Både Fatah och Hamas använder barn i vad som verkar vara en ny intifada.Nästan hälften av dem som arresterats under de senaste månaderna har varit minderåriga. De yngsta endast nio år gamla.
Det är inte fråga om någon lek, brandbomber och stenar mot fordon kan döda och tre palestinska ynglingar har dödats i sammandrabbningar med polis och soldater.
Omvärldens kritik riktar sig mot Israel som ger sig på minderåriga men ingen kritiserar palestinierna för att de använder barn för att skapa oroligheter. Det är väl så det är tänkt att fungera: Blir ingen skadad så är det bra och blir någon skadad eller arresterad är det ännu bättre för då kan man anklaga Israel igen.
Dessutom får minderåriga oftast inget värre straff än husarrest och 9-13 åringar överlåts till socialmyndigheterna.
"The exploitation of children in the fight against Israel has attracted little attention from the international community and the media. Human rights groups and the UN have chosen to turn a blind eye to this human rights abuse. Instead of condemning it, these groups are busy denouncing Israel for targeting minors.
This strategy works out well for Hamas and Fatah, who can always blame Israel for "deliberately targeting" Palestinian children — an allegation the media in the West often endorses without asking questions.
Even more worrying is that the Palestinian groups often reward the families, who then become less motivated to stop their children from risking their lives.
Adult activists who encourage and send children to take part in violence should be held accountable, not only by Israel but by their own people. If these adults want an intifada, they should be the first to go out and confront Israeli policemen and soldiers...
... These children are victims of a campaign of indoctrination and incitement that is being waged by various Palestinian groups such as Hamas and Fatah. It is a campaign that is being waged through the media, mosques, educational institutions and the fiery rhetoric of leaders and activists.
What is even more worrying is that the Palestinian groups often reward the families of the children by hiring lawyers and paying fines imposed on them by Israeli courts. As a result, the families are less motivated to stop their children from risking their lives..."
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