torsdag 23 maj 2013

Palestinsk TV: Israeliska städer är palestinska

Omvärlden är snabb att kritisera Israel t.ex. när Israel vill bygga bostäder i Judéen och Samarien. Det är ett hinder för fredssträvandena säger man.
Varför är det ingen som kritiserar de palestinska myndigheterna när de förnekar Israels existens och Israels rätt att existera som judarnas hemland, det om något är ett hinder för en fredlig utveckling i området.

MEMRI har samlat en del uttalanden av palestinska ledare:
Fatah Marks 65th Nakba Day: We Cling To The Refugees' Right To Return To Their Homes In The 1948 Territories
 "Fatah Central Committee member 'Abbas Zaki said, "There is no solution [to the Palestinian problem] without the Palestinian people's return to the homes from which they were expelled in 1948." He added that the Palestinians were opposed to all schemes aimed at undermining, disregarding or circumventing this right.[4]
Zakariyya Al-Agha, PLO Executive Committee member and head of the PLO Refugees Department, said: "There is no permanent solution for peace with Israel that excludes the refugee problem... The refugees' right of return to their homes is a sacred right that is not subject to bargaining." He also noted that the Palestinians cannot accept Israel's demand to recognize the Jewish state because that would mean the elimination of the refugees' right of return."

Några exempel på hur palestinierna förnekar Israels existens från Palestinian Media Watch:
PA TV calls to raise Palestinian flags over all Israeli cities and villages“so it will be clear to everyone that this is Palestine”

 Text on map: "Inevitably, we will return" [Fatah Facebook page, May 15, 2013

Texts on the picture:
“The 65th anniversary of the Nakba”
“Standing Resolute”

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