tisdag 24 juli 2012

Judehat i Egypten

Egyptiska TV-kanalen Al-Nahar lurade några skådespelare att de intervjuades i israelisk TV. De egyptiska skådespelarnas reaktioner var förvånansvärt våldsamma. Det verkar finnas mycket hat mot judarna.

Audience applauds violent anti-Semitism on Egypt TV

Egyptian pranks (Jerusalem Post)

"Candid Camera-like pranks can be more telling than they might be funny. Egypt’s Al-Nahar TV featured separate interviews with three popular actors – two men and one woman – who were each told at some point that their appearances were being screened on Israel’s Channel 2. That alone sufficed to trigger violence and/or vituperation.
It matters little whether each of the three was genuinely outraged or just thought it prudent to defend his/her reputation from any possible perceived Israeli contamination. The remotest and most indirect connection to Israel was presented as justifying fury."




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