onsdag 13 maj 2015

Vatikanen erkänner staten Palestina

Vatikanen har också tidigare i uttalanden erkänt Palestina men nu har man tagit ytterligare steg för att officiellt erkänna Palestina som stat.
Jag har inga förväntningar på Vatikanen så det förvånar inte mig.
 Israel 'disappointed' Vatican reached agreement recognizing Palestinian state 

As I see it: The Vatican channels war against Israel

Här några exempel på vad Vatikanen och andra som erkänner den palestinska staten egentligen erkänner:
PA and Fatah present Israel as "occupied Palestine"  (PMW)

The Palestinian Authority and Fatah continue to deny the existence of Israel, presenting towns, villages and sites all over Israel as "Palestinian" and "occupied."

In the terminology of the PA's National Security Forces, Mount Tabor is situated in "occupied Nazareth" [Facebook, PA National Security Forces, March 10, 2015] and the hippodrome in Caesarea is in "Palestine" [Facebook, Feb. 8, 2015].   

PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement reiterated the same message - that there is no room for Israel next to "Palestine" - by stating:
 "Palestine means the entire national land, from the [Jordan] River to the [Mediterranean] Sea
The_land_is_for_us Palestine"
[Facebook, "Fatah - The Main Page," April 8, 2015]

Since May 7, 2015, all broadcasts on official PA TV have been showing a logo with the PA's representation of the map of "Palestine," which includes the PA areas, the Gaza Strip and all of Israel (marked below with a red circle). The map appears with a key, symbolizing the "return" of Palestinians. PA TV possibly shows the logo in anticipation of the annual "Nakba day," May 15, when Palestinians commemorate the "catastrophe" of the establishment of the State of Israel.

 The Fatah-run TV channel Awdah TV uses similar visuals to communicate the same message. The opening of its daily program Palestine and the Media shows the map of "Palestine" that includes all of Israel covered in newspapers [Awdah TV, March-April, 2015]  

The PA Presidential Guards also use the same map which denies Israel's existence. One such map posted on the Presidential Guards' official Facebook page appeared in an image with the Dome of the Rock and the Palestinian flag, which indicates political sovereignty and text saying: "Jerusalem, we will not forsake a single grain of your soil." [Official Facebook page of the PA Presidential Guards, April 16, 2015]  

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