Omvärlden reagerar starkt på halshuggningar av oskyldiga människor som ISIS utför och det med rätta.
Men i artikeln här nedan nämns det att i Saudiarabien har 46 personer halshuggits i år. I augusti halshöggs 19 personer. Dödsdomar är vanliga i landet (omkring 100 per år) och döms även ut för icke våldsbrott, som t.ex. utövande av trolldom, äktenskapsbrott och narkotikabrott.
Landet har en lagstiftning som gör det möjligt att döma alla som kritiserar ledningen för terrorism, vilket kan medföra dödsstraff.
Article On Al-Jazeera America Website: Beheadings In Saudi Arabia Also Merit International Concern (MEMRI)
February, Saudi Arabia enacted a new Law for the Crimes of Terrorism and its
Financing, legislation that some critics warn is vague and could be used to
penalize anyone who criticizes the Saudi establishment. Over the last two
months, Saudi courts sentenced to death five religious leaders and activists
who participated in protests demanding constitutional reform. All five were
charged and convicted on terrorism charges under the new legislation. The new
laws 'turn almost any critical expression or independent association into
crimes of terrorism,' said Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa
director at Human Rights Watch...
"Part of [the] rights
groups' concern is that Riyadh is using violent forms of punishment to quash
dissent. Gul’s execution came shortly after a court decision last
week upholding a 10-year jail sentence and 1,000 lashes — meted out in weekly
installments of 50 lashes — against blogger Raef Badawi, who was charged
with 'insulting Islam' and 'going beyond the realm of obedience.'
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