions
"There was a general agreement by all sides, including the Palestinians, to renew the negotiations without preconditions," he said.

"In today's meetings, we confirmed our positions and commitment to the road map and its implementation. We also demanded that the Israeli side fulfill its commitments on settlements, including on natural growth," Abbas said in a statement.
"As for resuming talks, this depends on a definition of the negotiating process that means basing them on recognizing the need to withdraw to the 1967 borders and ending the occupation, as was discussed with the previous Israeli government when we defined the occupied territories as the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem,"

Hamas TV - barnprogram

Det senaste exemplet på barnprogram i Hamas - TV kan ses här:
Hamas TV teaches kids to kill Jews

The two hosts of a Hamas children's TV program use three different words for "slaughter" to describe how to rid Israel of Jews. The bear puppet Nassur explains that all Jews must be "erased from our land," and the young host Saraa then specifies, "They'll be slaughtered."Later in the conversation Nassur adds, "We want to slaughter them, Saraa, so they will be expelled from our land." He repeats, "...We'll have to [do it] by slaughter." Three different Arabic expressions are used to describe the "slaughter" of the Jews: "Manhurin naher," "Nidbah-hom" and "Shaht."

The following is the transcript from the children's program Tomorrow's Pioneers:

Nassur: “There won't be any Jews or Zionists, if Allah wills. They'll be erased.” Saraa: “They'll be slaughtered.” (Manhurin naher) Nassur: “And just like we will visit the Qaaba [in Mecca]... everyone will visit Jerusalem.” [Seven-year old Palestinian child on phone tells how his father, a member of the Hamas Al-Qassam Brigades, “died as a Shahid (Martyr).”] Nassur to child on phone: “What do you want to do to the Jews who shot your father?” Child on phone: “I want to kill them.” Saraa: “We don't want to do anything to them, just expel them from our land.” Nassur: “We want to slaughter (Nidbah-hom) them, so they will be expelled from our land, right?” Saraa: “Yes. That's right. We will expel them from our land using all means.” Nassur: “And if they don't want [to go] peacefully, by words or talking, we’ll have to [do it] by slaughter.” (Shaht)
Al Aqsa TV (Hamas)
Sept. 22, 2009
Palestinian Media Watch

söndag 20 september 2009

Jerusalemdagen i Iran och Libanon

Jerusalemdagen firades i Iran och av Hizzbollah i fredags. Irans president använde dagen till att ännu en gång förklara att Förintelsen är en myt och att Israels historia går mot sitt slut. Han varnade även andra nationer att ha något samröre med Israel.
Hizzbollahs ledare i Libanon, Nasrallah förklarade för sin del att Hizzbollah aldrig kommer att erkänna staten Israel.
Jerusalemdagen i Iran gick inte enligt planerna för president Ahmadinejad eftersom folket valde att demonstrera mot honom istället för att demonstrera mot Israel och USA.
Ahmadinejad: Förintelsen en "myt"

Nya jättedemonstrationer i Iran

Nasrallah: We'll never recognize Israel

Iranska demonstranter: Inget stöd till palestinska terrorister! (Video)

fredag 18 september 2009

Gott Nytt År!

I kväll inleds det judiska nyårsfirandet, Rosh Hashana eller En Dag Med Basunklang som vi kan läsa om i 4 Mos.23:23.
Liksom sjunde dagen i Bibeln är en högtid och vilodag är den sjunde månaden en högtidsmånad.
Rosh Hashana följs av Yom Kippur (Försoningsdagen) och sedan kommer den veckolånga Lövhyddohögtiden, Suckot.
Under Rosh Hashana fokuserar man på Gud som domare. Det kommer en dag när Gud skall döma världen därför är denna tid en tid av ånger och bättring, man ber om förlåtelse och förlåter.

"Judisk tradition uppmanar den som blivit förorättad att förlåta och inte att fortsätta att påminna sin motpart om hans synder. På frågan"Vems synder förlåter Gud?" svarar man "Dens som själv förlåter". Den som efter upprepad bön om förlåtelse vägrar förlåta betraktas som syndare." (Illman: Judendomen i ljuset av dess högtider)

Som jämförelse:
Jesus lärde sin lärjungar att be: "Förlåt oss våra skulder så som också vi förlåter dem oss skyldiga äro."

Jesus: "Därför, om du bär fram din gåva till altaret och där kommer ihåg att din broder har något emot dig, så lämna din gåva framför altaret och gå först och försona dig med din broder, och kom sedan och bär fram din gåva. Var angelägen om att göra upp med din motpart när du är med honom på vägen..."

Tre böcker öppnas på Rosh Hashana
Man tänker sig att tre böcker öppnas på Rosh Hashana, Livets bok för de rättfärdiga, Dödens bok för de helt onda och en bok för dem mitt i mellan, vars öde avgörs på försoningsdagen.
Nyårshälsningen lyder därför: "Må ni bli uppskrivna för ett gott år!"
Här är det gott att påminnas om Jesu ord till sina lärjungar:
"Men gläd er inte så mycket över att andarna lyder er, som över att era namn är skrivna i himlen.” (Luk.10:20)

Gott Nytt År, Shana Tova!
Må ni bli uppskrivna för ett gott år!

Från israeliska ambassadens hemsida, Stockholm:
Det judiska nyåret - Rosh Hashana
Rosh Hashana markerar början av det judiska året. Dess ursprung är bibliskt (Lev. 23:23-25): ”ett heligt tillfälle som firas med höga signaler [från shofaren, baggens horn]”. Termen Rosh Hashanah; “början av året”, är rabbinsk, liksom helgdagens avskräckande teman; ångerfullhet, förberedelse inför den Gudomliga domedagen och böner för ett fruktbart år. Den två dagar långa helgdagen infaller den 1-2 Tishrei enligt den judiska kalendern, vilket för det mesta blir under september enligt den gregorianska kalendern, och börjar vid solnedgången den föregående kvällen, såsom alla judiska högtider. Bland Rosh Hashanas viktigare seder finns ljudandet av shofaren mitt under den långa gudstjänsten i synagogan som fokuserar på helgdagens teman, liksom en finare måltid i hemmet för att inviga det nya året. Gudstjänstordningen överskrids av böner av ånger.
I många avseenden börjar Israel året med Rosh Hashana. Regeringskorrespondens, tidningar och de flesta mediesändningar visar först det ”judiska datumet”. Man hälsar och skickar nyårshälsningar och lyckönskningar inför det nya året innan Rosh Hashana.

onsdag 16 september 2009

Reaktioner på Goldstonerapporten (uppdaterad)

En lite utförligare reaktion på Godstone rapporten från Israel kan läsas här:
Israel's analysis and comments on the Gaza Fact-Finding Mission Report
- Israel is appalled and disappointed by the Report published on 15 September 2009 by the Gaza Fact-Finding Mission. The Report effectively ignores Israel's right of self-defense, makes unsubstantiated claims about its intent and challenges Israel's democratic values and rule of law.

- At the same time the Report all but ignores the deliberate strategy of Hamas of operating within and behind the civilian population and turning densely populated areas into an arena of battle. By turning a blind eye to such tactics it effectively rewards them.

- The Report barely disguises its goal of instigating a political campaign against Israel and, in its recommendations, seeks to involve the Security Council, the General Assembly, the International Criminal Court, the Human Rights Council, and the entire international community in such a campaign."

President Peres' reply to the Goldstone Commission Report
The Goldstone Commission report is a mockery of history. It fails to distinguish between the aggressor and a state exercising its right for self defense.
War itself is a crime. The aggressor is the criminal. The side exercising self-defense has no other alternative.
The Hamas terrorist organization has opened war and perpetrated other horrible crimes. For years, Hamas carried out attacks against the children of Israel, sending suicide bombers into city centers, injuring and killing civilians. They fired over 12,000 rockets and mortar shells at towns and villages with one clear aim - to kill innocent civilians.
The report legitimizes terrorist activity, the pursuit of murder and death. The report disregards the duty and right of self defense, held by every sovereign state as enshrined in the UN Charter. Israel withdrew all of its troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip, opened the border crossings and actively supported its reconstruction. The Israeli presence in Gaza was terminated.
But after Israel completed its redeployment from Gaza, a murderous and illegitimate terror group violently revolted against the legitimate Fatah leadership, overthrowing it by force. Hamas operatives murdered Fatah leaders, at times throwing them from rooftops in broad daylight.
While Hamas continued firing, Israel employed, time and time again, the diplomatic channels, including many appeals to the UN – in an attempt to bring about a cessation of rocket fire.
Israel redeployed and terminated its presence in Gaza. Hamas responded with incessant rocket fire aimed at killing children, women and innocent civilians. Instead of building Gaza and caring for the welfare of its citizens, Hamas built tunnels to attack Israel, cruelly using children and innocent Palestinians to hide terrorists and ammunition.
Hamas terrorists built rocket launching pads and storage facilities near schools, in mosques and kindergartens. They booby-trapped urban neighborhoods and used Palestinian children as human-shields in order to hide terrorists and war materiel.
The State of Israel was forced to defend itself. It acted out of obligation to its citizens, like any sister state in the family of nations would.
Israel has been criticized for its actions against Hezbollah attacks from Lebanon and Hamas attacks from the Gaza Strip, as well as for building the security barrier in the West Bank to prevent suicide bombers from entering the country.
This criticism did not stop the rockets from hitting the South and the North, nor did it stop terrorists from blowing themselves up in our central cities. IDF operations enabled economic prosperity in the West Bank, relieved southern Lebanese citizens from the terror of Hezbollah and have enabled Gazans to have normal lives again.Those in pursuit of peace have justice on their side. Those who monger war will forever be criminals.
Members of the commission would have never compiled such a report if their children resided in Sderot and suffered the terrorism of daily rocket fire.

Här finns fakta om Gazakriget samlade:
Gaza facts - The Israeli perspective

USA är bekymrad över den vinklade Goldstone rapporten
US 'concerned' with Goldstone report
"We have very serious concerns about many recommendations in the report," Ambassador Susan Rice, the permanent US representative to the UN, told reporters following a closed Security Council meeting. "

Om alla stater skulle behandlades lika skulle även andra stater än Israel ställas till svars i FN:s mänskorättsråd:

UN must hold Obama to same standard as Israel

"Some two weeks ago American airplanes fired on two oil tankers in northern Afghanistan. It was a German officer who'd asked the U.S. air force to attack the tankers in the middle of the night, in a populated area. The attack was successful - the two tankers were hit, went up in flames and were destroyed. But the overwhelming American-German air attack killed some 70 people. Some of those brought to hospitals were severely injured - with mutilated faces, burned hands and charred bodies.
It is not clear to this day if most of those who burned to death were Taliban warriors, as NATO first claimed, or innocent civilians who wanted to bring home a bit of oil. One way or another, it's clear that the United States and Germany are responsible for an extremely brutal attack. Britain, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway also bear responsibility for the massacre as NATO members. If the international community is committed to international law and universal ethics - which do not discriminate between one sort of killing and another - then it should investigate this villainous assault. If the United States, Germany and NATO refuse to cooperate with investigators, the UN should consider transferring the case to the International Court of Justice in The Hague. It is possible that at the end of the process it would be necessary to put U.S. President Barack Obama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the leaders of Britain, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway on trial for their role in committing a severe war crime that did not distinguish between civilians and combatants...."

Helsingin Sanomat kommenterade Goldstone rapporten idag utan att notera att EU länderna inte understödde resolutionen som ligger till grund för undersökningen eftesom det från början var klart att undersökningen inte hade med mänskliga rättigheter att göra utan var ett medel för att isolera och demonisera Israel.

Till och med Guardian som vanligtvis är mycket kritisk til Israel har en helt annan syn på Goldstone rapporten än HS.
Goldstone's sins of omission
"Richard Goldstone's long-awaited report has confirmed suspicions that his investigation is guided by an agenda to isolate Israel. The farcical investigative process has produced a report which vilifies Israel but helps little in better understanding the Gaza conflict.
Much was rightly made of the investigation's one-sided mandate, which erased Hamas's culpability. Panel member Christine Chinkin, branded Israel's Gaza operation a "war crime" before the inquiry had even begun. As a result, the Israeli government rightly recognised the warning signs and stayed away from the Goldstone process."

tisdag 15 september 2009

Kritik mot Goldstone rapporten om Gazakriget

FN:s mänskorättsråds undersökning av Gazakriget kommer att presenteras för rådet av undersökningsledaren Richard Godstone den 29 september skriver Anne Bayefsky på Eye on The UN.
Bayefsky kritiserar undersökningen för att det på förhand är klart att den kommer att anklaga Israel för krigsbrott. Deltagare i undersökningskommissionen hade redan innan de valts till uppdraget uttalat sig och sagt att de ansåg att Israel gjort sig skyldig till brott i kriget.
Resolutionen från mänskorättsrådet som ligger till grund för undersökningen säger också klart vad det är fråga om: Det är Israels agerande som skall undersökas, undersökningsgruppen fick inget uppdrag att undersöka palestinska brott.
Rubriken för resolution S-9/1 från den 12 januari ger också en klar bild av vad det är fråga om:
"The Grave Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory including the recent aggression in the occupied Gaza Strip".
Canada röstade mot den ensidiga resolutionen men EU länderna avstod från att rösta. Tyvärr verkar de europeiska länderna inte ta sitt ansvar i mänskorättsrådet.

Undersökningsgruppens mandat:
"Human Rights Council... Decides to dispatch an urgent, independent international fact-finding mission, to be appointed by the President of the Council, to investigate all violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the occupying Power, Israel, against the Palestinian people throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, particularly in the occupied Gaza Strip, due to the current aggression, and calls upon Israel not to obstruct the process of investigation and to fully cooperate with the mission".

This mandate is from Resolution S-9/1, whose title alone tells the story: "The Grave Violations of Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory including the recent aggression in the occupied Gaza Strip". It was adopted on 12 January 2009 at the Human Rights Council 9th Special Session. Only Canada voted against this one-sided resolution intended to create yet another layer of UN demonization and discrimination against the state of Israel. The European Union abstained.

Såhär ser den planerade tidtabellen ut för mänskorättsrådets tolfte session:
- Agenda Item 7: Human rights situation in Palestine and other occupied Arab territories is scheduled for 29 September 2009, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 3 p.m.- 6 p.m. (Geneva time)
- Goldstone is scheduled to present his Report on 29 September 2009, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. (Geneva time)
- Anti-Israel resolutions to be introduced on 1 and 2 October
- Voting on anti-Israel resolutions is scheduled to take place on 1 and 2 October

På följande sida finns en mängd fakta om Goldstones undersökningsgrupp:
The Goldstone Inquiry: The UN Blood Libel
Uttalanden från medlemmar i undersökningsgruppen:
"Christine Chinkin signed a letter dated January 11, 2009, which appeared in The Times, stating: "Israel's bombardment of Gaza is not self-defence - it's a war crime."

LSE Law Professor Urged to Step Down from U.N Gaza Inquiry over Bias

Varför vägrade bl.a. Mary Robinson och Matti Ahtisaari att leda undersökningsgruppen?
Why Mary Robinson rejected the mandate accepted by Judge Goldstone

U.N.’s Imminent Gaza Report Challenged by 50 U.K. & Canadian Lawyers for ‘Bias’

Trots att rapporten ännu inte har presenterats för mänskorättsrådet offentliggjordes den i tisdags.

Den första reaktionen från Israel kan läsas här:
Israel's initial reaction to the report of the Goldstone Fact Finding Mission

Jerusalem Post skriver:
'Both sides committed possible crimes against humanity in Gaza'

Israel kritiserar rapporten palestinierna är nöjda.
Israel slams, PA praises UN report
"Foreign Ministry statement added that the report was "a shameful chapter in the history of international law regarding the right of nations to defend themselves..."

"...The Palestinian Authority, meanwhile, said the findings "confirmed" allegations that Israel had committed "war crimes" against the Gaza Strip population.
The PA said that it would demand that Israeli civilian and security officials responsible for the war be brought to trial before the International Criminal Court in The Hague.
The PA also welcomed the charges against Hamas, saying the movement was also responsible for "atrocities" against Palestinians. Hamas did not issue an official response. However, a Hamas legislator in the Gaza Strip expressed astonishment because the report had failed to distinguish between the "aggressor and the victim."

måndag 14 september 2009

Tragisk flygolycka

För sex år sedan dog den israeliska astronauten Ilan Ramon när rymdskyttelns Colombia misslyckades med att ta sig tillbaka till jorden.
I går, söndag, dog Ilans son Assaf Ramon i en flygolycka. Assaf , 20 år gammal var pilot i flygvapnet och störtade med sitt plan vid en övningsflygning.
Dödsfallet har berört israelerna starkt och landets högsta ledning deltog i begravningen i dag.
Peres: Every heart breaks, today we are all the Ramon family

En artikel om det israeliska flygvapnet:
Our sky's the limit

tisdag 8 september 2009

Censurerad skolundervisning för palestinska barn

Palestinian Media Watch skriver en artikel utgående från senaste veckas händelser där Hamas krävde att FN i sina skolor i Gaza inte skall undervisa om Förintelsen.
Fatah och de palestinska myndigheterna följer samma linje, ingen undervisning om förintelsen av judarna under andra världskriget för de palestinska barnen.
Both Hamas and Fatah refuse to teach Holocaust to Palestinian kids

"Hamas's demand that the UN not include Holocaust education in schools in Gaza drew widespread international criticism last week. But the refusal to educate children about the Holocaust is not unique to Hamas. It follows the Holocaust-denying precedent set by the Palestinian Authority under Fatah and articulated by numerous PA religious and political leaders, including Mahmoud Abbas. In the latest news, Hamas demanded that the Jewish Holocaust be deleted from the UN-prepared human rights curriculum for 8th grade, according to the PA daily Al-Ayyam. The next day, PA TV reported that a UN representative "strongly denied rumors that UNRWA will be teaching the subject of the Holocaust as part of its curriculum." [PA TV (Fatah), Sept. 1, 2009]"

Några exempel ur Mahmoud Abbas doktorsavhandling om Förintelsen:

The Other Side: the Secret Relationship Between Nazism and Zionism, by Mahmoud Abbas - Feb. 15, 1984
Mahmoud Abbas:"Having more victims meant greater rights and stronger privilege to join the negotiation table for dividing the spoils of war once it was over. However, since Zionism was not a fighting partner -- suffering victims in a battle -- it had no escape but to offer up human beings, under any name, to raise the number of victims, which they could then boast of at the moment of accounting…It seems that the interest of the Zionist movement...is to inflate this figure so that their gains will be greater. This led them to emphasize this figure in order to gain the solidarity of international public opinion with Zionism. Many scholars have debated the figure of six million and reached stunning conclusions -- fixing the number of Jewish victims at only a few hundred thousand." (Translation by Wiesenthal Center)

Mahmoud Abbas’ 1983 thesis, "The Other Side: The Secret Relations between Nazism and the Leadership of the Zionist Movement." (Translation by Wiesenthal Center)
"A partnership was established between Hitler's Nazis and the leadership of the Zionist movement... [the Zionists] gave permission to every racist in the world, led by Hitler and the Nazis, to treat Jews as they wish, so long as it guarantees immigration to Palestine."

Netanyahu - samma målsättning som Rabin

Israel har gett lov för nya husbyggen i en del bosättningar. Detta är helt i linje med Osloavtalet och den väg som den mördade israeliska premiärministern Yitzhak Rabin stakade ut i sitt tal några dagar före sin död, skriver Herb Keinion i Jerusalem Post. Analysis: PM well within Oslo II parameters

"And it is extremely instructive, in trying to decipher where exactly Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is leading the diplomatic process, to pay attention to the lines that Rabin drew back in 1995...

...Rabin, in his speech to the Knesset, said he envisioned, alongside a State of Israel that would include most of the area of the land of Israel as it was under the British mandate, "a Palestinian entity that will be a home to most of the Palestinian residents living in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank...

"We would like this to be an entity that is less than a state, and that will independently run the lives of the Palestinians under its authority," Rabin said, preceding by 14 years Netanyahu's call for a demilitarized state that has all the trapping of statehood except those that could threaten Israel's security - in other words, a state-minus.
"The borders of the State of Israel, during the permanent solution, will be beyond the lines that existed before the Six Day War," Rabin said. "We will not return to the June 4, 1967, lines...

..."And these are the main changes, not all of them, which we envision and want in the permanent solution," he said:
"A. First and foremost, [a] united Jerusalem, which will include both Ma'aleh Adumim and Givat Ze'ev - as the capital of Israel, under Israeli sovereignty... "

onsdag 2 september 2009

Avskedstal av Kyrkornas Världsråds Samuel Kobia

Kyrkornas Världråds avgående generalsekreterare SAMUEL KOBIA höll i lördags sitt avskedstal och fokuserade starkt på Israel. Israels behandling av palestinierna under de senaste sex årtiondena är "synd mot Gud" sade han.
Varför han inte också sade att palestiniernas behandling av Israel och judarna är synd förklarade han inte.
Här kan man läsa mera på svenska:
World Council of Churches går till skarp attack mot Israel

Här kan man läsa mera på engelska, det påvisas bl.a. att Kobia far fram med lögn eller är mycket okunnig i historia:
Ecumenical Blast Against Israel
"Revealingly, Kobia’s 14-page good-bye, so verbose about Israeli “crimes,” said nothing about the Christian villages recently destroyed in Pakistan, about the ongoing persecution of Christians across the Islamic world, or the vulnerability of Christians living in China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba. He did mention Iraqi Christians, but only because their plight could be faulted on the U.S.: "Iraqi Christians who had been forced to leave their country simply because they were Christians and the occupation of their country was seen as a form of modern day Christian crusade.” For the WCC, difficulties for Christians are only distressing if Israel and the U.S. are the villains."


Palestinian Media Watch visar några nya exempel på hur de palestinska barnen får lära sig att de israeliska städerna egentligen tillhör Palestina.

Palestinian TV children's quizzes teach that there is no Israel
"Palestinian children are taught through formal and informal education to see a world in which "Palestine" exists and replaces all of Israel. Two children's quizzes broadcast last week on Fatah-controlled Palestinian Authority television show how the PA routinely teaches its children to identify all Israeli cities as Palestinian cities.
In the two quizzes on PA TV, children were asked to identify “Palestinian” cities. The suggested answers were exclusively Israeli cities: Haifa, Jaffa, Acre and Tiberias..."

For the full report on Palestinian schoolbooks click here
The following are examples from PA schoolbooks, which also teach Palestinian children to imagine a world without Israel:
"Coastal states differ in terms of their access to water sources, such as...: states located on sea coasts with accesses to two seas, for example: Palestine and Egypt to the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea."
[Physical Geography and Human Geography, Grade 12, p. 105]
"Palestine has a long coast facing the Mediterranean Sea and a short coast on the Gulf of Aqaba." [Health and Environment Studies, Grade 8 (2003), p. 130, the Israeli city of Eilat is on the Gulf of Eilat (Aqaba) - Ed.]
"The Tiberias Lake [Sea of Galilee], in Palestine" [Physical Geography, Grade 5, p. 25]

Här får araberna hård kritik för att de inte arbetar tillräckligt hårt. Det är Dr.Yousuf Al-Qaradhawi som talar vid en fredagsbön i Qatar TV. "Vi kan köpa en Mercedes men vi kan inte tillverka en enda motor."
Han ger också ett erkännande till sionisterna/judarna:
"Öknen hade alltid funnits där men vi gjorde ingenting, sen kom sionisterna och nu är det en grön oas."