tisdag 18 augusti 2015

Palestinierna vill ha mer hjälp av Iran i kampen mot Israel

När sanktionerna mot Iran lyfts får landet mer pengar för att finansiera terrorverksamhet.
Den palestinska ledaren Abbas vill tydligen vara med och få sin del av kakan, han planerar besöka landet inom kort.
Abbas är ledare för Fatah. Al-Aqsa Martyrernas Brigad är den militära flygeln av Fatah och dess avdelning i Gaza ber också Iran om hjälp i kampen mot Israel i en rapport för iransk TV.

Fatah Central Committee member Abbas Zaki stated to a local radio station that he will head a delegation to Iran,’ as part of the efforts to strengthen ties with it [Iran], and in order to organize President Abbas’ visit. He said that ‘the development of our ties with Iran is an inevitable step if we want to confront the Israeli occupation.’"

Fatah's military wing in Gaza claims 3.5 km tunnel into Israel is ready for next war (PMW)
 We spend all our time trying to get money to fulfill our duty concerning our occupied lands and liberate them from the Zionist entity. This is why we are asking [for money]... especially [from] Iran, which is a known long-time supporter of the resistance and the Palestinian cause..." 

 Hussein SheikhoIeslam, an adviser to parliament speaker Ali Larijan: . “We told them that we reject the existence of any Israeli on this earth.”

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