måndag 2 augusti 2010

Biksop Munib Younan - lutheranernas ledare

Munib Younan, biskop för den lutherska kyrkan i Jordanien och Det heliga landet, har valts till ordförande för Lutherska världsförbundet. Biskop Younan är en man som kan använda vackra ord om fred och försoning men i praktiken har han utnyttjat sin ställning till att svartmåla Israel, framföra lögner och anklaga människor som tror på Bibelns löften till judarna för kätteri och falska läror.

Biskop Younan är en av författarna till The Kairos Palestine Document där det bl.a. uppmanas till bojkott av Israel och där judarna återvändande och uppbyggande av landet kallas för ockupation och en synd mot Gud och mänskligheten. (Hans namn på hemsidan har senare flyttats från listan över författare till listan över kyrkoledare som uttalat sig om dokumentet)
Kairos dokumentet ger sken av att vara ett upprop från kyrkoledare i regionen men av de verkliga kyrkoledarna var det bara biskop Younan (ledare för den lilla lutherska kyrkan) som undertecknat dokumentet.
The Palestinian “Kairos” Document: A Behind-the-Scenes Analysis

Palestinian Kairos Document -- "The Tail Wagging the Dog"
On December 11, 2009 began the distribution of the so-called Palestinian Kairos Document, entitled "A word of faith, hope and love from the heart of Palestinian suffering." This document has falsely been promoted in several countries as a statement by "leaders of the region's Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Lutheran, Anglican and Baptist traditions." This is a deliberate misrepresentation, albeit one that has hoodwinked many unsuspecting Christian readers worldwide.
The only current church leader to sign the document was Munib Younan, bishop of a minuscule Protestant church. That other church leaders did not sign it, not even the current Latin Patriarch or the Anglican Bishop in Jerusalem, who are themselves Palestinian Arabs, speaks for itself. This initiative was cooked up without the participation of almost all local church leaders.

Sven Reichmann skrev i januari 2008 en artikel om Munib Younan som kan läsas här:Freden som utplånar Israel
"...Younan eftersträvar alltså ett utplånande av Israel som judisk nation. Detta måste påpekas eftersom budskapet lindas in i långa och bitvis goda predikningar om kristen försoning vilket gör det aningen svårt att se vad det egentligen är som han strävar efter. Nyckelordet i sammanhanget är dock att freden och försoningen skall vara ”rättvisa”. A just peace – är målet. Vems rättvisa det är fråga om, vems krav det är som skall tillgodoses får man läsa noga för att förstå. Att resultatet blir just Israels utplåning är lätt att inse när man väl förstått vem som är anklagad och vem som är åklagare..."

I nyårshälsningen daterad 6 januari 2003 kan man läsa följande:

3. Bishop Younan Declare Christian Zionism to be a Heresy
Recently Bishop Younan was interviewed by a Danish newspaper. He was asked for his opinion of Christian Zionism and the bishop said, “I hereby declare that Christian Zionism is not only a sick theology but it is a heresy, right along with Arianism and Nestorianism. I believe it is time we named this misinterpretation of Christ and the gospel for what it is.”

First of all, the bishop states, Christian Zionism promotes Christ not as the Savior but as a military general, readying his forces for a huge battle, Armageddon. The true Christ is the Christ of the cross and the open tomb, bringing hope, peace, reconciliation and new life.

Secondly, Christian Zionists pretend to love the Jewish people but in the long run they are actually anti-Jewish in their teachings. The Jewish people are simply characters in the Christian Zionist heresy and in the so-called final battle; two-thirds of the Jewish people will be destroyed because they do not believe in Christ, while the other one-third will be converted to Christ.
Thirdly, Christian Zionism is anti-peace, anti-reconciliation. Bishop Younan states that the teachings are racist, calling for the transfer of Palestinians out of this land. “Christian Zionism is the enemy of peace in the Middle East.”
Christian Zionism is not limited to one or more church bodies, but its adherents can be found in every church body, including the Lutheran church. Declaring Christian Zionism to be a heresy, Bishop Younan states, is intended to alert all Christians everywhere to its dangers and false teachings.

Blessed New Year’s greetings for 2003 to you all from Bishop Younan and
the entire ELCJ family of congregations, schools, faculties, pastors, staff and
ELCJ members.

I ett uttalande 22 augusti 2006 säger Munib Younan bl.a. följande:

"THE JERUSALEM DECLARATION ON CHRISTIAN ZIONISM"Statement by the Patriarch and Local Heads of Churches In JerusalemAugust 22, 2006

Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel.

The Christian Zionist program provides a worldview where the Gospel is identified with the ideology of empire, colonialism and militarism. In its extreme form, it laces an emphasis on apocalyptic events leading to the end of history rather than living Christ's love and justice today.

We categorically reject Christian Zionist doctrines as false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice and reconciliation.We further reject the contemporary alliance of Christian Zionist leaders and organizations with elements in the governments of Israel and the United States that are presently imposing their unilateral preemptive borders and domination over Palestine.This inevitably leads to unending cycles of violence that undermine the security of all peoples of the Middle East and the rest of the world.

We reject the teachings of Christian Zionism that facilitate and support these policies as they advance racial exclusivity and perpetual war rather than the gospel of universal love, redemption and reconciliation taught by Jesus Christ.

Här kan man läsa ett svar till ovanstående "Jerusalem Declaration":

Joint Response by Bridges for Peace, Christian Friends of Israel and The International Christian Embassy Jerusalem to:'The Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism' issued by the Latin Patriarch and other heads of churches in Jerusalem
Tuesday, 29 August 2006

It is with concern that we note the negative opinions about Christian Zionism voiced by certain church clerics in Jerusalem in a recent statement entitled, "The Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism" (Full text follows). Using inflammatory language they have expressed views that are far from the truth.
The truth is:
Christian Zionism is a theological position that sees a future destiny for Israel in the land of her forefathers. A Christian Zionist believes in a literal interpretation of the Bible and rejects replacement theology that definitely played a pivotal role in the persecution of Jews through the centuries, and under girded the Holocaust. Christian Zionism is not heretical; in fact, Christians from all traditional backgrounds have held such a view for two thousand years. Simply put, a Christian Zionist is one who believes that God, by a sovereign choice, gave the Land of Canaan as an everlasting possession to the Jewish people, for His kingdom purposes. (Genesis 17:7-8)
Christian Zionists believe that while God loves all people equally, He has chosen the Jewish people to bring redemption to mankind. Our Messiah and King, Jesus Christ, was born of Jewish parents, into a Jewish society, thus making the Jewish people our 'royal family', to be honored because the King was born to them. Christian Zionists reject hatred of any people group.
Christian Zionists do not base their theological position on end-time prophecy, but on the faithful covenant promises of God given to Abraham some four thousand years ago. They do not have a “thirst for Armageddon,” and do not claim to know the sequence of events that will lead to it.
Christian Zionists recognize that Israel has a right to exist in peace and security. Moreover, there are biblical considerations that regulate Israel’s national existence and these have to do with the issues of justice and righteousness and her treatment of the stranger within her midst. Christian Zionists fully recognize this and stand for these.
Christian Zionism is not a threat to anybody, but instead seeks to be a blessing. The Christian Zionist organizations in Israel have given millions of dollars of aid and care to all the population groups in the land, including Israeli and Palestinian Arabs, Druse and others.We pray for peace. But we note with sadness that the present Palestinian Government is totally dedicated to the destruction of Israel and its charter declares it. So, the problem in the region is not as simple as the Jerusalem Declaration makes out!
Sadly there have been no meetings between the Jerusalem clerics and their Christian Zionist counterparts. We invite such a dialogue and consider it a biblical prerequisite. We are distressed that a public denunciation has occurred first. We feel that we have been treated with disrespect and disdain, and attacked by the issuing of these public declarations. They present themselves as lovers of justice, mercy, truth and peace! This public attack seems lacking in these qualities.
We find the paper unbalanced and notably one-sided. It totally ignores the jihadist goals of the Hamas government and turns a blind eye to terrorism perpetrated by this regime. Everything is attributed to “occupation and militarism”, meaning Israel is the only problem. We think not! This one-sided unbalanced view of the conflict is in fact unhelpful to the peace process and contributing to its failure!
So, in closing, we Christian Zionists call upon Christians and Churches everywhere not to remain silent, but to break their silence and speak for reconciliation with justice in the Holy Land. To pray for the peace of Jerusalem, to affirm Israel’s right to live in peace and security, free from the threat of liquidation by Islamic Jihadists who definitely seek to 'colonize' the Jewish State by bringing it into the Empire of Islam. We reject all forms of discrimination.

Rebecca Brimmer - International President, Bridges For Peace

Ray Sanders - Executive Director, Christian Friends of Israel

Malcolm Hedding - Executive Director,International Christian Embassy Jerusalem

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