torsdag 12 mars 2015

Fatah hedrar mördare, omvärlden blundar

Fatah har firat årsdagen av den dödligaste terrorattacken organisationen lyckats utföra mot Israel. I mars 1978 kapade Fatahterrorister en buss i Israel, i attacken dödades 37 civila varav 12 barn och omkring 70 personer skadades.
Dalal Mughrabi som ledde attacken lyfts av de palestinska myndigheterna fram som en stor hjälte och förebild.
Normal nyhetsmedia och politiker verkar helt blunda för den här sidan Abbas och hans parti Fatahs  verksamhet.

På Fatahs Facebook sida har man kunnat läsa följande de senaste dagarna:

"We will mark the anniversary of the heroic coastal operation (i.e., the Coastal Road massacre), which was led by Martyr (Shahida) Dalal Mughrabi, and the deaths as Martyrs of Dalal and her heroic friends, at 3:30 p.m. across from Martyr Dalal Mughrabi Square in Ramallah."
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," March 10, 2015]

För att göra hjältarna ännu större överdriver man antalet dödsoffer!
Posted text: "Urgent: A huge self-sacrificing operation (Fida'i - operation, i.e., terror attack) in Herzliya, Tel Aviv (i.e., the Coastal Road attack in 1978). 80 Israelis killed and over 100 wounded. The Palestinian flag was raised at the center of town. The commander of the cell [Dalal Mughrabi] and 12 self-sacrificing fighters (Fedayeen) died as Martyrs (Shahids), and one was wounded. She [Dalal Mughrabi] raised the flag of the [Palestinian] state, and this was the most courageous victory, March 11, 1978."

Text on image: "Dalal Mughrabi, 1958-1978"
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page,"  
March 10, 2015]

Bildtext:"Samla ihop era kroppsdelar och försvinn!"
“Collect your body parts and leave!
On this day, March 11, in 1978, Dalal Mughrabi and her companions declared the birth of the Palestinian Republic in the heart of the occupied territories (i.e., Israel). The enemy admitted the death of 30 Zionists in the operation, yet according to the reports the number exceeded 80 casualties. Through this, Fatah heroes retaliated against the Verdun Operation (i.e., Israeli operation against PLO leaders, see below), following the retaliation by the Savoy [Hotel operation] members. Retaliation after retaliation and the windstorms will not subside.”
[Fatah’s Facebook page, “Fatah - The Main Page,” March 11, 2015]

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