onsdag 12 januari 2011

Oro i norr och söder

Hizbollah har med sina allierade dragit sig ur den libanesiska regeringen och regeringen har därmed fallit.
Orsaken är framför allt att den internationella undersökningen om vem som mördade Libanons tidigare premiärminister väntas utpeka Hizbollah som skyldig.
Situationen för Libanon ser för tillfället inte ljust ut.
Hizbullah topples Lebanese gov't with 11th resignation
Hizbullah topples the Lebanese gov't ahead of UN report (Jerusalem Post)
"Hizbullah, which is backed by Iran and Syria, has denounced the tribunal as an "Israeli project" and urged Western-backed Prime Minister Saad Hariri — the son of the slain politician — to reject any findings by the court even before it announced any indictments."

Obama: Hizbullah efforts only demonstrate their fear

Situationen vid gränsen till Gaza har varit orolig och Egypten varnar nu Hamas för att fortsatt raketbekjutning från Gaza kan leda till att Israel ser sig tvungen att på nytt gå in i Gaza för att få ett slut på beskjutningen.
Egypt warns Hamas to cease rocket fire on Israel (Jerusalem Post)
"Egypt warned Hamas that continued rocket fire from Gaza into southern Israel could prompt an Israeli war on the Strip meant to root out the source of the attacks, Reuters quoted a source familiar with the situation as saying on Wednesday."Egypt has told Hamas the Gaza situation was similar to that before December 2008," the source said hinting that a second Operation Cast Lead may be in the offing if attacks on Israel's Negev communities continue."

Targeted IDF strike kills Islamic Jihad militant in Gaza (Haaretz)
"A senior Islamic Jihad militant was killed Tuesday by an Israel Air Force missile while he was driving a motorcycle in the southern Gaza Strip, according to local Palestinian officials."

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