söndag 2 augusti 2015

Terrorattack mot palestinsk familj skakar Israel

Det israeliska samhället verkar vara mer eller mindre i chock efter att man misstänker att det är judiska terrorister som bränt ner ett palestinskt hem på västbanken utanför Nablus i fredags. I attacken dödades en baby och brodern och föräldrarna fick svåra brännskador.
Attacken fördöms i hårda ordalag av alla politiker oberoende av parti och det diskuteras vad som gått fel i det judiska samhället när något som detta kan hända.

För en som betraktar händelsen utifrån är det (bortsett från det tragiska i själva händelsen) slående hur annorlunda man i Israel reagerar när någon av de egna ser ut att ha utfört en terrorattack jämfört med hur de palestinska ledarna och det palestinska samhället reagerar på liknande situationer.

I Israel fördöms attacken, man skäms över att man som kollektiv inte lyckats förhindra att någon utför ett liknande dåd och man rannsakar sig och funderar över vad som nu borde göras för att förhindra liknande händelser i framtiden.

När palestinier dödar oskyldiga judar i sina hem, i synagogor eller i bilar betraktas dessa terrorattacker av de palestinska ledarna och samhället som hjältemodiga dåd och terroristerna hedras som hjältar i massmedia och av den högsta politiska ledningen.

Det är skillnaden mellan det israeliska och palestinska samhället i ett nötskal.

När omvärlden under lång tid mer eller mindre accepterat att palestinierna använder terror i sin kamp mot Israel är det närmast oundvikligt att det uppstår grupper på den israeliska sidan som anser sig ha rätt att använda samma metoder. Israel är inget perfekt samhälle med perfekta individer.
Här får nog västvärlden se sig i spegeln, när palestinska ledare hedrat mördare som hjältar har man tigit.Vilka signaler ger det?

Palestinian baby killed in West Bank terror attack 

Netanyahu 'shocked and outraged' after visiting hospital bedside of Palestinian burn victim (Jerusalem Post)
Netanyahu: “When you stand next to the bed of this small child, and his infant brother had been so brutally murdered, we’re shocked, we’re outraged,” he continued. “We condemn this. There is zero tolerance for terrorism wherever it comes from, whatever side of the fence it comes from. We have to fight it and fight it together.”

Netanyahu added that he had ordered security forces to use all measures to locate the murderers and was committed to finding them and bringing them to justice.

President Reuven Rivlin arrived at Sheba Medical Center shortly after Netanyahu’s departure and declared that it was not enough to talk about the need to fight terror – the government and the nation must declare that we will no longer tolerate it. As painful as the arson in Duma was, he said, it was also shameful.

Early Friday morning, Rivlin took the unusual step of issuing a statement in both Arabic and Hebrew urging everyone on both sides to “not let terror win.” He called on Palestinians and Israeli Arabs to “not succumb to the shock and anger,” and to allow law enforcement authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice. The president also acknowledged that Israel has been lax in its treatment of Jewish terrorists.

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon spoke out sharply against Jewish terrorism on Friday.

“We will not allow Jewish terrorists to harm the lives of Palestinians across Judea and Samaria. We will fight them in every way, with every tool at our disposal,” he said.

“This is a most severe terrorist act that we cannot tolerate, and we condemn [it] in every way.”

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein (Likud) said he is “shocked and concerned following the wave of terrorism rising among us. The murder of a baby is a despicable crime that comes entirely from blind hate that must stop.”

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan (Likud) said he is shocked by the attack, and said the perpetrators “must end their lives behind bars.”

Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Bayit Yehudi) said the attack “is not a hate crime and not ‘Price Tag,’ it is murder.”

Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon (Kulanu) wrote on Facebook that “whoever burns a baby in his bed is not human. Condemnation is not enough. This is the time for action, not speech.”

Opposition leader Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union) called the attack in Duma “terrorism of the worst kind.” Writing on Facebook, Herzog said Israelis “must wear sackcloth and ashes and have a time of national mourning.”

Yesh Atid chairman Yair Lapid reacted to both the Duma attack and Thursday’s stabbing at the Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade by saying: “We are at war.”

“Whoever burns a Palestinian baby has declared war on Israel. Whoever attacks with a knife our youths at the Gay Pride has declared war on Israel,” he wrote on Facebook on Friday. “They are the natural partners of Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS. They betray all that is sacred to us... they are Jewish traitors.”

Läs också:
When Muslims Burn Jews Alive

Palestinska reaktioner på terrorattacker mot judar:

Abbas awards "Military Star of Honor" to terrorist who attempted to blow up cinema in 1967 "out of appreciation for her pioneering role in the struggle" and "for the public good" 

Abbas expresses “his pride” for arch-terrorist Abu Jihad 

Abbas honors terrorists with “decoration of military honor”‎ 

Abbas’ advisor posts graphic images of synagogue terror attack and calls it “the heroic ‎operation”‎  

 Abbas' advisor on Ribat fighters: "We are behind them in every movement, in every action and every deed" 

The synagogue murderers
(Two terrorists who murdered 4 worshippers in a synagogue and a policeman, 2014)

Rabbi Yehuda Glick's shooter
(Terrorist who tried to assassinate the rabbi, 2014)

Terrorist who participated in kidnapping and killing

The Savoy Hotel terrorists
(Eight terrorists who took hostages and killed 7, 1975)

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